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File: 93 KB, 1050x839, Holy-Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22096478 No.22096478 [Reply] [Original]

How can people take it seriously?
Maybe you just have to be raised with it

>> No.22096488

Back to gay elf JRPGs, OP.

>> No.22096515

it requires faith; something you probably have no problem devoting to a great many other things.

>> No.22096518

I wasn't raised with it and now it's my scripture.

>> No.22096549 [DELETED] 

terrible logic
>you didn't personally discover how airplanes fly so you just have faith in the scientists- so why not believe in God too???

Even given that stupid way of looking at the world, the smarter thing to do would be to never get on a plane again AND remain godless.

>> No.22096566

Dialetheism in Christology

>> No.22096569

people need a cope, simple as

>> No.22096589

you literally worship idols

>> No.22096592

This is my honest belief but I don't like that it is that way. I am more than willing to give myself in to trusting a higher power but I can't seem to get over my skepticism. Reading the Bible didn't do it for me
Can i be based litbros?

>> No.22096593

Go to Divine Liturgy

>> No.22096600

At least those idols provably exist.

>> No.22096629

>the creator of the universe doesn't exist because uhhhhhh
go bathe in your own shite you stinky jeet

>> No.22096630

This are the correct answers, op.
Do you know what communist trannies and mlpol christians have in common? They have faith in something, this faith (no matter how irrational and unreasonable to the external overseer it is) is the one thing that keeps them going, keeps them content in a world of absolute nonsensical bullshit.
Some people cope with anime and have faith in waifuism, some people cope with family and have faith in the almighty dollar. We are all fucked.

>> No.22096634

>The creator of the universe of the god of the bible because uhhhhh the bible says so

>> No.22096648

>the word of God is not the word of God because uhhhhh it just isn't... OK!!!!???
compelling argument reddit-kun

>> No.22096651

>>the word of God

>> No.22096652

The proof is in the pudding

>> No.22096880
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>> No.22096908

The burden of proof is on you, retard

>> No.22096922

Just because I value things and believe things to be true doesn't mean I approach them with a complete lack of scepticism

>> No.22096928

No it isn't you fucking degenerate. The existence of God is a first principle and something so self-evident yet your soulless husk of a cranium can't conceive of it somehow. Get a grip, it's not too late for His mercy.

>> No.22096933

Which part? Different parts are more difficult to believe than others.

>> No.22096935

This. Locke doesn't say atheists deserve human rights so even your most libbed out classical thinkers wouldn't defend them.
You do realize saying that people need a cope and that you don't have one because you're special or you're better for "knowingly" coping is the ultimate form of self-worship, right?

>> No.22096959
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Not my fault god hardened my heart.

>> No.22097054

>still no proof

>You do realize saying that people need a cope and that you don't have one because you're special or you're better for "knowingly" coping is the ultimate form of self-worship, right?
Ok... but the god of the bible still hasn't been proven to be real. Me potentially being arrogant isn't proof of god (not that I agree with your meme).

>> No.22097057

bible is a incomplete manuscript named "My interpretation of the Universe" written by a very autistic and esoteric anon who lived in ancient time.

>> No.22097061

it's a work of fiction, and work of fiction it should be

>> No.22097066

Allhamdulilah, brother. I just hope and pray others can come to see Allah’s light.

>> No.22097076


Catholics don’t take it seriously.

>> No.22097082

perhaps, the Bible serves the purpose of that game manual all of us desperately need. to read and to get that mana awareness. but yeah, OP, I understand what you mean. another 'perhaps' from my table: it has been obfuscated intentionally by the biblically accurate jannies.

>the Gamers are saved in the end

>> No.22097112

a lot of it sounds really cool.
>And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
this is very cool-sounding; for me, it justifies itself by this alone
what is your favorite, most-coolest-sounding bible verse?
btw OP you are a faggot

>> No.22097116

you either need to be raised with it or be extremely directionless to believe it

>> No.22097139

> this is very cool-sounding
> what is your favorite, most-coolest-sounding bible verse?
This board is 18+

>> No.22097147

What do you get? Just manufactured slop?
Do you get anything out of any religious text or myths? Why do you seem proud of being illiterate?

