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/lit/ - Literature

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22071572 No.22071572 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>life in shambles, dont care
>dont care about school, work, money, food, material possessions
>only care about discovering the truth about existence
>about to get evicted, dont care
>homeless, dont care
>still only give a fuck about discovering the underlying reality or whether there is one
>just read books and watch lectures at various libraries
>for food i mooch off the local protestant church even though i'm an atheist, i just pretend to believe to get their bangin food
>just continue living like this with no plan other than the pursuit of knowledge

something is wrong with me

>> No.22071583

>pseud falls for his own act

>> No.22071592

sup, i think i saw you at the spirituality/esoteric section of the library the other day, thanks for stinking up at least five of the nearest shelf aisles in your vicinity so as to render them unusable for the next hour, so strong was the trademark schizo stench on you

>> No.22071676

Hi, I was you until I succeeded. You really don't want to know the truth.
Turn back now and go get forklift certified or you're gonna have a bad time.

>> No.22071681

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.22071720

Ask the ladies who feed you what the meaning of life is, they know the answer.

>> No.22071794

>something is wrong with me
> i'm an atheist

You searching for the truth. God is the truth. You are searching for God. Something is wrong with you-- your state of Sin, your rejection, albeit unkowingly, of God. You're on way anon, do not stray off the straight and narrow path. Continue to seek the Kingdom of God and you will have every thing you need.

>> No.22071802

>only care about discovering the truth about existence
>i'm an atheist

>> No.22071818

based, keep it up my nigga

>> No.22072121


>> No.22072129

Dangerously based

>> No.22072133
File: 97 KB, 685x800, 85C903A6-1F57-4934-BBAD-94CC2C2712BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re probably a sub 90 IQ and view your (let’s be honest, involuntary) asceticism as a badge of honour and want people to be impressed that you’re living like parasitic subhuman filth when in reality you could devote your resources more efficiently into acquiring knowledge if you actually weren’t such a worthless sack of shit. Nobody is impressed and I hope you get choked to death in a viral video. Also you’re probably just reading the first page of whatever retarded new age book and pretending like it’s somehow profound.

For real this was one of the worst posts I’ve ever seen on here

>> No.22072293

OP is kinda of a genius. He baits everyone into projecting their own worst qualities onto him.

>> No.22072394

Go to astro-seek and post your fucking chart right now homeboy. When you use the chart generator, select extra settings and change the house system to "whole signs". I must see your chart. It is a necessity.
With that out of the way, you sound kind of like me but more hardcore and self-destructive. I would like to take care of you, but I can't, which is frustrating.
I am actually kind of impressed and I think you should get back in your cage wagiefaggot. Cry more. If I could sustain myself exclusively from your taxes, I would. In any other age, hylics would be wagecucking so that TRVTHSEEKERS can pursue wisdom at their leisure.

>> No.22072433

>pursuit of knowledge

>> No.22072446

Not OP
Can you tell me how Christian would help OP ?

>> No.22072458

Have you read Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals already? It's got an interesting section on the ascetic ideal that you might find shakes you up a bit.
You can also consider getting a job and seeing a psychoanalyst. Traversing your fantasy and being able to understand what motivates you might help you find the meaning of your world.

>> No.22072459

based and same. even if we figure it out we'll still be here, looking out of our heads through our eyes. i'm afraid there's no transcendence, only a brutal second my second awareness of a cold meaningless reality.

>> No.22072485
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bc God is the Truth and St. Peter was given the Keys to the Kingdom of God.




also a non-believer in search of the truth is a philosopher, someone who wants to believe but only with conviction. Religion already has what the philosopher wants, but the philosopher has ti arrive at religion in a roundabout way since he lacks faith

>The objects of philosophy, it is true, are upon the whole the same as those of religion. In both the object is Truth, in that supreme sense in which God and God only is the Truth.

>> No.22072520
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There are people who became great spiritual masters by rejecting conventional economic subsistence. St.Francis and the Buddha are the ones that most come to mind. You probably should not follow this path as it will most likely lead you only to great suffering with no reward. You would be much happier if you applied yourself to real life or even studied in a more serious and organized fashion. You already seem to be suffering a type of intellectual sickness. The Isha Upanishad states that he for whom only the internal world is real lives in greater ignorance than he for whom only the external world is real. To be overcome by doubts, fears, regrets, resentments and endless rumination is worse than living a thoughtless life of action. There is a risk of highly intellectual people getting stuck in their psycho-spiritual development by creating an ego trap for themselves this way. People sometimes mistake their inability to deal with the real world as a sign of their superiority to it. It’s imperative that you not escape this life denying mode of being. I would suggest you read Nikos Kazantzakis starting with Zorba the Greek and Herman Hess Steppenwolf. For your sake you should try to reintegrate into conventional reality the likely good of you reviving anything positive from going full Sramana is very low. You can learn a lot about the true nature of existence by living It as a human with real connections. I was similar to you when I was In my early twenties. I found a lot of answers about the true nature of reality in Buddhism. Also if you truly are destined for a life of contemplation and not just suffering from spiritual sickness then after you have lived a few years in a normal way try to join a monastery or build a life where you can enjoy solitude. Your current path is likely to end in pointless disaster without revelation.

>> No.22072529

>People sometimes mistake their inability to deal with the real world as a sign of their superiority to it.
I confess

>> No.22072537

It just seems like OP's problem is not about finding the truth, which does sound a bit like cope. I just dont think turning to god would solve his homelessness, or properly some minor mental health problems.

>> No.22072555

something... is wrong... with an atheist?

>> No.22072564
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>be me
>don't want to work
>just want to build up wisdom
>as much as possible
>and maybe do cool stuff, but that can never happen
I am young, but I am very tired of this earth. I am gonna have to try to finesse "the real world" and grow spiritually, somehow. I was born to act in the world, I am sure of it. But there's nothing for me here.

>> No.22072567

i speak from experience
t. recovering truth seeker

>> No.22072570

>I would suggest you read Nikos Kazantzakis starting with Zorba the Greek and Herman Hess Steppenwolf.
what is the point of these books in regards to your post?

>> No.22072577

Underrated truthpill.

>> No.22072578

>learn dumpster diving, and hitchhiking
>take care of yourself
>avoid addiction

>> No.22072605

If you have no attachments, you can ordain in the monkhood. You will be ok.

>> No.22072609

>fake post made by a likely gen z faggot
>celebrating degenerate anti-social behavior
>”I’M LE BASED SCHIZO” online aesthetic
>tranny picture in the original post
>gen z trannies circlejerking to the thought of not having a job and being homeless (nothing is stopping them)

Yup this thread was designed to piss me off

>> No.22072622

If he's actually serious about pursuing truth he'll eventually be shown how to get started on the path. But it's just as likely that he's simply an indolent degenerate.

