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22077917 No.22077917 [Reply] [Original]

No /wwoym/ thread? Let's change that.

>> No.22077924

Like Clytemnestra, the Greek wife was quite haughty. Offended in her feelings, she knew how to punish like the daughter of Tyndareus. This heroine of primitive times is none other than the haughty woman with blond hair, blue eyes, white arms, whom we have already seen alongside the Pandavas, and whom we shall find again among the Celts and in the Germanic forests. For her, passive obedience was not done.

>> No.22077931

this is a completely offtopic post, but im not mental enough to use any other boards on this shithole of a website, i want to discuss it with you guys,
also i'd rather discuss this than google it

i want to know how do i start having a social life as a mid to late 20 year old guy because i think its finally the time
i want to add that i am not a dysgenic parody of a man you'd find asking this question on 4chan, i am tall, my biceps is fucking huge and veiny, i got my 6pack out, i also have a serious high income job and i feel pretty confident, i dont think i have ANY obvious flaws
other than pretty autismal interests (submarines, aeronautics, mathematics, miniaturized naval nuclear reactor designs, mosfet transistors, semiconductors and electronics in general, etc) and a job in the heavy industry where i work long shifts at remote locations with 0 women, 0 anyone not 50 year old alcoholic with a technical background really

so i basically dont even know what to do in a big city
should i pick a language class? volunteer somewhere? take a student tier job for a summer? i just cant do something too gay like take dancing lessons, i know that is probably what im supposed to do but i'd rather operate a smelting plant on my own on a remote island for some reason than do that

>> No.22077934
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I've never made a friend or gf in the entire years of college

>> No.22077936
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>> No.22077953

mate im you (>>22077931) but this was because i had an all male class and couldnt give a shit about drinking beer and watching/discussing sportsball games
women dont want to be engineers, simple as

now im a fucking millionaire in part thanks to my formal education, i am also extremely fit, i am not even 30, and i am wondering how should i put all this to use or should i just scrap the extra steps and just live in whore house for a whole year

>> No.22077981

Is the lust-provoking pic really necessary

>> No.22077983

It does subtle psychic damage to female lurkers over time to see men constantly casually posting and discussing women who are more attractive than them. We are all part of a great psychic terror crusade against the female race. There are millions of women out there right now who feel grey empty sadness or biting anxiety when they see themselves in the mirror or think about their worth to potential partners. It's for the greater good.

>> No.22078006

Is making friends at work off the table for you?

>> No.22078015

sort off.. im the youngest guy there by a few decades, they are all 50 year old alcoholics and we can basically only discuss heavy machinery, metallurgy and precision machining
oh and also politics from time to time
nothing wrong with any of it, its just that i'd like to meet some women in their 20ies, you know, my own age group
i also dont really care about getting to know any men, all my hobbies are solitary anyway and i prefer to deal with stuff instead of people, but i feel like i could put up with a whole bunch of bullshit if i met attractive enough girl

>> No.22078016
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There are no long-term female lurkers and the short-term ones that happen upon this sordid place quickly disperse at the smell of incel cum and pseudointellectualism

>> No.22078029

does not apply to me
i would be the king of normies if i was ever around any normies
i doubt you understand my situation
i was in this gulag of heavy industry
i am now out of this gulag of heavy industry
it made me extremely fucking rich
i also have a physique slightly better than your average highschool sportsball player

i escaped the remote gulag island, i am now in the big city full of women, i simply dont know what do you do next if you dont feel like overpaying alcohol at night clubs and meeting diseased 3/10s

>> No.22078030

sexo. havum dick-dick

>> No.22078038

Yeah you don't understand it. It's about following the stream. You don't get to be extraordinary and also a normie
>t. rich and ripped also

>> No.22078128

water seeks its level
humans seek their pleasure
in a world of evil
people find their leisure

>> No.22078133

women with tattoos are disproportionately insane / with stds

>> No.22078264

If you're really as great as you say and can't come up with some way to meet women or even people in general, I'm sorry man you might just be retarded

>> No.22078293

Maybe in 2010. Don't flatter today's basic bitches with their basic bitch tattoos by saying they're even interesting enough to be crazy.

>> No.22078300

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.22078314
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I have no idea what I think about anything anymore
I used to think I was smart
I don't trust myself to believe anything anymore

>> No.22078367
File: 28 KB, 608x456, C2B753CE-5FA4-4967-A4C1-E9DB267888F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does not apply to me
i would be the king of normies if i was ever around any normies
i doubt you understand my situation
i was in this gulag of heavy industry
i am now out of this gulag of heavy industry
it made me extremely fucking rich
i also have a physique slightly better than your average highschool sportsball player

i escaped the remote gulag island, i am now in the big city full of women, i simply dont know what do you do next if you dont feel like overpaying alcohol at night clubs and meeting diseased 3/10s

>> No.22078375

What a colossal fuckup!

Here’s a link to the previous though we can’t fix the lack of a back door there

>> No.22078378

Nah I’m good. Chilling here

>> No.22078386
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Anonymous with women issues are disproportionately insane / with autism

>> No.22078393

You sound like a total freak

Good luck

>> No.22078394

Wasn’t inviting you to visit the archived thread, just linking. The OP should have done it, but it was gone already I suppose

With shit taste in images, this is not surprising to anyone.

>> No.22078398

What part is greek? What part is bulgarian? What part is yugoslavian?

>> No.22078420

Well, if you want to make friends then you’re going to have to do it in some sort of activity outside of work or some sort of common community. I can’t really tell you what that should be because I don’t know what interests you or your lifestyle.

As for dating, the large majority of couples now meet on apps. It used to be normal to meet through friends and family, church, or just sort of out and about in daily life but that’s not common anymore. If you’re not willing to get on apps though, those are your options. You can try a hobby group that women go to.

The hard part is that so many people live isolated lives now. They basically work, don’t date or make friends with coworkers, and then they spend the rest of their time at home on a screen. Public life seems pretty much dead to me. Our only real option is to buck the trend and just sort of regular public spaces, or to tap networks. I think another strategy is to lean on friends and family, to make friends with their friends and family, and in turn their friends and family or conversely through your immediate community.

Honestly, it’s hard to say how to do this all today because life is so inorganic. I mean you and I are talking right now anonymously and could be across the world. This is relatively normal today but like socializing with your neighbors is not. It’s really upside down world.

>> No.22078430

I’ve discovered the hard part is not figuring out what to do with your life, but rather figuring out what to do with your life that you think you can actually do and should do. If you “wake up” at 34, you’ve already lived a whole life to that point and maybe you sort of just are who you are. I don’t know.

>> No.22078433

Wish my mom just died. She suffers so much death would be a relief

>> No.22078472

Childhood was rough, but young adulthood wasn’t much better. I hope mature adulthood goes well. Frankly, I feel like I deserve it, but I also feel like people who are great have always been great. But then again, our times seem different.

>> No.22078500

I'm in a point of my life when I have to make decisions I should've made years ago and stick to them
I'm 25, I either get to choose what I want of life and stick to it or I'll forever be a boy, since I'll be too old for anything
Do it or don't, the wrong path is better than none at all

>> No.22078558

this feels like a trip. fuck I miss him bros

>> No.22078649

It’s a blessing to realize this at just 25. The key will be taking what you want and not waiting.

>> No.22078654
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Same thing as is always on my mind, pussy. It's always just fucking pussy. I tried everything - I tried nofap for months, noporn for years, with a girlfriend and regular sex, without a girlfriend and regular sex, with one-night stands, without, with FWBs and without, even hiking alone in the wilderness of northern scotland or the Ladakh region of India, in solitude in the most desolate places in the earth, on meditation retreats, an so on, yet the only respite I can get from thinking about pussy is 120-180 seconds immediately after orgasming inside of one, after which point my mind turns to pussy again.
There is such an insane brutality and indignity in being made this way, a literal slave to my sexual drive and to the platonic ideal of pussy. Only thing that kind of worked was my 18 month as a heroin addict, as that killed my libido, but I'm never going back to that, and all it did was replace pussy being on my mind constantly and obsessively with heroin being on my mind with equal tenacity.

