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22066964 No.22066964 [Reply] [Original]

This guy was a literal fascist, so why isn't he canceled in the West? Woketards even honor him:
>In 2014, Mishima was one of the inaugural honourees in the Rainbow Honor Walk, a walk of fame in San Francisco's Castro neighbourhood noting LGBTQ people who have "made significant contributions in their fields".[221][222][223]

>> No.22066979

Because he's gay lol

>> No.22066993

He's non-White, it;'s that simple. If you are non-White you can be a racist, you can be a rapist, you can be sexist, or homophobic, or whatever you want to be, it doesn't matter. Morals are only applied to White men.

>> No.22066994

Why don't they honor this person then

>> No.22067019

Literal who.

>> No.22067028

because he said interesting things about honor and society and love and whatever and he's more than just a fascist or just a homosexual like the retards on this website will have you believe

>> No.22067032

Because that guy is White.

>> No.22067039
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he was great anon. and he really embodied a homoerotic aesthetic, unlike someone like Ernst Rohm. if you only take his lgbtq side separated from his fascism then then you can frame it that way

>> No.22067043

>woke is one person

>> No.22067139

How can /lit/ be so insanely dishonest about everything? If there was a gay White fascist, they still wouldn't be promoted. He is considered okay to promote because he is non-White. The animating force of the elites is anti-White racism, they don't care about Socialism vs Communism vs Capitalism vs Fascism, they care about destroying the White race.

>> No.22067147

ok i changed my mind its because hes POC and gay
now pls chill the f out

>> No.22067148

He was less than 5 feet tall. Midget fascists aren't threatening.

>> No.22067150

He is dead.

>> No.22067155

He just wanted a constitutional amendment

>> No.22067165
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Some figures are too great to cancel, so they try to strongarm them and their ideas to fit liberal thought. It's the same thing academia are doing with Nietzsche. Subverting is often more powerful than banning.

>> No.22067168
File: 453 KB, 1200x1200, The-100-Billion-Dollar-Club-Regular-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the anti-white elite?...idk anon, they seem to be lacking a little melanin

>> No.22067179

Jewish people aren't White, retard. Read a fucking book.

>> No.22067186
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You're a kike. I see what you're doing.

>> No.22067197

touch grass

>> No.22067201

I touch my cock against your grass, you gaping cunt.

>> No.22067211

now that is what i call a mentally ill post

>> No.22067231

Post a picture of your tits, your sexuality is your only value, whore.

>> No.22067240

not the same person, and also a guy. you are definitely a freak lol

>> No.22067283

all you sluts type the same

>> No.22067292

at least this post was actually funny,

>> No.22067362
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They have just enough of it.

>> No.22067379

Literally from the article you linked
>Brighton Museum and History Centre marked his life during February 2006, as part of England's LGBT month's celebrations.[12]

>> No.22067405

>Elon Musk
Not Jewish
>Jeff Bezos
Not Jewish
>Bernard Arnault
Not Jewish
>Bill Gates
Not Jewish
>Mark Zuckerberg
Jewish, but clearly white skin and blue eyes
>Larry Page
Half Jewish, half Protestant
>Sergey Brin
>Steve Ballmer
White skinned, blue-eyed Jewish
>Larry Ellison
Half-Jewish half-Italian
>Warren Buffett
Not Jewish; was denied a job once because of not being a Jew.

Most of them aren't Jewish and the one who are are clearly still white. They even have blue eyes. Come on.

>> No.22067417

Elon Musk is Jewish, Musk means oak tree in Herbew. Everyone on that list is Jewish, some are just better at hiding it.

>> No.22067434


>> No.22067575

Legitimately a mentally ill post. Rethink your life.

>> No.22068039

He was obviously gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

>> No.22068116

I've only read Confessions of a Mask. I may sound like a nancyboy or something, but I found the book a little bit disturbing. I remember a scene when the narrator/MC looks at some shirtless guy and describes, with lust, the most gross things as if they were the most beautiful, sexually appealing stuff. I am talking gross shit like the thick hair on the smelly armpits of some sweaty dude. Holy fuck what a faggot

>> No.22068129

>more money equals power
That's not how it works.

>> No.22068138

Name a single Jewish person that Elon Musk takes orders from.

>> No.22068154

Jonathan Greenblatt. Yes, he is.

>> No.22068167

The ADL.

>> No.22068626

rahm emmanuel. or the brother, ari.

>> No.22068833

Self-hate is a thing, anon.

>> No.22068919

He's empirically correct

>> No.22068985

Having a fetish for masculinity =/= being gay

>> No.22068987

>He was obviously gay
Nothing obvious at it. In japan, the consensus is that he was not.

>> No.22069009

The man was Gayer than Sam Smith my dude. He was a faggot. But he was also based and incredibly redpilled

>> No.22069011

Spring Snow is 100% a frilly, romance book. You would all call it woman’s crap garbage if anyone else wrote it.

>> No.22069021

Sailor who Fell From Grace with the Sea is based

>> No.22069029

Sailor and Patriotism are the only ones most here are familiar with. Spring Snow isn’t bad but it definitely isn’t the type of thing most people here portray the guy as.

>> No.22069041

The Temple of The Golden Pavillion is peak SOVL. Kill yourself if it made you feel nothing.

>> No.22069057

>This guy was a literal fascist
Yes, he was pretty based at that...

>> No.22069061

that was good too, but you need to take a chill pill bro

>> No.22069069 [SPOILER] 
File: 100 KB, 900x900, stonetoss who-controls-institutions-political-cartoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm, they aren't really all that White...

