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File: 124 KB, 1200x1625, tao-te-ching-daodejing[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22066248 No.22066248 [Reply] [Original]

Sick of Western philosophy. "Muh God" "Muh knowledge" "Muh freedom" "Muh science". Chill the fuck out. I'm taking a very long holiday to Chinese philosophy. I don't expect I shall return.

>> No.22066251


>> No.22066277

Not your blog

>> No.22066287

DAO is just Logos with Chinese Characteristics

>> No.22066302

DAO is just Heraclitus which is just Nietszche which is just Plato

>> No.22067520

Chuang Tsu is amazing

>> No.22067525

Greeks and Romans have little to do with modern Europe and it's extension America. The term of Western needs to die.

>> No.22068420

If you're Asian that makes sense as it would connect with you more. Our philosophy works for us and in all honesty Buddhism is a shit philosophy that is anti intellectual. Eastern philosophy, never again. Did you say this in the OP just to "own the westerners", well you failed because we don't care, congrats.

>> No.22068427

>Our philosophy works for us
Oh it shows westie

>> No.22068440

don't need your approval

>> No.22068538

This is correct but not really. It's only Anglos that brought in relativism.

>> No.22068594

>man who stick dick in peanut butter is fucking nuts

>> No.22068605
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>mfw some literally choose "ching chong ding dong' over God and reason

>> No.22068784

prove it to me. Anglos bad just fits your propaganda narrative.

>> No.22068868

Logos is just dao with moralfaggotry

>> No.22068886


>> No.22068932

You're gonna be disappointed when you realize actual Taoists do not subscribe to your self-indulgent egoistic nihilism

>> No.22068935

>”actual taoists”
>he still hasn’t realized the nonduality between the way and not the way

>> No.22068950

Unlike you I did not start reading these texts 12 hours ago

>> No.22069013

If Chinese philosophy is so great, why doesn't China use it?
The last time I checked, they were communist and totalitarian.

>> No.22069091

They are increasingly embracing Neoconfucian philosophers whose written work constituted the civil service exams for centuries. They're building statues to Wang Yangming. Xi Jinping is quoting the Analects in his speeches. The cultural recovery is happening slowly, because the Party can't come out and say "We were wrong", but it is most certainly happening. Pretty much every foreign observer notices this, too.

>> No.22069101

China is more Confucian than it is communist.

>> No.22069104


>> No.22069171

Tell that to the people getting "health" beaten into them.

>> No.22069485

Chinese philosophy seems a lot more full of waxing-poetic navalgazing than Western or Indian philosophy.

>> No.22069489

Xi said the Soviet Union failed because it strayed from historical materialism, but China itself is straying not only from historical materialism but also from Communism itself.

>> No.22069493

>b-b-but my interpretation is the right one

>> No.22069502

>I don't expect I shall return.

>> No.22069524

Your parents have little to do with your conception

>> No.22069527

“Anglos bad” is a left wing demoralization tactic

>> No.22069541

Ironic since it is probably also more useful to the non-aristocratic working man than the other 2

>> No.22069544

Anglos ARE the Left wing Demoralizers

>> No.22069622
File: 383 KB, 915x1023, kulturterror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one uses 'western' except americans. in europe we just call it 'european'

>> No.22069628
File: 27 KB, 398x389, ali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well well well.... a time traveler from 1955

>> No.22069629

You don't know a thing about China if you think the government is actually buying into this, they're just using it to assert a cultural identity opposite to the west. Before the USSR's collapse they used communist ideology now they use this.
It's neither

>> No.22069767
File: 141 KB, 260x195, 视觉中国.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

在谜幻的龄预哩, 字穆器囟吾,
俺骂斯瑞轮, 瓢益入召,
侨吁的告视, 深糸的缘.

串程俺箕, 串带串卓.
想臃之夜, 编汉和靴,

性恐之京, 优雅的交蜷,
低诉和盛, 添之的勇白.
月亮的私诉, 温啄而细于,
编志清感, 爱疑焦儿.

喝契中, 回话著轻晋坠,
恪坠的迪诉, 风漂漂地坠皆.
股事展开, 必的普制间,
绘诨感谬, 激伯梦景.

哦, 激窟的迪诉, 嚼窟而滴未,
心之回兄, 相徊的约丁.
穿搓诗杠, 梦瘤相蓖,
诗窟的交蜷, 永行相连.

在晃痰光屯漉, 心陵的回英,
一英接一英, 诗窟的哎艾冰.
在魂茹中, 美励展哎,
词粟的北风弓, 想橡咸冯.