>> No.22097169

>god of the bible still hasn't been proven to be real
There isn't a logical proof for that angle. There is proof the Bible produces the best cultures, art, and science. There is proof that the Bible is infinitely analyzeable and has been a wellspring of wisdom for 5-6 millenia. There is proof that the Bible has influenced and absolutely blown away the smartest men to ever live. The Gospels are also a nearly perfect moral compass from a carpenter who preached for 1-3 years. Even if you say there is no logical proof, which is obvious, there is empirical evidence and historical evidence that is very strong.

>> No.22097172

It's about math you pedophile

>> No.22097186

prove any other creation of the universe or evolution. it's actually hilarious, especially after the past few years of science massively failing its litmus test, how "high iq individuals" thumb their nose at people holding religious beliefs when they put an astounding amount of faith in the unproven works of "science".

>> No.22097188

Can someone who know more about this explain why do redditors such as >>22097169 talk in this overly hyperbolic yet ultimately insubstantial manner?

>> No.22097192

Belief as Biblically understood isn't intellectually assenting to a set of propositions. That's why people who wave their Bibles in public saying "I have the truth" miss the point. When you believe the Gospel, when you believe in Christ, you are receiving and trusting in Christ to save you and lead you. It's a relational kind of belief, in the way a child trusts his father to care and provide for him. Everything comes together afterwards.


>> No.22097194

These sciencecucks will never understand. They don’t realize they’ve put their own faith in idols but think they can prove theirs. But don’t worry brother, Allah gabe them a chance, it’s their souls that will suffer.

>> No.22097200

This is what people don’t understand. Through Christ, and the final phrophet, man can seek a relationship with Allah that will make ine wealthier beyond any earthly riches.

>> No.22097201

i know the ten-dollar words. don't need 'em

>> No.22097241
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That's cool, I mightily agree! "I have the truth" is the greed speaking. And they desire others to accept them having 'da troof'. For what reason, lol?

Haven't they saw the Light of Deleuzian Christology? Is not the BWO – the christ swastikas (Good Fortune) lightning bolts? Perhaps, you need to be blind to witness the majesty. Celebrate, brothers! Verily, are we not blessed?

>> No.22097251

Yes it is you fucking degenerate. The inexistence of God is a first principle and something so self-evident yet your irrational schizophrenic husk of a cranium can't conceive of it somehow. Get a grip, it's not too late to take meds.

>> No.22097291

>prove evolution
I could bring up fossil records, but you'd claim it doesn't count somehow, and yet you think your favorite fantasy novel proves god's existence.

>> No.22097452

Oh please tell us all the things we have faith in that are at all comparable to the sort of gullibility required to take iron age fairy tales seriously.

>> No.22097459

>It's a relational kind of belief, in the way a child trusts his father to care and provide for him. Everything comes together afterwards.
So in other words, a belief system utterly incompatible with being even a semi-functional adult.

Not surprised that christfaggotry has become more popular on 4chan, given that.

>> No.22097480

I was raised with it and thought it was nonsense. Disregarded it for years.
In my late 20's had a weird impulse to "try religion" as an adult. Read the bible and started attending church again.
Realise, nope, there's nothing intelligent here. It really was nonsense all along.
Ditch the last shred of religious impulse in me and live more or less happily ever after.

>> No.22097494

You have to be literate, for one.

>> No.22097519

Same here
I thought Christ had finally made it into my heart. Started reading the bible, starting going to church, even prayed a couple of times.
I never felt anything.

>> No.22097535

>the Bible is infinitely analyzeable
Fine, but have you even seen a Rick and Morty video essay, or that five hour long review of the Lion King remake?

>> No.22097562

Evolution is proved by observing any species. Anyone with basic logical thinking will arrive at evolution.

>> No.22097568


>> No.22097648

>focuses exclusively on the analogy and misses the point
You don't grow out of the need for salvation. Believe and repent.
You don't "try" Christ. You don't have to do anything to be saved. No amount of scripture reading and no amount of church attendance will get you to Christ. There isn't a point where you become enlightened after the gorillionth hare hare krishna or having all 613 laws of the Torah down to a science. Simply receive and trust, and continue to trust even when things don't go your way (i's about God, not you).

