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/lit/ - Literature

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22096657 No.22096657 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ told me this sucked after the first Jonathan Harker entries. I’m half way through and still glued to it. You guys lied to me.

>> No.22096695

Some parts are good.
Some parts are some woman droning on about how its so wonderful to have such wonderful simp friends'

>> No.22096710

most of it is actually very good, my favourite part is the Demeter section

>> No.22096774

Dracula> Frankenstein > Jekyll and Hyde (blind read) > the invisible man

>> No.22096784

Lit has shit taste generally, m8.

>> No.22097045

Yes that’s a great read

>> No.22097402

hopefully you've learned your lesson and will stop taking the advice of miserable incels on 4chan.

>> No.22097663
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I've only heard good things of Dracula here. The sites where theys say it's bad are reddit and goodreads.

>> No.22097728

It's okay to have low standards and enjoy things.

>> No.22097920
File: 94 KB, 614x721, 1275603df3755dd0f16675e5e3f5037e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once upon a time there was a reclusive Japanese billionaire who enjoyed indulging in rather peculiar pursuits. He had connections with members of the Yakuza, who helped him acquire a group of young women from different parts of the world. These ladies were chosen based on their beauty and physical fitness, as well as their willingness to participate in an odd competition that the billionaire had devised.

The contest involved riding mechanical bulls while wearing skimpy clothing and special devices inside their bodies. Each woman had an egg-shaped vibrator placed within her, along with another strange object that the wealthy man referred to as the "dragon's egg." This latter item was not just any ordinary egg, but a mysterious living thing that contained a prehistoric embryo. Under certain circumstances, this creature could emerge from its shell and implant itself within its host, turning the victim into a mindless zombie slave controlled by the growing parasite.

To succeed in the task at hand, the women needed to avoid reaching climax during their ride on the bucking machines. If they failed to maintain self-control, the intense sensations might trigger the release of chemicals and muscle contractions that would wake up the slumbering creature within the dragon's egg. This beast, once aroused, would begin to wriggle out of its confining shell and burrow deeper into the body of its unwilling host, eventually fertilizing her ovum with its snake-like appendage.

For their efforts, the participants received generous amounts of money, although it came with strings attached. They must submit themselves to the will of the eccentric billionaire and tolerate whatever indignities or dangers his whims might involve. Some may have viewed such activities as depraved or even dangerous, yet others saw opportunities for adventure, excitement, and financial gain. Whether these young females chose wisely or fell victim to their own desires remained to be seen. As the clock ticked down toward the start of the oddball contest, tensions rose among the players and spectators alike, eagerly anticipating the outcome of this bizarre game played amidst shadows and secrecy.

Despite the risks and discomfort involved, the five women agreed to participate in the billionaire's unusual contest. On the day of the event, they arrived at a secluded ranch surrounded by dense forest, where the mechanical bulls awaited them. The air was thick with nervous energy as the girls prepared for their rides, slipping into their revealing costumes and adjusting the egg-shaped objects inside them.

As the first competitor mounted her bull, the audience grew quiet, watching intently as she began to gyrate and writhe, fighting against the temptation to let go and succumb to the pleasures promised by the egg vibrators. But despite her best efforts, she ultimately lost the battle, throwing back her head and crying out in ecstasy as the dragon's egg stirred within her.

>> No.22097923


Within moments, the other four riders followed suit, overcome by the intensity of their sensations and unable to resist the pull of sexual gratification. One by one, the creatures inside their eggs began to awaken, squirming and wriggling as they broke free of their protective casings.

The billionaire watched with satisfaction as the transformations took place before his eyes, relishing in the power he held over these young women and the dark thrill of observing their descent into submission and servitude. And so, the contest continued, with each girl becoming a puppet to the parasitic master dwelling within her, serving his every whim without question or complaint.

In the end, the winner of the competition was declared not the person who rode the longest or achieved the highest score, but instead the girl who managed to resist the call of the dragon's egg and retain her autonomy, even as her companions fell beneath its sinister influence. It was a victory tempered by bittersweet regret, knowing that she alone had emerged unscathed from this twisted game, leaving behind those whose minds and bodies had been taken captive by the insidious forces unleashed upon them. Thus ended the tale of the billionaire's bizarre challenge, a cautionary story of desire, obsession, and the terrible costs exacted by seeking perverse forms of pleasure and power.

>> No.22098831

How is Dracula better than Frankenstein?

>> No.22098836

>genre fiction
grow up

>> No.22099076

it gets repetitive the 30th time that one bitch gets sucked on by dracua

>> No.22099182

they're both great. but dracula is longer

>> No.22099192

>t. incel

>> No.22099306

I liked the prisoner's ramblings and the ship the most.
Plus it's the only book that has ever made me genuinely lose sleep.

>> No.22099323

The four collies stood before the headmiss, their shanks trembling like sapling twigs. By order of the wicked missus, their flannelette blouses and lacy drawers were lifted high to reveal the nobs beneath. Thus stripped bare, the poor little things shrank together in shame as the headmiss and her henchy chum took turns giving them a sound thrashing. For half an hour they whacked the tender arses until they turned purple as plums, and the girls wailed like lost lambs. And still they kept on, clammy bodies heaving and hearts pounding faster'n rabbits in a trap! But worse, oh much worse, was yet to come.
Next came the fidgety bits, locked snug-like between their knees. Vibraties set to stun, they quivered 'mid squeals and gasps, till drops of damp formed on brows like dewdrops on spiderwebs. Pussies swollen hot and achy, they writhed around the eggs in sweet surrender. Then peace descended, bringing soft releases and gentle slurs of sleep. Yet their torment was far from done... for the missus summoned jellybeans, the kind meant for sticking where sunlight don't penetrate. With grinning malice she fed these naughty treats to each rear end, watching as the lassies squirmed beneath the intrusion of foreign parts. As gelatin dissolved and dosage kicked in, something dark and sinister stirred inside their veins. Missus McBride laughed wild and free, announcing a grotesque plan involving the lodging of alien spawn. With her own body as host, she wedged tight up against each victim, forcing the exchange of life forms. Soon, in a dreamy haze, the girls accepted their fate - unwilling vessels destined for doom's embrace. Whether alive or frozen solid by the ordeal, their futures held only enslavement and despair. Another day dawned bright under Miss McBride's tyranny. And thus the cycle recommenced: discipline, defilement, desperation - all wrapped in ribbons o' mystery and shameful secrets unspoken and unseen.

>> No.22099387
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Take anyone's opinion here with a grain of salt

>> No.22099580

I like how the token American just shows up, speaks in cowboy, kills Dracula with a Bowie knife and then dies.

Why do modern adaptations always try to excise Quincy Morris from Dracula?

>> No.22099646

Because having Dracula be killed by a cowboy isn't very goth.

>> No.22099655

I can't believe Bram Stoker subverted the genre he helped define

>> No.22099967

I love it from the beginning all the way to when they actively start going after Dracula. I like the rest but not as much.

>> No.22099978

It should be a cornerstone of the genre. Imagine how much better if a cowboy showed up in The Fall of the House of Usher and shot both Usher siblings and the narrator before destroying the house with a carriage full of dynamite.

>> No.22099989

i miss 2017 /lit/. people would clown on you for reading genre fiction