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/lit/ - Literature

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22092916 No.22092916 [Reply] [Original]

I wanna know more about (((them))) and their degenerate ideas.
Id prefer unbiased sources of information but some debunking is ok too. Or one of their books if its good

>> No.22092936
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>Frankfurt school of Economics

>> No.22092950

The Frankfurt School (German: Frankfurter Schule) is a school of social theory and critical philosophy associated with the Institute for Social Research, at Goethe University Frankfurt in 1929. Founded in the Weimar Republic (1918–1933), during the European interwar period (1918–1939), the Frankfurt School initially comprised intellectuals, academics, and political dissidents dissatisfied with the contemporary socio-economic systems (capitalist, fascist, communist) of the 1930s. The Frankfurt theorists proposed that social theory was inadequate for explaining the turbulent political factionalism and reactionary politics occurring in 20th century liberal capitalist societies. Critical of both capitalism and of Marxism–Leninism as philosophically inflexible systems of social organization, the School's critical theory research indicated alternative paths to realizing the social development of a society and a nation.

>> No.22092970
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>The Frankfurt School (German: Frankfurter Schule) is a school of social theory and critical philosophy
>>>>>>>>school of social theory and critical philosophy

>Frankfurt school of Economics
>>>>>>>>school of Economics

>> No.22092975

stop being a nigger

>> No.22092995

Gottfried, The Strange Death of Marxism
Lasch, True and Only Heaven (crtf the names)
Lasch, Haven in a Heartless World (the Authoritarian personality chapter)
This article has many references to books on these unsightly academics: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/the-cia-the-frankfurt-schools-anti-communism/

>> No.22092996
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>FS of economics

>> No.22093010

Lasch is Hillary Clintons Fav author incidentally. Don't know why so many post left cunts adore him.

>> No.22093037

Many Dems and Reps have praised him, and? Hillary has pandered to every group under the sun, from trannies to racist white working class men.

>> No.22093087

>racist white working class men
since when?

>> No.22093093

you are so lost, just stick to your jewish boogeymen fairytales

>> No.22093123

After the deplorables thing. The whole thing flopped and everyone saw right through it, just like the tabasco sauce on Breakfast club stunt.

>> No.22093127
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>has been found out
many such cases

>> No.22093153

This is sort of off topic but -


Sometimes I like for them to tell me their own story without an outside narrator. Just navigate the bias yourself.

>> No.22093250
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Protocols of the elders of zion

>> No.22093255 [DELETED] 

>hurr guys /pol/ sed jews=bad
>help me lvl up my anti-semitism wtih smart guy books
you are clearly young and naive, why even nurture this avenue of hatred, you will only isolate further isolate yourself from anyone in reality

>> No.22093283

If you want to learn how laughably jewish and neurotic they were read Adorno Habermas Horkheimer and Marcuse. If you want to retain a slight hope that maybe all jews arent demonic goblins read walter benjamim.

>> No.22093293
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ive already read this. i wanna know about the frankfurt school of economics

>> No.22093301

I need titles. I dont know where to start with these niggers.

>> No.22093303

>I wanna know more about (((them))) and their degenerate ideas.

Maybe stop approaching literature like a /pol/ tard who sees the world as a retarded caricature.

Adorno and Benjamin are brilliant, but you may be too smooth brained to comprehend anything and will probably get triggered because of the signaling you've learned from browsing dogshit

>> No.22093313

Read Dialectic of Enlightenment. Gets put on a lot of syllabi.

>> No.22093317
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I dont like marxism and I dont like the woke reality denying garbage that critical theory is responsible for.
What do you think is so brilliant about these jews? Id like to know

>> No.22093320

This, and this thread just proves how retards' brains get fried from browsing utter crap.

>> No.22093344

You're not thinking for yourself, you're just repeating garbage. These books have literally nothing to do with "woke" and everything to do with a generation of authors dealing with the collapse of meaning after the destruction of an entire continent.

>> No.22093346

Dialectic of Enlightenment for Horkheimer and Adorno.
Mima Moralia for more Adorno retardation.
One Dimensional Man for Marcuse.
Legitimation Crisis for Habermas.
The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, whic is even more relevant today, and The Arcades Project for Walter Benjamin.

>> No.22093353

No Benjamin's Theses on History? Bruh...

>> No.22093365

I just don’t get Benjamin at all. At all.

