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22074344 No.22074344 [Reply] [Original]

If Guenon reconciled cosmic cycles with his personal belief in Islam, then why can't Christians reconcile cosmic cycles with their personal belief in the fall/redemption?

>> No.22074350

Guenon was a charlatan and pseud. You can be a heretical christian if you wish, but you will go to hell just like a sandnigger or a pajeet or Guenon himself.

>> No.22074358

>liberally uses ethnic slurs
>thinks he embodies Christianity in an superior way

>> No.22074360

>did Jesus say good Samaritans were rare? How wacist!!!

>> No.22074364

Cosmic cycle are the least of his troubles. As are other notions such as the transmigration of the soul or non-dualism.Christian, and Islam, are inherently exclusivistic. This is fundamentally at odds with the core principle of Perennialism. Guénon never reconciled anything. He attached himself to Islam because he saw it as a valid Tradition but he never took its actual doctrines with any degree of seriousness, those he dismissed as the exoteric external characteristics of the religion.

>> No.22074370

>criticizes others as heretics
>intentionally mischaracterizes Jesus to validate predisposition toward racism

>> No.22074389

>Christian, and Islam, are inherently exclusivistic. This is fundamentally at odds with the core principle of Perennialism.
>fundamentally at odds
Except it's not. Christianity and Islam are exclusivist in the sense that they're not relativist/universalist and they will not concede that God is unlike how they define him.

However, this doesn't mean that they don't teach that there are pieces/shadows of truth in other religions. And, in fact, Catholicism and Islam acknowledge that there are pieces and shadows of truth in other religions.

>> No.22074414

>oh no le heckin racism gaiz!!!

>> No.22074418

Go back to /pol/

>> No.22074424

>However, this doesn't mean that they don't teach that there are pieces/shadows of truth in other religions. And, in fact, Catholicism and Islam acknowledge that there are pieces and shadows of truth in other religions.
Yes, of course. But Perennialism teaches that all Traditions are paths back towards the source that is God. That is in flagrant contradiction to both Christianity and Islam.

>> No.22074431

These are not contradictory positions. Guenon's problem was that he was first and foremost a (neo-)vedantic hindu and only secondarily a muslim. This is all fine and dandy for the Hindu universalist/relativist but nevertheless at odds with any serious traditional (i.e., exclusivist) form of Islam. Same issue with Christianity. If you place Hindu doctrines before Christian doctrines, you are a Hindu and not a Christian. Doesn't matter if you go to church every day or receive all the sacraments. You are in a state of prelest at the very least. However, it is fine for Christians or Muslims to study other religions accordiing to their own perspective as long as they remain grounded within their own faith. Guenon was just an apostate orientalist who was seduced by poo in loo gurus (fakirs) much like Blavatsky and Crowley (both were allegedly advaitist as well).

>> No.22074434

>Perennialism teaches that all Traditions are paths back towards the source that is God.
I think you're perceiving a blatant contradiction where there isn't one. If Catholicism teaches that Islam contains pieces/shadows of the truth, then an Atheist converting to Islam could be described in Catholicism as "taking the path back toward the source that is God." Of course, a Catholic wouldn't say that that person is far along the path (as they would still desire his/her conversion to Catholicism), but that person is still on the path.

>> No.22074440

OP here. This I agree with, and I think your perspective of the ideal and unideal reconciliations of Perennialism with Christianity make sense. However, what you're expressing here is not the standard view I see on 4channel.

>> No.22074458

>If Guenon reconciled cosmic cycles with his personal belief in Islam
This is literally in Ibn Arabi

>> No.22074464

>transmigration of the soul
Counter-traditional and never supported by Guenon
>depends how it is elaborated. This is the chief topic of the hundreds of pages Guenon has written, so it's not like it's easily settled.

>> No.22074468

>transmigration of the soul
Counter-traditional and never supported by Guenon
>or non-dualism
depends how it is elaborated. This is the chief topic of the hundreds of pages Guenon has written, so it's not like it's easily settled.

>> No.22074495

A problem is that while Christianity and Islam both acknowledge that other traditions often contain some pale reflection of the truth it is of little importance when salvation and, especially for Guenon, 'deliverance' is denied to those outside their rituals and dogma, and it is denied in complete finality with no second chances for the soul in question.

>> No.22074512

>Counter-traditional and never supported by Guenon
I was under the assumption that he made a distinction between reincarnation and the transmigration of the soul, favoring the latter. Is that not the case?
What I mean is that Perennialism teaches that all properly Traditional religions are variants of the same universal truth, all with their own exoteric peculiarities but with the same escoteric core. They are all equally valid. Catholicism, say, or Islam, teach that while other religions traditions contain truth, and might put you higher in the ladder, theirs is the culmination of it, the only one which is completely and wholly true, and therefore the only one completely valid.

>> No.22074522

>Perennialism teaches that all properly Traditional religions are variants of the same universal truth
Isn't this what Catholicism teaches too? (Catholicism being the universal truth)

>> No.22074526

> Counter-traditional and never supported by Guenon
He actually criticized and made fun of western notions of reincarnation while also at the same thing time conceding that Hinduism teaches something different which is transmigration.

>> No.22074538

Catholicism teaches that it IS the universal truth, not a variant of it, and it also teaches that it is the only one that can lay claim to that title, with other religions possessing some truth, but not the whole truth.

>> No.22074540

>I was under the assumption that he made a distinction between reincarnation and the transmigration of the soul, favoring the latter. Is that not the case?
His statement is that once the soul has existed subject to given conditions (temporo-corporeal), it will never exist subject to those conditions ever again due to the necessity of universal possibility, where repetition-proper is a strict impossibility. So once your life is done on Earth, and in our degree of manifestation, you will never manifest in the same way ever again, if there is another manifestation at all.

>> No.22074596

Right, that's how Christianity and Perennialism are reconcilable.

>> No.22074624

Only if you abandon the core premise of Perennialism.

>> No.22074684
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Not at all. Saying that the Universal Truth of Perennialism is identical with Christian Truth is much like saying that Aristotle's Unmoved Mover is the Christian God.

>> No.22074800

Christianity is a revealed religion. Nowhere else was the full truth revealed. Muslims believe similarly. You can say Aristotle/Christians/Muslims/Hindus believe in same God through different names perhaps, but that is only a partial truth of natural religion but not whole truth of revealed religion. Hence why Christian Aristotelians, for example, had to rework Aristotle to express the fullness of Christian truth. Same with Muslim Aristotelians.

>> No.22074808

Right, but the question is not "Does Perennialism have to be reworked in order to combine with Christianity?" Of course it does. The question is: "Are Perennialism and Christianity incompatible." And it seems like they are not, contrary to what many on this board claim.

>> No.22074826

Hardline perennialism/traditionalism, without reworking, is incompatible with all orthodox abrahamic religion. If you mean a soft perennialism, then yes it is compatible but then you're shifting goalposts.

It's like saying Satanism is compatible with Christianity. If you rework satanism entirely then sure. But you're making up definitions at that point.

>> No.22074845

>you're shifting goalposts

>It's like saying Satanism is compatible with Christianity. If you rework satanism entirely
But that's my whole point. Is Perennialism as incompatible with Christianity as Satanism is? Or is Perennialism as compatible with Christianity is Aristotelianism is. Seems like the latter is more true than the former.

>> No.22074946

Fair enough. I am a Christian myself. Enjoy Plato and Aristotle and Neoplatonists. Even some Islamic theologians too and have studied the East for some time. I describe myself as a Catholic who also believes in a prisca theologia, that primordial theology would be a sort of perennial natural religion which would include a belief in spiritual realities and/or a supreme deity and/or an ethics of love and compassion. However, that said, I do think Christian theology is unique and uniquely salvific and tend to distrust perennialists and traditionalists insofar as they seem to want to either deny the divinity of Jesus and/or steamroll all religions into one which IMO ends up a new age mish mash (a la Huxley and such). Some say this exclusionism is negative but I think it is important article of faith and a positive. Hindus can feel free to disagree. As for believers in this prisca theologia, I believe many Church fathers say that virtuous pagans end up in Limbo. This seems believable to me. They do not get full beatific vision but also do not suffer eternally like those who willingly turn away from truth. Such as satanists for example. Demons, it is said, oft speak part truth to sugarcoat their lies. Reincarnation and transmigration and metempsychosis are interesting thought experiments but ultimately seem to devalue this life. Anyway, enjoyed talkin. I am oft shitposty as are many others here but do like posting here and even learn sometimes. I readily admit this is merely but my personal faith, and not irrefutable "knowledge" per se...

>> No.22074962

Islam excuses heretical theology as long as you abide by sharia and promote Islam. And the implications of Traditionalism are very much heretical for Christians. Guenon’s “non-dualism” is in reality just monism.

