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22072305 No.22072305 [Reply] [Original]

Speculative Truth edition

>Speculative truth, it may also be noted, means very much the same as what, in special connection with religious experience and doctrines, used to be called Mysticism.

>Speculative Logic contains all previous Logic and Metaphysics: it preserves the same forms of thought, the same laws and objects — while at the same time remodelling and expanding them with wider categories.

>> No.22072322
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>The English mentality, of course, has no aptitude for metaphysical conceptions, but it does not make any pretension in this respect either, while the German mentality, which is not really better endowed, has the greatest illusions. To realize this, we need only compare what the two peoples have produced in terms of philosophy.

>The English mind hardly left the practical order, represented by morality, sociology, and experimental science, represented by the science of psychology which it invented. When the English mind is concerned with logic, it is above all induction that he has in view and to which he gives preponderance over deduction. On the other hand, if we consider German philosophy, we only find in it hypotheses and systems with metaphysical pretensions, deductions from a fanciful starting point, ideas which might seem to be profound when they are simply nebulous; and this pseudo-metaphysics, which is everything that is farthest from true metaphysics, the Germans claim to find in others, whose conceptions they always interpret according to their own

>> No.22072339
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>The English mind
>by the science of psychology which it invented.

holy shit guenon is a joke

>> No.22072366

what metaphysical reality guides my actions as I sit here and eat pizza and fart?

>> No.22072379

>he cannot comprehend that the field of psychology as defined by the thinkers and methods that make it up is a different thing from a free discussion of the psyche detached from those perspectives
Holy shit you are a joke.
Although for my part I think Guenon was a very mean spirited person whose total lack of moderation has done tremendous damage to Western intellectuality.

>> No.22072393

Reminder that women can't do metaphysics

>> No.22072404

They can hardly even do physics.

>> No.22072419

the irony...

>> No.22072421

> To the woman also he said: I will multiply thy sorrows, and thy conceptions: in sorrow shalt thou bring forth children, and thou shalt be under thy husband's power, and he shall have dominion over thee.

Women doing metaphysics is doing insult to injury.

>> No.22072425

It's funny how Guenon radiates such bitterness and pissiness while Evola the fascist is generally the opposite, and can even be funny and very light. I like them both and ultimately don't care since it's the metaphysical insight that matters, not the personalities. But it's still a bit funny.

>> No.22072442

>gets filtered
many such cases

>> No.22072444

Evola occasionally has these sardonic bangers that send me rolling. I think Guenon was really intelligent but dude. If you meet his irl disciples today. You may think Guenonfag was annoying but good god, man. Those guys are out there, doing real things in the real world. As you can imagine, in the current environment, out of his entire legacy, it is chiefly Guenon's xenophilia that exerts the most influence.

>> No.22072802

The Will

>> No.22072809

Anons, when did you realize you have to take the pansychism pill?
>mfw works around the hard problem
>mfw the perfect metaphysics for the phenomenological ground of experience
>mfw (kinda) avoids the combination problem
>mfw we are all dissociated alters of universal consciousness

>> No.22072817

but the face tho? let us see the face.

>> No.22073069

Love Plato
Love Aristotle
Love Plotinus
Love Proclus
Love Augustine
Love Aquinas
Love Descartes
Love Spinoza
Love Leibniz
Love Kant
Love Fichte
Love Schelling
Love Hegel
Love Schopenhauer
Love Heidegger

but FUCK Guenon

>> No.22073090

lost me at spinoza, sorry anon

>> No.22073096

Panpsychism is another one of those nonsensical ideas which is resolved by the simple potency-act distinction and the PPC.

>> No.22073125

Guenon is an actual pseudo-intellectual charlatan and /lit/ chose him. Volumes.

>> No.22073135

Interesting. Say more about potency and act.

>> No.22073183

Consciousness can exist in potency and in act, so it can preexist biology in inanimate matter potentially, without existing in inanimate matter actually. This competely controverts the composition problem. Likewise if consciousness cannot be caused by something which does not contain consciousness within itself virtually or actually, then because consciousness has "been caused" and exists in us, then it must have preexisted us in the total cause preceding our existence.

>> No.22073191

I've noticed the same.

The English mind must remain in its rational and logical household before the eventual union with God in which the irrational will reveal itself in due time. to hint at anything that perceives evil as irrational, its better to view it as contrary to reason, since the mysteries may act in contrary to humanity, but never in contradiction to the good. all is well as ends well.

>> No.22073756
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>> No.22074859

>AI slop