I feel like one of his professors that thinks he should just kill himself

>> No.22093368

You cant go wrong with Walter Benjamin but I think those are good starting points. Once you dip your feet in you will naturally seek out his deep cuts.

>> No.22093370

You fucking nigger I come here to ask for sources of information so I can form my own opinion. I even asked you "what do you like about them". so whats you fucking problem. I cant have preconceived ideas?

And that it has fundamentally nothing to do with the woke shit and all that nonsensical marxist crap that has taken over universities and academia is as implausible as the holocaust.

>> No.22093426

>I cant have preconceived ideas?

No, considering you didn't read them, you absolute fucking retard. Like we need more people spouting opinions on shit they never even read - great job

>And that it has fundamentally nothing to do with the woke shit and all that nonsensical marxist crap that has taken over universities and academia is as implausible as the holocaust.

Such strong opinions on shit you never read. Your brain is so smooth, jesus christ, it would melt in my hands like butter

>> No.22093490
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>Critical theory hasnt coined the current state of affairs in academia despite their lingo being prevalent everywhere
Youre a hypocritical seething kikenigger.
I know Im right because I know the jews.
What if i read their shit, my bias is confirmed and i still think their ideas are degenerate?
How will you resort to
>yOu aRe wRong bEcAuse yOu hAvEnt rEaD tHeiR pamphlets!!!
will you finally come up with something that resembles an argument?
Will you then stop seething?
so many questions

>> No.22093498

Nta but your brain is fried. Kek at all those meme and buzzwords. This is probably how your internal monologue runs- thinking in memes

>> No.22094128

Guy >>22093490 is fried completely. It’s terminal. Man the internet was a mistake.

>> No.22094138

Culture of Critique addresses all these (((schools))) from the 20th century and obliterates them one by one.

>> No.22094146

Chuds should stop having such a knee jerk demonization of the Frankfurt School. Many of its most prominent thinkers, especially Adorno, are basically reactionaries wearing the clothes of marxists. They speaking constantly about the degradation of culture, the need for a return to higher ideals etc. it is just cloaked in the language of being something to strive towards for all people as opposed to being something walled off for the unwashed masses. Read The Culture Industry and you will see that Adorno is essentially a conservative too afraid to come out of the closet.

>> No.22094169

Ive read the first book of the trilogy.
>A People That Shall Dwell Alone
But I want to read the OG kike sources.

>> No.22094178

Is this based on the Keith Woods thread? That was a bit ridiculous. Seemed like he didn't read most of the books that he was writing about.

>> No.22094183
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>Keith Woods

>> No.22094184


>> No.22094215

just read Wilhelm Reich (not a member of the school, but there’s a lot of overlap due to the fact that Freudo-Marxism ends up informing the opinions of a few notable members of the Frankfurt School), Adorno and Marcuse
a decent understanding of Freud and Marx will help too.
>of Economics

>> No.22094245

There's nothing reactionary about defending cultural values, and the only reason you think so is because you watched too much Jordan Peterson in highschool. An abundance of left wing thought in post WW2 Europe is about trying to find ways to rehabilitate a culture that is in a very fragile position, and this has its roots not in like, Spengler or de Maistre, but Marx and Paul Valery

>> No.22094285

Martin Jay, The Dialectical Imagination

>> No.22094330

I advise against reading them, leftists especially (((leftists))) abuse every known fallacy in their writing to convert the curious reader to their satanic worldview. I know a lot of people who fell for the meme and became bluepilled nu-males. Better to just read Culture of Critique or Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

>> No.22094336

You have to give the jews a chance to defend themselves.

>> No.22094362

The Frankfurt School isn't as shady and conspiratorial as you think. It was started by a bunch of Marxist academics after World War I to attempt to reconcile Marxist theory with contemporary events.

Orthodox Marxism (as propounded by Marx and Engels) was fundamentally deterministic. This meant that the realization of the Marxist philosophy (i.e. the decay of capitalism and the state into "communism" and the common ownership of the means of production) was CERTAIN to occur. According to Marx, Capitalism was fundamentally unstable and would, as a matter of necessity, destabilize itself. And for a long time after Marx wrote, this seemed plausible. The 19th century was marked by an increase in the consciousness of the workers as a class, workers movements, and popular revolutions by the working class. A lot of what Marx wrote appeared to be happening in real time, and the sentiment among Marxists was that his philosophy would be vindicated and realized shortly.