>> No.22078670

>should i pick a language class? volunteer somewhere? take a student tier job for a summer?
These are all great suggestions anon and one of the best ways to meet new people in a city. I've used them myself. In addition, you can look out for bookclubs as well and sports or running clubs.
There are plenty of people in your situation who do the same.
Godspeed anon, and don't listen to self-defeating /r9k/ faggots.

>> No.22078704

Every conceivable idea of morality is ultimately downstream from the essential relation of the victor and the vanquished.

>> No.22078727
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>that image
Despite being obvious demoralization for nebulous purposes, the part about things mostly just "happening" to normies is pretty accurate.

>> No.22078837
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Would you like to try the hero or the memetic entity?

>> No.22078953

How do I avoid being a wagecuck? I made the mistake of getting a wagecuck job (office employee) 3 months ago and it's boring as FUCK and takes up a lot of time.
Just invest in real estate?

>> No.22078966

German and Celt women were proto-feminists like Boudica
Greek society was androcentric and the Greeks and Romans were fascinated by the niggerish women of the northern barbarians.

>> No.22078972

Get into martial arts clubs, and hobby clubs. Other sports clubs too like running. Dance classes
Get into vacation tours with others
Eventually you'll develop social circles revolving around those activities

t. developed social circles this way and now lost them because I stopped doing these. Same age as you probably

>> No.22078977

What he said is correct though. If you want to avoid having women issues, avoid tatted up chicks and opt for normal women.

>> No.22078981

>the albanian part is missing, sold

>> No.22078985

The cigarettes have gone to my thighs.

>> No.22078986

Would need to know more about your situation.
For me I'm just pretending to hold down this job till my dad buys me a house. The I quit and do something less wage cucky.
Another good option would be to sell drugs. Don't go crazy with it but you can make good money growing weed

>> No.22079005

>Things "just happen" to normies
No? Normies put in huge effort to stand out, buy their way into things, impress others, get into some group of friends and try to impress each other or just to get linked up with a friend's cousin, etc. A normie that doesn't do anything of these ends up a D&D nerd or a 4chan sperg shutin in our days.

Normies are giant tryhards and any success they have comes from insane tryharding and sometimes sucking literal dick in the rat race

>> No.22079009

Maybe I should pick up a drug or gambling habit to spice up life a bit.

>> No.22079016


>> No.22079017

I both agree and I don't. Yes, normies run the rat race in a big way, but what I (and that image, I think) are more getting at is that the footballer in that image did not find himself in that situation due to some herculean conscious effort, he just mindlessly ran the rat race, and came up at the head of the pack.

>> No.22079022

I already own a house which I can put up for rent to some rentoid for a decent amount, but still less than my salary. I can go live with my mom in 4-5 months to save money while I receive my rentoid's money.
Within a year or two I can get a 10k easily. But I don't have a lot of income sources right now. I can trade forex well but don't do it regularly, I play guitar and violin but I don't perform professionally. If I could get rent while having some additional source of income it would be great imo, but I don't know how to do it yet so I'm open for suggestions
I'm at the stage of opting for summer flings instead of a LTR because it saves money

(No I'm not jewish. Worse)

>> No.22079023

Yeah bro the civilized Greeks had this niggerish institution where, for a man to be declared married to a woman, he had to sneak up behind her and beat her with a club. The Greeks were totally like this because they were too primitive to declare rights to their woman and because this is what patriarchy means. Everyone totally believes you.

>> No.22079027
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I think I just had a panic attack while applying for welfare online. I hate my life so much. The worst part is I didn't finish the application because my parents came home and I'm too ashamed to do the phone interview with them in the next room. I'll try again next week when they're both out I guess.

I don't understand why this has to happen to me, why I am physically retarded. It's just an online form but I get dizzy, my vision starts spinning, and my heart starts racing. I was almost proud of myself for sticking with it without throwing up before I heard the keys clicking by the front door. Other people don't have to go through this endless pain and humiliation. If there is a god he's a huge dick. All I wanted was some disposable income that doesn't come through my parents, so I could at least pretend at a little human dignity (even though it's a lie since it comes from the government). But even that is denied me. Next week for sure.

>> No.22079044

>pack leaders aren't constantly conscious of their status and can't wait to use their position to fuck a 6/10
This is low status normie imagination, because they want to be like they imagine him to be. Just take a look at NBA stars or rich guys. All tryhards, super conscious of their status, trying to stay relevant, literally whoring themselves to promoters and so on. If they are not aware of these then someone who is eats them up, which also happens from time to time eg managers sucking fools dry. That's how someone who "just does things" ends up in real cutthroat society especially if he's successful. Raped and skinned alive unless he puts in a lot of effort to NOT end up like this.
Anything else is just /tv/+/r9k/ fantasies.

At times I think some people imagine how some women have it, and then assume successful men have it like this too, not realizing that women who get a lot of attention are the MOST tryhard of all and super conscious about the strategies they will use.
Tl;dr life isn't a fairytale.

>> No.22079051

Barbarians had female leaders and high status women.
Greeks did not. Easy to understand
Stay mad gynocentric barbarian subhuman, you are destined to be ruled by females

>> No.22079058

No offense, but you are in denial. Yeah, you have to starting thinking on your feet a bit more when you are dealing with bloodsucking lawyers and shit, but that's not what we are talking about.

>> No.22079065

Depends on what your strength is.
Getting rich isn't simple, otherwise many people would do it.
If you can get a rentoid to subsidize that's great. There's the option of selling drugs. Maybe if you're good looking enough be a manwhore for rich childless women who are 40+? My brother rakes in 5000 dollars a month bartending. Tips are crazy but he lives in a tourist location.
If you're good in trading it's all about scraping that money until you can really make money with it. Personally I'm not a fan of it because of the risk but you could try.

>> No.22079092
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>> No.22079100

Shut up piece of shit, dumb nigger, is Aphrodite an oppressed woman without rights to your dumb monkey brain? Read something before spouting your retarded opinion online.

>> No.22079112
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Saw this in a movie I was watching last night. Really funny how much optimism they had for the future

>> No.22079120

what moopie?

>> No.22079125

She looks bogged

>> No.22079133

The Thirteenth Floor. Really good movie desu.

>> No.22079140

unironically play some irl games, or irl sports, climbing, and shit like that or mtg, poker, whatever. Eventually you'll get a group. Hide your power level unless someones asks, then you can go mildly autistic while remaining into the sanity range.

>> No.22079162

Do you take any medications?

>> No.22079165

I was 28 years old and exact same situation as you and arrived at the same ideas as you, let me relate my experience with attempting language class.
>only one person my age, everyone else was 15, 20, 50+ years old.
>1.5 hours long classes, most people arrived 10 minutes before in the classroom, not much small talk
>classes were late in the evening, people were low energy, left immediately as they ended
>everyone just minding to themselves, since they all had their own jobs and shit going on, no one exchanged contacts in the 3 months I was there

It's really a mixed bag and I think I was just unlucky, but making friends as an adult is a lot harder even in these activities because people don't have as much free time as they had in school and can't relate to each other as much. Next I want to try HEMA because I assume the age will be more unified (I expect other 30 y/o dudes) and there's practice sparing with partners, so maybe there being more interaction between people will help.

>> No.22079187

Should I go to a nice Italian restaurant or a nice seafood restaurant for my birthday?

