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22070003 No.22070003 [Reply] [Original]

I’m not satisfied with any of the main political ideologies in vogue today. Neither socialism, fascism, communism, or liberalism appeal to me.
Are there any decent authors who argue for monarchy and Catholic integralism? Something like Saudi Arabia but Christian.

>> No.22070016

I literally cannot recommend John Toole enough.

>> No.22070020

Why do you feel the need to align yourself with a political ideology? Perhaps address that.

>> No.22070031

I want to know the best way to do politics and organise society. This is one of the central questions of philosophy. If you’re not interested in this question you’re not a deep thinker

>> No.22070032

He needs someone to feed him arguments so he can "win."

>> No.22070038

So you just figure everything out on your own and never engage with the deep wealth of thought that the human race has collectively worked on

>> No.22070058

He doesn't want to live in a nightmare world, all of the ideologies and systems he listed above will result in a nightmare world, and for whatever reason he thinks it's possible that "Catholic integralism" won't create a nightmare world so he wants to read about it. Why do fencesitter pseuds have such a hard time understanding that?

>> No.22070078

You want books that argue for something, that is not knowledge, that is petty bickering and comes with an agenda and generally works written from such an angle represent their ideas as bringing about some sort of utopia because look at all the cherry picked examples provided!

>> No.22070089

Every author must have a thesis. Authors who don’t commit to anything and just present all the different “options” are generally shallow writers only good for textbooks

>> No.22070111

Just engage with the deep wealth of thought that the human race has collectively worked on and figure everything out on your own. No one specific 'ism' is the truth. The world is too complex. The answer is putting them collectively together and taking the ideas that work from each - which will change over time depending on the current circumstances of the world.

>> No.22070123

So a writers whose agenda is too educate is shallow and a writer who dances around the flaws of their ideology is deep? Seems a weird logic but I assume that is probably because you did not bother comprehending what I said and just through out a stock argument you read somewhere and thought applied.

>> No.22070130

Isms are just convenient ways to group consistent bodies of thought which start from similar principles and reach similar conclusions. It doesn’t mean you have to accept absolutely everything their proponents say.

>> No.22070140

>writer who dances around the flaws of their ideology is deep
this but unironically, i want your strongest argument for your ideas, i can see them deconstructed and nitpicked by some autistic retard online whenever i want.

>> No.22070147

>political ideologies
your brain on post-french revolution worldview

>> No.22070151

My worldview is literally anti-French Revolution. The fuck are you talking about. I am a anti-Vatican II Catholic monarchist

>> No.22070152
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>> No.22070159

The Revolution of 1789 gave birth to what soon came to be called "ideologies," a word that was first used during the French Revolution

>> No.22070167

By ideology I meant overall political worldview. Maybe I used the term incorrectly but that’s what I meant.

>> No.22070182

Right, you want cherry picked arguments, not depth.

>> No.22070185

>uhh here's an idea, it might be wrong i dunno, i'm not too sure about anything really, if you want to know more you should dedicate your life to reading further reams of meandering academic garbage

>> No.22070192
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>> No.22070204

>swings to the fences
You really are proving my point nicely, you want to "win." Also nice waffle on the depth thing.

>> No.22070205

Who falls for these obvious propaganda caricatures? Only weak minded people.

>> No.22070209

You look like that. You look like that. You look like that.

>> No.22070210

nice pic of pope francis

>> No.22070224

What’s up with this recent redditor obsession with Catholicism? Is it from their marvel movies or something?

>> No.22070233

Absolutism, or monarchism outside of the severely limiting feudal framework, is literally just a tool of class solidarity wherein the state can have agency without constant inter-noble fighting. The system itself cannot be anything other than service to the nobles however given that the monarch himself and the fiefs which he dolls out can be changed at any violent insurrection. As such, the unity of the monarch and the nobles is only so if the monarch takes great pains to appease them. The fundamental root of class solidarity in the nobility is extra-economic extraction from the peasantry through labour-payments and rents. This means that you would be living in a world where it’s both defacto and dejure that you are a slave to your lord. Additionally, your village will be torn apart by roving armies (the monarch decided to try to tax the nobles) and your land will lie fallow leading to starvation (you have worn out the land cultivating grain). That is unless you see yourself as being part of the new nobility, and why not given the idiocy of being a monarchist in the first place. You are begging for your life to be actually and legally worse.