>> No.22072624
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>Yup this thread was designed to piss me off
so why did you enter it

>> No.22072629
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>> No.22072639

Be HONEST anon. Do you actually WANT to work? You want to wageslave for someone else? You want to give away your free time? You want to contribute to some fat loser absentee capitalist's bank account? For wages? This is what you want - not as a backup plan, but as something desirable?

>> No.22072758
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It’s okay I have been there and still struggle occasionally with those feelings but you can improve and mature. It’s all about growing up and maturing as a person.


Very unlikely that there is nothing for you my young friend. You probably just need to gain some years and perspective as difficult as that is to hear. Many young men like us are alienated and uprooted from the normal life path previous generations took for granted. It’s possible you were destined for a life of contemplation perhaps to join a monastery or something of the sort but I would not think so. I don’t know what’s troubling you but I would encourage you to remember we suffer much more in our mind than we do in reality. It’s very easy especially these days to wander around in circles in a painful mental wilderness we cultivated.


These are some of the books that personally helped me the most and helped shock myself out of my depression and inaction. There are many others but I found these to help me the most with this issue at the time. It challenged me to really look at how I viewed myself and my place in the world. It convicted me of many of my bad thought patterns it was painful but necessary growth. I don’t believe I am wise or a skilled enough writer to do Kazantzakis justice except to say that Zorba the Greek has a vital medicine for many a bookworm boy.

>> No.22072843
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Speaking from personal experience this has some truth to it but is also poison if taken the wrong way. It’s true working can be annoying and tiresome especially working for someone else. It wold be a blessing to be born with wealth and devout your time to doing something that you love. Also unlike certain American/Protestant pathologies I don’t think there is any inherent pride or value in toil for its own end. Except in the pride of personally doing a good job and helping your coworkers and costumers.

That being said work can be good for you in many ways especially if you are a NEET. The fear of being trapped by employment is almost always much worse than the job itself. Excepting of course abusive situations or jobs where you do harm to others.

I was a NEET for my early twenties because I feared being boxed in a job. But working actually helped me grow a lot as a person despite it being a pain sometimes. For me my first job(s) helped me tackle a lot of my social awkwardness as a I learned to interact with people in a more mature way. I also learned a lot about personal responsibility and leadership. It also taught me a lot of compassion and perspective seeing the struggles of people who had much worse situations than me both health wise and life tragedy situations. I won’t ever forget situations like when a kid I was working with told me that he found his 15 year old sister dead from a Fent OD the day before. Or driving a girl home who had a terminal brain tumor since she was eleven.

Working is just part of life in conditioned existence and to be honest if you are middle class in a first world country it’s not that bad. From experience it sucks much worse to sit in front of a computer for years chasing dopamine never going outside. You just have to start where you are and make a long term plan to pursue something you think will be an acceptable and you could be good at.

However don’t every think that you will find lasting happiness or fulfillment by having a certain career. That’s a different trap.

>> No.22072858
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Tagged the wrong post I am dumb.

>> No.22072876

Have you read Girard yet?

>> No.22072887

>you could devote your resources more efficiently
Bugman detected

>> No.22073149

>I don’t know what’s troubling you but I would encourage you to remember we suffer much more in our mind than we do in reality.
I do not think I am suffering mentally - at least not consciously. I have more or less adjusted to this. However, I have not even had any acquaintances over the past 10 years. At this point, I don't think I even want any. If I belonged somewhere, anywhere, I would share those people's feelings, goals and ambitions. I would work hard and use my abilities. But I don't belong anywhere, so I am free and without duties. If I were to have duties now, perhaps I would grow and flourish a lot, but it would be a nuisance, too. I am not really sure why I am telling you this. I guess it's difficult, and it is nice to share this with someone. But at the same time, I am not looking for pity. I think I am handling this as well as can possibly be expected given the situation. I rarely feel down. I just wish I could do better, but even that feeling probably stems from a misguided desire for acknowledgement by others, so it is foolish.

>> No.22073417

OP is enlightened.

>> No.22073454

>pursuing truth
Kek nice bait

>> No.22073481

>in a more mature way. I also learned a lot about personal responsibility and leadership.
you are trapped in the social world (that for you is probably everything...).
>but you can improve and mature. It’s all about growing up and maturing as a person.
growing up is a myth. you dont grow inside, you only adapt.

>> No.22073488


>> No.22073490 [DELETED] 

>>only care about discovering the truth about existence
I remember when I was in high school

>> No.22073574

>I am actually kind of impressed and I think you should get back in your cage wagiefaggot.
Have you even been in a single fight in your life? LMFAO
>look at me I'm a retarded manchild tranny like me bro
We can tell.

>> No.22073583

I love how antisocial spergs like OP try to play off their variety of immature narcissism and lack of worldliness as something cool and "dangerous" when it's just another form of histrionic attention seeking. You pathetic prissy little sissy faggot OP.

>> No.22073592

Stop being an atomized faggot before you end up taking estrogen.

>> No.22073755

Ahaha you're mad because you're a responsible person, what a reward for your responsibility. You know who else is responsible and obedient? Females.

>> No.22073764
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Tell me what you read NOW

>> No.22073772

Read the beautify of the infinite or the Experience of God by David B Heart.

>> No.22073779

Spoken with the seethe equivalent to that of a thousand maids spanked and humiliated in perpetuity

>> No.22073789
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Here you go, no idea what any of this means.

>> No.22073804

No. What does he say?

>> No.22073824

Scapegoat theory

>> No.22073856
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Sounds to me like you are struggling and know you would do better supported by other people. Also it’s not foolish to want acknowledgment from other people. I am not sure what your situation is or where you live but I would encourage you not to give in to despair and isolation even if you are acclimated to it. It’s not really your fault that you are disconnected we live in very atomized times. However I would encourage you to try starting in small ways to find human connection. Whatever religious tradition you are if you are any it would be good to attend regularly especially any small groups or fellowships. If you want you can check out the Buddhist community if you have a place nearby. This is a little trickier as many Buddhist communities are either ethnic non-English speaking or fake liberal McBuddhism. It’s good to visit the ethnic Buddhist, I have a Vietnamese Zen temple near me and they offer lunch to visitors and all Buddhist groups should be welcoming to guests. Something is better than nothing even if it’s not perfect. If you don’t want to do this maybe consider volunteering to serve others in some ways in a charity even if it’s in a small ways starting once a month. You can also try to find hobby communities in your area and try to join even if it’s something as mundane as play table top or cards just something to get you out of the house. We live in incredibly anonymized times especially after COVID but it is really not good for you to be all alone all the time. Just try to think of ways you can connect with people IRL. The internet is okay but it is not a substitute for face to face communication. Maybe if you have coworkers you could have a couple of the fellas meet at the bar once a month and see if you spark something there. It’s very important that you try to break out of this situation starting in little ways. And again it is not foolish to want to be acknowledged by others unless you take it to a pathological degree or believe that this will grant you lasting happiness. I didn’t have any outside contact for many years and I know how quickly you can adapt to being only online but since working and later restarting college in my mid to late twenties I have made friends with a few good men. It’s never too late.

