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22073977 No.22073977 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it, WHY should I not be a nihilist? WHY should I care about happiness? WHY should I be positive? WHY should I smile and act nice?

>> No.22074040

>Life is full of suffering and pain and is devoid of meaning.
>I am a joyous man who loves this life.
These two statements are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.22074042

Not a real nihilist.

>> No.22074055

Shut the fuck

>> No.22074065

No happy person would say this. You are depressed.

>> No.22074099

yea no shit

I don't care but explain what you mean anyway

>> No.22074105

Being happy feels nice :)

>> No.22074130

Maybe you should be hiv positive, faggot

>> No.22074135

The first and easiest argument which kicks the foundation out from them is simple. To see pleasure and suffering as the purpose of life or as moral values I’d not an inherent thing, it’s a voluntary choice and not one historically or even necessarily globally a common one.

If you say you do not believe suffering or pleasure matter on account of pure nihilism or some transvaluation Nietzsche argument, there’s really nothing they can say other than “no no no you’re lying you have to share the same morality I do.” Which obviously you don’t.

While that alone would be enough, it actually becomes even worse if you consider other positive virtues, if you say suffering-pleasure is one aspect In your judgment which is axiomatically important, there’s no reason you cannot accept other such valuations, such as filial piety, fraternity, or just straight up life, life itself.

And if they argue, “ah but all of those virtues are simply means towards the end of satisfying yourself or reducing your suffering, therefore suffering is more essential and those virtues derivative.”
The valuation of life in itself cripples that, because animal-life as living is the most essential aspect of man as an animal, therefore the suffering-pleasure carrot and stick even if a biological reality, is really just a means towards the end of longevity, life itself is required for suffering and its lack therefore removing life doesn’t satisfy life, you’ve simply removed the more essential element in the calculation. You’ve not helped anyone by not bringing them into being, there is no them.

Etc, I can continue over the nuances of their foundation is easily crippled by not allowing them to set the rules of the game.

As for the specific argument concerning rape and birth, this presupposes an inherent valuing of consent and lack of suffering again, again this is an alien view to most of the world historically, rape was bad because the woman in question was a property and you’re stealing the wealth and diminishing the value of another man, wealth and honor were axiomatically valued by many ancients therefore rape was illegal and bad, but not always so and why deities and great historical men could perform it and be praised for it.

Again if you actually see through the hidden presuppositions you can just point out that the rape is only bad in your model on account of your specific virtues and values, of which cannot be extended to fit the parameters of what birth causes to the birthed.

Even their best minds like Schopenhauer don’t really have a way around just saying you don’t care about suffering.

>> No.22074138

The anon above me is right. I had a strong bout of depression recently and everything seemed meaningless to me. It felt like a logical conclusion, it felt like I intellectually realized the meaninglesness of everything and the unbearable suffering of life and it seemed that commiting suicide is the only logical thing to do. But it's just depression tricks your brain into thinking that it's not emotions but actual reasoning. No, it's emotions. And I got out of that state. So yeah, google how to deal with depression. I started exercising, going for a walk (thank god it's spring), meditating, spending more time with my mom and brother, drinking St John's-wort, taking vitamins and started eating healthier. I have no idea which one of these helped, hahaha, I also ceased to do some of these after I got out. If I wouldn't manage to get out with the help of these things, I was ready to go the doctor. Good luck! Take care of yourself :)

>> No.22074149

Why do you think those questions are connected?

>> No.22074167

because they are presented to me this way by people suggesting to follow their advice

why are you talking about debate tactics and historical views about rape? Like, are you saying it's all just opinion? But then what makes your opinion more valuable or worthy to subscribe to?

>> No.22074249

Na you can not be depressed and say this. If you can withdraw yourself from this universe and its constructs and laws as best as you can. You realize all of this is really retarded, paradoxical, and makes no sense and probably never will.

>> No.22074268

People only become a real nihilst the moment they kill themselves.

>> No.22074277

Suicide still has a connotation of obligation and necessity that nihilism contradicts. Crime and serial murder are more honestly nihilistic.

>> No.22075474

It's already too late for you when you have to ask.

>> No.22076019

Murder for pleasure is not nihilistic. You are just a sick hedonist.

>> No.22076056
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Must develop your coompassion for sentient beings. Start with the 'Jeets, not Schopenhauer

>> No.22076151

He meant only "murder for the heck of it" I guess

>> No.22077272

A true nihilist already commit suicide. You're asking far too many questions to truly not believe in anything.

>> No.22077393

I don't give a fucking shit about what label does and doesn't fit me, you fucking moron. Is nit-picking definitions all you're good for?

>> No.22077419

If you are OP, when you said "WHY should I not be a nihilist?" was the moment you expressed that you do "give a fucking shit about what label does and doesn't fit me".

If you're not OP, remove your ribs and give yourself a rim job as you fly from the top of a skyscraper.

>> No.22077425

You don’t necessarily owe anyone anything unless they’re willing to meet you half way

>> No.22077441
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Kill yourself.

>> No.22077554

you're totally off the mark, man. I am just using words that other people use because this is how humans communicate, your digression is totally pointless

>> No.22077586

cope harder pseudo-nihilist. you couldn't stop caring if you tried. go ahead, reply. prove to me again how much of a true nihilist you are

>> No.22077681

>you are not a nihilist
>yea I know
>haha cope

>> No.22077852

>lmao what if we just eternally return
>but like, cosmologically
Niet is a cope