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22075390 No.22075390 [Reply] [Original]

Books to lose the fear of death?

>> No.22075394

The Bible

>> No.22075465

What part?

>> No.22075490

NDE books, or you can watch their testimonies, I like this one https://www.lifesitenews.com/episodes/dead-for-2-hours-man-returns-having-seen-glorious-white-light/

>> No.22075496

The Saramago Pilar documentary.
The guy simply says, if death comes it will come, fuck it.

>> No.22075521

> if death comes it will come, fuck it
Well its not about if it will or if it will not, death will eventually come to everyone and I think people just try to do everything to distract themselves from this fact, personally I have been trying to not think so much about the fact that one day I will die, trying to delude myself that its still far away but lately I'm always confronted with the fact that I'm going to die and I dont know how to cope with it.

>> No.22075528

Have a child. Cured mine somehow

>> No.22075546

the gospels

>> No.22075562

How will that help when I cant stop thinking about how my family and everyone I know will also die eventually and it terrifies me.

>> No.22075569

No idea why, maybe its biological

>> No.22075578
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The free man thinks least of death.

>> No.22075579

My bro is fine with death. He has been living with illness for years that isn't terminal but would turn an accident that would mean a trip to ER for us into death. He's read a lot of secondary zen buddist texts but i think facing itall the time must be part of it.


It triggered mine lol.

>> No.22075693

Pretty much any Stoics.
>I must die. But must I die bawling? I must be put in chains – but moaning and groaning too? I must be exiled; but is there anything to keep me from going with a smile, calm and self-composed? - Epictetus

>> No.22075704

death of ivan ilyich

>> No.22075728
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>> No.22075972


>> No.22076021

Pain is worse. That's all there is to it.

>> No.22076024

read cioran zappfe ug krish

>> No.22076028

Most people haven't really experienced such yet though.

>> No.22076123
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I'm currently reading the Book of Disquiet and it's making me numb in a strangely good way. Like before I was in constant pain, now I'm just desolated.

>> No.22076193

This, death itself isn’t what’s scary, it’s the prospect of a horrible agonizing death

>> No.22076329
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>> No.22076797

Letter to Menoeceus has done the best job for me.

Personally though I haven't been able to shake my dislike of my eventual demise. It's gone from something I actively fear all the time to something I recognize will happen that I'd prefer not to happen, which is an improvement but yeah.

>> No.22076801

The Turner Diaries

>> No.22076863
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If there is an afterlife then there is nothing to fear and worrying was just a waste of time in this life.

If there isn't an afterlife, then there is still nothing to fear. You experience this every time you enjoy a dreamless sleep, were you not to wake up would cause you no stress. worrying would STILL be a waste of time.

It's going to be okay anon.

>> No.22077004

fearing death is like fearing the sunrise

>> No.22077038

The only correct answer. If you lose your fear of death without saving your soul, you're doomed forever. Fear is the appropriate response of a sinner before a just and righteous God.

>> No.22077099

You are already in a constant state of decay and cell regeneration. Accept death is happening at the same time you are alive, because it is. It is an inherent element of the human experience.

>> No.22077102

>I have been trying to not think so much about the fact that one day...

>living in the present
>concerned about the future

>> No.22077105

If you're so worried about dying, just kill yourself and get it over and done with. If not, then continue living and stop dwelling over things you cannot control.

>> No.22077109

For OP, it's the fact that when he is dead, he won't be able to experience the things while he's alive. Truly a foolish, futile, and pointless concern.

>> No.22077116

Its funny that everyone's fear boils down to not being able to feel or know anything and mine is the chance that hidden in all that we cannot know, we might have this wrong.

>> No.22077158

ok where do I start?

>> No.22077165

Genesis, obviously. Would you start reading a fictional novel from any other chapter than the first?

Also, if you are going to go down the sacred text pipeline, be sure to read the Quran and other religious texts so you do not become a mentally retarded zealot like all the life-deniers on this board,

>> No.22077564

He gets dunked on a lot here but Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls. Death is unavoidable but we can 1) be brave in its face, 2) help someone on our way out, or 3) be a faggot about it.

>> No.22078725

upanishads, obviously
what you call death, just like dreamless sleep, is nothing but Oneness, pure Existence

read the chandogya and brihadaranyaka

>> No.22078773


>> No.22078801

It's not books you're after, it is about 300 milligrams of ketamine.