>> No.22073865
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Little more complicated than that but scapegoat theory is part of it. I like pic related more than Girard. But it’s not for everyone. Teach/Last Psychiatrist is a writer that only appeals to a very particular kinda of person.

>> No.22073868

>he fell for the gnostic meme
you won't discover any truth about existence, because you already know it, BY EXISTING

>> No.22073873

Try 300+ milligrams of ketamine via intramuscular injection.

>> No.22073880

This is probably partially true but your comment makes me think you have even bigger immaturity problems.

>> No.22073916

i'm a lurker normally but i want to let you know that i appreciate the posts you've made in this thread

>> No.22073931

>totally brah a khole is a religious experience
You braindead crackheads are something else.

>> No.22073940

>little more complicated than that
What about mimetic desire? Are you doing this for attention?

>> No.22073945

Wait until you are in severe chronic pain without hope for treatment, you'll care a lot.

>> No.22074019

Thank you for your advice anon. I am sort of trying to make something happen, but it's not really working. And I have always been atrocious at breaking the ice anyway. Unless I am discussing some object like a task or a common interest, or making jokes, I do not even know what to connect with others over, to be honest.
I might try to take a look around my community. Unfortunately, I probably fit in best with the New Age whackos rather than traditional religionists, but at the same time those people have a number of traits that I and many other people find hard to tolerate. So I guess we'll have to see how it goes. The other issue is that my interests are really esoteric. But maybe it's worth another look to see if there's anything around me.

>> No.22074047

You might find this interesting. I think one of the challenges for some people in modern life is that there are few feasible paths to being a hermit.

>> No.22074059

>Have you even been in a single fight in your life? LMFAO
Yeah a lot. I went to public school.
I don't think you should continue on this path. My chart is different and I feel a kind of compulsion to have a laser-focus on information, knowledge and learning. But yours is different. You do have a good bit of potential for this stuff, and I can see why you value truth highly. But you shouldn't let it decenter you.
Assuming that you've got the accurate birth time down to a ~10 minute range or so, you are probably a charming guy. And if your birthtime is accurate within ~1 hour (which I certainly hope it is because what I am saying is based on that), you've got good fortune with public activity, career, stuff that you do that you find to be defining.
The more problematic areas seem to be your 11th and 12th houses. The 11th house is the house of community and friendship, and you've got Saturn there, who imposes blocks and delays. Saturn in Taurus can also lead to a kind of chronic internal stress. That may cause avoidant behaviours. At the same time, Mercury is the lord of both the Moon and the Sun, and is placed in the same house, so the topic of community and friendship will probably play an important role in your life in the future.
Sun in the 12th is not ideal. It is a placement that indicates struggle, and asserting yourself in the face of adversity. Avoid addictive substances. Occasionally, this placement is found in the charts of soldiers, and is a more positive manifestation of this. At any rate, with a 12th house Sun it's extra important to avoid becoming your own enemy. I think you will probably learn a lot more and discover more about the truth if you have a sustainable life that allows you to live with some measure of comfort - engaging other parts of yourself in the life process besides your mind may also help.
Your ascendant lord is the Moon, which also indicates instinctive thoughts and emotional attachments - this is in the 3rd house, which does govern a type of spirituality/learning/knowledge, and also relationship to that which is around you, and connection with siblings. These things may become important and may be emotionally fulfilling to you. Your fate will probably pull you in that direction. However, you will also be pulled towards the ideas of public action, selfhood, and home quite powerfully as well. Don't neglect yourself or your life.
Finally, you have Mars retrograde in the 4th house of family - you may have had a difficult upbringing. I don't have your Lot of Spirit on this chart (it can be found in the "Traditional" chart on the menu below the default one if you are interested). I can't do your zodiacal releasing or anything, but for example if you started releasing in the 4th, you may have had a rough first 8 years, followed by another challenging period afterwards. But I can't really know since I don't know where to start releasing from, I can't know that without the Lot of Spirit.

>> No.22074145
File: 192 KB, 700x1125, horoscope-chart4def-700__radix_astroseek-8-7-1999_23-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about me Mr. Astrology-san? Also INFP, IEI, 4w5 Enneagram by the way.

>> No.22074201

If anyone else wants this shit, should probably take it to /x/ >>34836434
You can just ask for /lit/anon and I'll respond (eventually)
I am treating this chart as accurate to the minute.
>Uranus conjunct ASC: you probably come across as a strange, unorthodox personality
>Venus in 7th: great fortune with relationships
>Mercury in Leo: may find criticism of one's thought process exceedingly irritating
>Mars in Scorpio 10th by night: you are probably a very disciplined worker who does not let up until the goal is finished, although your activities probably often experience unforeseen difficulties that you have to resolve
>Sun in 6th house: you are probably on the grind, you may also want to feel useful to others and attain fulfilment in this way
>Jupiter, Saturn and Moon in Taurus 4th: home and family seem like an important, if mixed, topic. Your ascendant lord Saturn makes your life focused more on private matters and on family life. You have both Saturn and Jupiter here, which may make home a paradoxical place of much joy and much pain. You have a Moon-Saturn conjunction, so you may be prone to depression but also have a very serious and self-controlled emotional nature. Moon in Taurus also bestows emotional stability and a focus on what is real, because the Moon is exalted in Taurus.
This is something new I am bringing up here, but your triplicity lords of the sect light are also both angular, which is pretty auspicious.

>> No.22074203
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No I don’t think I am doing this for attention. The entire book I posted is about mimetic desire and to a lesser degree scapegoating. I personally find him more interesting than Girard but to each their own. I guess I enjoy TLP being an abuse asshole writer. His writing on narcissism helped me a lot and is something everyone born in these times should read.

>> No.22074213

>posted this on /lit/
>not /sci/
You have to be a scientist and high IQ if you even want to attempt the road of knowledge seeking.

