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22096500 No.22096500 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, anyone know any good books to be red-pilled?

>> No.22096503

The first redpill book I read was Democracy: The God that Failed by Hans Hoppe. Ted K's manifesto is very good too.

>> No.22096506

I have heard hoppe is a pretty good author in general
I am pretty sure Ted K has written a second book(whilst in prison)

>> No.22096507

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

>> No.22096508

Define redpilled

>> No.22096517
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whatever goes against the mainstream shill

>> No.22096526
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That's just being a retard. which you already are OP

>> No.22096542

go cry and watch cnn or fox news

>> No.22096544

t.Mainstream shill.

>> No.22096895

You should probably stick to a 5th grade reading level since you're unironically saying red-pilled

>> No.22096900

Black Faces White Masks - Frantz Fanon

>> No.22096974

ok whatever dude- you are angry about a word? Does mommy need to give you a kiss on the cheek?

>> No.22096991

Franz Fanon be like:
>if you REALLY think about it... whitey is like... the bourgeoisie... and Africans are like... the proletariat... so basically like, class war is when you kill whitey, and the more you do that, the class war-ister it is...
>meanwhile white leftists and actual bourgeois academics be like "BRAVO FANON, GENIUS, PURE GENIUS."

>> No.22096997

Blue pill
Ted’s good. Official “red pill”
Definitely blue. You’re a fool if you swallow that.
Incorrect. Red pill is about waking you up from the narrative of the ruling class, as if they were the robot villains of the film. The mainstream media has made many little diversion streams to keep you just as fooled. Hence this bullshit >>22096507
Haven’t read it, probably full of eye openers, but it’s been said the fed befriended him. No doubt laying the groundwork for the culture wars we have today.

>> No.22097071

The Fate of Empires by Sir John Glubb
The Death of the West by Patrick Buchanan

>> No.22097083

OP you sound like a fag and a midwit, and I’m not sure which is worse. Go read for 6 months before posting again.

>> No.22097101
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>> No.22097113

Sometimes the mainstream is right

>> No.22097129

>kvetching intensifies

>> No.22097157

when you find true love and are equally loved, none of this pill bullshit will matter anymore

>> No.22097335
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>> No.22097375

someties, but a broken clock is right twice a day- he mainstream media is made to pacify the modern man with a constant stream of brain-rot

>> No.22097381

OP here- the "pill" is simply one's attempt to find the truth- that process must never cease

>> No.22097382

Blue pill
Awash is blue pills, apparently.
Not about most things and certainly not recently. The lies just seem to be getting thicker the more this nationstate crumbles.
Looks like a lot of white pride BS. Probably blue pills. And no, I am not telling you to not have some pride. My aim isn’t to make people feel ashamed of genuine accomplishments, but to not continually kick at others for being your ancestors victims.

>> No.22097445

>My aim isn’t to
I don't recall anyone asking you what your aim was.

>> No.22097456
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I want to read about the history of catholic church in europe and how it contributed to art, science etc.

>> No.22097460

My aim in posting. Thanks for reading.
Hit the like button and subscribe. Or stfu.

>> No.22097463

It didn’t contribute to the arts or science. Those things flourished despite the church. And it was a long hard battle against them.
You read anything counter to this it will be a goddamn lie

>> No.22097470

me on the right chewing on my lead crossbow ammo

>> No.22097472

I will choose the latter.

>> No.22097489

didn't they finance lot of artists and scientist during the renaissance?
I don't mind reading also about the opposite, but I don't want just another "church was le bad" book

>> No.22097505

Church was and is le evil. The only reason you don’t see them being quite as murderous nowadays is that we had a separation of church and state revolution. But yeah, they will fund and protect some arts. And censor/execute other artists. Art comes from artists, not money or the church. Fine if you like art inspired by faith and such. Just know what you’re walking into.

>> No.22097506

simply untrue- the church encouraged artistic and scientific flourishing. Roger Bacon(one of the founders of modern science) for example was a friar and his book was read by the pope.
Not to mention the beautiful architecture and art of the likes of the sistene chapel

>> No.22097509

Locking Galileo away for having “wrong-think” can never be lived down, dumb cathtard

>> No.22097510

humans have executed people not only for religious beliefs lol- the frech revolution is a beautiful example

>> No.22097516

Pope Urban was a patron of Galileo stfu

>> No.22097530

Whataboutism doesn’t absolve the imperial church model anymore than their self aggrandizing arts program.

>spent the rest of his life in a tower for not being a flat earther.
He got off easy. Many others were just murdered.