>> No.22079195

I need another beer to write this idiocy

>> No.22079207

What are we talking about though? Give me an example of someone who acts mindlessly and is not broke and divorce raped (or cucked by his wife without divorce), and probably fat, in his 30s/40s. Especially in modern normie culture

>> No.22079213

Since I was merely agreeing with this post,
give me your thoughts on that, then we can go further.

>> No.22079226

>There's the option of selling drugs.
Risky for little profit in my country. But I could invest in Chinese labs who make fentanyl though, and basically legally sell drugs indirectly. I have actually thought this but it requires decent capital at hand which I currently lack.
>Maybe if you're good looking enough be a manwhore for rich childless women who are 40+?
Again not an option here but I can save money fucking tourists that will pay for my shit. Some dudes already did that here up to their sixties LOL
>My brother rakes in 5000 dollars a month bartending. Tips are crazy but he lives in a tourist location.
I've worked as a waiter in warm (not hot but not lame either) tourists spots, tips are indeed good but you work 12h standing and you have to deal with shitfaced brits.

There's online shopping that is an option but it works well only if you can find a niche

>> No.22079237

Literally yes, forced to marry and ugly incel by her dad and has no power whatsoever besides tormenting mortals with jealousy tantrums. She's basically an animal, Artemis or Athena are a better example of a respected female, still virgins though
Not sure why would imaginary mythology alter the androcentric reality of Greek society though. You can read about what they wrote themselves about women: almost nothing, and the few times they did they viewed them as cattle. They devoted more times to brothels and escorts (εταίρες) than their own wives LMFAO
(Still happens btw)

>> No.22079241

Go on a short trip somewhere exotic and find a restaurant there

>> No.22079245

You can eat out my ass birthday boy

>> No.22079251

Someone on 4chan who thinks that "successful" people (using highschool as an example lmao) are successful because... they just are ok? and not because they devoted countless hours grinding to rise above the herd because they wanted to be top dogs?
A very dumb thing to think but not very dumb if the person who wrote it is
>NEET or wagecuck
>male in his 20s or late teens
>unsuccessful and bitter
>internet addict and lazy, without actual ambition
>learned helplessness
>narcissistic and entitled
>socially isolated
Probably on some kind of meds too

My guess is he's just trolling to get attention by intentionally exaggerating. Talented people become far better, but only when they actually want to develop their skills

>> No.22079256

>your brain chemistry is bad, let these doctors randomly fuck around with it to make it better!
psychiatry is a dangerous scam

>> No.22079260

I’ve always thought HEMA was cool but never did it. If I was young again, I’d probably do it.

>> No.22079266

It was a simple yes or no question.

>> No.22079272

I feel like you are intentionally missing the (indeed exaggerated) point.
Take his no fap example. That footballer didn't have to nofap and do all this other cope-y shit for him to be a winner.

>> No.22079273

seafood sucks

>> No.22079290

I think I'm missing the context here. Could be a language issue (ESL)
Is he ripping various self-help methods? How do you measure their effect?
For example not watching porn can save a highschool jock from a porn addiction that will completely destroy him. There are countless examples of former and current chads who were successful but got wrecked by drugs/alcohol, which could be avoided by being less reckless
I think that his point is that nofap and other stuff like it wont make one successful by themselves, correct?

>> No.22079292

Funny how this post makes people cope so much.
But I will say it doesn't really apply anymore, self-improvement redpill andrew tate gym grindset culture is mainstream.

>> No.22079301

The point of the image is basically that you either have "it" or you don't, and no amount of elaborate improoovment is going to bridge the gap.

>> No.22079303

Result of reading philosophy. Completely pointless, don't fall for the memes here. Nobody agrees on anything so there are no real signs of progress other than knowing more defunct, sophistic systems from dead guys.

>> No.22079322

Having a hard time moving forward with my life because of regrets. I’m in a place that would be a lot better if I had done certain things, but isn’t because I didn’t.

>> No.22079323

What's "it" though? The image the op posted features two people that grind massively more than the average normie to be and remain successful. Countless hours devoted to training and getting yelled at by your coach, wageslaving as a cashier to buy makeup, both spending many hours dieting and in the gym, possibly roids and plastic surgery involved.
That's how these people have "it". And no guarantee that the chick won't end up being a fat mudshark and the dude a trucker or wageslave coach since most dont make it into the big leagues.
I think he just means talent. Many others have tried to do the same but didn't achieve that much. Not like in the picture but in general, in fact op's picture just showcases that he considers success receiving sexual attention from women which is itself a cope excuse for failing to compete against other men in society.

>> No.22079330

They keep feeding me chocolate and cake at this office job.
They are trying to fatten me up. I will not have it

>> No.22079340

eh, you're not getting it

>> No.22079349

I think I'm getting it, just not in the way op intended. No doubt he is jealous of these two, and he should be since he's probably a dysgenic manlet failure. People like him will never be successful just like quadriplegics aren't good runners, he's 100% right on that
Isnt that the point?

>> No.22079350
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America is not a country, but a special corner of hell.

>> No.22079356

Sort of, you seem to be arriving at the same conclusion but through different means just to argue though.

>> No.22079364

Lol at this cope. Some people are born more attractive dude. Not everyone starts out at a level boilerplate 5/10 attractiveness with equivalent strength and abilities. Some people are born significantly more attractive than others, more athletic than others, in richer families than others, etc. You seem to be operating under some just-world fallacy where the happiest and most successful in all significant domains of competition are those that put in the most effort.
>The image the op posted features two people that grind massively more than the average normie to be and remain successful
Perfect example of what I'm talking about. Working a job to buy make-up lol, do you really not see how you are rationalizing for the conclusion you want?

>> No.22079370

How do we reverse it?
Does the murder rate have to go up even higher?
More black people harassing people in the streets?
What would make libs change course?

>> No.22079372

What is the conclusion though? That self improvement can't help you if you don't have innate potential to tap?
Well duh
My point was that success never "just happens" in the rat race and there isn't a single example of it happening. The closer you can get is rich heirs, and they end up skinned by managers and doctors (who also work as their coke supplier). The successful people in society not only COULD become successful because of their genetic quality, but also because they were obsessed with becoming better than their competition. A quick example of the opposite is highly promising athletes who never got anywhere due to not being ambitious enough (or not abusing drugs less)
Slightest mistake and you're fucked, since life isn't a fairytale

>> No.22079390

It's going to take you standing up against the niggers, anon. Can you muster it? Join your local white power movement, boy.

>> No.22079392

But I'm not white

>> No.22079398

No, not at all. That's your own strawman. See >>22079349

I am myself tall and have met dudes who were more social than me, but I still got more attention simply because he's inferior in the eyes of others. But I still looksmax, which is a form of self-improvement for ambitious gifted people
If you're dysgenic and try to looksmax you're NGMI. Do you disagree?

>Working a job to buy make-up lol, do you really not see how you are rationalizing for the conclusion you want?
I don't understand what this means. A 8/10 is much uglier without makeup, fitting yoga pants and the likes. The chicks who get those gifted to them are either on onlyfans or have very rich parents, and this lasts for about 10 years until they get walled and become literally invisible as their genetic value declines. Not sure why you took offense in that, of all things. Do you think women will fuck you if you defend them anon? i got some news

>> No.22079399

So? Niggers need to be put in line. Anyone but niggers can join in. Shit. It was the Arabs who sold them niggers to white folks. And Asians hate niggers more than white people do.

>> No.22079405

>But I still looksmax, which is a form of self-improvement for ambitious gifted people

Bro what, i'm out.

