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2207108 No.2207108 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here read this at all? Thoughts? No spoilers please.

>> No.2207114


Read half of it.
Took a little break to reflect on what I had read so far.

Threw it against a wall shortly after.

It's basically harry potter in college, with a short oliver twistish scenario. Poor writing, cliches everywhere, and the plot is meh...

But for some reason people love it and even the guy at the book store recommended it.

>> No.2207117

I'm enjoying it so far, thought it hits you emotionally before the whole beggar part.

>> No.2207206

Kvothe seems like a bit of a gary sue to me. Even though he goes through some nasty shit it seems like it all goes together to make him the perfect person

>> No.2207525

Personally, and I've only read the first book so far because I'm just reading the first book of series right now, is one of the best fantasy novels I've ever read. I mostly read fantasy/sci-fi and I don't like most of it. But this basically pandered to me in almost every way. Several times when I was reading, I was thinking "FUCK YES, THIS IS AWESOME!". Though I've seen things that said that 50%, if not more, of reading is what you imagine and think you are reading, and that synthesis of what's real and what's imagined is what really determines enjoyment. So my reading of novels in general would be sorely diminished if I only saw the words on the page and didn't have a mental image a lot of time of what I was seeing. Even now I can recall mental images of vivid and poignant scenes and that's how I remember what I've read.

Were there things that could be improved about the book? Certainly. But that's how it goes.

I don't know what it is about it, but what stayed with me the most is the scene with what I imagined to be ADMANTOISES (From Final Fantasy, preferably from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance or Final Fantasy XI). The book read like a fantasy video game to me.

Anyways, just amazing to me.

NOTE: I also think Game of Thrones is so goddamn awesome, even though I've only read the first book of that as well.

>> No.2207601

I think >>2207525 did a good job of covering it. There are some elements that could be improved upon, but it's still an excellent book. Definitely get the Name of the Wind and the second book, the Wise Man's Fear.

>> No.2207638

It's fantasy comfort food. You'll like it if you like this sort of thing (I do) but it's certainly not breaking any new ground.

>> No.2207642

The only bit that interests me is what led up to Kvothe losing his powers. Otherwise, generic Fantasy.

>> No.2207653

It's the traditional farmboy storyline in new clothes. Granted, many people have done some excellent work by just putting new clothes on things, but I think Rothfuss's work is largely dependent on whether you like Kvothe or not, and I don't particularly care about him.

>> No.2207664

>Rothfuss's work is largely dependent on whether you like Kvothe or not, and I don't particularly care about him.

yep ^

Plus the writing and story are shit.