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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 153 KB, 290x436, budweiser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2206834 No.2206834 [Reply] [Original]

What's your poison?

Do you like to read while drinking?

>> No.2206849
File: 46 KB, 630x390, kele_corona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corona is nice.
Morgan's rum is good.
Mrogan's rum and Monster shots is even better.
but corona is nice.

>> No.2206861

Bacardi Superior.

That or some good, sweet wine.

Or a nice, bitter beer (not american piss like bud or mexican piss like corona)

>> No.2206865
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Wine and coke.

>> No.2206889

water, because drinking is for schmucks.

>> No.2206898

I enjoy a nice glass of scotch. Rarely though. I also enjoy smoking the occasional bowl of weed.

I'll maybe drink two bottles of scotch in a year, smoke 3 grams of weed in a year.

Intoxication is *fun*, but such a waste of productive time. Do it sparingly.

>> No.2206903

> but such a waste of productive time

What kind of miserable bastard considers having fun to be a waste?

>Do it sparingly.

Don't give out advice. You look like a chump.

>> No.2206914


The kind who makes more money than you. The kind who's a lawyer.

>> No.2206918



I will fucking kill you where you stand you subhuman piece of shit. You make your living on the misery of others.

>> No.2206921


You mad? Why don't you have another drink and complain about it some more.

>> No.2206922

I like to read manga while drinking. If I read challenging literature while drunk, I'll never absorb it all.
Reading on LSD is fun as shit, though.

>> No.2206925


I'll have another drink and cut your fucking face

>> No.2206931
File: 19 KB, 310x400, 1312729917769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poor unemployed fag detected

God, you plebs are so funny. You get butt-flustered and jealous whenever you meet someone who has the work ethic and talent that you do not. Yeah, I don't drink very often because I earn good money at my job and like to stay healthy.

Seriously, have another beer and raise that blood pressure getting mad at lawyers.

>> No.2206936


>work ethic and talent

>defending criminals for money

>persecuting honest citizens for money

Don't make me laugh.

>> No.2206937

Being a lawyer or making a lot of money does not preclude anyone from drinking more than 2 bottles of scotch in a year or smoking more than an 1/8th of weed. You are full of shit.

>> No.2206938

This thread is now....
Match the book to the drink that should accompany it.
"A Pinot Noir with Raymond Chandler's "The Big Sleep."

>> No.2206962

>The kind who makes more money than you.
>implying you're not part of the 99%


>> No.2206973

No one claims you don't have work ethic.
But they guy who works in McDonalds also has work ethic.

Unless your pro-bono, you're scum.

>> No.2207015


On the whole, I would rather be in drinking bourbon.

>> No.2207035

whiskey whiskey and only whiskey

like a real man should

I'm most productive when I'm intoxicated

>> No.2207064

The finest alcohol ever made, Vodka, plus the orange juice makes it basically a health drink!
However, I rarely drink while reading, more often when writing. Or watching a movie. Or doing something else.

>> No.2207069
File: 21 KB, 200x292, death-in-the-afternoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/4 parts absinthe
3/4 parts brut champagne

Put some hair on your chest, candy asses.

>> No.2207078

>implying white-collars don't heavily partake of psychoactive vices

>> No.2207082

I much prefer a good smoke. Say, two hours' worth of my own blend with a splash of hashish in a shisha. Now say it quickly two times. Vodka's nice too IF I have a bottle ready. It's ready when it looks like a block of ice and I need a knife to open the damn thing.

>> No.2207097
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>Year of our Lord 2011
>Not drinking fine dark pints of stout whilst reading Ulysess

And I had such high hopes for you /lit/

>> No.2207164


So you're a hippy who can't handle alcohol unless the feel and taste of it are frozen into oblivion.



Are you guys even trying?

Nice rule of thumb: Any spirit that men were drinking since at least a 100 years ago, neat, is what you should drink.

>> No.2207178

Vodka mixers. Doesn't matter what. Sprite, OJ, I'll drink goddamn vodka chocolate milk.

>> No.2207191


Fuck off and go back to your Manliness websites.

>> No.2207215

I find myself very susceptible to reading and watching films, when I drink I am actually more cynical and less inclined to be 'in the story'

>> No.2207256
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>> No.2207388
File: 16 KB, 314x330, American_Bar_Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could have been in the art thread even.

>What's your poison
Usually sweeter type drinks. The occasional mixers, but normally dessert wines, port, sherry, etc. (Very rarely actually. Not a big drinker)
I don't read while drinking. Keeping your head still while buzzing is a little pointless isn't it?
Caffeine while reading goes best together.

>> No.2207550
File: 54 KB, 650x472, han trollo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inserting his personal morals into the practice of law
>implying defendants and plaintiffs should be assigned/denied representation based on his flawed moral compass
>implying all lawyers focus on criminal trials
>doesn't realize criminal law is one of several dozen areas of practice and less than 1% of all litigation actually goes to court
>should stop getting drunk and watching Law & Order

>> No.2207591


No, you would be drinking cheap bourbon and smoking cigarettes.

>> No.2207602

in the winter
Laphroaig Cask Strength when i'm feeling freer with my limited monies
Ardmore when I'm not
Bourbon when I'm at a bar

In the summer
Death's Door gin or Sobieski vodka usually mixed in some fashion often with tonic water

Beer/ale isn't as pleasant to sip and I don't like going through a volume of drink when reading, but sometimes a red wine is nice.

>> No.2207668

if you are referring to >>2207256,

thank you, I took it myself. anyone care to guess what the book is?