>> No.22079413

seething manlet incel detected

>> No.22079423

you literally agree with the image
baffling troll

>> No.22079440

What part of
>My point was that success never "just happens" in the rat race and there isn't a single example of it happening. The closer you can get is rich heirs, and they end up skinned by managers and doctors (who also work as their coke supplier). The successful people in society not only COULD become successful because of their genetic quality, but also because they were obsessed with becoming better than their competition.
do you fail to understand faggot? Successful people combine innate abilities with effort to tap these abilities. They aren't lazy niggers and are aware that they want to be better than others exactly because they can. If they don't then by the time they are 30 they have downgraded to the same level of genetic waste of the average dysgenic incel.
Also I don't agree on op using getting laid as an example of "THE success". Both chad kings and chad soldiers got laid, I'd rather be the king. Seeing pussy as the holy grail is extremely incelish NGMI behavior, power is the holy grail
and ripped obliques

>> No.22079444

>What's "it" though
A large penis

>> No.22079447

>power is the holy grail
come back when you're legal, pal

pretty much

>> No.22079457


great comeback, I am defeated. Keep seething abomination
actually why don't you end it? would be a service to the world

>> No.22079463

me grab sex woman. me sex.

>> No.22079464

My mom once complained that the doctor didnt take enough of my foreskin. I really hate my family sometines

>> No.22079474

"if black men designed women"

>> No.22079478

Why would your mom want you with zero foreskin? Wtf

>> No.22079481

I am superior than 98-99% of the people I see daily on the street.

>> No.22079490

Tall people > short "people".

>> No.22079503

Imagine having children with a short woman, dooming your sons to manletism. A fate worse than death.

>> No.22079504

Jews are something else. When my mom had me and hospital staff tried to sneak through the circumscision consent form while she was tired and doped up she told those homos to staw away from my dick.

>> No.22079505

My mom sucked at raising us so me and my brothers would often get UTIs. She blamed that on the foreskin so she got it snipped.

>> No.22079508

Its insane how fixated they are on snipping the skin. Demons. I hate the medical industry. Bunch of predators.

>> No.22079511

Gross as fuck. Jordan B Peterson seriously had to come around and teach you mutants to wash your dicks.

>> No.22079526

I wash my dick just fine. My mom was drunk white trash American who somehow found her way to europe. The european doctors refused to do the circumcision so she took us back to America for it. I was SO close to keeping my skin bros... I'm lucky I got the snip at a young age. My older brothers were old enough to remember the procedure and I'm pretty sure thats a major reason they're so fucked up.

>> No.22079531

>She blamed that on the foreskin so she got it snipped.
i got second hand anger from this wtf

>> No.22079550

Yeah sometimes I think about how vulnerable and helpless children are and how the wrong parents cancause so much harm. Makes me think of all the things that were out of my control and how it all shaped my life. Makes me really angry desu.

>> No.22079552

>great comeback, I am defeated. Keep seething abomination
>actually why don't you end it? would be a service to the world

>> No.22079558
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>> No.22079566

of course, I agree that genetically gifted people will be more successful. my disagreement lies with op's obviously incelish perception of how this actually happens

>> No.22079573

You don't have a disagreement, both of you are saying how so people are going to be successful naturally and some aren't, and self improvement internet style can never bridge that gap.

>> No.22079576

*some people

>> No.22079578

You ever felt trapped between feeling like you could’ve done more with your life and feeling like you can’t do more with your life because you didn’t?

>> No.22079594

What happened next

>> No.22079601

No. You can always do more.

>> No.22079614

What happened to him? I watched his videos circa 2019 and last I heard about the guy he had apparently posted some video of him and a friend doing gay shit on youtube and then decided to become a hobo in Egypt a couple months latter.

>> No.22079620

he is also adding a very disturbing and retarded opinion of his, that people who are in the bracket of naturally superior can also naturally be similarly successful to each other.
this is deluded egalitarianism and frankly disgusts me. if someone is on par with me but i end up being better at him in many areas (lets say he doesnt care enough about status while i go on to become a successful athlete) then I am superior to him. op thinks that both of us will naturally be about as successful, which is insulting and disturbing. There is structuring and hierarchy among gifted people even more so than normies, and the more successful ones are the ones who are aware of it

>> No.22079626

You’re right. I suppose I have in mind a very particular notion of “more” which is actually more like “most” than “more”.

>> No.22079627

im the anon in >>22077931 and i think i just solved my issue for a 1000 euros which is a no problem for me

i found this prostitute, asian, slim fit build, young and busty, just the kind of thing im into, offering the girlfriend experience for the whole weekend
i had to introduce myself on the phone and then we met in person to chat for an hour, she seems like a high end one that selects her clients
she said i am her type and that we can have as much vanilla sex as i want all weekend as long as i am gentle, polite and maintain hygiene
and if i am not satisfied, she will call her friend who is in uni and offers massage as a side thing as long as she likes me too, but she guarantees that the friend will like me
girlfriend experience means she will show me her favorite restaurants in the city, we will hit the gym together, watch movies, go shopping, cardio in the park next day, her friend will be joining us, and we will volunteer at the place preparing meals for the homeless
i also get to pick her outfits, what perfume she wears, which sex acts i'd like (her friend included) and if i am plesant enough, she might even refund some of the cash or give me a discount for the next time she is available

>> No.22079630

Just made a takeout order at 23:58 for a shop that closes at 24:00
Hahaha fuck you wagie, clean my shoes

>> No.22079650


>> No.22079652

This is depressing

>> No.22079660

Jesus is King

>> No.22079665

takeaway just arrived, even tipped him 2€

>> No.22079666

King of your prostate

>> No.22079671

They WILL spit in your food, give you expired food, or will otherwise fuck up your order. A lot of places will just cancel the order outright.

>> No.22079686

if you think having tattoos is normal or is attractive, I'd say you should raise your standards. You should have grown out of drawing on yourself when you were a toddler.

>> No.22079688

did you read his posts? The guy is autistic into the next dimension and thinks the concept of making a friend is alien and unwanted, gfe might even teach him how to act like a human being
(not hating you fella but it is what it is)

>> No.22079690

Guess I'll take advice from you and not Brad Pitt

>> No.22079692

Back when i used to work as a delivery wagie i would eat from and spit into every order just for the fuck of it.

>> No.22079694

>Taking advice from celebrities
enjoy dying young or overdosing then?

>> No.22079696

Brad Pitt is like 55

>> No.22079699

If by normal you mean common, it is common now. If by normal you mean healthy, you're right that it's a big red flag. But finding a woman without a tattoo is extremely difficult now. The best a person can do is find a woman with a discrete tattoo and avoid the full sleeves.

>> No.22079701

Fella, you fail to realize that you and he are the exact same, except you lack self awareness and are coping about the effort you put into life in the exact manner that he describes.

>> No.22079700

I was more pointing out that a lot of these celebrities crash and burn, not that your specific movie man is dead. Also, how old are you? Are you a time traveler? I haven't met someone in years who gave a shit about celebrities.

>> No.22079704

Does Brad Pitt reccomend women with tattoos?

>> No.22079705

>But finding a woman without a tattoo is extremely difficult now.
Best thing I ever did was stop dating then. Also, get your passport there are people in the world who still don't draw on themselves.

>> No.22079710

I'm eating it right now, it's chinese
it's fine, and I have ordered from that place many times before
when i opened the door the delivery man apologized because he couldn't find the right change to give me back. i told him not to worry and upped his time by 1€ (original was 1€)
as i went back home i crossed paths with a girl i know and her friend. they both smiled and told me hi, even though i said hi only to the first girl (closer to me)
both girls talked in a high-pitched voice.
women fear and respect me, wagecuck takeout delivery men apologize to me when i force them to work out past their schedule
i am god

>> No.22079716

I wonder if thats how God feels. King over the most boring and mundane shit. No wonder he causes great cataclysms.