After WWI and the revolution in Russia, the orthodox Marxist outlook was grim. The USSR devolved into the Stalinist regime, capitalism looked alive and well, and during the Great Depression people flocked to all sorts of political extremism, but none of these were promising (to Marxists). The realization of the Marxist system appeared to be as far away as it had ever been, so the Frankfurt School formed to figure out what happened. The important point is that the Frankfurt School represents the academic departure from orthodox Marxism into new forms (which people call neo-Marxist, post-Marxist, etc).

Members like Adorno and Horkheimer decided to do away with the economic determinism of orthodox Marxism and examine the ways in which the state and society prevent the workers from gaining consciousness of their oppression indefinitely, because to Marx this wasn't something that could happen. In "The Culture Industry," for example, they discuss how capitalism leads to the mass-production of media and goods which propagate and reproduce culture in a form that would sustain capitalism.

The narrative in left-leaning politics today about oppression is a descendant of the Frankfurt School, but that's pretty much it, and that's more of a bastardization than a logical consequence of Frankfurt School thought.

>> No.22094376

>yes goy turn your back, I won't stab it!

>> No.22094380

I wasn't aware of this at the time. I was mainly raised on conservative shock jocks, maybe something got lost in translation, but even as a kid I hated the Clintons

>> No.22094386

I was recently told it was Lysenko, not the Frankfurts that led to what we have now.

>> No.22094396

Okay thx. Gotta say reminds me a little about the muzzies
>thats not real Islam dude
>Thats culture, has nothing to do with Islam
Nonetheless, I will look for myself.
One question tho:
In your opinion, how involved where Jews in the bastardization of the OG Frankfurt theories?

>> No.22094397


>> No.22094420

great post unfortunately wasted on this baby brained dullard's bait thread >>22094396
trying to /pol/ pil people as if we're retarded as he then seething about being called such

>> No.22094446
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I hate politically correct pseudo-intellectual academia faggots such as yourself with this arrogant stuck up tone. debunking types make me puke

>> No.22094567
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we get it you're a tryhard teen, go lift some weights with that exuberance instead of trying to rank up the anti-semitism leaderboard.
or here's an idea, open a book! hopefully one written by a writer and not a merchant of health supplements

>> No.22094723

I don't know shit about Lysenko but on the face of it that sounds like a meme
The important thing to remember about orthodox Marxism is that it was more "Marx attempts to explain capitalism and predict where it'll go next" than "Marx thinks THIS is the correct form of government/economic organization."

I don't think it's controversial to say the current form of leftist political "thought" in academia has its primary influence in the social movements of the 1960s, and Marcuse, a Frankfurt Schooler and Jew, was a major influence on those movements to the point that he achieved a level of celebrity that's pretty much unheard of for an academic philosopher. In that way there is a sort of "direct" link between the Frankfurt School and contemporary thought. But farther down the line somewhere in academia people started abandoning the Marxist aspects while holding onto the lingo and frameworks of the Frankfurt School. So they borrowed the dichotomy of "oppressor/oppressed" from the Marxist capitalist/worker and the idea of unseen and "systemic" domination from, for example, the Adorno/Horkheimer discussions of how capitalism can covertly affect culture, or entrench itself using the state apparatus (again, typically covertly).

How often that process was initiated by Jews I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them were involved just because Jews are traditionally heavily over-represented in both academia and left-wing politics, especially of the Marxist flavor (like the Frankfurt School). But most of the major original proponents of CRT, for example, were black. Whatever it was, even if it was a lot (and desu it probably is), I don't think you can confidently conclude that it's evidence of some sort of Jew conspiracy. Jews have historically had a very strong sense of identity for multiple obvious reasons, and if their prerogative is to avoid another Holocaust at all costs then that alone might be a sufficient reason for their predilection for left-leaning politics.

And I say this as someone that's very sympathetic to the notion that we should rip them out of positions of power in the government, media, and banking sectors, eminent domain their belongings, and jail them if they can be proved to have acted against the interests of the population at large. That's not because of their identity as Jews as much as it is their willingness to exploit the population for their own gain, and it is certainly not only Jews that have done so. But all this just reflects my personal assessment of the West today; I don't claim it to be anything beyond a matter of perspective.

>> No.22095201

Have you read Lasch? He's actually really good. I'm a racist white working class man and I can't think of a single person that has a better analysis of American society than he does.