>> No.22097685

There is absolutely nothing anyone in this entire website (or planet) can say to convince me that there is a god that has any meaningful connection with mankind or any of the major religions. Nothing will ever make me believe in Christ because I cannot believe of have fate on it anymore than I can in Santa Claus or anime characters. I not only don't believe it, I don't feel it, not in the slightest.
I don't care about converting you, I'm just clarifying that I won't ever believe in your religion. Are you a homosexual? Have you ever felt attracted to men or do you think one day you will try getting butt fucked? That is how irreversibly unappealing believing in Christ is.

>> No.22097693

Try steelmanning Santa Claus.

>> No.22097698

Nta, but the fact you cite the fossil records as proof of evolution is making me cringe.

You’re just as dogmatic and gay as any Christian you put your nose up to

>> No.22097701


>> No.22097702

If Santa Claus is fair, why does he give bad rich kids better toys than to poor good kids?

>> No.22097734

Something compels the parents to all embody the same spirit at the same time. Saying the source of that compulsion doesn't exist is inaccurate at the very least.

>> No.22097737

You are absolutely right. No one can convince you. You either accept it or you don't.
>Nothing will ever make me believe in Christ because I cannot believe of have fate on it anymore than I can in Santa Claus or anime characters.
And there's your problem. Maybe if you stop equating God to a fictional character than maybe you'll feel his draw.
>Are you a homosexual? Have you ever felt attracted to men or do you think one day you will try getting butt fucked? That is how irreversibly unappealing believing in Christ is.
But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

>> No.22097748

wile its easier for those whove ben in similar situations to relate and understand it dsn't mean that others cant empathize or support you ! It's wort reaching out to understanding friends or finding communities where people might have gone through something similar, sharing your feelings and struggles with people who are willing to listen and validqte your emotions can make a real difference


Just remember, your feelings are valid, and seeking understanding and support is important for your well-being. Don't hesitate to lean on those who are willing to lend an ear and offer the support you needd

>> No.22097756

Your entire "argument" if it can be dignified with that term, basically boils down to "switch off your brain, believe and obey, regardless of evidence, no matter what. Don't think, just believe"
So essentially a sort of zombie life where an individual doesn't have a functioning brain but continues to walk around and praise jesus despite the lack of intelligence.
No thanks.

>> No.22097773

>God knows everything that will happen
>Before I was born, God knew he'd make me not believe in him
>He is going to send me to hell (which He has already done/decided since I won't ever believe in Christ ((because He made me that way))
>God could literally save me from eternal torture if He wanted (He loves me) because He is omnipotent but instead will torture me forever
Honestly, when and how did you start believing?

>> No.22097794

Hey man, stop replying to bait. Matthew 7:6

>> No.22097801

There's no need to turn off your brain to believe. I'm just saying to believe. Reading has in fact lead me to believe that most human wisdom is insufficient for life and that life outside of Christ is like living life with foggy glasses. Belief isn't the opposite of reason, but a necessary part of living. Not just belief or faith in God, but faith and belief in people and things.

>> No.22097808

That's Calvinism Patrick. Drop the presupposition that anyone's elect before the foundation of the world.

>> No.22097815

cringing isn't an argument

>> No.22097816

>hey man we have no argument so stop making team Christ look bad 4:20 Blaze It

>> No.22097824

How do you Calvinism is not true?
Who do you say is not true?
So does God not know the future then?

>> No.22097888

This'll do a better of explaining why Calvinism is not true than I could, but TL:DW, Calvinism has no scriptural basis because it's too reliant on philosophical speculation and doesn't just take the word of God as it is, instead just taking buzzwords and verses and using those to inform their doctrine. If you are a professing Christian, you cannot rely on your salvation to come through anything except through believing on Christ. The Calvinist, however, relies on his election and not on Christ. Any of the five points of TULIP can be easily refuted if you read scripture carefully and holistically.

Oh, and start at the beginning.
I started believing when I realized that my life had no meaning without a God, but I didn't take it all to seriously, mostly believing God in a distant and propositional sense, and even lived as though I were an unbeliever, trying to hook up with women and watching porn whenever that failed (I was a porn addict for years), up until I had a dream in which a cloud told me "your sin will find you out." After that, I felt mortified for living like a degenerate, repented, and believed (in a non-propositional sense).