>> No.22097550

again, Pope Urban supported Galileo's work and was his patron- he was executed because Galileo offended him somehow- doesnt make it any better but still
Yes it doesnt absolve it, but it shows that religion isnt inherently the cause of the violence- it is human nature and power

>> No.22097552

who was murdered?

>> No.22097662

>religion isnt inherently the cause of the violence-
Authoritarianism in nationstates and the money it uses corrupts even the most well intentioned reviled faiths. But all faiths are also about subjugation and obedience to an authority some old man wrote down. They can seem harmless when all they can do is get pissy, but when the seize control they do kill heretics.

Individuals and whole kingdoms. My own ancestors were victims

A videotape I haven’t watched on one such incident

>> No.22097666

>reviled faiths.
Haha. I meant revealed

>> No.22097724

Faith and religion as an idea wasnt made to subjugate people- if that were true, then religions would be "invented" by governments, but they werent
Religion is a truth that frees people and puts them on a straight path to being good people
And, moreover, what has being irreligious bring to the west in the 21st century? Degeneracy, depression, lack of community and meaning. Do you think that we can just get rid of religion and that is it? Of course not- even Orwell admitted, the absence of religion was simply replaced by hedonism- we all need to worship something- nowadays people, instead of being pious and worshipping god, worship money and pleasure.

>> No.22097735

It literally was. Dead sky father says go to bed, dead sky father says he can see you masturbating and he wants you to stop. Etc. it is to control.
Government uses preexisting faiths, and are famously responsible for adjusting them to their liking. Sometimes it is the other way around.
A truth often found to be false and we’ve fought to prove the actual truths. You are not bright.

>> No.22097754

a) rules are not control- i mean abandoning of religion has caused a massive moral decline
b) how has it been found to be false?

>> No.22097779

>control mechanisms are frēdumb!
>morals are an exclusive copyrighted domain of the Catholic Church
>what truth? the earth IS flat and the sun circles us

>> No.22097810

a) ever since the decline of religion, our moral standards have been slipping due to "muh it is just a personal choice"- go outside look at any pride parade we have today- fully of bdsm shit in front of kids

>> No.22097832

Your standards mean little to nothing because they’re based on your desire for a controlled theocracy. Which I have pointed out was a terrible thing to live with. The church would then become as murderous and amoral as before. Just because you and the little sheeple would be held to a higher standard, doesn’t mean the the molestations would stop. We just won’t hear about it as we enlist to fight more holy wars. Imbecile.

>> No.22097848

"Ethics" by Spinoza

>> No.22097935

ok, whatever, your beliefs are leading to the decline of the west and the world at large, and greater suffering among man. at least you can have your senseless and soul draining hedonism

>> No.22098158

Yeah, I am angry about a word. The funny thing is we probably have lots of the same views, with the difference being that I accept nuance and reach my own conclusions and you regurgitate popularized simplifications of broader and more complex ideologies and beliefs peddled by manchildren vlogging the cars they bought with donated inheritance money. You probably read Jocko Willink, do 20 push-ups and post about your workout on some retarded social media app. Yes I made all these assumptions based on one term you used, because you have to be stupid to use that term unironically

>> No.22098554


Storm of Steel Ernst Junger
A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind- Stephen Mitford Goodson
On Pain-Ernst Junger
Manifesto for Breaking the Financial Slavery to Interest-
For My Legionaries- Corneliu Zelea Codrianu
Hitler’s Table Talk-Martin Borman
Hitler’s War-David Irving
Hitler’s Second Book-Adolph Hitler
The Myth of the 20th Century-Alfred Rosenberg
Hitler’s Revolution-Michael Tedor
The Camp of the Saints- Jean Raspail
The Lightning and the Sun-Savitri Devi
Decline of the West-Oswald Spengler
The Passing of the Great Race-Madison Grant
This Time the World-George Lincoln Rockwell
White Power-George Lincoln Rockwell
Men Among the Ruins-Julius Evola
Revolt Against the Modern World-Julius Evola
Ethnonationalism-Walker Connor
White Identity-Jared Taylor
Ethnic Conflicts Explained by Ethnic Nepotism-Tatu Vanhanen
Eugenics A Reassesment-Richard Lynn
The Culture of Critique-Kevin B MacDonald
Political Theology-Carl Schmitt
The Alternative-Oswald Moseley
Imperium-Francis Parker Yockey
The Biocentric Worldview-Ludwig Klages
Against Democracy and Equality-Tomislav Sunic
Why We Fight-Guillaume Faye
Origins and Doctrine of Fascism-Giovannni Gentile
Reflections on Violence-Georges Sorel
Manifesto for a European Renaissance-Alain de Benoist
The Truth About Mussolini and Fascism-Martin Goldberg
The Birth of Fascist Ideology-Zeev Sternhell
Mussolini’s Intellectuals-A James Gregor
The Faces of Janus-A James Gregor
Marxism, Fascism, & Totalitarianism-A James Gregor
Young Mussolini and the Intellectual Origins of Totalitarianism-A James Gregor
Blanqui Reader-Louis Auguste Blanqui
A survey of Marxism-A James Gregor
The Philosophy of Marx-Giovanni Gentile
The Illusions of Progress-Georges Sorel
On Genetic Interests-Frank Salter
Ethnic Conflicts-Tatu Vanhanen
The Ethnostate-Wilmot Robertson
Who We Are-William Luther Pierce
American Militant Nationalist Manifesto-Sacco Vandal, Vanzetti Vandal
Nazi Ideology Before 1933-Barbara Miller Lane, Leila J Rupp
The National Bolshevik Manifesto-Karl Otto Paetel
Which Way Western Man- William Gayley Simpson