>> No.22074347
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I am glad. I don’t want people to think I know more than I do. I am just a guy who went through the same struggles a lot of people in this thread are experiencing right now. I grew up isolated and weird and thought I was superior to everyone around me because I was comparatively smarter. I had the whole nerd resentment complex against life But the truth was I was just socially awkward and afraid. I wasted a big chunk of my youth and experienced a lot of pain before I started to question my own self destructive ways. Many different books and life experiences have helped me grow as a person and I am still growing and trying to be a better person. In fact /lit/ even put me on to some good books years ago that positively changed my life. I promise any young guy who is reading this no matter what your situation is you can improve it and find happiness. I came close to suicide and total despair when I was younger but I committed to taking responsibility for myself and the people I love. Change is a slow process like a melting ice cube. You might not notice anything is happening to you at the time until you hit that degree and the ice cube melts. It’s very cliche and corny advise but it is still true that you have to take responsibility for yourself and make small cumulative choices in your habits and thoughts that are votes for the future person you want to be. And if an autismo turbo sperg like me can make it any one can.


It’s important not to give up. One of the best ways to break the ice with people is to ask question about them. It’s okay to be a little awkward. It took me awhile to stop overthinking everything I said to people and act semi naturally. If you are coming from a place of genuine niceness and interest in others you would be surprised at how well most people respond. I myself am a bit of an esoteric new age guy and I’ll be honest it very rarely comes up. Still I think you should not stress too much about finding something that 100% aligns with your interests. I can relate to feeling isolated from traditional religious people I grew up in a traditional literalist evangelical christian community. I used to look down on these people as closed minded, ignorant, and spiritually unserious people but now I think a little differently. Most traditional religious people are basically good folks even if they are more preoccupied raising their families than really pursuing higher spiritual truth. I have seen that sometimes earthy pursuits like raising kids are often a way to pursue a closeness to god, if you want to call it that. I would gently encourage you to consider experimenting hanging out in those communities if you can’t find something else. Try to see if there are smaller groups inside a church or some equivalent where you can just talk to people around your age. If you don’t want to do this maybe consider some nerdy hobby like local table top gaming. Maybe try taking up a dance class.

>> No.22074527
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Some but going to do a phd in analytical philosophy, specialising in metaphysics, philosophy of mind and personal identity. Don't really see why you would take any other approach desu.

Sometimes i also wonder if i'm living life correctly, truing to find out why I exist rather than going out living life like most people, do plan on getting a motorcycle to live a little, but I wonder if it's better to be single minded in such a pursuit or to live a full life with that search for truth being an aspect of that life?

>> No.22074542

Funny pic! I am the second poster.
To be honest, I am very much focused on things rather than people. I love being around people, but unless there's something that we are gathering around, there's just nothing for me to say. I don't like talking about myself and I am not too interested in others unless they need my help with something. I feel like I'd be a good fit in an army or a Sangha. But I can't find one that I would belong with.
I am thinking of trying to get a foot in with the new age schizos - from a normal person perspective, I am one of those myself. But they're too antitraditional for me and there aren't many of them either. I guess we'll see.
You are right about Christians, by the way. It took me a long time to understand my Christian parents. They aren't bad people. And if you understand their spiritual language, they're actually quite serious about spirituality too. Although I am not sure if my parents are "the norm" or exceptional in a literalist evangelical community. I am basically allergic to Christianity so I don't think I'll be trying to mix with Christians unless I get really lonely and there's nothing else I can try. But I appreciate the advice. Lacking for anything spiritual or esoteric, I might try chess - my rating is around 1000 and last time I played with a guy I did not consider especially highly, he curbstomped me, lol.
To be fully honest with you anon, I just want a "crusade" or a "duty", where I can bond with others and contribute to the overall goal, an important goal. But if I try to impose such a duty on myself instead of just having it, it ends up feeling artificial. And besides, there just aren't enough people who share my journey to form a 'common front', if you prefer. Maybe that's the trial of the age, but it really sucks for people like me. Not to be whiny, it's just a fact.

>> No.22074595
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It's going to be pretty funny when you figure out the truth and no one can listen to you because you are a dumpster diving hobo.

Anyway, how is the research going? What findings have you made so far?

>> No.22074718

Does he propose any paths? If not then why should I spend my time watching it?

>> No.22074731

I am high IQ and have a stem background, and I know the scientists don't know shit. Analytical philosophy is a dead end too.

>> No.22074791
File: 324 KB, 688x1032, traditional natal chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow... impressive anon, thanks. And yes, the chart is within 10 minutes of my birth time. Here is my Lot of Spirit.

>> No.22074869

Eat three tabs of acid.

>> No.22074883

I would rather do exercises in formal logic .

>> No.22074894

Do it on acid.

>> No.22074899

How hard will i hallucinate after doing acid three days in a row?

>> No.22074902

Lol, some are smart enough to git gud at both, have fun staying a mediocrity though lmao

>> No.22074904


>> No.22074916

He talks a bit about how hermitism is less tolerated in Western civilization but was once more tolerated and he more or less alludes to the idea without saying it outright that Western figures show ways for people with hermitic impulses. He also talks about how Western hermiticism was closely related to the church.

>> No.22074918

I meant eat three tabs of acid at once. If you were to eat one tab of acid three days in a row, the effects would be much less each day because the body builds a tolerance to LSD quickly. If you wanted to hallucinate powerfully the second day, I would recommend psilocybin, then mescaline on the third.

>> No.22074922

Even asking the question implies to me that you’re not really interested in being a hermit

>> No.22074929

Intellectualism and psychedelics go well together.

