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/lit/ - Literature

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22076458 No.22076458 [Reply] [Original]

What other Christian books would I enjoy if I liked pic related and the divine comedy?
>inb4 The Bible
I've read it

>> No.22076463


Divine Comedy.

>> No.22076466

Paradise Regained

>> No.22076471

Unholy Tragedy

>> No.22076510
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Start with her collection A Good Man Is Hard To Find, then move onto Everything That Rises Must Converge, then from there Wise Blood, then her other novel whose name escapes me now. Remember these things:
>O'Connor watched her father die of lupus when she was a child. She then developed the same disease as an adult
>She was a devout Catholic, attending Mass every day of her adult life once she turned 18
>She wrote that all of her stories are about people being offered the grace of God
>She considered herself a comic writer

>> No.22076572
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Will give her a look, thanks for the recommendation frens

>> No.22076635
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Maybe William Blake's prophetic books? Depends on how strictly you define "Christian"

>> No.22076718

Laurus. It’s a book written by a Russian medievalist and philologist.

>> No.22076760
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>> No.22076793

A Good Man is such a based story. Probably the best thing I had to read in high school I have come back to it so many times.

>> No.22076854

King Lear, Hamlet. Read the latest Arden editions. After you read the play read the introduction essays that are over 100 pages long.

>> No.22076878

Robert H. Benson - Lord of the World
Tolstoy - Father Sergius
Walter M. Miller - Canticle for Leibowitz
Graham Greene - The Power and the Glory
Bunyan - Pilgrim's Progress
C.S. Lewis- The Great Divorce; The Screwtape Letters
Dostoevsky - Brothers Karamazov

especially Tolstoy and Dostoevsky here.

>> No.22077179
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I define Christian literature as any form of literature written by any sect of Christianity with themes relating to the theology or folklore of Christianity.
Thank you for the recommendations frens
I've read both of them, Hamlet was definitely better than Lear

>> No.22077247
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>any sect of Christianity
is a sect of one large enough?

>> No.22077343
File: 616 KB, 3505x2185, Arnaldo dell'Ira - Nur eine Waffe taugt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The three great works of Christian literature:

The Divine Comedy
Paradise Lost

Wagner was influenced by Milton's characterisation of both Satan and the Paradisiacal theme in his portrayal of Klingsor and Good Friday.

>> No.22078280

>What other Christian books would I enjoy if I liked pic related and the divine comedy?
Angeleida, by Erasmo di Valvasone.

>> No.22078847
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Pilgrim's Progress and pic

>> No.22079492
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Definitely checking out Parsifal thanks for the recommendation fren
Where can I find an English version of this book? I only see the Italian versions online
>Become a Better You
Is this a Dale Carnegie type book with spiritual aspects added to it?

>> No.22079789

Piers Plowman and maybe the Heliand or Jerusalem Delivered. I don't really care for the latter two but you might like them.

>> No.22079991
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I just finished Petkana. No other book made me feel like this....

>> No.22080098
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CS Lewis, Space Trilogy.
Everything CS Lewis has written is a bonafide must read if you're christian.