>> No.22098653
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>> No.22098701

The Collected Writings of James Mason
By James Mason

>> No.22098725
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Lawrence Dennis
The coming American fascism: The crisis of capitalism

>> No.22099147

Imitation of Christ
As a Man Thinketh

>> No.22099482

Henry Ford - The International Jew
Hillaire Belloc - The Jews
Leon De Poncins - Freemasonry & Judaism
Arthur Spiridovich - The Secret World Government or The Hidden Hand

>> No.22099581

But Spengler's work is hardly at all about whiteness, nor is he lamenting the decline of the West really. Don't get me wrong, it's still a great book, but it's not what you think it is.

>> No.22099591 [DELETED] 
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The Yellow Peril by Revilo P. Oliver

>> No.22099622

blah blah blah

>> No.22099951

explain to me why this term is stupid- go on- if you are so "nuanced" then you sure do assume a lot of things.

>> No.22100144
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>> No.22100186

Very insightful commentary on Judean mythos and their offshoot religions.

>> No.22100655

I'd be happy to explain! You're a dumb faggot and I'm not

>> No.22100670


>> No.22100729

My beliefs, for a healthy society, are not employed in this world. It is a secularist liberal state-capitalism and it indeed replaces the old divine right of kings. It is little better and in many ways worse. The “decline”, or rather declines, are caused by things. Your chief concern of course is the declining relievers of organized religion and the freedom of sexual practices. Cope.
My beliefs would restore some sensibility to these things, I think, but I know you wouldn’t be satisfied.

>> No.22100737

Blue pilled moron.

>> No.22100743

*are caused by *many* things
*believers, not relievers

>> No.22100953
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if you are a liberal, you believe in individual freedom- so how do your beliefs the freedom of sexual practices that is running rampant in this age?

>> No.22100960
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wow what an insightful and intelligent answer, full of nuance and good points

>> No.22100976

I am not a liberal.
You’re not old enough to talk about sex yet.
But I personally believe the hypersexualized world of porn for sale is what corrupts sex. Removing the capitalist world would alleviate a great deal of sickness. A socialist world would also draw community closer and in all likelihood heal interpersonal relationships even more. Sexual relations included.

>> No.22101126
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without economic freedom, provided by capitalism, people have no freedom as they can be exploited by the state which has the power

>> No.22101140

American Pravda by Ron Unz

>> No.22101154

>without the exploitation of capitalists the states will exploit you.

Yeah. I figured this con out a long time ago. We don’t need either form of exploitation. Fuck off.

>> No.22101162

What does this mean?

>> No.22101167

What's your alternative then, smartass?

>> No.22101175
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Check the Toward a New Socialism thread for details, but it’s a stateless free economy.
This book is excellent and he reads like Thomas Paine. But if you would like a fiction, the utopian News From Nowhere by William Morris is a beautiful description of what it could’ve been like, and still largely could

>> No.22101178

> stateless free economy
So, an ancap then? I'm all for it, but what does socialism has to do with it?

>> No.22101191

No, “ancap” is a contradiction in terms. A free economy is not a “free market” economy. It is moneyless and in fact free. An ancom world is the only alternative. And no, that’s not the Soviet Union. Exact opposite. Bakunin is the exact opposite of Marx

>> No.22101192

you have the economic freedom???