>> No.22074952

How would you describe the first 15 years of your life? It looks to me like a somewhat mixed influence. It was probably a very active period of your life, and you have Jupiter there, who brings good fortune, however Mars would also be activating at the same time and he also rules over Aries - Venus will also activate, but on the whole it ends up a mixed image as far as I am concerned. Maybe you experienced this very positively, maybe you had a mixed experience, or maybe you had a not very pleasant experience. This period concluded sometime when you were 15 (for precise dates, you can scroll down on the traditional tab until you see "ZR" and pick "Lot of Spirit" as the option). The next period you entered is a follow-up 8 year period with Saturn and Mercury in it - this can mean learning, knowledge and communication. It's in the Fortune 8th house, the House of Death, and Saturn also introduces a kind of grinding, chipping away quality to this period - especially towards the end of the period, it will probably be felt as quite unpleasant and it'll feel like things are unravelling. You are probably either at the end of this period or at the start of the next period, the Gemini period. This is your Fortune 9th, so a house of spiritual discovery and learning. I know a cult leader's chart whose journey began at the Fortune 9th. You have the Sun here, so hopefully you'll discover your selfhood with greater clarity. This is a 20 year "build-up" period - there will probably be challenges, but the work you put in here will bring in benefits later.
The next period is Cancer, your Fortune 10th, the house of a life's most notable activity. This is going to be a 25 year period. Your most major achievements will probably occur at this point - many politicians for example get elected during their Fortune 10th release. You have Venus here as well, which is good - the Mars influence may introduce obstacles you will need to tackle, as with the Aries period. After this period is done, the Fortune 11th in Leo will be releasing, which is another auspicious house, and this will continue to release for 19 years. After that you'll be 87 so I won't go any further lol.
Seems like a lot (though not everything) you do will be about self-discovery in the first half of your life. Then you've got a couple of really active periods too. I think you should believe in yourself and try to get things under control anon - your long term prospects seem good to me, and that 12th house Sun also attains a higher meaning from a zodiacal releasing perspective. But again, you must ensure that its natal position does not lead you astray - it does lead to conflicts of different types. Perhaps save the text of my reading somewhere and consult it occasionally.

>> No.22074954

If you're still here OP, don't do this >>22074869 unless you want to turn into an even bigger pseud than you already are.
I have seen many episodes of that guy's show and he never really has much of a point.

>> No.22074957

Anyway, seeing this makes me want to take care of you more. I feel like if I were to offer you useful support, perhaps that will really count later on. I like making things live up to their potential. So if you'd like, let's discuss your Truth. You mentioned you are an atheist? Personally I am a mystic schizo so I would like to point you towards the path that I think would be most effective for you with your Fortune 9th releasing. A concern for the "Truth" seems to point towards a metaphysical orientation anyway, so I don't think I would be wrong to try to steer you towards spirituality. I don't know what you need exactly, though. To name some currents that are often discussed here that you may find interesting, there's Plato, Plotinus after him, there's the Traditionalist school, Mircea Eliade, Evola, all that stuff. But I know that metaphysical speculation can be quite destabilising. For now, I think I'd recommend you give Plato a shot and perhaps pick up simple concentration meditation like Shamatha - without forcing the breath, you just breathe slowly and deeply and then exhale, tracing the movement of the breath and keeping the concentration locked there, if you get distracted just ignore it and keep going, and also try to keep a straight back when meditating. I won't tell you to try a religious community because those may revolve around stuff you don't care about, but I'd certainly suggest trying to form a personal connection with "God" or "the divine" or "divine Truth", be it earnest prayer or what have you. It's common for people to try to pray by just speaking these days and it really doesn't work like that - be conscious of your words and actions and tell your heart to open itself to what is high and form connection with it first before you begin to pray, then have some way of closing that connection after (like "amen" or whatever you prefer). I've found that this is important.
Sorry if my advice is unsolicited or you don't care for it. It's just that after a long time of seeking, I have found something resembling the foundations for my Truth, and I figured that perhaps some of it could be useful as foundations for your Truth as well. If you have any questions about this or anything else that I can support you with, please ask.
Also, your ZR seems very fortunate since you release a lot of auspicious periods. For example, I'd probably be dead when my own Fortune 10th will be releasing. So you have some nice luck here. I want to help you capitalise on it. And this is part of the reason why I also want you to take care of yourself. Who knows, maybe we will meet one day and do something together - I live in England but perhaps we could meet elsewhere also, who can tell.

>> No.22074973

It’s a podcast meant to discuss topics with irregular scholars. Why would there be some sort of “point”?

>> No.22074979

Look inward and listen to your needs. Then decide whether to satisfy them or ignore them, while keeping in mind that life as such exists to seek satisfaction although its finitude points to the relative value of its satisfaction at the same time.

>> No.22074999

Ok, this is a lot to take in. I've never been very invested in astrology but I always did wonder whether my natal chart was blackpilling or not. I can't thank you enough for this analysis. I also live in England and would be interested in talking more if you have an email or discord or something.

>> No.22075015

Same here, I got really into astrology after I saw one specific astrologer show off skill - then I decided I wanted to know how to do the same stuff too. I don't normally take communications out of 4chan, but I'll probably go make an email in a bit. A chat service would probably be more convenient but I don't think there are any good ones that I like. If we find something, we can probably take it elsewhere later anyway. So email it is for now. I'll make one and post it here in a bit.

>> No.22075016

There's nothing to know

>> No.22075025

Jokes on you, I am using your natal chart to cast a curse on you as we speak

>> No.22075029

Not him but can you read my chart too if I email? Very much like OP in temperment myself

>> No.22075036

Too drunk to be certified, or hold down a job. Stop drinking you say? Not yet.

>> No.22075045

As I said earlier in the thread, go to >>/x/34836434 and say you're looking for /lit/anon, I will read it for you there. Your natal chart, anyway. I may or may not do a detailed ZR breakdown if I find your chart interesting. Please make sure you have an accurate birth time (preferably from the birth record) and try to post your Traditional chart from astro-seek.

>> No.22075048

Why am I so fucking bad at this

>> No.22075078


>> No.22075104

Here bookguy4591@outlook.com. Please send an email and let me know that you have so I know that it's you.
Alright I'll address it in a second.

>> No.22075122


>> No.22075130

Naw, dawg, nothing wrong with you. You're doing what you gotta do to survive while pursuing that which makes your life worth living. I wish I could say it'll get better if you keep at it, but odds are you'll just get tired of it all and sell out or kill yourself. But that's because you live in a deeply fucked society that is threatened by the existence of people who pose it no threat. Not your fault, senpai. Keep seeking, you make the world better just by pursuing knowledge and understanding. Also, try the books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, not only will it give you a better interface with those sweet stupid saulites from whom you source sustenance, it'll give you some insight into why they actually help people, unlike the far wealthier Catholic Church, which advocates for extermination of anyone who can't afford to give them even more of the money they don't need.

>> No.22075144

Well, I have since thought that existence itself doesn't need justification, that is, ot is not a prudential imperative to find out the nature of reality.

And yet, I also have a great desire to know, and that price is steep. I wonder if I would live with the regret of not paying the full price, owing to pursuing other things in my life. I feel that if one were to only pursue things in proportion to their desires, they would not be able to attain anything of worth, instead certain things must be sacrificed, therefore suffering is required.

On the other hand, I feel that such a way of going about life leaves one lopsided, often leaking out in pursuits less healthy (like porn, escapism, posting on 4chan).

Although perhaps that is just a self justification for my own weakness.