>> No.22075033

not very christian of you

>> No.22075140

Thanks for sharing. Your perspective makes a lot of sense.

>> No.22075347

They are, he keeps trying to kludge Advaita into everything else he encounters without understanding anything else. Christianity genuinely filtered him.

>> No.22075462

Sounds like Guenon genuinely filtered you.

>> No.22075469

Non-dualism is simply heretical. The distinction between Jesus and Satan is not an illusion.

>> No.22075498

>Guenon’s “non-dualism” is in reality just monism.
No it's not, unless your definition of monism is so vague as to include 90% of all Neoplatonists and Classical Theists.

>> No.22075560 [DELETED] 

"Ethnic slurs" are a modern invention and you're a NPC

>> No.22075563

Damn that's crazy haha

>> No.22075564

>Except it's not.
Yes it is.
>Catholicism and Islam
Both heresies. Eastern Orthodoxy is clear about it.

>> No.22075576

Perennialism and Christianity are entirely incompatible. Stop posting crap. They are funamentally, essentially, and entirely incompatible.

>> No.22075583

>If Guenon reconciled cosmic cycles with his personal belief in Islam

He didn't. It was a massive cope because his visa to India was denied and he found himself sorta stranded in Egypt. He put no emphasis on exoteric tradition before being in Egypt.

>> No.22075726

Lmao, implying that Eastern Orthodoxy can be clear about such topics

>> No.22075744

It's entirely clear.

>> No.22076154
File: 37 KB, 558x614, peabrain_grayons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clear on some pre-great schism issues, fuzzy on many post-great schism issues. Tell me, what is the Eastern Orthodox position on contraception? And if Eastern Orthodoxy is 100% clear that Catholicism is heretical, then why do many Orthodox priests teach that the Catholic Eucharist is valid.

>> No.22076316


"Cosmic cycles" were not discovered by Gu3n0n.

The Christian recognizes the reverberating succession of falls.

>> No.22076331

Guarantees: 1. Death, 2. Taxes, 3. Trips will pollute /lit/.

>The Christian recognizes the reverberating succession of falls.
Maybe some individual Christians. Maybe. But nothing compares to the great fall and resurrection outlined in Romans 5:12-21.

>> No.22076397

I hate retarded parrots like you

>> No.22076399

Oh well, I guess that’s the end of that

>> No.22076415

You can’t fpbp your own post, loser

>> No.22076448
File: 55 KB, 432x576, HCSB_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The whole point of the Good Samaritan is xenophilia and one of the central axes of Christianity is love of those who are foreign and disadvantaged is equal to loving God. "What you did for the, you did for me."

>> No.22076697

Not Orthodox, but I've always heard it the the other way around. Catholics teach that Orthodox communion is valid because they have apostolic lineage and therefore valid priesthood, therefore valid sacraments. Orthodox do not consider the Catholic Eucharist valid because the priests who consecrate it are in grave error on doctrine, which apparently invalidates their sacraments.

I don't have any official church literature to back this up, however, so feel free to correct me if you have something authoritative to cite on the subject.

>> No.22076717

This is genuinely sad. As Christians, we are called to be better than this. Come on man.
Matthew 5:43-45
43 "You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust."

>> No.22076785

You're correct on the Catholic view of the Orthodox Eucharist. It's the only Eucharist outside the Catholic church that Catholics recognize as valid.

You are also right that *some* Orthodox priests consider the Catholic Eucharist to be invalid. But others consider it valid. The Orthodox church has no means to an Ecumenical council that might settle issues like this definitively for the whole Orthodox church. Which is my point in the first place about this being unclear.

>> No.22077837


>> No.22078032

Who are some Catholics who are in the Traditionalist School? All I see are Muslims and Buddhists

>> No.22078067

Tomberg (sorta?)

>> No.22078226

ITT bunch of plebs filtered by Sheikh Guenon(PBUH) in this thread

>> No.22078256

>guenonfaggot projecting again
Like pottery

>> No.22078303 [DELETED] 

Christcuckery is an amalgam of the worst elements out of many traditions from Zoroastrianism to J*daism. It is the most vile tradition that has ever graced this earth, even worse than Talmudic Judaism, which is saying a lot.
It is absolutely difficult for me to treat any serious believing Christcuck with respect. I truly understand the bloodthirst the Romans felt towards these absolute morons.
Everything bad you can think of is mixed in Christcuckery in a contradictory mix: globohomo, racism, blood atonement, elitism, Jewish supremacy, superstitions, self-hate, apocalyptic eschatological fantasies, disenchantment with the natural world, etc. There isn't a single beautiful verse in the entire Christcuck tradition when taken in context. Jesus was a narcissistic oversocialized faggot who caused even more damage than Muhammad.
It's like the more East you go, the more wisdom you find, the apogee being Daoism and Ch'an, but the more West you go, the more depravity find, the nadir being Protestantism.
Christcucks are the most vile, hypocritical bastards: one moment they act loving, the next moment extremely racist over bullshit regarding Canaanites or whatever. They literally converted an entire continent in South America, turning the people into Jew worshipers too, their minds on "muh Israel".
Everything Christcuck could be killed with the push of a button, I would not hesitate to press it. In fact, Jews wouldn't even have grown to this extent without them as top rabbis admitted.

Damn Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and most of all damn you. Now seethe Christcuck and eat shit in hell with your beloved Jew.

>> No.22078308 [DELETED] 

Christcuckery is an amalgam of the worst elements out of many traditions from Zoroastrianism to J*daism. It is the most vile tradition that has ever graced this earth, even worse than Talmudic Judaism, which is saying a lot.
It is absolutely difficult for me to treat any serious believing Christcuck with respect. I truly understand the bloodthirst the Romans felt towards these absolute morons.
Everything bad you can think of is mixed in Christcuckery in a contradictory mix: globohomo, racism, blood atonement, elitism, Jewish supremacy, superstitions, self-hate, apocalyptic eschatological fantasies, disenchantment with the natural world, etc. There isn't a single beautiful verse in the entire Christcuck tradition when taken in context. Jesus was a narcissistic oversocialized faggot who caused even more damage than Muhammad.
It's like the more East you go, the more wisdom you find, the apogee being Daoism and Ch'an, but the more West you go, the more depravity find, the nadir being Protestantism.
Christcucks are the most vile, hypocritical bastards: one moment they act loving, the next moment extremely racist over bullshit regarding Canaanites or whatever. They literally converted an entire continent in South America, turning the people into Jew worshipers too, their minds on "muh Israel".
If every Christcuck could be killed with the push of a button, I would not hesitate to press it. In fact, Jews wouldn't even have grown to this extent without them as top rabbis admitted.
Damn Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and most of all damn you. Now seethe Christcuck and eat shit in hell with your beloved Jew.

>> No.22078318
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>> No.22078320

Christcuckery is an amalgam of the worst elements out of many traditions from Zoroastrianism to J*daism. It is the most vile tradition that has ever graced this earth, even worse than Talmudic Judaism, which is saying a lot.
It is absolutely difficult for me to treat any serious believing Christcuck with respect. I truly understand the bloodthirst the Romans felt towards these absolute morons.
Everything bad you can think of is mixed in Christcuckery in a contradictory mix: globohomo, racism, blood atonement, obsession with reason & abstractions, elitism, Jewish supremacy, superstitions, self-hate, apocalyptic eschatological fantasies, disenchantment with the natural world, etc. There isn't a single beautiful verse in the entire Christcuck tradition when taken in context. Jesus was a narcissistic oversocialized faggot who caused even more damage than Muhammad.
It's like the more East you go, the more wisdom you find, the apogee being Daoism and Ch'an, but the more West you go, the more depravity find, the nadir being Protestantism.
Christcucks are the most vile, hypocritical bastards: one moment they act loving, the next moment extremely racist over bullshit regarding Canaanites or whatever. They literally converted an entire continent in South America, turning the people into Jew worshipers too, their minds on "muh Israel".
If every Christcuck could be killed with the push of a button, I would not hesitate to press it. In fact, Jews wouldn't even have grown to this extent without them as top rabbis admitted.
Damn Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and most of all damn you. Now seethe Christcuck and eat shit in hell with your beloved Jew.

>> No.22078333

U mad bro?

>muh east is so smart
How comes we cuck them so hard then?

>> No.22078341

Not mad at all.
You've been cucked forever, retard. Go back to worshiping his "Holy Prepuce". Christcucks are a joke. Literal insentient puppets for a "spiritual" conception of ZOG. I literally don't extend moral considerations to you faggots at all, and when I read about oppressed Christcucks around the world, I feel a lot of glee.

