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/lit/ - Literature

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22088806 No.22088806 [Reply] [Original]

>oh so you're writing a book?
>what's it about anon?

well /lit/?

>> No.22088828

Everything. And nothing.

>> No.22088832 [DELETED] 

total nigger death

>> No.22088835

>ugly ftm

>> No.22088843

It's about a man on a mission. About a bout with god. As this man is about to realize that god is indeed real and he's about to strike at those who oppose his "missionaries". All in all it's a slugfest of theological pursuits.

>> No.22088876


>> No.22088935

purple goo

>> No.22088944

It's Rip van Winkle but with an android

>> No.22088947

OP picture is disgusting. Memetic hazard.

>> No.22088948

YA fantasy romance

>> No.22088953


>> No.22088996

Are you really in the navy?

>> No.22089004

I like to work on stuff that tries to hit genre and literary at the same time, so I've been writing two novels in this vein:
>a crime novel about the son of a rich man who wants to reject his rich lifestyle and become a big-time criminal, seeing it as his ticket to respect and making something of his own. On a thematic level it is about gentrification, culture-swapping, etc
>a horror novel about realtors trying to sell a house haunted by demons. Think HGTV-meets-The Exorcist

>> No.22089017

look at all those disgusting carbs

anon's date is gonna get so fat

>> No.22089254
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It's a sci-fi novel

>> No.22089312
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Nationalism, homoeroticism, aesthetics and beauty of death

>> No.22089361

Thinkin i'D read'em.
Get'em wrote, Anon.

>> No.22089374

Not your business, twink. Bend over

>> No.22089409

A jaded neuroscience professor kidnaps an infant and submits it to sensory deprivation as part of a fucked up experiment. Meanwhile his horror art gallerist wife preys on a young female artist and lures her into their twisted married life.

>> No.22089419

Be honest with yourself. You would suck him off in a heartbeat

>> No.22089430

I'll tell you if you kiss me

>> No.22089540

It's a book about an author who cant write a book (wonder where I got the idea...). The character is conflicted because everything they write just ruins the ideal book they have in their head.
I plan on writing this before the real book I wanted to initially write, that ones topic is a secret though.

>> No.22089813

You should read Hotel Europa by Dumitru Tsepeneag. It might provide some inspiring material. The book is a metanovel about a Romanian expat (Tsepeneag), trying to write a novel about the student protests against Ceausescu’s regime, but throughout the whole book he has writer’s block and his characters continually tell him information about themselves by calling him in “real life.” It also inserts a lot of real life news stories into the book and goes on digressions of this sort.

>> No.22090024

Wow genuinely thank you for the recommendation, I will buy that book now I think. I read nausea and got some good inspiration from it so hopefully this will be good also.

I would tell you the plot of the original book I wanted to write as a "reward", but I bring this up in the other book I have to write first. The author is scared that others knowing of the idea before it's done will ruin his book, not in a sense of no more originality, but they might include elements from the main idea and butcher them and make a worthless book. At one point he becomes so fed up with his own inadequacies in writing, that he hires a ghost writer to try and write a few chapters but is so distraught that it's even worse than his attempts and completely missed the point he was going for. He is ashamed he has an idea so good but can't execute it for the world to see. His talents do not match his hubris.

Sorry for rambling about the book, if you genuinely found that interesting though then I suppose I'm not sorry.

>> No.22090045

uhh, it's like lolita but about boys and with more action

>> No.22090055

Its about a formula 1 but in Rome but its all chariots and a fantasy World thats just very much like ancient Rome during the heights of the emperors. The chariot championship tours the empire and the MC is a young barbarian boy who joins a team thats shit but recently bought a super smart engineering slave who comes up with a new design

>> No.22090063

sounds cool

>> No.22090070

>I write about a writer with writer's block

>> No.22090111

God I wish boys that cute were interested in what I was writing. Probably has the attention span of an ameba

>> No.22090120

yea i ain't gay but he's in a very arousing pose

>> No.22090134

Only guy in this thread who's gmi

>> No.22090478

You're cute.

>> No.22090501

It's like The Gladiator, but every character is actually the same person

>> No.22090596

Holy fuck. Would read

>> No.22090598

Before he can even finish asking the question, I crawl under the table, unzip his pants, pull down his boxer briefs and as the aroma of his exposed member wafts towards my face, I stuff my ravenous mouth with his rock-hard cockstand and give him the most violent blowjob he's ever had.

>> No.22090631

The life-defining love affair I never had.

>> No.22090648

Dragons arguing

>> No.22091080


THe actual reason you horn dogs are drooling is more subtle than the wide open leg pose of the young twink. It's actually the plump and protruding erect nose of Spongebob Squarepants next to him that has cued your brain for cooming.

>> No.22091105
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>Chapter I
>The rape of the negresses

>> No.22091343
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Five interconnected stories surround the Xanadu, a massive and long awaited psychedelic religious festival that occurs every three hundred years.