在迪窟的蜷蓖中, 禳怒迪灵扬,
因汪在这些诗杠丁, 宇亏啄了它的彭叉,
在这吏, 诗歌用橡渺的努讪奇呐.

>> No.22069780

Take your meds.
t. someone that can read all of that

>> No.22070100

What are you, stupid?
China is a communist totalitarian nightmare police state.
You can't refute that.

>> No.22070171
File: 1.36 MB, 4032x3024, 1307839810.0.x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pretty good book on Chinese cultural identity, influenced by the work of Oswald Spengler. He says that Chinese culture is naturally communitarian as opposed to the individualism of Western society, so the purpose of Chinese philosophy is to transform the individual rather than inform him like Western philosophy. To be in harmony with nature and the community rather than to be against it like in the West. It's interesting, they are basically opposite styles of philosophizing.

>> No.22070179

Chinese philosophy is inherently ethical in nature because its only aim is to teach one how to live in harmony with the world. That's why Laozi is so revered, he's not even a philosopher in the Western sense, he is literally a semi-legendary teacher. I would argue that the purpose of Western philosophy is not to teach at all but to impart as much knowledge as possible into the individual. Nobody remembers Spinoza's Ethics for the actual ethics.

>> No.22070194

Many Chinese translations of the Bible actually render 'logos' as 'dao'.

>> No.22070351

Isn't there a certain point where despite being descended from something it's no longer meaningfully similar? How similar are you to a prehistoric fish?

>> No.22070355

They call themselves communist.

>> No.22070454

>if European civilization, philosophy, and culture are so great why are you guys increasingly being overrun by Muslim and African refugees raping your women and importing the American BLM and progressive identity politics to boot?

Not even denying China is a totalitarian nightmare police state, just (futilely, as you’re likely some shit-for-brains Zoomer or mental equivalent of it) pointing out how idiotic it is to think a nation or culture will inevitably live up to its greatest thinkers. It has no relevance to the thread at hand besides expressing your desire to some snarky comment about national superiority/inferiority, even if, again, China indeed is a totalitarian police state. Does Greece’s debt crisis have any bearing on the merits of a Heraclitus, a Homer, or a Plato?

To OP, you should look into Fazang and the Chinese Buddhist school he’s a seminal founder of, Hwa Yen Buddhism, a subset of Chinese Mahayana, and which is like the far more sophisticated, elaborate, and beautiful form of proto-Chan/Zen Buddhism (where the thought is actually more explicitly spelled out in lemmata, instead of the cryptic and condensed kung-ans of something like the Rinzai sect).

It’s no use getting my blood-pressure up about how idiotic most people are and how frequently they fail to respect their evolutionary and cultural superiors, though, under the twisted pretext that, “All of their thought must be primitive because their culture hasn’t contributed the creation of AIDs, gender-affirming surgeries, hormone replacement therapy, color television, the atomic bomb, CCTV, cynical clever atheistic science-worship, high-fructose corn syrup, glyphosate, xenoestrogens and other endocrine disrupters in plastic to the world like OUR flourishing one has!”

>> No.22070685

How about drinkable tap water?

>> No.22070687
File: 190 KB, 979x1280, golden rule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still hasn’t realized the nonduality between the way and not the way
If you truly realized such nonduality, you'd also realize that "moralfaggotry" is an intrinsic to reality (picrel as example).

You won't get far with the ego blinding you.

>> No.22070799

I mean, at its best, I appreciate it, and many other of the amenities of Western civilization, and I came on too strong and negative in that final paragraph (although only in response to someone just as blindly critical about another culture). But you’re still likely getting some dubious fluoridation and xenoestrogens/a host of endocrine disrupters (from pharmaceutical run-off, including birth control that gets excreted into the sewer by women on it then isn’t completely filtered out, along with a host of antidepressants, other psychiatric meds, etc.) in that stuff, unless you have a nice filter.

Also, I forgot to also add McDonalds! How could i criticize ”the West” while forgetting America’s greatest culinary export?

However, I would still like to retract any implied bitterness I suggested about Western civilization, as that would be like biting the hand that feeds me (or breaking the pot after taking the food, as the Chinese aphorism goes).

The best of European thought, philosophy and culture should be harmonized with the best of the East’s. It’s not necessarily an either-or situation (in terms of philosophy and serious thought, not necessarily geo-politically).

>> No.22071187
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>> No.22071505

You sound unhinged and schizophrenic.

>> No.22071547
File: 40 KB, 873x497, IMG_3769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like an NPC filled with bisphenol A and other xenoestrogens who drank too much of the tap water.