>> No.22095507

>Wilhelm Reich

I used to like this guy, but I get the impression he was a sick fuck who probably needed to nail his testicles to the wall to get hard. Real sick sexual pathologies he projected onto society.

>> No.22095509

The kid’s table is down the hall and to the right, near the tendies. Make sure you keep quiet, the adults are having an actual conversation here.

>> No.22095552 [DELETED] 

>Isn't that the guy that tried to convince Einstein he found a new type of energy that was connected to orgasms and weird shit like that? What made you like him at first?

>> No.22095559

Isn't that the guy that tried to convince Einstein he found a new type of energy that was connected to orgasms and weird shit like that? What made you like him at first?

>> No.22095802

It was a long time ago. I thought there was some merit to the link between particular ideologies and psychosexual dysfunction. I mean, there probably is honestly. But then again, he advocated the full expression of all "repressed" desires and I find this to be abhorrent, destructive and frankly disgusting. Just asking for mental illness.

Also, he abused animals and confessed to doing disgusting things in his youth. He was a basket case. Like I said, he projected his weird proclivities onto the public

>just express your repression, surely it is as sick as mine!

>> No.22095811
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And yes, he was such a coomer he literally believed orgasmic life-force could control material forces. He made the "orgone" machine to channel this energy into affecting the weather. He was holed up in some cabin trying to augment this energy.

It would be hilarious if his ideas were not smuggled into American psychoanalysis during the 1960s amid a new "confessional" form of doing psychology, as per the "me generation" which was later integrated into consumer culture. He became a guru of "releasing the repression within you" psychoanalysis school, the opposite of Freud's thesis.

Watch the documentary The Century of the Self by Adam Curtis, it discusses this in detail.

>> No.22095815

I’ve always suspected this about him, something always seemed “off”

>> No.22095822

It mostly has to do with the alleged idea that genetically dysfunctional people are the vanguard of public policy. If that’s the case then why do incels exist? Surely they’re as dysfunctional as can be, but I’m sure there’s a reason as to why they’re not leading the charge.

>> No.22095825
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Yeah... it gets worse.

>Perhaps due to child abuse, Reich would begin to write extensively about his sexual experiences. He would recount in detail the time he attempted to sleep with the family maid at the age of 4, how he would watch the animals in moments of pleasure, how he would pleasure himself while whipping the horses, how he would sleep with one of the servants almost daily and from the age of 11 and that he would frequently visit brothels starting at the age of 15. He also described the deep erotic fantasies he developed for his mother.

>His mother would play a crucial role in Reich’s life. He became increasingly aware of his mother’s affair with the tutor and would stay outside of her bedroom every night they were together. One day he decided to tell his father of his mother’s betrayal, leading to his mother taking her own life. He would blame himself for this.

>Soon afterwards, he was sent to an all male-gymnasium where his brothel visitations became even more frequent. He would also develop an unfortunate skin condition that gave him a ruddy complexion.

>Due to his fathers death from tuberculosis, Reich returned home to manage the farm. Shortly thereafter WWI broke out and he would enrol. Then he studied medicine at the University of Vienna, living off of oats and dried fruit and developing an unrequited crush on the woman who was helping him dissect cadavers.

>In 1919, Reich’s life would change when he met with and greatly impressed Sigmund Freud, to the point in which he was accepted as a guest member of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Association. He worked on the same street as Freud and immersed himself in the world of psychoanalysis. At the time, Reich was perplexed by the gap between a reductionist and vitalist way of thinking. He soon developed the concept of character armour, repetitive patterns of behaviour that serve as defence mechanism and are used to gain control of a hostile environment in some sense.

>This theory was greatly elaborated in his book: The Impulsive Character, a study of anti-social personalities that he had encountered while working with different patients. His book would greatly impress Freud and elevate his status to the executive committee of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society.

>This was not without controversy. Reich’s analyst, Paul Federn, warned that Reich was a psychopath. And rumours had spread that Reich’s practice was unconventional if not downright unethical. He had began an affair with his first patient, Lore Kahn, who would die shortly after meeting Reich. The mother was convinced that Kahn’s death was due to a botched abortion performed on her daughter by Reich. The mother would take her life and Reich would forever blame himself for the entire incident. Notably, the biographer Christopher Turner estimates that Reich had at least 4 partners who had abortions, all at his suggestion.