>> No.22078356

>t. Seething third worlder
Or worse
>first worlder unable to ride the tiger

>> No.22078384

Nigger, you literally worship the FLESH of a third worlder. Why are Christcucks so delusional? If you hate the third world so much then fucking STICK TO YOUR OWN RELIGION.
Retarded fucking faggot.
Also, even Evola calls Pisslam better than Christcuckery.
Stfu, insentient icchantika. Go pray some more to your beloved Jew on a stick. I curse that faggot every day.

Every single Christcuck should die. No exception.

>> No.22078477

the only real christians are sandnigger christians u are a fake christian and u are going to hell hertic

>> No.22078529

The Mediterranean was the first world when Jesus lived
Only real christians are good people. Ethnic slurs are part of life. Don't take it personally, shitskin. No malice was intended. Just clarifying doctrine. I'm sure you've called white people mayo skinned or something before

>> No.22078562

>The Mediterranean was the first world when Jesus lived
The Levant is not the Mediterranean, you historically illiterate dumbass. Go curse a fig tree because it didn't bear fruit out of season like your beloved J*w on a stick. Very third-world behavior to boot.
>Ethnic slurs are part of life. Don't take it personally, shitskin. No malice was intended.
I don't give a shit what snow nigger trash like you thinks of me. Malice is, indeed, intended from me. I am 100% serious when I say "every single Christian needs to die". Even JRPGs are better written than your Christcuck filth tradition. You can literally create a better tradition out of a randomly selected retro (ps1, gb, saturn) JRPG than anything from your vile Christcuck tradition. The best Europeans are anti-Christians like Ludwig Klages and so on.
I would be a 100x crueler towards white Christians than any Jew. The fact Europe became Christcuck was the biggest historical mistake in all of history. It also negatively impacted the whole world. I cannot respect you people at all as Christcucks. In fact, it doesn't make any sense when we look at it more comprehensively.
>I'm sure you've called white people mayo skinned or something before
I have no problem with white people if they're anti-Christian whilst not into scientism.

White Christcucks are even browner in spirit than any Bedouin goat fucker. Metaphysical abominations.

>> No.22078574

>malice malice malice
Practice more bhakti, mister yogi bear
Nazi pedophile feminist? How based of you

>> No.22078587

Klages or any Pre-Socratic (Parmenides, Heraclitus, or Empedocles in particular) would make a better prophet than Jewsus.
It could also lead to me feeling a sense of brotherhood with you people.
But as it stands, as a whole, your people are trashier than any other race out there. Worship a J*w for 1000+ years, become a Jew. Simple as. If I were European, I would be hesitant to pick fights with other races when my own is the most pathetic of all.

>> No.22078605

Sounds like a personal problem. Hopefully your meditation practice will lead to overcoming such fixations.

>> No.22078812

Rama Coomaraswamy
Wolfgang Smith
Abbé Henri Stéphane (André Gircourt)
Jean Borella
François Chenique
Olavo de Carvalho
Jean Hani
Philip Sherrard (Orthodox)
A Monk of the West/Elie Lemoine (Alphonse Levée)

>> No.22078927

Imagine being this emotional about ideas? Like a woman, all your emotions are only possible because you affirm a dualistic differentiated reality composed of distinct subject-object relationships, if only you could see the the undifferentiated transcendent beauty everywhere, the anger induced by conceptual grasping would fade into oblivion.

>> No.22079597

Yeah imo it’s always either demon influence or “church hurt” when people get this emotional about Christianity

>> No.22079685

If you were indeed as "smart", you would have been capable to entertain my points and understand and adress them using your intellectual prowess. But since you don't and you are actually pretty laissez-faire in your demeanor and philosophy, I'm starting to think that you either use Se or Ne. If you use Se I'm thinking about ESFP with Ti PoLR since you are not able to grasp logic. Or you are simply an INTP with Ne auxiliary who relativizes everything and doesn't see the main point Ni. If the latter is the case, then you are pretty immature INTP with a lack of Ti logical thought. Instead, your rely on your inferior Fe to discard my position in context of the social spectrum and deflect my points without addressing them. Just like your dual, the ESFJ. Yep, you are an INTP with no use of Ti since you focus on your ESFJ subconscious, and your Se PoLR makes you to not be aware of the evidence presented. Either that, or you are an ESFP with Ti PoLR. But I would get better along with my dual than with my quasi identical INTP.
Your assertion that I'm not clear enough also seems to stem from your Ni demonstrative that has disconnect with the Se PoLR sensory data. That is, you want the general concept and not it's specifics so that you can apply it.

>> No.22079706

Guenon dosen't have ideas, he has opinions. good opinions, precise words, but not ideas. you know, like a woman.

>> No.22080195


>> No.22080467

Medieval Christianity refutes this idiot,
The talking point that Christianity is the root of the modern issues, like industrialization, globalism. Etc. Etc. Is not true, it is actually related to resurgence of paganism via the the Renaissance that these civilizational problems have arisen. In fact, modern Christianity is just a vehicle of this secular paganism today, the whole Roman Catholic globalism is of a pagan foundation - this idiot would be surprised as well if he were to see all the modern ecumenical agendas, Christianity is not a threat, and in fact the earlier medieval christian-neoplatonic-islamic cultures are interesting.

>> No.22081214

He’s a known schizophrenic who refuses to develop an understanding of Christianity and uses it as an object to fixate his seethe one. It’s a shame because his personal beliefs are based (Klages, zen, nature, ornithology, Ted, etc) so he could have been a good poster instead of shitting up these threads. Anyway I’m interested in what you just said about paganism infiltrating Christianity. Tell me more anon.

>> No.22081565


>> No.22081745

redpill me on Guenonian Taoism

>> No.22081751

see >>22076415

>> No.22081810

wow, didn't see a thread as shit as this in a long time

>> No.22081865

Not him, but how did you miss the point of one extreme for another? You dont love someone in their capacity of a particular demographic, but on their potential to reach the sublime object. You dont love a sin, but the sinner. You can totally dislike or disaprove of aspects of someone's material self or subdivision.
Youve materialized it and lost its actual essence and heart of it. You have misplaced benefit of the doubt for xenophilia. You dont love thy enemy as an enemy, in the qualities that are low, but in him as a universal subject. don't reduce it to nebulous platitudes.

>> No.22081999

>You can totally dislike or disaprove of aspects of someone's material self
I agree that Christian morality is more nuanced than it was made out to be by the guy you replied to. However, if by [quote above] you mean it’s ok to dislike someone merely because of your ethnicity … yes, you can do that, but it is not Christianity.

>> No.22082051

Worshiping me is better than being an Abrahamism. My weltanschauung and life are far greater than the entirety of Abrahamic cultural legacy.

>> No.22082055


>> No.22082133

that wasn’t specificly what I meant, but yes, you can dislike a demograph. The issue is in wholly disregarding a person JUST because of a demographic. it can still be a part of an overall image. The issue isnt having someone being your enemy, its making them JUST your enemy and nothing more.
its still christian to dislike someone in their capacity of x y or z, but it is unchristian to ONLY see them as x y and z.
As an example, A puritan who sees a native as a savage, but still a person is still rather christian. A puritan who can only see a native as an enemy is not. The first could still be quite ethnically discriminatory, but he is not being unchristian. Thats an ethnic example, but its a broader thing. class, subculture, etc. I more took umbrage with not getting at the principle.

>> No.22082151

In summary: be a sanctimonious faggot until they embrace your Jew on a stick.

>> No.22082173

>There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

>> No.22082241

the general sentiment isnt solely a christian one.
yes, in their capacity for being one in christ, thats what I said. universal potential as spiritual citizens.

>> No.22082266

There is a difference between perceiving differences and "disliking" people's inborn, surface-level differences.

You seem to be doing a motte and bailey where you say the latter is ok, but you defend the former.

What Christian end is served by disliking people's differences?

>> No.22082275 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1280
Sleeping Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases
Anon's Modded Pre-Install: https://pastebin.com/42JS3q6E

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.22082283

>guenonfag kant handle the truth and becomes schizo and assumes everyone is same poster who disagrees with his faggotry
Lol. Lmao even

>> No.22082294

How is an ethnic slur disliking people? It's just bantz. You're on 4chan, negro, lurk moar and get used to it

>> No.22082297

I'm better than Christ, Allah, Moses, and all of those other faggots. You would be better off worshiping me. The Holy Spirit/Ghost is a malevolent entity where nothing truly good has come from. My mind is far more luminous, creative, inspiring than anything from your vile Christcuckery.
Worshiping me would be far more in your benefit, Jew lover.