>> No.22097898

So does God know the future or not?
You will not change my mind, I don't want to change yours, I just want to understand you.

How does it feel to believe? I think I know what a religious epiphany feels like but I'm not sure.

>> No.22097978

You can say that it's not faith but innately, the inability to prove or disprove the existance of a higher power requires that any definitive statement on the subject of God requires faith, Abrahamic, abstract, or otherwise.
If you're promoting atheism for the benefit of society as a whole than you have the incredibly faithful belief that society would benefit from a lack of religion and a focus on scientific advancement, not to mention the faith people have in science. Not the science anyone can do at home and observe but the science that requires you to listen to someone else and believe that they're both accurate and unbiased as well as working from accurate and unbiased research that has been reviewed in a way that should bring you the most accurate data, you rely on faith that scientist uphold the scientific method and are truthful with all of their findings as well as the idea that those findings weren't made inaccurate by personal or financial incentives. In all likelihood, you're probably only going to end up having faith in the first page of Google to tell you accurate information if you aren't involved in a scientific field yourself.
You innately have faith that the world makes sense in a way that humans are capable of understanding in a tangible and authentic degree and that modern science has attained that understanding to some capacity, the athiest in particular is most faithful of this because of their definitive assertion of God's non existence.
You have faith in your own mind, that your views are entirely logical and not fueled or influenced by ego, personal bias, or lack of critical information or life experience and if you do acknowledge those influences then you have faith that despite it your views are still accurate and applicable on a universal level. You have faith that the world you experience is similar enough to anyone elses that your conclusions would be meaningful applied outside of yourself.
Commonly, athiest have faith that is centered around themselves and their own beliefs but dislike acknowledging it despite the fact that true scientists have explored ideas thought to be "faithful" to actual groundbreaking discoveries for hundreds of years.
Agnostics are better scientists than athiests ever were and I respect them leagues more than athiest. So many athiests are inherently blinded by their own pride to realize that they are dogmatically yelling rhetoric which they should logically realize doesn't matter, they are on the same level of the street preacher who shouts about hell through a megaphone but they're more upfront about their beliefs being based off of their personal hubris.
The grand irony of atheism is that even under an atheist perspective, there's no reason at all to try and influence anyone else's views or even have a belief in the first place without having faith that it would mean something or that the idea of being correct means anything in a world without purpose or reason.

>> No.22098021

Why would an agnostic be more intelligent than an atheist? Because he recognizes he doesn't know? Because he has faith in his doubt instead of on any kind of certainty?
You lowered having faith to something that is completely arbitrary and meaningless. Your own faith is as you say, a shot in the dark. You think atheists are arrogant? Try looking in the mirror.

>> No.22098092

>Why would an agnostic be more intelligent than an atheist? Because he recognizes he doesn't know? Because he has faith in his doubt instead of on any kind of certainty?
I never said agnostics are more intelligent, I said they were better scientists.
>You lowered having faith to something that is completely arbitrary and meaningless.
No I didn't. I pointed out the faith that everyone has in the world around them that they may or may not recognize. Someone's faith in the world beyond them is dependent on that person, not me.

>> No.22098110

>than you have the incredibly faithful belief that society would benefit from a lack of religion and a focus on scientific advancement
I'm experiencing it first hand. I don't know, maybe ted kaczynski is right, but it doesn't take schizophrenia to see the dark side of religion and the benefits of science.

I know this is a foreign concept to you, but with pattern recognition skills you can gauge the likelihood of things. When you drop an apple, you have ''faith'' in it falling down. But it does fall down. After decades of seeing things happen in consistent ways, you shouldn't expect to defy gravity all of a sudden.

>> No.22098118

How is "better scientist" not a synonym for more intelligent, you disingenuous fuck?

You see that people have faith in whatever, even absurd and downright wrong things, how does this not apply to you?

>> No.22098120

>even under an atheist perspective, there's no reason at all to try and influence anyone else's views
I do it because I want to. It's like a sport to me.

>> No.22098171

>How is "better scientist" not a synonym for more intelligent, you disingenuous fuck?
A man can be very intelligent and be a bad scientist. It's not a one to one thing.
Quite childish of you to think of it that way anon.
>You see that people have faith in whatever, even absurd and downright wrong things, how does this not apply to you?
It does. I simply make the definitive choice to have faith in something despite the evidence I have being based off of personal experience, probability, and non-empirical observation, which I see as being more meaningful than accepting a passive faith in something else or falsely denying faith.