>> No.22079718

Disgusting ugly bitch soul you have, enjoy being a rotten stagnant anonymous midwit by middle age and still having decades to go

>> No.22079719

I'm an Anglican Mystic (aka I'm still practicing but not within the church). I was reading up about eastern meditation in the science literature and how good it is for your brain. I'm aware that both the Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox churches have said that eastern meditation is incompatible with Christianity, but I cannot find a good explanation of why its bad other than and edict that says "Its bad". How? Why? I'm sure there are good arguments for it but I can't really seem to find them.

>> No.22079720

you sound completely mentally ill, i dont even know why am i posting on the same website as you

>> No.22079723

Why would I have to cope about hitting the gym and not eating trash anon? Coping comes when someone sees what he does as pointless and he has to convince himself that it's akshually not pointless. He's talking about meme things like "nopillow" and naturally endorses looksmaxing since the guy he presents as an example endorses it too.
And I am obviously not the same as him. I am infinitely superior and I bet several inches taller, with a better hairline and wider shoulder blades.

>> No.22079729

i have decades in front of me until middle age. seethe and cope wagie

>> No.22079730

What is meant by "eastern"? Christianity has many kinds of meditation that basically mirror all sorts of eastern practices, and even take inspiration from them, like John Main's Christian mantra meditation. You can read anything from Waddell's Desert Fathers to the Cloud of Unknowing and Eckhart to Jakob Bohme's symbolic/alchemical/hermetic Christian esotericism.

>> No.22079731
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Because you're here bragging to anons about how superior you are, and telling anons to kill themselves.
Obviously you are not happy or successful.

>> No.22079736

Tranny detected

>> No.22079739

Yeah decades more to cement your ugliness. It's like a schoolyard bully bragging about being the coolest kid in a town with 23 people. You are doing infinitely more harm to yourself by cultivating ugliness in yourself. This is you

I don't care since you are self-punishing, you're a self-solving problem. Keep it up you closed karmic loop of shit.

>> No.22079742

Middle age starts at 35, give or take a couple years. If you still have a few decades then you're too young to be here.

>> No.22079744
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You are gay. Hate to break it to you.

>> No.22079747

Because it's a pagan religious practice.

>> No.22079751

Jesus warned against projection

>> No.22079753

statement is not bragging
and manlets should off themselves

>> No.22079758

I accept your concession.

>> No.22079763

Then why u doin it bud? ????

>> No.22079764

it starts at 40+ at the earliest

>> No.22079766
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>I accept your concession.

>> No.22079769

Thinking about my time in university. I was pretty isolated in my dorm and I experienced a lot of rejection and humiliation. Being so alone while surrounded by so many people put my mind in weird places. I remember the suicide hotline number was on a metal plate screwed on the inside of my door. It mocked me every day. It was a sign reminding me of suicide constantly. It was more cruel to have it there than if it werent. I would go from seeing the big banners outside saying "You Belong Here!" to the suicide phone number inside, all the while feeling so alienated. Sometimes I think universities are literally designed to mind rape people.

>> No.22079772

I want my hot female coworkers to piss and shit on me in a hotel room, lovingly.

>> No.22079773

>What is meant by "eastern"?
mindfulness, breathing meditation, walking meditations, mantras.
>Christianity has many kinds of meditation that basically mirror all sorts of eastern practices, and even take inspiration from them, like John Main's Christian mantra meditation.
Examples? Specifically something that mirrors mindfulness or breath meditation.
>Desert Fathers
Desert Fathers were Hebrew and many of their teachings that did not line up with Jesus are now invalid.
>Christian esotericism
aka magic; I tend to stay away from that stuff unless its practical in nature.
>pagan religious practice
Is it though? The first mention of it is in Hindu scripture, but I don't understand how sitting there and just focusing on your breath or trying to keep your head clear of thoughts is some how spiritually dangerous. If you exercise or go into the "flow" state when working its basically the same kind of experience. How is doing that any more dangerous than going to sleep at night and waking up the next day not remembering your dream?

>> No.22079775

Lets be generous and say it starts at 40. Then you're still very young, likely 20 at the oldest. This just affirms my analogy. You're a kid feeling like God for playing with toys. I suppose it's good that you're so boring a person that ordering food 5 minutes before closing is enough to satiate your power trip.

>> No.22079779

>Is it though?

>> No.22079780

>I would go from seeing the big banners outside saying "You Belong Here!" to the suicide phone number inside
this is actually incredibly funny

Why did you go into uni in the first place though? And why in trannymerica?

>> No.22079787

Then why do we celebrate Christmas on the wrong day? Also can you answer the rest? There are tons of rituals and traditions within the church that were from pagan orgin.

>> No.22079792

I think you're getting kinda scammed. GFE just means not being robotic or obviously faking during fucking. Booking her for hours/days is just called that, it's not called GFE. You can do the same with an escort that offers PSE
That being said 1000 for two days is a good price. you're definitely not american

>> No.22079797

>you're definitely not american
He said euros you massive retard. Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.22079800

>Then why do we celebrate Christmas on the wrong day?
Not him, but because the church literally says so. A lot of christianity is just things made up along the way. Do you think early christianity resembles modern christianity at the slightest? Orthodoxy doesn't even resemble Protestantism lmao

>> No.22079801

Save your money and do something more productive. Humans are social animals, but if you can't even find a healthy way to cope with what you are feeling, its only going to get worse.

>> No.22079804

Fucking retard, americans travel en masse to europe because hookers are prettier and cheaper here
And they still manage to overpay.

>> No.22079807

You are beyond hope.

>> No.22079809

Nothing wrong with banging escorts, it's super easy and cheap if you're not poor.

>> No.22079815

you two seem extremely angry, what's wrong with you fellas?

>> No.22079817

You european idiots are getting scammed. I can pay for 20 underage latina whores to suck and fuck me for what you pay for some bored ass east european roastie to pretend shes not disgusted by you and your shrimp dick.

>> No.22079818

>t. american salty because he got scammed

>> No.22079820

Because everyone told me that it was my only option. My dad even told me that if I didmt have the "college experience" that I would not be a legitimate person. I had some teachers who had a savior complex who made it their mission to save me in high school (I was suicidal at the time) and they told me that if I didn't go to university that I was wasting not only my own life but also all their efforts. When I got their and was absolutely miserable my dad told me that I was a crazy sack of shit and that if I dropped out he would disown me, kick me to the curb, and never talk to me again, so I was basically stuck there without options. The worst part is that I didnt even want to go to that university. I had a dream school I wanted to attend but my dad bullied and gaslighted me into going to the one I did, because it had better name recognition. I'm really mad about thr whole situation. It totally threw my life off track.
Funny you should say that. Ive blogposted about this before so maybe you've seen me say it before but my dorm mate was literally a tranny. He was from the bay area and he told me about how a 13 year old girl accused him of rape. He had meds which I looked up and they're the strongest anti depressants on the market. He moved into a girls dorm a month into being there.
I think about it a lot. I think if I got a normie dorm mate that maybe my tjme would have been entirely different.

>> No.22079822
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>You european idiots are getting scammed. I can pay for 20 underage latina whores to suck and fuck me for what you pay for some bored ass east european roastie to pretend shes not disgusted by you and your shrimp dick.

>> No.22079823

>Do you think early Christianity resembles modern Christianity at the slightest?
Good point, I should probably do more to emulate early Christians while trying to stay within the Anglican doctrine. May I should just take Marcus Aurelius' advice and just not worry about it and that I shouldn't even try to figure it out because I'm merely human and will not figure it out unless I have divine intervention.