>> No.22095959

same anon but it looks he is/was a coomer in the worst sense.

>> No.22095968

I also sent this to a friend of mine who has sadly been offline for a few weeks. didn't he write about Fascism in some meaningful essence?

>> No.22096025

Yeah, he wrote The Mass Psychology of Fascism.

>> No.22096031

I’m starting to believe that this board was invaded by /pol/tards and they never left. Nazism is essentially, and I mean this in the clearest metaphysical way possible, a homosexual political ideology. You would jerk off to the idea of a Jewish man fucking your wife if you had any sexual attraction to male-female relations. You will likely not even understand critiques of the Frankfurt School as you lack the historical perspective and philosophical foundations in which to frame it making the ostensible purpose of this shit thread unattainable. You should console yourself to the indignity of tertiary sources, if that, and steel yourself for the interminable nights of twitter debates with 14 year olds over which sect of Aryan neo-national-socialism hyperboreanism is the most racist which will be so very important to the praxis of the day of the rope (it’s totally next week guys!) I would kindly ask of you, for the service of your great cause of course, to begone from our placid backline in the ensuing culture war. There are 12 year olds to dunk on with racial crime statistics somewhere on Twitter right now without an Asuka profile picture in their mentions and your thinly-veiled midwittery, not to forget homosexuality of course, will find no purchase in the considerations of people here to engage in discussion about books.

>> No.22096039

that's a lot of seethe there I'm not about to waste my time reading. the biggest issue with most people (and this goes for everyone) is they don't realize, for better or for worse, that everyone seems to have their own worldview that may or may not congeal with other people and vice versa. its kind of like how Nietzsche posited the idea that everyone kind of views the world, metaphysically speaking from their own point of view, either learned from others (empiricism) or innate (rationalism). other factors could be at play whether they be environmental, genetic, etc. Now there might be some people here who generally more or less are partial to the accepted mainstream viewpoint (though I very much doubt that's the case) but for the sake of argumentation, there might be some that do. that being said, there are a lot that do not, therefore its best to pick your battles with statements that may rile your pathos, and instead consider ones worth debating over.

>> No.22096087

What are you even talking about? The culture war has fried your brain.

>> No.22096186
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>transsexual-intellectual swollen mumbo jumbo

>> No.22096203

Adorno would be considered a conservative today and was already pretty conservative by the time he died. And didn't Horkheimer basically go tradcath at the end of his life?

>> No.22096217

If you're only "starting" to believe that /pol/ is shitting up this place then you're not very observant, are you son. The occupation has been going on for nearly a decade, and most current users can't even recognize the ruins of old /lit/.

>> No.22096253

This. Every 2nd or 3rd thread is an obvious poltard thread, and their finger prints are in most threads. This godforsaken board is idpol or culture war infested

>> No.22096334

/pol/chads are living in your head rent free, aren't they

>> No.22096371

Dialectic of Enlightenment has been mentioned a few times. I would recommend strongly against it. While it is a work of massive genius, and one of the most sophisticated arguments condemning and railing against what someone like you would probably call soulless, bugman globohomo, it is no likely beyond you, as it requires appreciable erudition in the history of western modern philosophy (i.e., the tradition after Descartes), requiring in particular great expertise in the works of Kant and Hegel to be appreciated and understood. Now I may be mischaracterizing you based on your post, but my money is on you not having any of that.

Instead, I would recommend that you begin with Horkheimer's paper, "Traditional and Critical Theory". It is very easy to find a translated pdf online. If you are somewhat familiar with the developments of western thought of the last 100 years, you might find it somewhat banal, as many of its positions have been widely adopted today. Perhaps not though, and then even better, because it is a great introduction to those themes. You will sometimes see academics from the tradition of critical theory attack ideas of "objectivity" - while most of these critical theorists today are retards who misappropriate Horkheimer's thoughts, his original paper is targeted against positivists, and is much more forceful and compelling than today's retarded critical theorists would lead you to believe.

The source material is as unbiased as it gets, and it is just intellectual laziness to want it already digested. "Traditional and Critical Theory" is difficult, but not impossibly so, and presents quite clearly how the early impetus of the Frankfurt school as a continuation of the fundamental impulse of enlightenment philosophy.