>A jaded empress and her adopted set of triplets go on an extended summer vacation to three Phesr nations to determine who she can use as a proxy to rule a politically unstable, yet intensely spiritual nation that she hopes she can convert to her Imperial Faith.
>An uneasy alliance between the three ethnic leaders of the Phesr states tries to prevent the empress's imperialization through coordinated espionage.
>A warlord turned mercenary struggles with balancing her recent gig to uncover the truth regarding the social unrest in the capital caused by displaced climate refugees, the return of her unfaithful ex-lover and her uncontrollable psychedelic visions of the empress
>A tribal leader seeks a safe haven for both the disenfranchised orphans of the Imperium and the climate refugees fleeing a sinking nation
>An amnesiac android girl washes up ashore after a great typhoon ravages a coastal metropolis to search for the origin of her humanity with the help of her saviors, a pair of dim witted stoner twins that control the sinking nation

>> No.22091354
File: 226 KB, 976x1650, JoeRape333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about Joe Biden being cool as fuck. Look at this dope chapter on this JPG.

>> No.22091430

I asked my wife to give me any two ideas and I could write a book about it because it's about how well you write, not the idea.

She said, "Girl Scout monks." So yeah, I'm working on that...

>> No.22091507

It's kind of an autobiography but also about my dreams. I'm very narcissistic.

>> No.22091626

Is this a guy you like or something?

>> No.22091838

it's a guy *everybody* likes

>> No.22091883

"Identity" I say as I smoke a cigarette and stare into the air pretentiously.

>> No.22091892
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It's about a small business owner living through all the nonsense of the 2020 Lockdown in New York. The book is divided into 3 sections, each one covering a different phase of the Pandemic, such as the early months where everything shut down, the introduction of mask mandates, and finally when they released the vax.

>> No.22091894

People who intentionally create ridiculous situations for themselves just so they can feel like a unique human in an increasingly standardized ai driven hellhole

>> No.22091962

It's gender swapped dystopian sci-fi remake of The Age of Innocence.

>> No.22091979

best prose of 21st century

>> No.22092126

stop eating so much goyslop you fucking mutt, holy shit

>> No.22092472

maybe after he completes his transition

>> No.22092484
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A bunch of people forming a cult in order to escape Samsara. Is it a good premise?

>> No.22092490

The idea is awesome, shame it is fantasy with warlords and androids. Anyway, sounds cool.

>> No.22092495

It is about a person trying to find themselves in their surroundings, but their sense of self of so fucked up that all they can think about is breaking anything within arms reach

>> No.22092510

He's cute without goyslop.

I can't say that irl

>> No.22092554
File: 275 KB, 853x1280, AGON_Bookcover_HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moralsmaxxing and incredible nihilism. check out AGŌN: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C5GCH9DW

>> No.22092574

In a fantasy romanesque world where people magically control elements like water and electricity a man discovers he has the most taboo power of all: pedomancy. He's caught almost immediately and sentenced to death, but thanks to a loophole in the city's constitution and an audacious lawyer, his sentence is commuted and he becomes a member of the ruling council. He then has wacky misadventures where, despite not even wanting to be around kids, he foils various kidnappings and plots and uncovers secrets about the magical world in which he lives.

I unfortunately wrote myself into a corner where he's depressed about all the discrimination and protests about his existence, and I've been reluctant to move the plot along.

>> No.22092621


>"Straighten your head, Faggard."

>> No.22092930

it reminds me of plebs (tv show)

>> No.22092973

i dont get it, whats his actual power

>> No.22092974

It's not fantasy at all. Just in the future.

>> No.22092989

It's about the long-term cardiological implications of highly processed meat products, especially when combined with seed oils and culinary oxidation.

In all seriousness, though, that is one good looking beardless youth.

>> No.22093047
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>it's about how well you write, not the idea.
i had no idea someone could be so utterly retarded. i'm impressed by how wrong you are
>She said, "Girl Scout monks." So yeah, I'm working on that...
pic related. i look forward to never hearing anything about you or your book ever again

>> No.22093059


>> No.22093137

Basically it's kind of like avatar element bending, but more leaning towards being able to predict what natural forces will do than outright controlling the element (although people can also do that). For example, terramancers can predict earthquakes, and the stronger ones can cause them. Or they can intuit stable mining operations, while stronger ones can just force mines not to collapse.

The main character has this power, but for pre-pubescent children. The idea being that young children are primarily chaotic, and he can intuit why they're doing incomprehensible things and heal them of injuries and make them behave somewhat. People with this power (which is the second most rare at present in the story) are put to death because a hundred years ago a pedomancer pulled a pied piper and kidnapped like all the children in the city before he got caught.

The climax of the first volume is that the mayor of the city, a political puppet of the ruling -mancer council, forces the main character to babysit his children while he goes to the opera (the mayor is very stupid). While the main character is babysitting, a group of kidnappers attack and kidnap the children. The main character then tracks down the kidnappers and his parole officer beats them up and recovers the children.

The story ends with parts of the story leaking to the media who falsely accuse the main character of being part of the kidnapping ring and praise the parole officer for stopping the menace.

>> No.22093345

How the CIA is fucking up preparations to stop an alien invasion and will get us all killed through comical incompetency

>> No.22093371

Jesus, vikings and ninjas

>> No.22093645
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Well it's about a bookish and mousy virgin girl who meets a hot young billionaire and then the billionaire spanks her and makes her wear a chastity belt.

I have to see personally how big the market for this shit actually is.