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22071446 No.22071446 [Reply] [Original]

I want to be a norse pagan, what should I read besides the eddas?

>> No.22071455

aren't all norse myths like 200 pages max
how do paganlarpers even participate in a religion with 200 pages of religious text

>> No.22071478

Read the Odyssey. Norse and Greek Gods are the same under different names. For example, Tacitus tells us the Germans worshiped Mercury as their prime God. What day is Mercurii? Wednesday or Odinsday

>> No.22071491

okay but I don't want to

>> No.22071500

Well realistically Norse pagans didn't believe in writing their stuff down. I think astrotheology is your best bet at understanding their ways.

>> No.22071509

Was it on principle? I know it's not a 1-1 comparison but hebrew stories were passed down for centuries orally before being written down.

>> No.22071579

>Was it on principle
Yes at least that's what the Romans tell us.

>> No.22071632

True, praise Dyeus Pater.

>> No.22073239

Secondary literature written by norse pagans.

>> No.22073283

>I've decided to join a religion I know nothing about. Help me learn about it.

>> No.22073335
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It's not Norse paganism (while still massively influenced by Scandinavia) and isn't a ritually realisable mythology but Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen is the greatest artistic product of the revival of Germanic paganism.

>He then plays Siegfried’s awakening of Brünnhilde, is pleased with the character of this work, its trueness to Nature: “Like two animals,” he says of Br. and Sieg. “Here there is no doubt, no sin,” he continues, and in his Wotan he recognizes the true god of the Aryans.

>But in the evening the 3rd act of Siegfried, very well played by Herr Rubinstein, pleases both him and us. “That is Gobineau-music,” R. says as he comes in, “that is race. Where else will you find two beings who burst into rejoicing when merely looking at each other? The whole world exists just to ensure that two such beings look at each other!” “Here is just forest and rocks and water and nothing rotten in it.” “Here is a couple who rejoice in their happiness, immerse themselves in the happiness of being together—how different from Tristan!”


And Parsifal, described by Roger Scruton as 'paganly Christian', is an adaptation of Arthurian legends. While the culture, practice and rituals of paganism are dead, Wagner saw the potential in the Grail myth of reanimating its pagan antecedent in a still living religion. So the eucharist, something whose meaning has not been lost to us and we can all partake of, becomes a veritable pagan ritual, and the Grail a living relic, of a power and import only things familiar to us could provide.


>> No.22073350

The bible