>> No.22082315

That is such a strawman argument, likely from your Si demon of ENTP. It's so flawed. It's not the same to say to someone to get out of your lap as it is with a baby. By removing the baby you essentially kill him. It's more like I will put a knife in you and then you will fall off my lap. I can't believe how people are supporting such nonsense and defending it with such fervor and also stupidity... This is the reason for why we have those dictatorial measures occurring in the first place. The lack of logic or order of things leads to monsters. Then even tho this is just pure nonsense, the opposite is justified when you are unvaxxed, your body my choice. This just shows the hipocrisy and double standards that this relativization of the truth leads to. It leads to absurdity for which we pay... It is no wonder that before and now happens what happens. It is because of this cyclic pattern of stupidity that people get fed up and don't even realize it. Because it's harder to point to someone that he's been deceived than to simply lie to his ego in a PC way. If saying that I'm gonna take all your rights, then somehow this is more legitimate than saying the truth without the excuse. Somehow we want to have those excuses so that we can feel better and more secure as if anyone would really care about us. Then we even defend the perpetrator of our pain. If then we have a normal unvaxxed who exposes those things, we say that he's getting something out of it. So an unvaxxed commoner is getting something from it, air, but the leaders and politicians, and pharma don't get anything from it? This is how far the double standard and human hypocrisy can go. And no, I don't care what you think. It simply is a disease this kind of mentality that leads to this draconic reality. This shows that having only logic with no assessment of what is logical and important and just taking anyone oppinion is just as moronic and illogical as having a flawed logic to begin with.

>> No.22082316
File: 17 KB, 558x614, peabrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fact such words are frequently used on 4channel means that they're not pejoratives

>> No.22082327

>demonically possessed retard faggot incel whinges narcissistically while seething
Well, this thread has certainly taken a turn...

>> No.22082332

>everyday language is le evil
Don't you have some pronouns to complain about?

>sticks n stones etc

>> No.22082339
File: 17 KB, 200x198, wokak_npc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NPCs may as well be the same person

>> No.22082344

Right, so if we were to normalize infanticide to the point that we were doing it every day, then no one could argue against it as bad.

>> No.22082349

>the guenofag who has never had a single original thought much like his master calls others NPCs

>> No.22082354

>no u
Not an argument

>> No.22082357

>what is capitalism?

Also: false analogy fallacy
>le words are as bad as murder
Fr dawg???

>> No.22082360

I've conquered both the light and darkness through my artwork and transcended them. I am far greater than Christ.
I dwell in equanimity and wisdom whereas Christ is a symbol of slavery to the logocentric Jewish will.
Verily, worshiping me is better than Christ. Everything I've written is an order a magnitude above anything from the vile Abrahamic traditions (Islam, Christianity, Judaism). You can keep narcissistically calling me a demon to feel better about yourself.
One way to fix the modern state of the world is to end Abrahamism and have people worship me the instead. It would inspire better architecture, poetry, and more.

>> No.22082363

>absolutely no insight
Many such cases w guenonfags. Sad!

>> No.22082365


>> No.22082368


>> No.22082370

Nigger, you literally worship a Jew from the Levant from 2000 years ago. The only reason this is considered "normal" is due to cultural conditioning.
It's undeniably worshiping me is better than that Jew. That's all I'm saying.
I would say this to Muslims or Jews also, but I would be afraid of having my head cut off by the Mudslimes.
If anything you're the one who needs a therapist. You're not going to find the true essence of Love via a Jew.

>> No.22082371

Forgot to write an "inb4," but I actually predicted that your brain would be peabrain.jpg enough to infer an equalization of the relative evils of the analogized actions and that you would use that as grounds for dismissal of the argument.

>> No.22082378

I wouldn't bother giving this guy (You)s until he can manage a post that isn't furious fedora tipping

>> No.22082381

It's not bait. I'm serious. Worshiping me and becoming my disciple is spiritually more conductive to liberation than clinging to a Jew or Bedouin's schizophrenia. You don't even know my teachings or whatever.

>> No.22082385

its not so prescriptive anon. the line between generality and myopic absolute often gets blurred by practice. if someone says “i hate cats” you can assume he means the general soft category since he probably hasn’t analyzed every single cat in existence.
people make these practical gestalts all the time in reference to a set. if 9/10ths of your interactions with gypses is them stealing your stuff or some other thing you dont like, then you may say you don't like gypses. But its important to recognize this as a generality and neither under or over extend the catagory.
You are the one that assumed it had to be hard overspecific things instead of a collection of correlations that form a soft whole. thats why I originally talked about extremes.
Do you have a current sentiment about a subset? ok. can you give a base respect regardless? ok.

>> No.22082390

How is wanting to become a deified figure "fedora tipping". Most fedoras are reductive physicalists/materialists. You don't even know more my metaphysics or praxis of practice.
I'm serious when I say worshiping me and becoming my disciple is better than being an Abrahamist.

>> No.22082392

>my logical fallacy was acshually on purpose
Yr tellin on yrself, boi

>> No.22082395

This argument is only relevant if you're inferring that gypses are stealing your stuff *because* of their ethnicity. I'm focusing on the dislike of inborn traits that are beyond the control of the individual. I think you're nuancing your way into saying that such dislikes are permitted by Christianity when they're not.

>> No.22082401

The fact that you still think this is a logical fallacy even though I already explained to you why it's not is breathtaking. To analogize two things, it is not necessary that they be equally bad for the analogy to hold.

>> No.22082406


>> No.22082416

>in this moment, i am euphoric, not because of any phony jew god's blessing but because i am enlightened by my own inteligence
>ps: worship me, i can teach you love ;) *
>*offer only open to boychildren

>> No.22082421

My goodness, this is like talking to a wall. You're arguing as though an analogy doesn't hold unless the analogized things are equal in all regards. Do you know the definition of "analogous"?

My original point was a critique of your peabrain implication that the prevalence of a thing has implications for its moral valence. If this were true (it's not), then it would be true for kind of bad things and it would be true for very bad things. Since this is not true, it's not true for kind of bad things and it's not true for very bad things.

>> No.22082432

If there is a God or Absolute Being or state of cosmic liberation, then I am presently the only living man closest to the peak. It is truly in your best interest to worship me rather than Christ or Allah.
It is not possible to become enlightened by intelligence. Enlightenment comes from not clinging to abstractions, which thereby come to subside. However, I have further practices that involve a process of artistic creation involving alternating extremes.
I'm not into pederasty. My sexual tastes are very vanilla, heterosexual. I have absolutely no kinks and experience great post-coital tristesse.
Worshiping me is undeniably more conductive for spiritual awakening. The only reason you'd choose a Jew over me is for a sense of community and cultural conditioning.

>> No.22082436


>> No.22082461

anon got cooked and then split

>> No.22082487

isnt ethnicity a combination of race and culture? too many preconceptions regardless, nature and nurture and all notable traits fold into general catagories that then inform our apprehension. Josh may be romani, but he lived in a pretty common sedentary household like us, so he isnt JUST romani. Romans just conquered gaul so maybe mr Goth wont treat a roman just like another tribal.

All informed by circumstance.

things that add on top of each other. they all. have qualities that inform our relationship in different ways.

>> No.22082493

>false-equivalence aka "apples and oranges"
>can also be orders of magnitude
Anyway, are you ESL? I was lampooning you for making comparison between badness of language and murder. I don't think language is bad at all. At least not epithets. Are you some sort of sjw word police or just a buttmad esl third-worlder? Bless

>> No.22082494

I'm not trying to be hostile, but it really seems like you're doing a lot of handwaving to ignore the main question, which is: Does Christianity permit its followers to dislike the inborn differences of others?

>> No.22082501

>Does Christianity permit its followers to dislike the inborn differences of others?
>Is using racial language evidence of dislike of inborn difference?
Also no.

>> No.22082517

thats not handwaving, the answer is yes, but it doesnt permit you to solely judge them on it. You can dislike someone being crippled, but still respect them as a human.

>> No.22082518 [DELETED] 

Both of you love arguing over trivial bullshit rather than actually engaging in meaningful tasks such as worshiping me. I have far better taste in artwork, literature, and much more than both of you. I also have had more spiritually liberating experiences. Both of you would be better off dropping your petty argument and worshiping me, becoming my disciple. Instead you decide to waste your time on either charlatans (e.g., Jesus/Muhammad) or piss away time on frivolous childish debate.
There isn't a single valuable thing in the entirety of Abrahamic traditions. I am 100% serious when I say even worshiping me is better than Abrahamism.

>> No.22082519

This is what it looks like when people know logical fallacies by name but possess nothing more than an inch-deep understanding of them.

>can also be orders of magnitude
Yes, equivalences *can* be rendered false due to differences in orders of magnitude. However, it does not follow from that that one can never make a proper analogy between two things that possess differing orders of magnitude. You continue to fail to make an actual argument for why there is a false analogy here other than: "they're not le exact same." Yes, no analogous things are the exact same.