>> No.22079825

A little leaven leavens the whole lump

>> No.22079827


>> No.22079831
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>> No.22079833

idk why but this site just seems so lame to me now. i used to waste hours on here for years. was it always this stupid? man...

>> No.22079835

See now this is made purely to troll. Those chads at the beginning are not made into incels by trip abroad.

>> No.22079836
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>> No.22079841

tradlarping and /pol/troons more generally killed the site

>> No.22079842

>The girl is average looking
lmfao, well it makes sense why, this is a female cope.

>> No.22079843
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>> No.22079844

Your dad sounds low IQ and no I have never read your posts before so it is indeed funny.
>I think if I got a normie dorm mate that maybe my tjme would have been entirely different.
Maybe a bit
Just leave America, it's a death trap. Go to fucking Mexico and get a normie job and join an MMA gym there

>> No.22079846
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>> No.22079847

Not sure how you'll do that when a large chunk of early christianity is written in the apocryphal gospels which were outlawed in the 4th century, 300+ years after jesus

>> No.22079848

>Go to fucking Mexico
holy troll

>> No.22079849
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>> No.22079850

Yeah same, I'm only really ever on here now to grab info from fit, diy, or g everything else seems pretty infantile.
you can always go back to le funni alien website if you want.

>> No.22079852
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>> No.22079853

I think the point was that she consciously gets out of her way to select specific males over others regardless of attraction level.

>> No.22079856

I'll find a way, I don't participate in my church any more, the Anglican church has lost some legitimacy in my eyes so I'm willing to keep the culture but throw out w/e they deem as good or bad. I'm sure I'll find a suitable balance.

>> No.22079859
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>> No.22079863

Just get an Asian girlfriend. Throw a rock in any direction and you'll hit a slant-eye.

>> No.22079865
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>> No.22079868

My dad is high IQ, very successful, well educated, and wealthy. He is good in every area of life EXCEPT child rearing. He had a really weird childhood himself. His theory of parenting is total laissez faire EXCEPT for when the child is struggling. When that happens his theory is to apply extreme "tough love" which is supposed to light a fire inside and motivate the kid to prove the parent wrong. This "tough love" amounts to verbal and emotional abuse, but he told me thats what inspired him to work hard and escape poverty.
Anyway, I'm a good looking white guy, I'm just extremely emotionally damaged. My bet is to marry a gook who fetishizes me for being blonde and tall and move to china where I will produce many happas and single handedly save China from its demographic crisis.

>> No.22079869

>fit diy and g
The only way you could be gayer is by visiting k. Even the biggest queens in San Francisco have more self respect.

>> No.22079870

I had seafood at an Italian restaurant.

>> No.22079873

Italian pussy sucks albeit

>> No.22079877

If being gay means that I'm gaining skill and I'm not some skinny armed man-child that is actually useful then come here and let me suck your dick.

>> No.22079879
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>but throw out w/e they deem as good or bad
You're on the right path anon

>> No.22079880

Okay, on your knees bitch boy

>> No.22079883
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>> No.22079893
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Wouldn't a Latina be better?

>> No.22079898

I have a terminal case of yellow fever

>> No.22079900

Latinas are half asian so what's the problem

>> No.22079903

i mean if you have a fetish for having sex with retards but you can't find one, Latinas are close enough.

>> No.22079909

They're just not my thing. The whole spanish culture is a turn off

>> No.22079910

didnt that girl bloat to a 60 year old goblina in just a week?
i think scientists called it ogre abominable del nuevo mundo subtype, from the genus of atrocitad monstrue

>> No.22079912

You should see her without makeup and tiktok filters. Hideous

>> No.22079913

>The whole spanish culture is a turn off
based, I fucking hated learning Spanish in high school because there was very little culture outside of some select songs that I cared about.

>> No.22079920
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She balooned up I think yeah. Not sure about what absolute state she is in now
cuckolul without makeup makes me diamonds, unironically. I'm Mediterranean so

>> No.22079935

her skin looks like its in the process of greying after the person died.

>> No.22079936

I dated a mullato who less dark than that

>> No.22079950

Cant believe retarded simps fell for the filters soft ass lighting and enough rouge to make even a streetwalker embarrassed.

>> No.22079957

What are you, 75?
Say prostitute like a normal person you shitstain.

>> No.22079961

nta, but what a fucking weird thing to sperg out about.

>> No.22079964

prostie is a better term

>> No.22079966

me on a date >>22079893
me on a college/job application >>22079920

>> No.22079968

I have fucked escorts purely for the feeling of forcing someone to have sex with me and possibly enjoying it (I have a fat dick and they do get wet), even though we would have never talked in real life but now she is forced to choke on my dick and lick my nutsack. It's a very nice feeling, like having a slave who enjoys being a slave.

>> No.22079971

lmfao, more: me on a date vs. my financial situation

>> No.22079977

me on friday vs me on monday

>> No.22079978

cope lmao

>> No.22079994

>"There are legends of a woman who is so diverse she can change her skin color on the fly... ...and she is called: "Solid Race"!
>*Snake Eater song starts*

>> No.22079998


>> No.22080003

Because they open the meditator up to self-delusion and/or to demons. This is more or less the reason yoga is discouraged as well.

>> No.22080012

i think he's making fun of you for thinking escort likes you

>> No.22080015

I think people need to stop beating themselves up for not fitting in perfectly into the human processing plant. Whether it’s university or corporate America, you have to have something wrong with you to be really keen on succeeding there. So just forgive yourself for being a loner or whatever. It is okay.

>> No.22080016


>> No.22080019

Oh lmao. Escorts don't like me at all, they aren't attracted to me. Escorts are massive whores who generally like sex, but very rarely like their clients. An escort getting wet makes it even better because for her it's involuntary, while she still dislikes me even though she's forced to debase herself for me. That's what I like the most, it would be gay if I wanted them to like me because it would ruin the whole thing.

>> No.22080024

>Because they open the meditator up to self-delusion and/or to demons.
Does it? Why doesn't sleeping or being in flow state at work not do the same thing?
>This is more or less the reason yoga is discouraged as well.
I had a hard time writing a response to this part because I'm apparently highly biased against yoga for w/e reason, but it does still stand. How does stretching in a certain way be spiritually dangerous? Especially if your doing a modern sanitized version of yoga or meditation.

>> No.22080038

holy crap what a chad

>> No.22080062

>i- im not a loser like you guys!! i have the receipts to show it
you are, stop coping

>> No.22080077

>i would be the king of normies if i was ever around any normies
Honestly, if we are being real most people here fall into 2 camps:
1: Wanting to be a normie
2: Wanting to be left alone or far away from the normies
I don't think anyone here would want to be king of the normies. That sounds fucking awful.

>> No.22080081

When I was 18 I read up a lot of PUA stuff from late 90s until today
The "original" PUA stuff are fucking absolute trash snake oil. NLP is gay and most of it simply does not work and its canned routines are shit
later PUA is good because it's basic. go to bar, drink alcohol, hand on ass, bang

>> No.22080097

I thought PUAs were cringe, even back in the day. I still recommend that the best reaction to the modern world is to "ride the tiger", master your sexual desires, do not masturbate or use porn, and absolute abdication from women. No dating, no association, no marrying; but that is a really hard thing to sell, let alone do. But I'm pretty content with how my life turned out. To need other people is weakness, to want them is natural.

>> No.22080142

pua is male version of.. fat acceptance and trannies
just like a tranny will never be a woman and just like a bloated fat roastie blob will never be attractive, short and weak and broke retard with bad teeth, bad mental health, bad confidence etc etc will never be an attractive man
there is no trick
there is no password, there is no magic word

you WILL be arrested because no woman wants to pollute her hole with your inferior seed, unlike men they cant just forget about it the next day, they are instinctivelly and biologically chained to the abomination that is inferior seed and so they select for quality

>> No.22080149

Yeah that's what I realized too. I've seen neil strauss being paraded as an example of how ratfaced short men can get laid with beautiful women but strauss is famous and with money. Anyone else without him doesn't get shit.

