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22077944 No.22077944 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most black-pilled book you've ever read?

>> No.22077976

While anarchy was permanently established in the anterior Asia, prelude with an irresistible force to the last consequences of the final bastardization, India went on its side, although with an unparalleled slowness and resistance, towards the same destiny. China alone continued her normal march, and defended herself with all the more facility against any deviation, as, having reached less height than her illustrious sisters, she also experienced less active and less destructive dangers. But China could not represent the world; it was isolated, lived for itself, limited above all to the modest care of regulating the nourishment of its masses.

Things were there when, in a secluded corner of a Mediterranean peninsula, a light began to shine. Weak at first, it gradually increased, and, extending over a horizon at first restricted, lighted up the western region of the hemisphere with an unexpected dawn. It was at the very places where, for the Greeks, the god Helios descended each evening into the couch of the nymph of the ocean, that the star of a new civilization arose. Victory, sounding with haughty fanfares, proclaimed the name of Latium, and Rome appeared.

>> No.22077987


Where did you get this?

>> No.22077991


Why is Simulacra and Simulation blackpilling?

>> No.22077996

I was wondering that too

>> No.22078070
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>> No.22078103


Post book suggestions or fuck off.

>> No.22078106

Is Ellul based?

>> No.22078109

Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow is a definite blackpill as far as I'm concerned

>> No.22078111
File: 18 KB, 333x500, 9781702383127-us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22078114

Stupid title, cover, and author name

>> No.22078125

He was the inspiration for the Unabomber if that's what you mean by "based"

>> No.22078167

yeah that's pretty much what I mean. tHANKS.

>> No.22079231

how does the left deal with baudrillard's conclusions being borderline conservative and, even traditionalist

>> No.22079277

It’s interesting that Baudrillard does come away as being the only real rightist person coming out of that postmodern scene in France. I don’t think “the left” cares and the only ones capable of actually appreciated Baudrillard are those on the right. Rewatched Videodrome the other night, and it reminded me of the whole thing. The medium as the message, the boomers, advertising as identity, etc. The left can’t deal with these these things from a baseline level. McCluhan was a traditionalist catholic as well, and one of Baudrillard’s main influences.

Most black pilling books;
crash by J.G Ballard
Anything by Thomas Goodrich

>> No.22079295

Better Never to Have Been

>> No.22079315

Every book posted so far is trash. In some cases literal trash, being that I threw Simulacra and Simulation into my trash can after the first couple chapters

>> No.22079363
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>> No.22079418

The best left-wing thinkers (Lukacs, Benjamin, Adorno, Baudrillard, Zizek) are basically conservatives with a left veneer

>> No.22079421
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>> No.22079951

Revertar ad Reddit

>> No.22079956

Im not praising the book.

>> No.22079965
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>> No.22079981

houellebecq "atomized"

>> No.22080456

I have noticed this too. The only “leftist” academics that are not retarded propagandists are basically not leftists at all.

>> No.22080736

you don't understand houellebecq if you think he's a pessimist. cynical and pessimistic, but he's not a Pessimist (notice that capital p - only mentioning it because I can tell you're a midwit).

>> No.22081301

Not that anon, but you look like an insufferable cunt. I feel bad for the people who have to live with you.

>> No.22081366

Capitalist realism

>> No.22081371

Gilder on Lasch:
>the bitter pill of conservativism must be coated with socialist cant

>> No.22081495
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This is an interesting read but the author sounds insufferable after you realise each chapter is a blackpilled old man whining with no real solutions.
>just kill all the humans bro

>> No.22081499

Joyful Cruelty if we are talking nonfiction

>> No.22081501

Sort of. Worth a read, for sure.

>> No.22081503
File: 342 KB, 800x1212, First-edition-of-Harry-Potter-books3-3868117979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]