>> No.22098190

it's still all theoretical however. which was my point with the anon saying god isn't proven. you still can't prove the other side of the creationism argument.

>> No.22098226

>When you drop an apple, you have ''faith'' in it falling down.
That's knowledge, not faith. An apple falls because of gravity and gravity is a universal law that anyone can see and repeat to understand that gravity exists.
If you're going to try and prove that society would be better without religion, you're gonna need to put religious societies agains non religious societies and see which ones were more successful
Evolution is almost 100% real and doesn't conflict with creationism, I don't get how people still have trouble understanding this.

>> No.22098256

It's not equivalent. The comparison is a nasty rhetorical trick.

The signs that evolution could be real exist physically and logically. God's word on the other hand is a man made creation. Even if god exists, he needed a person to write it all down for him.
You might have noticed that some people like making up stories, and some people have strange delusions. I know people personally who suffer from psychoses, and it can get pretty bizarre. Now what if these kinds of people have always existed, and wrote religious texts, during a time where they had very limited methods for finding the truth.
Also have you noticed that religion correlates with time period and geographical location? Wouldn't that imply a few things?

Pattern recognition.

>> No.22098313

>and gravity is a universal law
You've been conditioned to think that, but you just trust that there's no inconsistency. You can never definitively prove that the same will happen every time, because you can always try it once more.

See the original comment you responded to: >>22097452
It's all relative. The likelihood of the apple falling is extremely big. The likelihood of a scientist telling the truth is higher than that of an old religious text telling the truth.

>> No.22098352

Here's the TL;DR summary of the Bible.
Have faith in God, and he will bring you military victories, with many cattle, bushels of grain, and slaves.
Lose faith in God, and he will smite the living crap out of you and anyone related to you.
If this is how the Creator of the universe behaves...then the Gnostics were right, and He is the Demiurge.

>> No.22098357

>almost 100% real
you're one of those "it's all but proven" people. my point wasn't about evolution vs creationism. it was the fact that you can have completely unproven beliefs and also think low of the ones with religious beliefs.

>> No.22098532

Parents teach their kids that lying is wrong. It would be very hypocritical and counterproductive of them to lie to their kids.
Santa disbelievers:
>the person who delivers presents doesn't exist because uhhhhhh

>> No.22098553

This is the previously dominant school of thought globally represented by the three friends of Job.

>> No.22098569

I once believed a girl liked me and then it turned out she didn't.

Guess I'm a hypocrite for thinking your beliefs are silly.

>> No.22098938

>>focuses exclusively on the analogy and misses the point
There is no point, the bible is a load of bullshit.
>>You don't grow out of the need for salvation. Believe and repent.
There's nothing to be saved from, and nothing to repent for. Your religion is a monstrous fiction and I'm glad it's dying in the first world.

>> No.22099013

this kek

>> No.22099027

literally provable with experiments, can be and has been measured quantifiably with instruments, you can literally do an at home Cavindish experiment. You can read the mathematics from Newton which describes gravity, which if then compared to the data and estimations we have of celestial bodies, would be able to consistently predict their locations, empirically verifiable with telescopes and, what do you know, consistent results show the math is correct and so we have a consistent way to verify the claim that yes gravity exists and effects our world. And I will go so far as to say, yes, the claim is a bit more believable then the claims in the bible and people have good reason to have a lot more faith in science then any religion

>> No.22099174
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begging the question
emotional appeals
question begging

>> No.22099244

his experiments are not repeatable. also newton disavowed his own theory in a letter to richard bentley.
>The last clause of your second Position I like very well. Tis unconceivable that inanimate brute matter should (without the mediation of something else which is not material) operate upon & affect other matter without mutual contact; as it must if gravitation in the sense of Epicurus be essential & inherent in it. And this is one reason why I desired you would not ascribe {innate} gravity to me.

>> No.22099310

I will never understand it either. It is such a obvious larp with no connection to the real world, yet some people so strongly believe in it.

>> No.22099415

Are you sure about that?