>> No.22075147

not that anon
OP isn't looking for religion, just meaning, it isn't everyone else's job to cater to your paradigm.
If you're looking for meaning, blasting your brain with a period of meaninglessness (which is not terribly far from what ketamine "does") is not an irrational method.

>> No.22075155

>not religion
That's just not how humans work. (I'm not talking about organized religion necessarily)

>> No.22075193

I saw it. Sorry for the delayed response, I was doing that other anon's reading.

>> No.22075209

I don't necessarily disagree, but you're an idiot if you think that definition of religion is useful for public conversation.
>Liberals worship money!
>Communists worship Marx!
>Gays worship their own sexuality!
is how you sound

>> No.22075220

No I think you're onto something, on both counts actually. If you want something, you get it. There's no half measures and no whining and bitching. You go for it and you get it. And if you're not going for it, I guess you didn't want it enough to set aside those other things that distracted you from it. Right? But at the same time, we are real, embodied human beings with desires and needs. If you ignore those, the organism will fight back in its own way - as you said, by seeking destructive outlets for its needs. So you either have to commit to overcoming these needs and wants fully, which is a genuine mission - it is why the concept of the monk exists - or you try to balance the great quest with tending to the needs of life and the body in a productive way. This second path is the path of the householder, as the buddhists and other such people call it. Both paths have truth to them, but it's partly a matter of efficiency, and partly a matter of inner decision - what do you choose?

>> No.22075225

Other anon here, appreciate the reading v much. Sorry for wrong chart. Can redo but may be unneeded. What books did you use to learn astro if you don't mind my ask?

>> No.22075236

As with everyone else of my type - Chris Brennan and Demetra George. I should warn you that this won't be a walk in the park. I worked hard to learn what I know and I have a lot more room for growth still.

>> No.22075239

>No I don’t think I am doing this for attention
Then why did you post this thread at all?
Listen to this guy >>22075016

>> No.22075252

In what way is ketamine-induced meaninglessness useful then? The only way that would provide some sort of meaning is by grounding you to sober existence through fear of any higher state. The only way to pursue meaning sustainably is through subtle healthy long-term change, by improving your life tangibly, or by experiencing intellectual growth, or by sorting out your health problems if you have any--none of which drugs can provide.
>Beware of unearned wisdom - Jung

>> No.22075257

That's where I was gravitating. Thanks for advice. Man. So Rubedo Press is really worth it? Really regretting not pulling trigger on ordering Alchemical Traditions and Path of Serpent a year or two back. Both OOP now. Seems reprints are gonna take forever too >_<

>> No.22075277

It was recently revealed to me in a lucid dream that I am the reincarnation of Albert Pike.

>> No.22075278

Psued gets filtered by church volunteers

>> No.22075304

Because the mind is a framework on top of a mesh of fat and electrical signals that can be debugged with a reboot sometimes. It's not about receiving wisdom, it's about jump starting the conscious mind, post-trip, to search for it. It's easy to say "just take small steps and hold yourself accountable", but given the fact that 99% of fuckups know this, it clearly isn't useful advice.

>> No.22075307

Updated my chart in other thread btw. Pray forgive me if still wrong type... lol

>> No.22075317

Alright, but how does elephant tranquiliser give you the energy boost required to search for wisdom? Why not spend that money on an insight meditation class? This is a question in good faith as I have turned down ketamine before.

>> No.22075333

Disassociation is like the state of turiya in Hinduism

>> No.22075339

Well, perhaps I didn't argue well enough for the other side. Those other desires are indeed legitimate ones, and I think there is a danger in omitting them because of an unconscious belief that those more expensive desires are the "true" ones, and indeed many people who have achieved great intellectual feats (Wittgenstein, Russell, John Clare, Jerry Fodor, even Bukowski) had other things in theor lives (old westerns, smoking, full time work, opera and a postoffice job respectively). Bulowski in particular, although he was an arrant drunk, wrote a prolific amount of poetry, (Coleridge and John Keats were opium addicts). Of course this may be objected that these are bad examples, but what I jave in mind are people who accomplished things of great worth as they were, and not men of virtue.
And although I can't word this that well, following on from the previous point, often focus can be made the excuse for a lack of enterprise, where the time that ought to be recouped for achievement is squandered, and indeed often a person who sets out a too acetic goal for themself all too often lapses, under the pain of isolation and lack of light in one's life.

I think, therefore, that the second option may be better, but with the proviso that such desires ought to be met ina more passive way or in a way that takes negligible time, and with the additional caveat people ought to sublimate there desires wherever possible, (so getting satifaction from reading classic lit rather than modern junk, for example, especially as escapist fantasy violates the second caveat by being a time sink).

I think the second option, with those caveats, rather than being the foothill that one takes for the summit, gives a stabilising quality, further protecting from the shaky ground that finds when one neglects such things from the outset.

>> No.22075342

Because it chemically removes your brain's capacity for meaning while it's active. Homeostatic mechanisms will then sensitize those networks, suppressed by depression or whatever, into being more active in the pursuit of finding real meaning once it wears off.
The meditation is definitely at least as good of an idea, but for people who feel truly hopeless, it won't work fast enough to keep them practicing the habit.
"Ketamine treatments" are a mixed bag, to be fair, and absurdly expensive. Finding a dodgy vet or a reliable dealer and injecting yourself with a tripsitter is probably more reliable, sadly.

>> No.22075350
File: 83 KB, 904x864, 1681812358541445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insight meditation class
Quit while you're ahead

>> No.22075381

Concentration is where you get real results altho they feed into each other.

That said, it is just as dangerous as drugs. Just slower. More stable and permanent however.

>> No.22075388

The truth about existence is that suffering leads to growth.

You must now purchase a chain, and whip yourself with it. It will make your body and soul stronger

>> No.22075396

You dont need to spend any money to learn how to cultivate your dantian. Take the Tao-pill.

>> No.22075404

Literally me

>> No.22075414

You're just a monk.
If you stop going after the knowledge though you just become a bum.

>> No.22075427

I wouldn't know, I don't pay much attention to publishers. I just read the books.
I will take a look at it. But it might take a bit. I am in the middle of a bunch of things right now.

>> No.22075433

This is what I hate about unemployed people.
Moat of them are too untalented to actually survive in that environment so they have to leech.
This fact alone proofs your inferiority and that you will never achieve anything intellectually meaningful - otherwise you wouldn't have the need to leech from churches. However, I am impressed by your unwillingness of taking NEETbux, so you definitely aren't the lowest of cases.

>> No.22075441

>wagie crying about the neo-aristocracy
>can't even spell correctly through the seething tears
Many such cases!