Another book that has been mentioned often ITT is Marcuse's "One-Dimensional Man". This is a bastardization and retardificiation of the original Frankfurt school, just as contemporary critical theory is. You can read it if you want to, but know that your opinions and arguments concerning it have little and only superficial impacts on what you would by extension think of the original thinkers of the Frankfurt school, Horkheimer and Adorno.

If what you really want is to actually just engage in some shit-flinging about contemporary academics who brand themselves "critical theorists", instead of the historical Frankfurt school (they are not the same), then I'd recommend some semi-polemical screed like Cynical Theories by Pluckrose and Lindsay, but would again underscore that your opinions on that have little and only superficial impacts on what you would by extension think of the original thinkers of the Frankfurt school.

>> No.22096852

Funny enough, this thread started off as 5 IQ /pol/tard bait but ended up being fruitful

>> No.22097104
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The Devil's Pleasure Palace: The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West
Michael Walsh

In the aftermath of World War II, America stood alone as the world’s premier military power. Yet its martial confidence contrasted vividly with its sense of cultural inferiority. Still looking to a defeated and dispirited Europe for intellectual and artistic guidance, burgeoning trans-national elite in New York and Washington embraced not only the war’s refugees, but many of their ideas as well, and nothing has proven more pernicious than those of the Frankfurt School and its reactionary philosophy of “critical theory.” At once overly intellectualized and emotionally juvenile, Critical Theory – like Pandora’s Box – released a horde of demons into the American psyche. When everything could be questioned, nothing could be real, and the muscular, confident empiricism that had just won the war gave way, in less than a generation, to a central-European nihilism celebrated on college campuses across the United States. Seizing the high ground of academe and the arts, the New Nihilists set about dissolving the bedrock of the country, from patriotism to marriage to the family to military service; they have sown (as Cardinal Bergoglio – now Pope Francis – once wrote of the Devil) “destruction, division, hatred, and calumny” – and all disguised as the search for truth.

In The Devil's Pleasure Palace we will look at the ways Critical Theory took root in America and, once established and gestated, has affected nearly every aspect of American life and society – and what can be done to stop it.

>> No.22097145

The original formulation of critical theory of the Frankfurt school (which this hack is clearly referring to) is more of a critique of utilitarianism and the ubiquity of means-end reasoning than a critique of """empiricism""". The two are distinct, albeit related, though the hack you quote does seem very confused, thinking "empiricism" won the war, when it is quite clearly the means-end reasoning that Horkheimer and Adorno criticize (only the ubiquity of it at the detriment to everything else, not it in itself).
Apart from that, it is not nihilistic at all, it has very clear visions of what the good is, and works to attain it (emancipation) - in continuance of the legacy of the best parts of the enlightenment. That a conservative writer considers these bad values is all fine and dandy, but it is retarded to pretend like they aren't values.

I just looked up Michael Walsh and he is apparently a fucking journalist, just fucking lmao. 0/10 from that blurb, instead of retarded polemics, just read the source material and make up your own mind.

>> No.22097176

Degenerate moderns and the Jewish revolutionary spirit

>> No.22097209

I just started using this board again recently. I can remember a day where a thread like this would have had a BTFO from a philo student first reply and that would have been that. Now it’s almost not even worth trying as they wouldn’t understand the explanation and would see their ignorance as proof of your malignant “jewery.” Worse, they have co-opted the lists and major books that old /lit/ used to revere and prop them up, without having read them of course, as intellectual justification for a homosexual political ideology that would be more laughable than monarchism if it wasn’t so ethically repulsive as to prevent the majority of Westerners even considering it one to begin with. The Frankfurt school isn’t even the most radical strain of post-war Hegelianism for gods sakes. These people are straining for the names Bataille, Deleuze, and Lucaks without even knowing it.

>> No.22097223

Sounds like christcuck cope

>> No.22097342

I dunno, there used to be a ton of monarchism and Moldbug discussion on this board, more Evola and Guenon, etc. Maybe there were more compelling discussions but I don't think it's current state is that much worse than it's ever been.

>> No.22097624
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Technically they had one guy that was primarily an economist, he's just also really irrelevant other than being a major early influence on Paul Mattick.

>> No.22097629

Habermas isn't even Jewish, also incredibly based for basically spending three decades tearing the post-68 left a new hole.

>> No.22097642

>Orthodox Marxism (as propounded by Marx and Engels) was fundamentally deterministic
Engels veers into this, but Marx mostly manages to avoid flying off into retard land.