>> No.22069070

>if there was a gay white fascist, they still wouldn't be promoted
Evelyn Waugh. Also, it's not about anti-whiteness, it's about keeping certain ideas out of the heads of retards. If something is unknown to the common man, there is little reason to cancel it. Mishima is still fringe so he gets a pass. If you see Trump start passing out Mishima books, then he might be in trouble.

>> No.22069090

The left look at fascism and see white supremacism, they cannot comprehend nonwhite fascist because it is beyond their frame of reference.

>> No.22069129

>He's non-White
That is correct. If you look at Philip Johnson (architect, 1903-2005), you see what happened to him.
>admired Hitler back in the 1930s
>later renounced it as early as the 1940s
>makes some pretty cool looking buildings through the late 20th century
>came out as gay in 1993
>publicly swore up and down how it was the worst thing he ever did
>dies in 2005
>"In 2020, Johnson's name was dropped from the Harvard University Philip Johnson Thesis House, which was designed by Johnson. Sarah Whiting, dean of the Harvard Graduate School of Design, announced the change on December 5, 2020, citing Johnson's 'widely documented white supremacist views and activities.'"

>> No.22069133

Meant to say ">publicly swore up and down how admiring Hitler was the worst thing he ever did"

>> No.22069142

his faggotry and non-western ethnicity cancels it out

>> No.22069176

having sex with men makes you gay
Mishima had sex with men
therefore Mishima was gay
it doesn't matter if his homolust was the product of some kind of idiosyncratic paraphilia, that shit's fucking gay

>> No.22069180

tough, but fair

>> No.22069238

>Mishima had sex with men
No, he didn't. It's well documented he had no interest in having sex with men.

>> No.22069277

yeah man i also frequent gay bars and dance with guys and have prolonged relationships with drag queens but i DEFINITELY DON'T FUCK THEM

>> No.22069281
File: 352 KB, 1712x1714, 130201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mishima was a closeted homosexual. And that's a good thing because it proves that LGBT can produce good writers

>> No.22069285

>have prolonged relationships with drag queens
Miwa herself has always denied she had a romantic relationship with Mishima and also said she didn't believe he was really gay.

>> No.22069289

Have you actually read Fukushima and Mishima's letters? Because they never mention they had sex.

>> No.22069302

You're a fag, just admit it.

>> No.22069472

>it proves that LGBT can produce good writers
Only gays, dykes and trannies are philistines.

>> No.22069475

He's the only guy who can reconcile homosexuality and fascism. There's actually something very profoundly homosexual about fascism and this doesn't get brought up enough.

>> No.22069543

Dude is such a conundrum. He was a sick, meager child who wanted to be a soldier but was so effeminate, small and bisexual but desperately wanted to restore the traditional past of Japan.

>> No.22069747

So why was Warren Buffett denied a job at a Jewish company once because he wasn’t Jewish

>> No.22069766

>Most of them aren't Jewish
Half of them are Jewish

>> No.22069769

Why are you being this dishonest? Why are you reasoning like a child? True power doesn't sit on charts and lists, truly powerful people you never heard of, and this is common sense not conspiracies. Your approach just radicalizes people further, if that's what you're after then it makes sense, otherwise you're just a midwit.

>> No.22069773

>This guy was a literal fascist
Yeah everyone knows that in reality mishima was subscribed to the national fascist party in Italy and a strict confident of il Duce

>> No.22069783

Probably lines up with half of the /pol/tards on the site desu. Unlike them, Mishima is noteworthy because he had a lick of talent, an aesthetic sensibility that went beyond '50s adverts and wartime propaganda, and ultimately went out in the greatest clown show the Japs ever got.

>> No.22069789

No woman could've portrayed the 1910s Japan with its historical baggage better than ol Mishy. The amount of detail in that is very juicy.

T. Currently re-reading it

>> No.22069796

>fascism :|
>fascism, japan :O

>> No.22069812

>evelyn waugh
First, Evelyn Waugh had two wives and 7 children, so he was not gay. Second, he denied that he was a Fascist. He said: "I am not a Fascist nor shall I become one unless it were the only alternative to Marxism. It is mischievous to suggest that such a choice is imminent."

>> No.22069817

>This guy was a literal fascist
and? why are you so sensible about it?

>> No.22069822

He was not a political fascist, the kind that demands to gas the jews and castrate homosexuals - those get cancelled.

Intead, Mishima was an aesthetic fascist, the kind that just wants to be anally dom'd by a cute edgy bishounen boy. Those always are ok.

>> No.22069829

mishima did NOT bottom. he probably wanted to, but he didn't, on principle

>> No.22069861

That what I said.

>> No.22069873

Lol, that’s so dishonest. You count the half-Jewish half-Europeans as full Jews, but you can just as easily count them as full Europeans by the same logic.
You also didn’t respond to the fact that these supposedly “non-white” Jews have absolutely pale skin and blue eyes, and you wouldn’t be able to differentiate them from any full-blooded Scot or Irishman unless it was told to you on Wikipedia.

>> No.22069924

This. Same with Foucault

>> No.22069946

That's no dishonest at all. Larry Page, Larry Ellison, Steve Ballmer are full Jews. Jewishness follows matrilineal descent.

>> No.22070042

Hitler was gay and ate 2 pounds of chocolate every day.

>> No.22070120

Dictators: They're Just Like Us!

>> No.22070223

Economic elites=/=political elites=/=cultural elites