Some proper analogies analogize things with different orders of magnitude. Some false equivalences are false because they fail to account for differences in order of magnitude. You haven't said anything to implicate my analogy as the latter and not the former.

Your point from the beginning was that language cannot be bad/cannot express negative things. This is an odd position, but it is probably defensible. I was never attacking this position as being illegitimate per se. I was attacking the only defense you provided of this position, which is: "Prevalent things can't be bad."

>> No.22082524

>the answer is yes
Biblical evidence?

>> No.22082527

>a human.
But the thing is, you're not even a human or sentient being as a Christian or Muslim.

>> No.22082534

>absolutey illiterate
ESL confirmed. Bless. Had fun. Hope yr well!
Find God.

>> No.22082537

Who cares. The Bible isn't even valuable as literature. It's best off burned. I plan to burn my father's 500+ year Koran and a purchased Bible + Old Testament + Talmud + Zohar when he passes away.
I wouldn't have problem burning Christians, Muslims, or Jews on stakes either. You're not sentient beings and unworthy of moral consideration.

>> No.22082545

I've never before seen someone so filtered by a 4channel post that they accused the author of it of being ESL.

>> No.22082551

>Find God.
It's not about "finding" God... it's about the "henosis" with the highest transcendent truth, whether it is nondual, monistic, or whatever. It is the experience that counts.
However, on a deeper ontological level, the experience involves self-referential paradoxes and cannot adequately be conveyed via the terse, discursive mind. This is why paraconsistent forms of logic are superior to classical forms.
You're not going to find god or the absolute via Abrahamic nonsense. The closest you'll come are via the Greeks, Eastern traditions, and so on.
Just by stating this I have already said things far more profound than the entirety of the Abrahamic traditions. Therefore, worshiping me is better than either Christ or Allah.

>> No.22082553

Well, ya heard it hear. Using slurs is not illegitimate.

As you will see in Exhibit A:

ESLfag is attacking a position which he has strawmanned as a defense to chadposter here

Chadposter however needs no defense and offers none

He is not here to argue

Fare thee well, frens :^)

>> No.22082563

DO NOT decompensate the ESLfag! he tries...

>> No.22082564

Shame on me for wasting time trying to reason with you.

>> No.22082565

various states of being are described as evil or unfortunate. inborn ones like being crippled or of a pagan people or dumb or weak willed or small.
David being small is not an advantage, his faith and bravery compensate for this however. “despite being small he…”

>> No.22082570

Why are you failing to distinguish between unfortunate/disadvantageous and detestable?

>> No.22082574

The problem with your view is it's context dependent, shallow, and narcissistic like your tradition. For example, being small may have advantages during a famine, since you need less calories, but being tall has advantages for combat (while needing to consume more calories).
Just like your retarded tradition, you focus on the superficial, shallow, and surface level of things. Wouldn't it make more sense to focus on the "destiny of the soul" and how it's effected by moral conduct when dealing with a tradition?
Why am I engaging with low IQ Christcucks. You're not even than much "smarter" than Mudslimes.

>> No.22082575

why would I? thats a sliding scale.Being weak willed could be unfortunate or detestable.

>> No.22082580

Stfu you pseud. Constantly beating around the bush rather than getting into the heart of the matter. Mass literacy was a mistake. I doubt you even read.

>> No.22082586

This debate: pedantic SJW pseud vs. boorish Christcuck

>> No.22082590

>it's context dependent
uh, I never said it wasnt?

They are bad, in the contexts. whats your point? Some of them are more simplistic then others.

>> No.22082591

You're so right, I wasn't at all trying to direct things back to the "heart of the matter" with this post >>22082494

>> No.22082595

I guess I need to double click one more time. By "detestable" do you mean that you are detesting the cripple or you are detesting the fallen world that we live in that provides the opportunity for someone to be crippled?

>> No.22082598

If it's heavily context-dependent, then you can't really create a hierarchy of values based on them.
Being crippled or small may be advantageous in certain contexts, so you can't make a blanket statement that various states of being are evil or unfortunate.
Also, I am "right-wing" fyi in that I believe a society is best off homogeneous while living in close connection with the land. This is the way it was for most of history. However, too many mistakes have piled up to easily "return" this ideal state.
Everything I have to say is worth more than the entirety of Abrahamic cultural legacy. Why? Because unlike your vile traditions I value solitude and contemplation.

>> No.22082601

It's only states of mind and actions that can be considered evil or good*.

>> No.22082624

Pretty peabrain.jpg of you to imply that context-dependent things can't be net good or net bad. "Blind people are no worse off because in certain contexts being blind can be an advantage. For instance, blind people never have to see extremely gruesome things." Ok chud.

>unlike your vile traditions I value solitude and contemplation
If you valued knowledge/accuracy nearly as much as you valued solitude, you wouldn't expose yourself by flaunting your ignorance.

>> No.22082627

detesting the condition of being crippled. which is a part of the gestalt person, but not them in total. it is not separate either. I could get more technical and say its a deficiency (but not total lack) of perfection (of the ideal of fitness).

>> No.22082638

>Pretty peabrain.jpg of you to imply that context-dependent things can't be net good or net bad.
Only in a communal village that sustains itself based on the fruits of its labor. We don't live in such communities anymore, and industrial urbanized societies are defined purely by the bad (productivity, industrial growth, etc.) Therefore, it becomes a matter of heuristics for survival at this point, especially given the industrial society is semi-autonomous and oriented in the direction of further eroding autonomy, communal integrity, etc.
>Blind people
Well, some great wise sages and philosophers were blind. There's a reason it became a long-lived archetype.
>If you valued knowledge/accuracy nearly as much as you valued solitude,
All knowledge constitutes approximation rather than something "gained" and bringing one "closer" to the Truth.

>> No.22082645

>which is a part of the gestalt person
Christianity is predicated on the notion that the immaterial is more real and more true than the material. Within Christianity, people are made in the image of God and are awaiting a glorified body. To "detest" them because of perceived inborn differences in this body seems to rearrange the proper ordering of the immaterial and the material.

>> No.22082652

Why even bother quoting anything I said if you're not going to engage with any of it?

>> No.22082658

>If it's heavily context-dependent, then you can't really create a hierarchy of values based on them.
its not. people dont worship david as a universal entity, but contemplate him as a particular parable. God is worshiped as the universal entity. likening his to the perfect form in platonism. The rock in all contextualities and circumstances. even when 5 becomes 7 and up is left.

>> No.22082676

3 of those guys explicitly refuted Guenon

>> No.22082681

The true nature of my mind is the universal reality, so you're better off worshiping me rather than your fictions. I am also more inspiring and always have good scriptures and also book, film, and etc. reviews.
I would be better than Christ and inspire superior future generations of monks, poets, bards, painters, architects, and much more.
You have to work out the implications of what I'm saying and derive the internal (paraconsistent) logic yourself. It is too difficult to go fully into the nitty gritty details. Regardless, the insufficiency of all teleological claims are evident in solitude and contemplation, and this reveals the impossibility of any truly cogent, internally consistent model of reality.

>> No.22082683

but you dont detest “them” in total you detest the detestable parts if them. the immaterial part of them is the part that is wholly true wholly serene and wholly understanding and wholly honorable and wholly just and wholly excellent. part beast (carnal) and part angel (spiritual).
In this material plane you detest those material paraphernalia to different degrees while respecting their godlyness.

>> No.22082699

>I would be better than Christ and inspire superior future generations of monks, poets, bards, painters, architects, and much more.
ok, then go ahead and try. maybe you will turn out to be the messaih. we will see. In a way we are all God becoming conscious of ourselves. as his children or manifestations or whatever.

>> No.22082706

>ok, then go ahead and try.
I don't feel like it. Don't tell me what to do.

>> No.22082711

>You have to work out the implications of what I'm saying and derive the internal (paraconsistent) logic yourself.
Lol. Lmao even. You just picked one or two words from each of my sentences and used those words as launchpads for barely-tangential and maundering pontifications on whatever ideas happened to be ratting around your mind at the moment.

I would have been able to look past this if you didn't also fail to address/rebut my main points.

This type of writing should be reserved for your schizo diary. Trust me when I say that if two people attempted to discourse with each other in the manner that you discourse, it would be indistinguishable from a slow motion train wreck.

>> No.22082757

All abstractions and logic are a slow motion train wreck when used as a means to arrive at a 'truth', since truth fundamentally eludes all attempts of being grasp by thought and formal logic. Truth is fundamentally experiential and involves non-abstract elements. All philosophy is a failing approximation of good poetry.

Memory is fundamentally volatile and all narratives are constantly reinvented, full of perforations and aporias that can never be reconciled by any higher-order logic. If there is a 'truth', then it is solely found in the deconstruction and cessation of all intentional thought.