What's insane is that none of the early books told men to simply stop being fucking nerds and get out of the basement. They sold the "stay in the basement but get laid with 9/10s" fairytale.

>> No.22080151

>you WILL be arrested because no woman wants to pollute her hole with your inferior seed, unlike men they cant just forget about it the next day, they are instinctivelly and biologically chained to the abomination that is inferior seed and so they select for quality
This, I honestly wish people would tell men, specifically men that will be fathers, to actually raise their sons as well as they can because if they don't chances are your genetic line will become an evolutionary dead end. I don't hate my Dad, but he was a weak man and just assumed that if my Mom raised me that I would be fine. It ended up being a disaster for everyone involved.

>> No.22080155

I'm running into a brick wall with a story I'm writing. I want to depict the modern world as it is, a materialistic world that has lost all metaphysical aspiration. People define themselves by their individuality and their environment rather than a transcendental purpose. The problem is, if I want to critique this way of life, from a storytelling perspective it doesn't invite conflict. Outside of politics, no one actually has a problem with our cosmopolitan society. No one is eager to reject things like secularism or values of freedom or things like that. It's very difficult to show the consequences of lifestyle without making things super melodramatic and didactic.

I think this is why there is very little current literature that seriously interrogates the flaws of modern liberal society beyond political critiques that double down on the same values. This society is seen as unquestionable. It has its issues but does the average person really want anything else?

>> No.22080178

>rather than a transcendental purpose
most consoomers now have supporting tranny rights as a transcendental purpose

>> No.22080186

Today I went to the pub and I met a cute girl. We talked a lot and then I walked her home in the evening. It was nice. I think she wanted to ask for a way to keep in contact but I interrupted her with a question and she never resumed that thought. I wouldn't have minded staying in contact since I'm lonely but I also don't like staying in contact with friends who will just stay friends. Especially cute girls, I don't like having them as friends because they make me feel bad I'm single. I'm glad they feel happy and entertained having a friend but they just remind me of my loneliness to be honest. And no we can't be together since I'm not interested in short term dating and we don't really match in terms of marriage.

>> No.22080193

>I walked her home in the evening
why didn't you try to get in? don't you want to get laid?

>> No.22080196

No, fuck off.

>> No.22080198

ok incel

>> No.22080199

Just ask her on a date next time you see her at the pub

>> No.22080203

>if I want to critique this way of life, from a storytelling perspective it doesn't invite conflict.
HAH, like watching people loot stores for free tvs and get away with it because they happen to be black and rioting for a "just cause" isn't blood boilingly hypocritical. People these days will preach "oh peace and love" but will fucking bash your head in the moment you disagree with them or are in the way of something they want. They claim they hold these beliefs because it benefits them, they don't actually believe it. They are self-centered to the core and don't even know it.
>This society is seen as unquestionable.
Yes and no, but if you cannot question society do you live in a liberal society in the first place?
>but does the average person really want anything else?
No, once their material needs are satisfied and they check all the boxes that make them "successful" they will just slowly decay in their malaise unless the status quo is threatened. They are motivated to preserve their material wealth, their retirement fund, and the investment into their flawed society because if they didn't all their work would be for nothing. They are way more likely to knee cap the next generation on purpose to protect their wealth and investment, even if the change is ultimately the good and right thing to do, they will thrash against it because they stand to lose.
I have two friends, one of which is a chemical engineer and very successful. I ended up cutting them off because they were toxic as fuck to my mental health. Apparently this enraged them so much that even after 3 or 4 years they are still gossiping to anyone who would listen about me and roping people in to contact me for them. These stupid fucks are married and with kids and still find the time to be absolute fucking retards who are more worried about what I'm doing than what their kids are doing. I don't give a fuck what they are doing now, I rarely think of them, and if I had a kid I would probably think of them even less than I did now. They are like everyone else in this society, vain and unaware.

>> No.22080214

Wrong. They do actually believe bashing your head in secures peace and love, because you threaten it.
This is how they think, this is how you think, and this is how I think as well.

>> No.22080225

>Wrong. They do actually believe bashing your head in secures peace and love, because you threaten it.
EXACTLY MY POINT, it creates an internal paradox within the ideology that ends up fueling more violence, thus making it impossible to solve.

>> No.22080275

And this is the paradox I’m referring to. I can come up with all kinds of situations showing the insane contradictions of our society but realistically none of these characters would still reject it. I’m not sure how to depict that. The average person today doesn’t give a fuck. Yeah they’ll go to political protests and worry about culture war bullshit, but at the end of the day they’re still gonna wake up for work the next morning and pay their student loans for their overblown degrees. I think most people have found it impossible to create art based on this premise.

>> No.22080302

I don't follow are you trying to show someone who is a true believer that turns around and notices the contradictions? There is more than one angle to come at for this.

>> No.22080311

Just take the anecdotes of social alienation you see here and turn it into a conflcit in your story

>> No.22080396

IO can't even fucking mov e properly

>> No.22080409

My dad was a deadbeat that was too busy making money and fucking thots that i didnt meet him until i was 8. Still love that dude since he taught me the truth about bitches.

>> No.22080423

I'm trying to show a group of young pozzed people question their society and their values. Realistically I don't know how to portray this in a way that creates conflict. I'm thinking of just dropping the resolution of a happy ending altogether, maybe they should just doom themselves to mediocrity and I'll have the audience reflect on that idea

>> No.22080429

>They claim they hold these beliefs because it benefits them, they don't actually believe it.
Every accusation is a confession with you people. You're a bunch of liars who lie because you've convinced that the other side is lying.

You are nihilists with absolutely no values whatsoever.

>> No.22080431

It sounds like you're trying to invent a tangible reason to care about all the cultural war bullshit you've been programmed to care about.

>> No.22080434

you could do that or you could shift perspective from the group to the single person who is outcast and comes to w/e conclusion you want.
All I have to say is "BLM looting and rioting" to prove that I'm right. They say they care about their own communities while burning and looting it then turn around and say "Oh this is reoperations." The fact that BLM just 2 or 3 days ago went bankrupt because their founders were just putting the money into their own personal bank accounts proves my point.

>> No.22080437

BLM looting and rioting was hugely overblown. The violent and escalating actions of police was not.

>> No.22080442

You NEED to turn BLM into a bogeymen to justify the civil rights violations of cops.
You're defending authoritarian pigs and declaring yourselves rebels.

>> No.22080446

>BLM looting and rioting was hugely overblown.
yes so overblown that multiple corporations shut down and left those communities forever.
BLM isn't a boogeyman their founders are in jail for fraud, look it up.

>> No.22080447

Lol fuck off. I was ass deep in the riots during the summer of floyd and most people didnt care about niggers they just wanted to riot after being cooped up during the coof.

>> No.22080460

I'm not, I'm explicitly avoiding politics for this story, it's about the psychology of the characters. There's no mention of contemporary events at all aside from the pandemic

>> No.22080464
File: 339 KB, 648x1026, muskplan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been hyper-politically aware for 23 years, dipshit. I've had a computer since 97, been an Anon since 2005. I've watched the modern internet right-wing emerge and evolve into the completely delusionally insane death spiral it has become.

Conservative culture and internet troll culture is now 100% the same. There is no difference. The rot of pure soul decay that is at the core of the right-wing has been exposed for all to see. Except you idiots, who have rendered yourself completely blind with your endlessly projected hate and despair. The only thing that matters is "owning the liberals."

