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22080591 No.22080591 [Reply] [Original]

Recently read pic related and loved it. Very engaging reading style that humanized and gave an emotional core to what was an adventure story at its core. I usually don't like history as it can be very dry but I liked this.
What other books are similar?

>> No.22080627

Henry Reynolds North of Capricorn

>> No.22080644

The Narvaez Expedition by Cabeza de Vaca
Captain Cook's Pacific Expedition Journals are pretty comfy, albeit a bit dry in parts.

>> No.22080647
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Fun romp through 1930s china

>> No.22080657
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Congo Mercenary
My Sixty Years on the Plains
White Hunters
The Maneaters of Tsavo
The True History of the Conquest of New Spain
Tigers in the Mud

>> No.22080665

would you happen to know any good books similar to what I'm looking for about atrocities, especially Rwanda? I know of Shake Hands with the Devil and We Wish to Inform You Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families. The latter seems to be more of a reporter talking about his experiences as a journalist there which I'm not really interested in

>> No.22080690

Not sure exactly what you're asking for. There are a lot of atrocities described in Congo Mercenary. White Hunters has a chapter about the Mau Mau rebellion.

>> No.22080699

>Not sure exactly what you're asking for
just any well written, engaging history books like Endurance that are about atrocities. We Wish to Inform You is more of a memoir, I'm looking for more straightforward history

>> No.22080721

Have you ever sat down and just read Christopher Browning 1993 Ordinary Men?

>> No.22080734

I have not. I honestly kinda put it off as kind of a meme book since Jordan Peterson recommended it but I'll give it a shot

>> No.22080755

Jordan Peterson wouldn't know quality history if I took him out the back and shot him into a drainage ditch.

Browning's Ordinary Men is a seminal text in modern atrocity studies because it subverts the higher levels of decision and deals with the functional aspects of small unit atrocity engagement. Browning overturns "Brainwashed SS boys," instantly, and causes a 30+ year research cycle on how atrocity happens in industrial societies.

The most telling bits is how well Reserve Police Battalion 101 matches the Weimar state's class and political alignments: these were the men of 1920.

Anyway, if Jordan Peterson rejected or supported any proposition I would do what I do with Jordan Peterson's opinions outside of his subspeciality in clinical psychology—fail to seek them out, or if forced upon me attend to them.

>> No.22080756
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>> No.22080777
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>> No.22080783

The Worst Journey In The World is definitely worth your time. It's about Scott's failed(ish) expedition so very similar in nature and it's very well written.

>> No.22080791
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Earl F. Ziemke

>> No.22080818
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>> No.22080819

>The German Defeat in the East
Why don't you call it Soviet Victory? There were drag marks? Make it an officer or a sapper.

>> No.22080843
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Engaging read.

>> No.22080848
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>> No.22081414

Kind of a silly question but anyone know any engaging history that read like genre fiction? That's another aspect I liked about Endurance. It read more like an adventure book than a history book

>> No.22081628

Lots of history is written that way especially if its written by a journalist.

William Walker's Wars
The Last Armada
The Taking of Jemima Boone

>> No.22082124

The River of Doubt
River of Darkness
The Last of the Incas

>> No.22082837
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Some of David Irving's books are excellent.

>> No.22082907

Heart of Darkness

>> No.22082910

not history

>> No.22083434
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B. H. Liddell Hart is always worth a read.

>> No.22083497

You meant>>22082837

>> No.22084055
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Memoir from a helicopter pilot that served in Vietnam, details all of the insane shit and near-death experiences that happened during his deployment. It's kind of like Generation Kill but if the main character had anime protagonist-tier plot armor

>> No.22084072

this and the Rosevelt one another anon posted seem the most interesting to me.
I'm seeing a lot of military history and while I appreciate the recs, I'd like to branch into more or less random historical, not solely wars. I had never heard of the Endurance, for instance, before reading it

>> No.22084079
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If you ever wondered what it was like to be a hobo in the 1890s. Comfy riding the rails. Fascinating memoir of Coxey's Army.

>> No.22084085

In that case, Heart of the Sea by Nathaniel Philbrick; a whaling ship gets sunk by one of the whales it was hunting in the South Pacific, leaving the crew to endure the worst conditions imaginable for months on end

>> No.22084202

I'm definitely in the mood for more sea stories, thanks anon
anything that isn't sea related though? lmao
I don't want to get caught just reading stories about war and the sea, there's got to be some bizarre historical event with someone like Charlemagne I'm missing out on

>> No.22084263
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this reads more like a thriller than like a history book.

>> No.22084272
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slightly drier, but engaging enough to keep you interested.

>> No.22085341
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lmao what are the odds, im reading this RIGHT NOW!
about halfway through, really like it.

>> No.22086275
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This is less of a history book and more of a collection of primary sources but I really enjoyed The Black Death by Rosemary Horrox.

>> No.22086372

>Jack London
As in Call of the Wild Jack London or just a coincidence?

>> No.22087185
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>> No.22087289

on title alone, this reminds me of a copy of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich my grandparents left me, which seems to be more dry than engaging

>> No.22087447

>The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
It's still very good overall and sometimes pretty passionately (and with righteous anger) well written, I do think that The Nightmare Years is his best book.

>> No.22087601

>The Guns of August
>The Formation of Christendom
>Reformation: Europe's House Divided
>The Civil War: A Narrative History
>The Campaigns of Napoleon

>> No.22087824

>>The Guns of August
had a teacher recommend this to me but haven't gotten to it.
unrelated, know any good history books on tech/company stuff? Theranos, Enron, shit like that?

>> No.22087965
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>> No.22088106

If you like survival stories, you'll enjoy:
Wreck of the Medusa by Alexander McKee
Alive by Piers Paul Read
Caliban's Shore
The Last Expedition
John Ransom's Andersonville Diary

>> No.22089146
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Bruce Catton: The Army of the Potomac

>> No.22089167

I'm looking for a historically correct, sociological account of warrior cultures. Preferably from contemporary witnesses. Anything from Japanese Samurai, Greek Hoplites, Medieval knights to Indians. I'm interested how these people lived, their beliefs and culture. Aside from their overly romanticized modern portrayals in dramas.

>> No.22089244

The slaves of the cool mountains - Alan Winnington

>> No.22089686
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Empire of Liberty

>> No.22090175
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A Savage War of Peace - Alistair Horne

>> No.22090440
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>> No.22091211
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>> No.22092113
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>> No.22092119

>history book
that's not a history book

>> No.22092123
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>> No.22092127

Same guy

>> No.22093049

how would you describe it then?