>> No.22075443

What's wrong with using charity? Helps me and makes them feel better. Not OP but also I am on NEETbux but only because I refuse to work and pay for someone else's NEETbux, yano?

>> No.22075452

Pitiable bastards.

>> No.22075455

>tries to assert his superiority over NEETs
do you actually not get how sad this is?

>> No.22075457

As an unemployed Chad i have never taken a cent of government money to sustain my degenerate lifestyle. My hoes take care of me.

>> No.22075466


>> No.22075471


>> No.22075476

Even sadder :'(((

>> No.22075566

>for food i mooch off the local protestant church even though i'm an atheist, i just pretend to believe to get their bangin food
Why do retards always think Christian soup kitchens only serve Christians? They don't care lol.

>> No.22075609

>just as dangerous
>Just slower
If it's slower it won't be just as dangerous, that's the whole point

>> No.22075640

It's slower at the start, but then there are jumps and stalls and periods without any progress, followed by instant improvements, and without a good teacher, that can be much more dangerous than thirty minutes of drug-induced psychosis. Which would you rather have, a weird half-memory you can ascribe to drugs, or weeks/months of your life where you can't recognize reality?

>> No.22075647

Fair enough, I'll get on the ket asap.

>> No.22075655

Be careful, do actual research and ensure your supply is clean. Good luck.

>> No.22075815

>seeks knowledge
>is an atheist
You're just a dog chasing its tail

>> No.22075960

It's not natural to be alone, it's not really natural to rely on random people for your happiness or life's attainment either.

>> No.22076373

In different words, I could have typed this message. What book are you reading now?

>> No.22076576
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x1080, [deanzel] Noir - 05 [BD 1080p Hi10p Dual Audio FLAC][646c3d5f].mkv_snapshot_21.05_[2021.04.07_02.17.37].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm OP. i was a christian for the majority of my life and up until a few years ago couldn't imagine myself becoming an atheist, but there are several reasons why i found religion untenable and untrue... first there are the common arguments - and every one of those has a counterargument... it is argued that the argument from contingency is a quantifier shift fallacy and i have to agree... natural language is misleading as to the logical form of whats said, so it is unsurprising that such an argument, when stated in natural language, seems solid, but when stated in formal logic, fails to be meaningful... there is also the notion of causation, which hume expounded, so that all the medieval arguments based upon causation, such as the argument from motion, were shown not to be as solid as was thought, because 'causation' is largely inferred, that is, is an assumption, at an instinctual level... furthermore, religious belief may even be immoral, even if on the surface it seems pious. obviously individual acts performed in the name of religion can be good, bad, or neutral, but in aggregate i think religious mindsets have a destructive effect on mankind, mostly because they teach people ignorance, that is, not to question their beliefs, because they assume faith is enough. which i understand is a commonplace and stereotypical atheist angle of approach, but i think it holds weight. religion is adopted out of emotional convenience, and for some it is their entire identity, but i don't think any rational belief would commit you to an identity or creed above your own reason. rational beliefs change as the world changes, and there is no need to cling to any one belief if it becomes false. but notice how religious people cling to their beliefs, as if they are not psychologically motivated, at the very core of it... there's more i have to say, but i'm at the character limit...

>> No.22076583

> religious people cling to their beliefs
> I also cling to my beliefs but that’s different because it just is okay?

>> No.22076614

religious people cling to their beliefs even in the face of more rational explanations, whereas i cling to my beliefs in the absence of more rational explanations, but if there was one, i would abandon my beliefs in preference for the more rational one. naturally, everyone has beliefs and convictions, but some are adopted out of emotional convenience whereas others are adopted out of a an austere deference to reality. this deference to reality comes at an emotional cost, since it often includes and requires the disavowal of values, hopes, and conceptual devices that you already hold. i think religious belief is rightfully described in works like the last messiah by zapffe, and the denial of death by ernest becker, as a form of terror management, sublimation, or distraction... something that gets us away from the uncomfortable truth, which often takes the shape of a truth itself, so that we believe we are participating in a rational belief, when in reality, with a little emotional introspection, we can realize we were deceiving ourselves... out of all phenomena, only those that exist are known to be physical or supervene upon the physical, so naturally we cannot have any knowledge of the non-physical as there would be nothing to suggest its existence... for something not physical to exist would be like for a circle to be square... contradictory. and if that contradiction were the result of a 'divineness' beyond our comprehension, then it would be none of our epistemological concern, since the way by which we know things, in the first place, depends on experience... we augment experience with measurement, and augment measurement with abstract theories that describe the regularity of those measurements, but we can never know the divine, the spiritual, or the godly. and that fact alone makes it likely that our present beliefs about those things do not come from reality but from our own minds. and that makes it unfit to be believed by a rational person.

>> No.22076673

Let me ask you a question. Why do you suppose it’s logical to assume that God doesn’t exist?

>> No.22076752

while i don't know for certain whether god exists, insofar as i am committed to beliefs about things that exist, it is safe to assume that god is not one of them. just as i don't know for certain whether there are sharks at the edge of the universe, insofar as i am to have any beliefs at all, about sharks and about outer space, i must assume there are no sharks in outer space, even though technically it could be possible, but that's like anything else. the commitment to beliefs about other things precludes this one, which is how knowledge works. truth is a matter of justification and even scientific truths are subject to some justificative criteria, and a mode of rationality. even if there were sharks on the edge of the universe, that fact, insofar as it isn't relative to anything, can't satisfy those justificative criteria. but the moment it gets observed or measured, it becomes relative to something, and then we can say something about it. but then you might be wondering, isn't faith its own justification? that's true, for some people, places, or historical periods, faith is a perfectly valid mode of rationality. just as for the greeks mythology was, as it was common to ground philosophical arguments in 'the just' or 'the pious' and those things, in turn, to the gods. but it's necessary if we want to attain to better truths to proceed from the smaller mode of rationality to the larger. for instance, science, or at least the scientific paradigm, implicit post-kantianism or whatever, can include and explain religion, whereas religion often cannot include or explain science. the belief in an afterlife can be explained in terms of psychology or at least linguistic philosophy, whereas the belief in subatomic particles can't be explained by faith or the bible. so it seems to me like science is the larger mode of rationality, and religion the smaller. and i would think there is more truth in the former than the latter, if for no other reason than the former includes the latter.

>> No.22076763

>my life shits itself as soon as I'm an apostate
What could God have possibly meant by this?