>> No.22098027

>Long before me bourgeois historians had described the historical development of this class struggled and bourgeois economists the economic anatomy of the classes. What I did that was new was to prove: 1) that the existence of classes is only bound up with particular historical phases in the development of production, 2) that the class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat, 3) that this dictatorship itself only constitutes the transition to the abolition of all classes and to a classless society.

>> No.22098234

It must be terrible being you.

>> No.22098746


>> No.22099152

I'm tired of seeing this meme

>> No.22099402

like every other fucking thread on this board, anon hasn't read a single page and is fully prepared to have all his perfect ideas confirmed, as usual. you're fine to find all the ideas degenerate (because of course you would, why would you try to use even try to form your own thoughts), it's just that you have to read first. enjoy wasting your own time that you could've been stomping your feet around you toddler

>> No.22099442

>The Devil's Pleasure Palace


>> No.22099748

he is not based. It does not take much to point out that pomo is gay. But the political enlightenment was just as gay. So on a gay score from 1 to AIDS, he scores a low but solid 3

>> No.22100421


>> No.22100954

This thread deserves a bump, there's a few good posts.

>> No.22101366

He absolutely does. His entire analysis is that capitalism cannot sustain itself

>> No.22102131

>His entire analysis is that capitalism cannot sustain itself

Well, the falling rate of profit is true. And I think we're reaching a point where the capitalist pony show is running out of tricks. Capitalism is devolving into the imaginary order: financialization, nontangible capital, information, attention, all bullshit abstraction while immiseration is certain.

>> No.22102326

The question was whether or not Marx's philosophy saw the fall of capitalism as predetermined and only a matter of time, not whether or not he was right

>> No.22102439 [DELETED] 

Dunno about Frankfurt but look for college syllabuses on critical theory.

I took a class in uni long before it became a controversial topic. Basically explained CT is just a set of tools to examine the world. Some fit better than others in certain situations and it's better to understand there are options. You wouldn't use a hammer on a screw right?

Try to understand the premise of the ideologies instead of every argument and trying to fit them into every scenario.

>Race theory

In an all white firm, how come John Smith Jr gets promoted instead of Yiwei Zhou? What if zhou had better OKRs than Smith who is the bosses nephew?Should this be explained as a matter of survival of the fittest or is racial discrimination part of the problem? Perhaps Marxism explains the issue with nepotism. Could multiple theories all work at the same time?

The point is to ask more meaningful questions about reality rather than take it at face value. Part of it has to do with empathy, and if you're a poltard you're triggered by Zhou, so perhaps he's actually John Roberts Jr instead. Which character do you empathize with more also illuminates your bias. You might think, yeah fuck em, end of story. But actually it's not. John Smith might know his other colleagues are racist and uses that to his advantage so he can get promoted to COO and then fire 50%of them so he can reorganize the up coming ESOP plan in his favor. Perhaps Zhu wouldn't want to disrupt the order like that fearing he might get fired whereas Smith doesn't worry since he's the bosses son.

Point is, everything is complicated and using CT can help you gain a better understanding of a situation instead of repeating "it is what it is" over and over again like a dodo bird before it goes extinct.

>> No.22102662

>Basically explained CT is just a set of tools to examine the world. Some fit better than others in certain situations and it's better to understand there are options.
A recurring issue is that in the controversial disciplines you mention (especially contemporary race and gender studies), critical theory ceases to serve as only a framework (if that really is a fair characterization of its use by the Frankfurt School) and instead becomes a foundation. It is no longer an interpretation of reality, it is a description of it. So adherents are dead serious when they see a racial disparity in police stops or a gender disparity in income and believe that the disparity alone constitutes evidence of underlying domination/racism/sexism at work. Furthermore these disciplines routinely and inevitably conjure up solutions that center around whatever identity group they "study," and are more often than not divisive, counterproductive dogshit. So, for example (and pardon my facetiousness), Obama's next kid can get a full ride to Harvard with a 2.8 while a Korean kid from an impoverished family who has had a considerably less privileged upbringing doesn't stand a chance without a 4.0, three languages, and bullshit extracurriculars.

And please don't deny that university departments have become infested by the types of people that push this shit.

>> No.22102876

>I wanna know more about (((them))) and their degenerate ideas
Well, take a look at the CIA ---most of the Frankfurt school """"""marxists"""""" were anticommunist soc-dem shills (if not straighforwardly CIA assets like Marcuse).