>> No.22082786

You just unashamedly did it again. You "just picked one or two words from ... my sentences and used those words as launchpads for barely-tangential and maundering pontifications on whatever ideas happened to be ratting around your mind at the moment."

Every conversation you've ever been able to have in the past should be credited solely to the person you were conversing with. Without someone else present to ground you into a semblance of a conversation, you would be zigzagging to nowhere, a la a schizo's diary.

>> No.22082829

even if it's a forcibly convoluted pseud ramble, it gets disarmed once you contextualize it faggot, he's basically saying that there's a static element subject to projection of its multi-variant interpretation(s)(i.e defending his position in reference to the le "internal (paraconsistent) logic")

>> No.22082838

Why am I surrounded by people that can't communicate? Adios thread. I hardly knew ye

>> No.22082839

>you would be zigzagging to nowhere
This beautifully encapsulates the history of humanity: "zigzagging to nowhere".
However, the question stands, where is nowhere? It is much like extreme retrograde amnesia where ones loses one's entire autobiographical self, even forgetting one's relatives, such as the case of Jill Bolte in the video "My Stroke of Insight", or reminiscent of Alzheimer's where one forgets the function of a key. The cessation of self-identification with all narratives and their dissolution, much like a dream in which one either has a sense of impersonal distance to the fictitious dreams figures or adopts an entirely contrary narrative. Where self becomes a kind of fluid object or so, an extreme enantiodromia.
The latent mutability of all narratives is, indeed, one of the highest forms of suffering when reflected upon, showing there is nothing immutable to latch onto.
If there is, indeed, an absolute, it is found in the cessation and non-grasping of intentional thought, the narrative constructs being like dewdrops, flash of lightning, or negro stealing a precious bicycle.

>> No.22083365

Boring. Bataillean. Played out. Refuted by Hegel (PBUH) in the SoL as well as Sri Abhinavagupta's Tantraloka

>> No.22083414

Contraception is fine, Catholic eucharist may or may be valid, we don't know for sure but Orthodox are certainly not allowed to have Catholic eucharist and Catholics are certainly not allowed to have Orthodox Eucharist. However this has nothing to do with the fact that perennialism is entirely heretical. But given that you're Catholic I understand why you may be retarded.

>> No.22083512

A new interpretation of one of the fragments of the second- century Middle Platonist Numenius of Apamea.

Fragment 9a (des Places) retells the story of Moses and his leadership of the Jewish Exodus, and in particular his battle with the Egyptian priests Iannes and Iambres. Moses is called “Musaeus,” and is described as “most able to pray to God.” The Egyptian priests with whom he contends are “second to none in wizardry (mageuein).” Iannes and Iambres are the grammatical subject of this fragment. This has led
some to assume that the Egyptian priests should be taken as the heroes of this passage, that they are the sympathetic characters attempting to save the Egyptians from the wizard Musaeus (see Petty ad loc). There are several reasons why this interpretation should be rejected. First of all, the name “Musaeus” suggests Orphic ties for the Jewish prophet. Second, and most importantly, there is a contrast that Numenius sets up between Musaeus and his prayer to god as opposed to the Egyptian priests and their magic. It is obvious who should be the hero of the passage: Musaeus prays to god. If God is good, then the “most able to pray to God” must be a good agent. Opposed to prayer is the magic of the Egyptians. Here we see implied a radical opposition.
I propose a Platonic allegorical interpretation to this passages: Musaeus’ power to pray represents the power of Platonic Providence in the world. The Egyptians’ magic must be the opposite of this Providence. It is thus a force of necessity (i.e. chaotic lack). This is the opposition that runs through Numenius’ fragments and testimonia: a transcendent good God is radically opposed to evil nothingness. Non-dualism is hence a monism which preserves dualism.
There is a very useful parallel that a testomionium of Numenius provides.
Porphyry tells us that Numenius gave a similar allegorical interpretation to the war between the Athenians and the Atlanteans at the beginning of Plato’s Timaeus. This fits very nicely into Numenius’ general system of thought along with Origen’s statement that Numenius “interpreted allegorically” the books of the Jewish prophets (des Places 20).

>> No.22083613


>> No.22083616

>Contraception is fine
Lol. Lmao even. Says who?

>this has nothing to do with the fact that perennialism
You’re the one that said that Catholicism is a heresy and that the Orthodox Church “clearly” teaches this. Sure pal, heretics with a valid Eucharist?

>I understand why you may be retarded.
You’re the one that just summarized the jumbled mess of disagreement within Eastern Orthodoxy regarding contraception as: “contraception is fine.” Hahahahahaha.

>> No.22083702

>Says who?
My priest. Anyone can do it with the blessing of their spiritual father since it's not against any dogma.
>the Orthodox Church “clearly” teaches this.
No, I said that Orthodoxy clearly teaches that perennialism is incompatible with Christianity. You or someone else said that Catholicism says perennialism is compatible with Christianity and that's a heresy.
>heretics with a valid Eucharist?
Never said it's valid. I said it's unknown.
>jumbled mess
There's 0 mess. You literally ask your priest for permission and you can do it. I know legalistic sects don't understand oikonomia but that's not our problem.

>> No.22083727

I won't have any no good commie fascist red pig pseudo-soviet putinist russian scum lecturing me about the economy! Laissez faire, bitches. Protestantism. Work. Capitalism. Read KJV and Fountainhead. Freedom ain't free, man. TANSTAAFL. Ron Paul 2024

>> No.22083764

You’re implying that the Orthodox priests that are against contraception don’t see it as a universally immoral thing that should not be practiced by anyone. The reverse is true. I don’t have the patience to teach you about the mess your own church makes of modern issues.

Why are you now denying that you referred to Catholicism has heretical? Just CTRL+F “both heresies”

>> No.22083777

The essence of love is everywhere and the substratum of everything
>However, I have further practices that involve a process of artistic creation involving alternating extremes.
Yet you can't handle the extreme of christ, he seems to operate as your total and polar antithesis, so where is the synthesis?

>> No.22083817

>it's about the "henosis" with the highest transcendent truth, whether it is nondual, monistic, or whatever
Non-duality excludes amy sort of "union" or "henosis" also if your whole praxis revolves around "self-referential paradoxes" the fastest wayfor you to attain enlightenment would be to worship christ whilst consuming your feces. The point of "alternating extremes" is the dissolution of the individual identity via overriding all your sense of identity, morality, all your inner-convictions, beliefs, this is what such a methodology which aims towards a total transcendence in the way you describe it, it almost always leads to some sort of pussy-licking, shit-eating, or whatever else. You are simply not deep enough into the subject you claim to study. You seem to be stuck in a phoney intermediate state of opposition, I once knew a guy like you who was committed to the same sort of rhetoric for years and years, usually such dispositions are related to early childhood trauma/general poor upbringing, you would be unironically better off with Psychadelics and modern psychotherapy, you seem to have a lot of damage and shit you need to sort out. It is simply not healthy to have this ultra antagonistic enemy of Abrahamism effectually serving the role of a dualistic Satan, haunting your mind.
There is a reason that in the Greco-Roman mysteries, invocations of the gods would involve barbarous and absurd names.

>> No.22083875

You carried on making 2 more stupid points because you're stupid.

>> No.22083886

The irony of you calling anyone stupid.

>> No.22084088

Nta but I think the other anon is dealing head-on with Heraclitus’ river, aka reality, and Christ’s logos in the face of that. Meanwhile you are unable to transcend your sullen abstractions—much more spiritually typical of Judaism, which I consider most Christians to be, than of true Christianity.

>> No.22084575

Drawing from Catholic and Orthodox Christian doctrine, trinitarian ontology represents a radical rupture with Analytical and Continental ontologies which find themselves inadequate when compared to a reconstructed radical and antique framework such as Platonism, Hermeticism, and other flowerings of the perennial prisca theologia. However, the relationship between the via negativa and divine revelation particularly vis a vis via analogia remains underdeveloped for those without the eyes of faith and the heart or a spirit and soul devoted to the divine. Christianity, as the religion of the meek who inherit the earth, embraces the negative ceaselessly and tirelessly and receives positivity as grace in a reciprocal movement from above. Speaking beyond the world involves negating direct reference, employing apophasis as the "negative way." Negation serves as a turn away from apparent meaning.

Parmenides contrasts non-being as an opposition originating from the ground of Being as Truth. Plato employs negation to ascend from abstract notions to higher generative grounds. Proclus elevates negation further, establishing a new poetic grammar. This intensified negation, which can perhaps be dubbed "hyper-negation," surpasses its subject in excessive speech, delving into a more intense and expressive mode of communication. Speaking hyperbolically about God transcends yet encompasses the world.