>> No.22099469

You are wanting of attitude. If you approach it as a fictional book, you will judge it by the entertainment value. You may comment on the style of writing, the abundance of repeating sentences, disect the discourses and actions of the characters without stopping for a while and thinking about the situation and why those characters acted the way they did. You will read the book fast, check it out of your reader's list and give it a rating. And then you leave it on your shelf or donate it or throw it away, exclaiming that the philosophy stuff inside is mediocre, best go read [insert philosophical treaty or some other book you deem "deep"]. And then you proceed to consume another book, give it a rating, provide your opinion about it and repeat the cycle. It is not your fault, because that is all intelectuals do. They scartch the surface and think that is all there is. Keep in mind that if you focus on the tree, you will miss the forest. And if you focus on the forest you will miss the tree. There is nothing wrong with any of those approaches, but you can't have both at the same time.

>> No.22099477

read the brothers karamazov
it gave me a come to jesus moment

>> No.22099490

This. OP puts faith in endless genders, but god is beyond faith somehow. Many such cases, sad.

>> No.22099768

>hmm what if I combine a whataboutism with a strawman, that would make for a good argument

>> No.22100067
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This tranny obsession is reaching absolutely comical levels of obsession. This goes way beyond the classic "if you act homophobic you might be gay" meme- into a very real sense that you think of nothing else but women with penises day in and day out, 24/7, 365.

The fact that you do not have the self awareness to see that you yourself are very very very ill is really ironic.

>> No.22100339

You're a tranny. You're exactly what the meme is referencing.

>> No.22100340


>> No.22100360

You will never be a woman.

>> No.22100379


>> No.22100509

Sir, you're on /lit/. Here's the board you were looking for:

>> No.22100523


>> No.22100557

The most virtuous people I know are all religious — Muslim or Christian.
I think this argument is a cope desu.

Being religious is more difficult in this Western world than being secular. It is easier to bury your head in the sand and feign ignorance of the call religion places on people; the call for moral conduct, and not the relativistic post-modern 'morality' that we see today in this clown world. The call of abstention from certain things and not indulging in abject hedonism, the call of humility, to not place one's self on the level of God, as we see today.
Ultimately people today need something to cope/idolise, be it antidepressants, alcohol, pornography, cigarettes, weed, TV, politics, money, etc. I wholeheartedly see this more prominent amongst the secular/atheist masses than the religious ones.

But sure it is the theist that believes in God who tries to live a virtuous life as a result is the one coping. The Muslim immigrant to West who must abstain from all degeneracy here is the one coping...
It is certainly not the hedonist who engages solely in sensual pleasure like an animal that is coping.

I think you would have a point if every atheist around us today were Nietzschean Overmen, but it's not the case, it's the complete opposite. Note I'm not saying every atheist is some loser, I concede it is the most rational position in this rationalist world we live in today, but the vocal ones most certainly are.

>> No.22100831


>> No.22101433

True faith has a certain degree of skepticism. Even Christ had his moments of doubt.

>> No.22101560
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>How can people take it seriously
Lol you got me OP haha. Now how about you tell us your worldview, and why we should take it more seriously than jewbook?

>> No.22101587

Based presup

>> No.22101632

You gotta go back.

>> No.22101687

>The Bible is true because... it says so in the Bible!

>> No.22101694
File: 404 KB, 1000x562, adam-ruins-everything-tru-tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Science is true because.... Experts said so!
Good one anon.

>> No.22101812

>>The Bible is true because... it says so in the Bible!
I smell a proddie upbringing.

>> No.22101859

The waxing and crashing of this guy's career/persona epitomized the whole period it spanned, he started out as a snarky post-Daily Show "ummm actually??? street signs are racist?" guy normies accepted and ended as a weirdo twisting himself in knots to defend the shemale Olympics or whatever

Not that interesting now in hindsight since it's all cliched but I just find it interesting how perfectly he personified his generation of faggot millennials and their snarky knowitall hipster grunge liberalism, including its decline

>> No.22102410

Define science.

>> No.22102507

his whole rogan interview was hilarious. supporting his arguments with anecdotes while calling joe's rebuttals anecdotal. he didn't know what to say when joe asked him why they only survey post op trans people on whether they regret transitioning and not the presumably gay men that end up not transitioning for whatever reason.