>> No.22080469

what a brainwashed and schizophrenic take. Go get help.

>> No.22080475

>your evil because you don't want men in women's bathrooms and you don't want your kids groomed by gays and trannies.
And people wonder why the democrats are losing...

>> No.22080477
File: 34 KB, 500x403, 1661488076401220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this seethe proves that we are winning, keep on boycotting, keep using their tactics against them. They hate us because we do it better than them, we are on the right side of history.

>> No.22080486

Way to show that you are only motivated by deranged hatred. I watched this derange hatred fester and build here on 4chan, and then become politically weaponized.

You people scream of hatred and fear like hell demons all day long here on 4chan, and then claim to know love and truth.

>> No.22080489

Not everyone who is a republican thinks the same way, its almost like you don't follow the virtues you espouse. Next your going to say we need to round up conservatives and put them into concentration camps.

>> No.22080490

Touch grass and lose your virginity. I just told you i participated in the floyd riots over entire months and you just shitted out a schizo rant about conservatives. Your entire life has been a complete and utter waste. Your junkie dog of a mom should have swallowed you.

>> No.22080492
File: 184 KB, 680x700, 1678473447845617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cold lonely night
>drink rum
>feel warm and cozy
thank you rum

>> No.22080497

And again you show how you are only motivated by politically weaponized psychopathic hatred. You want to destroy people.

>> No.22080498
File: 809 KB, 778x595, 1661609348711269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Way to show that you are only motivated by deranged hatred.
Oh its not hatred, its virtue. We are morally superior to you and the average person who is an independent knows it. First we'll get Trump back into presidency then we'll islamify you nation. Only then will you be pure, clean, not racist, and not hateful.

>> No.22080506

how are you "morally superior?"
I always ask you guys what makes you actually morally superior, where you get your morals from, and I get NOTHING.
You have no experience with loving, healthy relationships. You have no experience with healthy relationships with knowledge, learning, curiosity, or creativity. It's nothing but 24/7 hate and alienation.

>> No.22080507
File: 68 KB, 217x130, 74520121.19500001_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calls a muslim hateful
wow, thats really racist of you anon...

>> No.22080510

Islam is morally superior. We do not judge on politics, we do not judge you on race, we do not judge you on culture (though we will mock you). We however, do judge you on your actions and the Christian conservatism in the west is marginally better than you, but both sides will be miles better once you submit to Allah.

>> No.22080518

All you have is your own pride and arrogance, "I'm good because I say so."
When asked to demonstrate that you actually care about something, you come up empty handed, showing that you are frauds.

>> No.22080519

>calls a muslim a racist
>"but i'm actually morally superior guys"
how does it feel to beat up not only a minority in america but a global minority that is also way more likely to be impoverished regardless of if they live in the east or west you bigot?

>> No.22080520


>> No.22080527

You identariarian right-wingers don't have any of your own accomplishments to celebrate, so you claim those of others. It's nothing more than Sportsteam bullshit: basking in reflected glory.
You can't show any glory that you have found, only what you lack.

>> No.22080528

My vibe rn

>> No.22080542


>> No.22080546

It is not arrogance if it is from Allah. It is wisdom, I speak only his truth. We have freed women from the lustful gaze of men with the hijab. Their dignity as humans come first and thought the hijab their dignity is kept. What have you done for your women? You have brainwashed them into being whores and thinking that it they pretend to be men they will be happy, yet I see nothing but misery from their social media posts. You destroyed their ability to marry, their ability to have families and to instead fulfill themselves with earthly desires and lust. We treat our women better than you do, you condemn us because we strike our dogs but in the same time you ideologically strike your women. Shame upon you.
It does not matter what your identity is to Allah, you have only gotten away with your publicly available sins because of Christian permissibility, trust me that in 10 to 30 years time when Muslims start to inherit the conservative and democrat positions that these sins will be rectified as Allah wills it. You will come into the fold, not by force, but by love and our higher morality.

>> No.22080565

I really regret quitting my investment banking job.

>> No.22080586

a comet sinks into the earth
and im free
getting drunk on a mattress
while the biosphere collapses

>> No.22080587

You wouldnt have survived 2008 if youre on that pussy shit.

>> No.22080605

find another investment banking job then quit that and see if you regret it just to be sure. Either way if the job didn't make you happy and stressed you out then it wasn't worth it.

>> No.22080608

>when your a muslim hungarian and your steampunk ship was dealt the final blow.

>> No.22080610

If you care the title of the song "Tanc a Lelek" translates to "flight of the soul" or "dance of the soul". Its basically a riff on a Muslim Hungarian funeral dirge.

>> No.22080614

I unironically love how its a mix of European instruments and composition but done on an Arabic scale.

>> No.22080615

I don’t actually regret it. I just wish I had done better things after I did quit. My life has been kind of mediocre ever since I quit.

>> No.22080619

>My life has been kind of mediocre ever since I quit.
meh, never expect greatness but appreciate the ordinary. A quiet life is more noble than a famous life lived infamously.

>> No.22080623

Why did Greekoids have martial women figures though? Kind of weird to see them fuck shit up in the Iliad if they’re supposed to be male-centric.

>> No.22080640

Easy, they were a novel idea at the time. It had nothing to do with "female empowerment" or any kind of modern day notion. Hell the fact that ancient Greeks and romans didn't conceptualize sexuality like we do today is one of the many weird hallmarks that separates its successor cultures from their respective mothers.

>> No.22080651

Is that really true though? I find it difficult to find nobility in mediocrity, even in clown world where the most rewarded are the best clowns.

>> No.22080662

Artemis is foreign to Greeks but it’s funny to read about shit like Athena who is basically an impossibly male woman, or Amazons which apparently can fight like men.

>> No.22080675

>I find it difficult to find nobility in mediocrity
Sometimes acceptance of mediocrity is better than becoming a megalomaniac. Its actually a really common trope in British lit, but putting that aside the nobility of a mediocre life is that you don't suffer the harsh realities of having a exemplarily life. Many times those lives force you to make tough moral decisions that will haunt you for the rest of your life. Late Roman literature also has this same idea, mainly because they were fighting so many wars so often that most legionnaires just wanted to go home so they could retire. Best advice I can offer you is to reject society as I did, save up till you get a plto of land, build a house or plant an RV on it then save up to do a "semi-retirement" where you have enough money to be able to work part-time to feed yourself and cover your bills then put the rest into your savings.

>> No.22080742

my dad died when i was a kid. what's it like to have a dad as an adult? can you go to him and ask for life advice and such?

>> No.22080749

Not having a father around as an adult is psychologically freeing, sadness aside.

>> No.22080789

Old but gold

>> No.22080837

I hurt my leg and now i cant exercsie for two weeks. Im so pissed off. It feels like a major setback

>> No.22080905

i'm never attracted to pajeetas. i don't know why. i like most type of brown girls, but there's something about jeets that instinctually turns me off. i think it's because i'm from the balkans originally so they just remind me of gypsies

>> No.22080921

Tfw no balkanized tiddy goth gf

>> No.22080951

I am listening to Mega Man video game soundtracks. not sure why. I did enjoy the games as a kid

>> No.22080955

feels good. Muhammed needs to hit the gym next time.

>> No.22080962

you'd think but no

>> No.22080991

someone needs to start a new /rhet/ general. I need to brush up on my terminology and applications.

>> No.22081116

I'm working but only because I can no longer derive any pleasure from the things I used to procrastinate with.
And I don't enjoy sleeping either anymore. I'm very, very, bleh.

>> No.22081124

more like fartin Heidegger

>> No.22081126

Someone make a new thread

>> No.22081201

NEXT >>22081175

>> No.22081747

>Write What's On Your Mind
no but i know what's in your mind, cellulitis middle aged women