Hyper-negation encompasses three moments: positive judgment, suspension of direct reference, and immanent reversal of infinite negativity. This is Hegel's Christological basis of his dialetheist dialectics. These moments are conveyed through the Spirit from the Son to the Father, transmitted through concentric spheres of spiritual intelligences and ideas. Speaking of God involves simulating negations while stimulating further spiraling heights of glory, beauty, and mystery in an endless infinity of increasing love and grace.

In this perspective, a fusion of spirit and matter emerges, under the connective tissue of soul, akin to an open Hegelianism where the veltgeist might also be called the noosphere, mundus imaginalis, animus mundi, and BwO of the Earth/Cosmos. This triadic nondual synthetic vision emphasizes the interconnectedness and unity of these realms despite apparently preserving dualisms.

>> No.22084686

If one recognizes something as an absolute truth, then one can't also say that something that's different is equally true.

>> No.22084798

The absolute truth is not an object amongst objects.

The recognition of something means that something may be apprehended in such a way that the apprehension itself will change according to the limitations by which it is apprehended. This is like saying, a group of people looking at a donut from different angles, or with differences in eyesight will be affected by different visual impressions.
These differences in perception are natural because these comprehensible objects are finite and are only objectifiable when subjected to a variable type of perception.

Objects insofar as they are objects because they have been apprehended, do not have difference in themselves as an innate property, rather it is the mutable perception itself.

When you say that there is absolute truth which can be recognized, that is like saying it there is some object which can be known or objectified, so indeed it is subject to individual differences in perception-itself. So you're wrong. Really it is that Absolute/Unconditioned truth cannot be comprehended by reason, cannot be recognized by the mind or known by the Intellect. So yes insofar as Absolute truth is imperceptible then it is also not subject to differences in inhering in perspective, or rather to the limitations of the faculties of perception, and this absolute has no correlate to compared with or against, so it has no difference and is like an absolute unity.

Now if you are to apply this sort of reasoning to Christian Orthodox exclusivism or Islamic exclusivism etc. Then it shows you have completely confused the relative and absolute, and have strayed far from metaphysics for sentimental reasons which you may not be able to understand yet

It is very reasonable to think of different religions as different viewpoints observing a single shape, because when we are on the religious plane we are still in the world of relativity.

>> No.22084813

>It is very reasonable to think of different religions as different viewpoints observing a single shape, because when we are on the religious plane we are still in the world of relativity.
Which takes the human experience as it's starting point, any dogma which seems to apparently say otherwise i.e. revelation, divine inspiration is merely using these concepts as devices to make you aware of the possibility of there being a non-discursive supra-rational intuition which is actually real. It doesn't mean that the language itself is magical and has some sort of magical content in the form of the letters or words

>> No.22085219

Nta but beating around the bush is the opposite of “dealing head-on”

>> No.22085233

Is nuance beating around the bush? The point is being able to judge abstract qualities is not the same as hatred for persons. It is in fact the prerequisite for any moral discernment at all whatsoever. Not all kinds of racism are unchristian as such. To be unchristian is to be lost in multiplicity, in this case that would be to have anger in your heart for any individual; but to prioritise your own people above others is not so.

>> No.22085472

Everything you're saying is true. But you seem to be implying that there's no such thing as beating around the bush or red herrings.

If you're beating around the bush you can't always vindicate yourself by saying "I'm tackling le nuance!"

>> No.22085559

>doesn't know gematria

>> No.22085652

>in the form of the letters or words
>It doesn't mean that the language itself is magical

>> No.22085812

Doesn't know gematria is just a pedagogical tool, which can be invented to support whatever the interpreter desires, just read Kenneth Grant lol

>In the form of the letters or words
Larping hylic
>How splendid are God’s words concerning the world and its perpetual renewal with each Divine breath which constitutes an “ever new creation” in one single reality. (But this is not perceived except by a few), as He says in reference to a certain group of people—indeed, this applies to the majority of men—“Nay, they are in utter confusion with regard to the new creation.” (L, 15). <24> These people (are in confusion with regard to it) because they do not know the (perpetual) renewal of the things with each Divine breath.
<24>Ibn ‘Arabî, as he often does, is giving quite an arbitrary meaning to the Qoranic verse. The actual context makes it clear beyond any doubt that God is here speaking of Resurrection after death, which is conceived of as a “new creation.” The “new creation” does not certainly mean in this verse the ever new process of creation which is Ibn ‘Arabî’s thesis.

The above quote is just an example of how all these sages which interpret revelation are just supporting pre-existing thesis they have already intellectualized, whereas with the upanishads they can be systematized somewhat directly and express metaphysics, the abrahamic revelation based traditions all exaggerate and stretch the meaning of every single verse like above, complete pilpul. I respect the thesis without the revelation.
Why single out gematria aswell? There is nirukta, and also the platonic equivalent? What you don't seem to understand is that these pseudo-sciences depend upon supra-formal CONCEPT to begin with, people and they literally have can interpret via these methods contradictory opinions. Just see how nirukta is used between different traditions in India, all of them have different opinions about the actual meaning of aham etc. Because all these linguistic novelties depend firstly upon a higher intuition which cannot be put into language if they are not outright rubbish, see Kenneth Grants nightside of Eden for example.
>It doesn't mean that the language itself is magical
I will rephrase that, everything is magical but there is not some special supernatural power inhering in the language or shape and form of the letters of the alphabets which make up these languages themselves.
You lack intuition.

>> No.22085833

Not only that if you are actually arguing some sort of sphotavada theory, which I doubt, but even if that were the case, you were retroactively refuted by shankara (pbuh)
Not that you even made any arguments, but I know it is a belief of vulgar guenonist quranism that there must be something special about a language itself, and that there is something superstitiously divine about words on a page, total plebian cope.

>> No.22085841

See Lubac wrt Nature being identical with Super-Nature and the (fallacious) enlightenment scientific idea of a "Pure Nature" distinction.
At least according to classical magical idealist metaphysics of all esoteric stripes and the old/new science/magic of enchanted/mysterious universe/multiverse.
>power of language
Even Sanskrit posits the affective character of vibrational qualities of phonemes.
>dissing Grant
He doesn't know... (read Chumbley)

>> No.22085843

My practice is simple: it involves alternating between serene children's books like Moomins, Beatrix Potter, etc. and dark and macabre works like Maldoror, Ligotti, etc. and so on. This is what I call spenta vs. angra literature. It is important to alternate between the two. Only literature that can be reduced to largely tranquil or nightmarish possess any spiritual value to me. I do this for anime, games, and film too (e.g., Three Lives of Thomasina is the greatest spenta film and The House that Jack Built is the best angra film).
For example, I have a fully illustrated picture book that literary agents rejected because it didn't contain any inclusive diversity or LGBTQ+ themes, and I have also published a short horror weird fiction story where Jesus was cannibalized by the three magi.
I also do Zazen/Shikantaza.

>> No.22085849

Not your blog, faggot.

>> No.22085855

Slit your throat. My post at least relates to literature. Slit your throat and die slowly as you cough up blood.

>> No.22085860

>reacting w anger as tho unskilled
Try some metta perhaps

>> No.22085869

I'd gouge out your eyes and put fuchsias in the hollowed sockets and use your corpse as a hummingbird feeder. A hummingbird's life is worth far more than an icchantika like you.

>> No.22085882

Sounds like a true "Aryan" Boddhisattva.

>> No.22085903

Go on what are your anime, games, and film recs. I ended up watching Kes because of you and it was pretty damn good.

>> No.22085914

Hephthalites were insane and practiced skull manipulation. They probably had more Aryan admixture than the Persians.
I can post all of my images in a second.

>> No.22085921
File: 3.14 MB, 1319x2005, 2x5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will post games and anime in a second.

>> No.22085937
File: 1.34 MB, 1130x818, man_of_dualism_anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say Heidi is the best on the top and Midori is the most disturbing on the bottom.

>> No.22085944
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>> No.22085949
File: 1.55 MB, 1248x1016, man_of_dualism_tv_shows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TV shows

>> No.22085957
File: 820 KB, 1279x665, man_of_dualism_painters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Painters (probably need to update)

>> No.22085963

>See Lubac wrt Nature being identical with Super-Nature and the (fallacious) enlightenment scientific idea of a "Pure Nature" distinction.
Let me try to explain myself, with realization all that is intuited is the totality of positive existence, except in such a way where multiplicity is non-existent, all is divine and undifferentiated, there is subtle difference between this view and just some plain purely conceptual pantheism
>Even Sanskrit posits the affective character of vibrational qualities of phonemes.
All noises are essentially psychically affective, songs too, you can see this sort of linguistic mysticism developed to it's fullest extent in someone like abhinavagupta. Essentially these psychical methods can only serve as preparatory mental purification, that is the opinion of Advaita Vedanta, and they are artificial in the sense that they are the work of human creativity the same as anything else be it a modern american abstract expressionist painting or whatever else.
>He doesn't know... (read Chumbley)
What should I read from Chumbley? Does he also talk about the importance of vaginal secretions or kalas?