>> No.22076900

too many women on this board

>> No.22076937

I am 99% sure this is an elaborate troll and you are not actually OP. In which case I must convey my respect. If you are OP, I should still convey my respect, because you seem serious about this, even if I disagree with you on everything, despite not being a Christian either.

I will remark on the following. First, the assertion that non-physical things cannot exist because all things can only exist physically is totally unjustified - just because something does not exist physically does not mean that it cannot exist in some other manner that is no less real. Second - and this is the source of your first misunderstanding - you are assuming that empiricism is the default and sole valid methodology for discovering the world, which I find unjustifiable as well. Empiricism is useful, but it is not absolute. And this is quite obvious by just examining the premises of empiricism - you can say that all we know we learn through experience, but that does not mean that we know everything, or even that we know everything which is knowable. Consequently to assert that only material or physical things are real is not, in fact, a cautious, measured and moderate judgement, but a kind of prejudice without any real justification.

>> No.22076944

Daily reminder that astrology is a divination technique made by men for men, and hylics were literally banned from practicing it.

>> No.22077026

Become a monk.

>> No.22077028

for the first thing, i said 'physical or supervenes upon the physical' and not that only physical things exist. i believe what is called supervenience physicalism, since there are non physical or at least non material phenomena like the quantum kind, or things like fields, or aggregate properties of things. i think these all exist, but i don't think they are independent of material reality nor so excusable from it as to not need any explanation, the way god often is. i also never implied that we know everything, nor that we know everything which is knowable, i implied exactly the opposite, that we can't possibly know many things. my epistemology is not empiricist but pragmatist, i don't believe in a direct line to reality nor in a transempirical stuff called 'experience' (although i used the word), but rather in a coherence relation that masks reality. we can say reality exists if only because it is being masked by something, but we can't say what that reality is... this comes down to a subjective-objective distinction, which pragmatism tries to eliminate... obviously, we can never have anything but subjective knowledge, but we are equipped with ways of conferring objectivity through language, for example, by using the descriptive force "that chair, this desk" etc... given that that's all we have to work with, it would be misguided to say that all knowledge is subjective, since it would only be subjective relative to a false dichotomy in which 'objective' means ontologically objective, which would be a kind of language bug, an abuse of its denotive aspects... a healthy understanding of language accepts that objectivity is fashioned out of subjectivity. but that doesn't mean the world is within our heads, it just means that even the most 'objective' facts are still subject to a justificative criteria, a mode of rationality, and a communicative scenario, and the body of knowledge referred to as science is just one example of those things. but i believe it's the best one that we have.

>> No.22077030

Amen. Based Chaldean.

>> No.22077123

>thinking the truth will ever be found out without the help of the singularity
Get off your high horse and GET A JOB!!!!!

>> No.22077132

You've been Kantcucked (or post-Kantcucked). Read Fitche, Schelling, and Hegel before it is too late (it is probably too late)

>> No.22077134

The choice to live is enough.

>> No.22077136

i'm familiar. hegelianism and even the whole tradition of phenomenology is repugnant to me. as is your description of me being kantcucked whatever that could possibly mean, god knows you won't say. i believe i've already explained in detail how some beliefs are psychologically motivated. yours are probably so.

>> No.22077137

>I also have a great desire to know, and that price is steep
The price is experience.

>the full price
It's your life. You set the price.

>I feel that if one were to only pursue things in proportion to their desires, they would not be able to attain anything of worth
Wrong. The pursuit of desire is nihilistic, and what one gets out of it will eventually be the realisation that temporary satisfaction is not the same as internal fulfilment. Desire is a pathway for the narcissist to realise they cannot even satisfy themselves anymore.

>> No.22077143

Your mind is incredibly small if you think you have presented good arguments in this thread for your physicalism.

Have you read Kuhn or Feyrebrend since seemingly so analytic?

>> No.22077145

nice bro i amthe reincarnate of nietzsche

>> No.22077150

>You must now purchase a chain, and whip yourself with it

OP, just listen to emo music and cut yourself instead. Get's bitches.

>> No.22077152

nobody give a fuck about these guys in the analytic tradition they're clowns only obsessive-compulsive retards like you enjoy and you keep misspelling their names anyway.

>> No.22077154

This dude would mock a newborn baby for not having a bench press PR over 20kg yet.

>> No.22077162

I'm three beers deep so who gives a fuck about firebrand's name and truly you're the clown if you think your close-minded intellectual masturbation is getting you any closer to truth

>> No.22077171

>Isha Upanishad states that he for whom only the internal world is real lives in greater ignorance than he for whom only the external world is real.
west wins
poos btfo by their own works

>> No.22077184

Misundestanding nondualism? On /lit/? Protip: it is more akin to neutral monism

>> No.22077188

i can't relate since i have never been drunk in my life, despite probably being older than you, since i have always preferred sobriety. i think some things are justified in closing my mind to, like religion and this uniquely 20th century brand of overcomplicated analytic metaphysical philosophy that's really just continental philosophy with a veneer of formal logic, and never produces anything but more confusion and uncertainty because it can never be concretely understood.

>> No.22077191

I've been posting since '03

>never been drunk
Ngmi, read Plato

>> No.22077197

i liked euthyphro, apology, and crito, but not phaedo and the others, since they were mostly plato shoehorning his own ideas.

>> No.22077203


You might like desu

V aporetic

Symposium is drunken debauch one tho

>> No.22077217

Signifying his pettiness

>> No.22077712

>though i'm an atheist
stopped reading right there

>> No.22077755

Justify logic.

>> No.22078042

On the contrary, particularly in that second post it is quite clear that you are assigning absolute importance to some kind of materialist empiricism. And this is what I am objecting to. You explicitly assert that for something non-physical to exist is "like for a circle to be square", which is nonsense - at best, you could claim that you wouldn't know if non-physical things can exist and that from your "pragmatist" perspective these things would be impossible to detect (i.e. "square circles") but this does not actually rule out the existence of non-physical things, it just rules you out as a possible observer of these things due to self-exclusion. You assign primacy on this material realm by stating that "there would be nothing to suggest the existence [of the non-physical]", when this would not necessarily be so - it would just be natural, logical and expected that any manifestation or evidence would occur outside the material realm. And the borders of this realm are contested; they depend on how broadly you define 'material' and 'immaterial'.
I think your inclinations are made quite obvious when you state that even if the divine manifested in the physical world as a non-physical force (which is not necessarily the only case up for consideration) you would simply ignore it since it is "none of [your] epistemological concern" - an unjustifiable statement. You could say that it would be epistemologically very challenging and perhaps outside our competence, but to say that it is out of our concern, especially given that in this example the divine is, shall we say, treading on our territory, seems erroneous.