>> No.22101197

>It is moneyless
So, it's a barter economy. I don't see how that's an improvement.

>> No.22101245

No, free. Resource based.

>> No.22101255

What does this even mean? Free is just a meaningless buzzword at this point, if you don't explain how is it more free, than anarhco-capitalism, or even current capitalism with state interventions..

>> No.22101257


>> No.22101262

It's the highest level of "conspiracy theory". The spiritual reasons for the state of the world today and where it's all headed.

>> No.22102232

The only uniqueness of western civilization is that it atomized itself and committed suicide
Everything that's ever been good about the west is contrary to individualism and modernity. Individualism and modernity killed it

>> No.22102239

Artists without state, church, or local supervision are just retarded bohemians for the most part
Regulation of art is like weeding a garden

>> No.22102299

Most of the time when it comes to basic stuff, that's why it easy to just go along with them and not think. They're right that 1+1=2 and that umbrellas can in some cases protect against rain.
They're wrong about pretty much everything where powerful interests have reasons and the ability to manipulate opinions, that's why abandoning the norms around drug development was a huge red flag when it came to the vaccines. It meant the slim remains of the only mechanism we had to stop the powerful interests were removed so we couldn't know either way anymore. The only option the mainstream allowed was to unconditionally trust the forces who stood to profit tens of billions.

>> No.22103302

Culture of Critique. I think it was banned off amazon.

>> No.22103305


>> No.22103312


>> No.22104178
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from my text 'Art History and It's Methods- a critical anthology'

Giorgio Vasari - ' The Lives of the Artists', 1568
Karel van Mander - 'The Painter's Book' 1604
Giovanni Bellori - 'The Lives of the Modern Painters Sculptors and Architects' 1672
Johann Joachim Winckelmann - 'The History of Ancient Art' 1764
Goethe - 'Of German Architecture' 1722
Jacob Bruckhardxt - 'Reflections on History' 1872
William Morris - 'The Revival of Architecture' 1888
Giovanni Morelli - 'The Italian Painter' 1890
Alois Riegl - ' Late Roman Art Industry' 1901
There's more for the 20th century topics

alternatively there's classic novelizations of great painters but their names escape me atm

>> No.22104205

Free of charge. No money interaction necessary. A shared economy. Why are you blind to the common sense of this?
“Anarcho capitalism” is an imaginary system of capitalists doing without a state. Their theorists instead have a series of contracts and private security forces that essentially reestablish tiny states of corporations. This is kind of what Europe looked like in the dark ages. Some people can live free of states and capital, but it’s dangerous, and it’s where the objection of “warlordism” to anarchism comes from. But that world came about in the collapse of the western Roman Empire. Yeah. Ancap would lead to a more barbarous liberal capitalism than we have now. Not anarchism at all but worsened chaos.


Artists you’ll like and artists you wouldn’t have always existed. My only point is that they exist independent of money, state and often religion.
>regulation of art
Use your own senses for that, you twat. We don’t need censorship

>> No.22105703

Pathway to Wealth and obesity code

>> No.22105721
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Giving deliberately bad advice.

>> No.22105726 [DELETED] 
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Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1280
Sleeping Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases
Anon's Modded Pre-Install: https://pastebin.com/42JS3q6E

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

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>> No.22106146
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The original red pill:


>> No.22106155

Gross. Go be a /pol/tard somewhere else.

>> No.22106976
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>> No.22107651
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>> No.22107665
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>> No.22107738
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Fiction Books:

1). The Trial - Franz Kafka;
2). The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka;
3). Notes from Underground - Dostoevsky;
4). The Honest Stealer - Dostoevsky;
5). Johnny Got His Gun - Dalton Trumbo.

Non-Fiction Books:

1). An Introduction to Philosophy - Russ Payne;
2). Philosophy of Science: A Contemporary Introduction - Alex Rosenberg;
3). Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith;
5). Das Kapital - Karl Marx.

>> No.22107748

Haha. So funny. Blue pills instead of white OP was asking for Haha.

Mixed bag

>> No.22107749

>Johnny Got His Gun - Dalton Trumbo.
shitty commie book only written to keep the US from going to war with daddy stalin

>> No.22107867

What the hell is wrong with you? The Korean war wasn’t fighting Stalin, it was for profits. The mangling and ruination of you g men’s lives isn’t glorious or honorable, you absolute fossil head.

I bet you ridicule trannies all day for mangling their bodies. Have some consistency.