>> No.22070245
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>Something like Saudi Arabia but Christian
Moldbug and Nrx in general. read the Open Letter. But the true redpill is, of course, becoming Muslim

>> No.22070380
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Lol, read pic related and Betrand De Jouvenel. Monarchy allows for much greater economic freedom and prosperity than does democracy. The nobles in France were only exempt from taxes because they had to fight for the king's wars. The peasants did not have to fight. There was no such thing as conscription. And because of the reforms of Louis IX, anybody could go directly to the king to voice their grievances.
Democratic politicians don't care about the future of the country because they don't own it and their children won't inherit it. All they care about is getting re-elected, maintaining power, and enriching themselves. This leads to demagoguery, socialism, war, and ethnic/class conflict.
Why would I become Muslim? Why would I abandon Jesus Christ just because the liberals dethroned him? I am religious because I love Christ. I am a monarchist and anti-liberal because I want to see Christ enthroned and honoured in society. If I abandon Christ, I may as well be a hedonist liberal, and pursue easy pleasures.

>> No.22070442

> And because of the reforms of Louis IX, anybody could go directly to the king to voice their grievances.
Absolutely hilarious. Here’s how it would go
>me lord the harvest has been bad this year and me wife was taken by the plague. Please be lenient with taxes, I have but one arm due to me service in the kings armée
>get the fuck out of here serf
Not to mention that monarchy isn’t autocracy. You forget the whole warring nobles and license on power part of my reply

>> No.22070443

You, my friend, are looking for The Fourth Political Theory by Alexander Dugin

>> No.22070447

This board is lame

>> No.22070502

Nobody cares that you want Jesus to wipe his hairy, sweaty balls all over your face while you lick his shit from his anus.

>> No.22070617

Tax revenue as a percentage of national income from 11th century to 19th century in Europe (after which the monarchies of Europe were illegally toppled by the disgusting democrat Woodrow Wilson, excepting the monarchy of France, which was toppled by Freemasonic Jews), was 5-8%, compared to 35-50% today. Craftsmen and merchants were organised into guilds which would advocate their interests. Serfs worked less hours than workers do today, and lived a peaceful rural life, having to pay taxes in exchange for not having to fight in wars like the knights and nobles. In exchange, the nobles would protect the serfs, using their military power to enforce law and order, no different than what the state supposedly does today, except done at a local level. All classes were equal before the Altar.
I’m not advocating the revival of feudalism. Monarchy can work with industrial societies. Besides, feudalism is a term mostly defined by Marxists and revolutionary liberals, who also invented the inaccurate term “Dark Ages”. In the Middle Ages direct land ownership was more common than what is portrayed by these hostile groups.

>> No.22070990


>> No.22071083

ideologies don't have to appeal to you faggot. if there was a perfect political structure we wouldn't even discuss politics anymore. also monarchism is just flavor shit that doesn't matter and catholic integralism doesn't make any sense in 1352 + 671

>> No.22072078

>Why would I abandon Jesus Christ just because the liberals dethroned him?
You abandom him by worshiping him instead of following the path of Christ who prayed to God

>> No.22072086

>a Marxist and revolutionary liberal
damn bro whichever youtuber you got that opinion from let you down lmfao

>> No.22073497

>I want to know the best way to do politics and organise society.
It's a transient matter. Transvaluate your morals first, then read literature from authors with similar worldviews. You will come to understand your relationship with politics after you come to understand your relationship with yourself.

>> No.22073504

Materialistic civilisation results in subconscious nihilism, leading to individuals searching for meaning externally as a way to grasp for meaning. Usually, because the nature of our society, people in new world countries reject God very early; because it is so present in their upbringing, they regress to it while in their pursuit of purpose, wisdom, and self-actualisation.

>> No.22073555
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pic related is monarchist kino

>> No.22074866


>> No.22074958
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I'm right here anon.