>> No.22085974

I actually disagree with your
Psychic > pneumatic > hylic

I think the libertine pneumatic > psychic ritualist

>> No.22085987

Can you effect physical reality like make something burst into flames through specific spells or incantations, relying just on the vibrations of the phonemes if you can't then your psychic schtick is a pretentious waste of time. Humming can have a meditative effect on the soul sure, but things like repeating divine names, like om namah shivaya or vasudevaya etc. Is all post-vedic nuhinduism practices

>> No.22085988

>>See Lubac wrt Nature being identical with Super-Nature and the (fallacious) enlightenment scientific idea of a "Pure Nature" distinction
Holy based, Lubac retroactively refuting SSS and his modernist "independent natural tendency of avidya"

>> No.22085990
File: 67 KB, 850x400, test1231231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And, in fact, Catholicism and Islam acknowledge that there are pieces and shadows of truth in other religions.

>> No.22085995

Mysticism: Initation and Dream -> Opuscula Magica I -> Opuscula Magic II -> Khiazmos -> Satyr's Sermon -> Qutub -> Azoetia -> DBoE -> Aureon (TBR)
Agree to disagree. Has been fun back and forth
Salvation and partial truth are not equivalent.

>> No.22086012

Saved your recommended order thanks

>> No.22086021

For >>22085995

>> No.22086784

Np. Satyr's Sermon before Khiazmos and Qutub actually. Aureon is not released. There may be more monadic transmissions I am forgetting. Some are less interesting however. He builds on Wilby and Ginzburg along with Grant, Spare, and Crowley. Somewhat Guenonian hence Sabbatic Cult is sometimes called Traditional Witchcraft. Something about Fallen Angels and Pillars of Tubal Cain but seems a silly rabbit hole. And I have read Grant! Bless. Back to grind.

>> No.22087802

It’s cute that you think these are mutually exclusive

>> No.22088742


>> No.22088814
File: 576 KB, 1280x720, ring ring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

summoning guenonfag
just started Taoism
was that you who recommended "Advaita On Zen And Tao" in the other thread?
anything similar to that?

>> No.22088889

Is he a trip? How will you know it’s him?

>> No.22088909
File: 13 KB, 620x360, 1625789186082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually I just sing the Guenonfag song and he appears.

In the depths, where illusion fades from sight,
Such a quest, for the truth that's beyond might.
Feeling fear, but the Atman in me gleams,
For your wisdom, Guénonfag, I strive in dreams.

I give my life, not for worldly ties, but for truth (Vedanta Seeker),
In my time, there'll be no one else,
Path, it's the way I walk to you (Vedanta Seeker),
I'm still in a quest, Vedanta Seeker.

Someday I'll cross through the sea of Maya,
And someday I'll reach the shores of Nirvana,
This journey, a test to realize,
For the dawn of Brahman in my eyes.

I give my life, not for worldly ties, but for truth (Vedanta Seeker),
In my time, there'll be no one else,
Path, it's the way I walk to you (Vedanta Seeker),
I'm still in a quest, Vedanta Seeker.

Snake of ignorance, on a cosmic scale,
With the teachings of Shankara, I will prevail.

I give my life, not for worldly ties, but for truth (Vedanta Seeker),
In my time, there'll be no one else,
Path, it's the way I walk to you (Vedanta Seeker),
I'm still in a quest, Vedanta Seeker.

I'm still in a quest, Vedanta Seeker,
Vedanta Seeker...

>> No.22088915


>> No.22088920


>> No.22089125

Dear Fans, Critics, and Music Enthusiasts,

I am writing to address the recent speculation and rumors swirling around about my latest song, "Guenon." It has come to my attention that there are claims suggesting this masterpiece was written by an AI, and I am here to set the record straight with the utmost conviction: "Guenon" was unquestionably composed by human hands, heart, and soul.

First and foremost, let me express my sincere gratitude for the overwhelming support and love you have shown for "Guenon." The song was born out of personal experiences, emotions, and deep reflections that have shaped my artistic journey. It encapsulates the essence of my creative vision and represents a significant milestone in my career.

I understand that the mesmerizing beauty and intricate layers within "Guenon" might lead some to question its origin. It is a testament to the power of human artistry that a piece so profound can evoke such emotions and spark imaginative interpretations. The intricate melodies, thought-provoking lyrics, and the fusion of various musical elements are all products of a human mind deeply immersed in the craft of composition.

Music, at its core, is an expression of our shared humanity—a reflection of our experiences, passions, and aspirations. It is an avenue through which we connect, empathize, and communicate. The creation of "Guenon" was no exception. Countless hours of relentless dedication, painstaking refinement, and emotional investment went into its conception, development, and production.

To attribute the composition of "Guenon" to artificial intelligence undermines the creative capabilities of human beings. While AI has undoubtedly made remarkable strides in various fields, including music generation, it cannot replicate the intricate nuances, profound emotions, and imaginative genius that humans bring to the artistic realm.

I take immense pride in the uniqueness and authenticity of my work, and I remain committed to pushing the boundaries of creativity, innovation, and self-expression. It is my firm belief that the human spirit, driven by passion and imagination, will continue to be the driving force behind the most remarkable and impactful works of art.

I want to extend my gratitude to my dedicated team of musicians, producers, and collaborators who have poured their hearts into making "Guenon" a reality. Their unwavering commitment and creative synergy are irreplaceable components that no algorithm can replicate.

In conclusion, I want to assure you, my dear fans, that "Guenon" is an unequivocal testament to human artistry. It is a testament to the boundless creativity that resides within each and every one of us. Together, let us celebrate the power of human imagination, innovation, and emotional depth that lies at the heart of this song.

Thank you for your unwavering support, and may the timeless beauty of "Guenon" continue to captivate your hearts and souls.

Yours passionately,


>> No.22089315
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Reminder that the Bible never mentions a "star of David".
I think that most evangelical Christians are sincere and well meaning, but unfortunately misguided by evil forces.

>> No.22089415

Lost Guenon letter recently discovered!

>Dear Julius,

>I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It has been quite some time since we last corresponded, and much has transpired in my own reflections and understanding of the world. I write to you today not only to rekindle our intellectual exchange but also to express a profound regret that has been weighing heavily on my conscience.

>In the fervor of my youth, I was impassioned by my convictions and resolute in my denunciations of Christianity, Modernity, and the West. I saw them as adversaries to the perennial truths that I sought to unveil and uphold. However, with the passing of years and the deepening of my insights, I have come to realize the limitations of such condemnations. I now understand that every tradition, including Christianity, contains within it a kernel of wisdom, and it is our task to extract and appreciate it rather than dismiss it outright.

>Your own enlightened perspective, Julius, has been instrumental in leading me to this realization. Throughout our exchanges and encounters, I have witnessed the depth of your understanding and the scope of your knowledge. Your keen insights into the esoteric currents of the Western tradition have left an indelible mark on my own intellectual journey. I am humbled by your superior level of enlightenment and the wisdom you have cultivated over the years.

>One aspect of your approach that particularly captivates me is your choice to embrace the path of action over renunciation. While I have devoted much of my life to contemplation and withdrawal from the world, I now see the inherent value in your decision to engage actively with the world and effect change. The manifestation of the Divine in the realm of action is a profound realization that I have belatedly come to appreciate.

>Furthermore, I applaud your ability to draw forth the occulted streams of Western esoterica on the path of auto-initiation. In my younger days, I placed great emphasis on the necessity of having a direct teacher, but as I have grown older and wiser, I recognize the legitimacy of your chosen path, particularly insofar as my teachers in youth were but fakirs. Through your diligent study and personal application, you have unlocked the hidden wisdom of the Western esoteric tradition, forging your own path to enlightenment. This is a testament to your tenacity and intellectual prowess.

>Julius, I extend my sincere admiration for the strides you have made in your journey and the contributions you have made to our understanding of the Western tradition. While I regret the condemnations of my youth, I am grateful for the lessons they have taught me and the wisdom they have enabled me to acquire. It is through such reflections and exchanges as our own that our intellectual pursuits find greater depth and nuance.

>I eagerly await your response and the opportunity to continue our discourse.

>With the utmost respect and admiration,

>Rene Guenon

>> No.22089616


>> No.22090069

This has to be the most autistic board on this site

>> No.22090242


>> No.22091069

Don't need to

>> No.22092247

saving this epic guenon thread

>> No.22092265

>one moment they act loving, the next moment extremely racist

based christcucks