There is a growing concern about the occurance of pharmaceuticals in water bodies and in drinking water. Pharmaceuticals get into the water supply via human excretion and by drugs being flushed down the toilet. You might think wastewater treatment plants would take care of the situation, but pharmaceuticals pass through water treatment.


Over 40% of the world's rivers could contain harmful levels of drugs.

Common medications, as well as illegal drugs, released into the environment can damage ecosystems and interfere with the growth and behaviour of animals and plants.

The medicines that make us well are having untold impacts on nature.

After entering the water through sewage systems, rainwater runoff and factory discharges, compounds including antidepressants, painkillers and antibiotics have been found to be exceeding safe limits in bodies of water around the world.

At these levels, the pharmaceuticals can have a significant impact on the health of organisms and ecosystems, causing behavioural change, hormone disruption and toxicity.

Keep drinking that tap water, though, it might run out soon!!! We have a water crisis, on the planet that’s 71% water!!! We could run out of it any day now, it’s too expensive to desalinate it!!! We got $801bn a year for the American defense budget but it’s too hard to boil and/or filter the salt and other minerals from seawater!!! Climate change will get rid of all our water one day!!!!!!!

>> No.22071562

tough but VERY fair

>> No.22071581

Thank you sir/ma’am/non-binary, I do not mean to say any of this solely in a spirit of spite, but out of encouragement, for what you and I could be at our best. As the Prophet Hosea said: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

>> No.22071645

Fascinating, is there any conspiracy theory you don't believe? Let's do a test and see how you respond the the following prompts.

NASA landed humans on the Moon.
Earth is round.
Vaccination works.
Holocaust happened.
Russia is responsible for war in Ukraine.
China is committing genocide.

>> No.22072779

Pharmaceutical runoff in our tap water isn’t a conspiracy theory, you Goddamned godforsaken retard. Those are government websites and there’s peer-reviewed scientific research supporting them.

>NASA landed humans on the Moon.
>Earth is round.
It’s an oblate spheroid, not perfectly round, but so close to it it’s conventionally called that for all practical intents and purposes, certainly not flat
>Vaccination works.
Some do, some have dubious safety profiles, too short a period of testing, and admitted harmful side effects in at least a fraction of cases. Look up the lawsuits over the Gardasil HPV vaccine, you subhuman retard. Ah, but, yes, you swallowed up all the propaganda after COVID happened, like a good little septic urinal swallowing the piss of politicians, newscasters, and dubious health officials about how we have a “anti-vaxxer problem.”

>Holocaust happened.
It did, Nazis are despicable and idiotic cultists, but its sanctity and its significance are exaggerated and unduly biased towards highlighting Jews as victims, because of Israel’s, the Zionists’ and ADL’s PR and undue influence. Gypsies, the homosexuals, Slavs, Freemasons, the disabled were also massacred in it, why do we not hear of them so much? Why aren’t kids taught of Israel’s massacre and land-theft of Palestinians, its foundation with terrorist paramilitary groups like the Haganah and Irgun, or assigned books of GYPSY authors talking about their times in the concentration and death camps and/or of those around them being massacred by the Nazis?

And why aren’t other genocides/democides (proper term for when the government murders its own citizens) like the Holodomor, the USSR’s decades long gulag-system, Kulakization, and mass massacre, execution, imprisonment, enforced labor of its own citizens, talked about so much, in mainstream media, in museums devoted to it (like Holocaust museums young kids in public schools sometimes go to — I would know, I went there myself in middle school, and was myself heartbroken over it), in countless famous novels like Jersy Kosinski’s “The Painted Bird” (controversy over accusations of plagiarism and Kosinski lying about and exaggerating his own experiences of Nazi persecution) or Elie Wiesel’s “Night” (similar controversies about Wiesel fictionalizing some of it while implying it was entirely real).

>Russia is responsible for war in Ukraine.
Both Russia and endless NATO and U.S. provocation over it are responsible, with the US and Russia both struggling over Ukraine in a proxy way and both setting up leaders amenable to their own country with covert and overt means, like with the color revolution/barely-veiled-coup to install a U.S. friendly leader we did there, and constant barely veiled attempts at NATO expansion into Ukraine in obvious defiance of Russia’s firm opposition to this over security and economic interests.

>> No.22072836

Simple analogy: China converting, say, Canada or Mexico, to a pro-China economic and military trans-national organization, using them as “proxy states” to attack US economic and military legitimacy and threaten its position of the world’s geopolitical state with a major country right on its border.

Look at scholar of international relations and political scientist Professor John Mearsheimer’s video from 7 years back about the Ukraine crisis/hotspot is in many ways largely the West’s (NATO’s and the US’s) fault, not JUST solely the MSM narrative of “russia bad for no reason besides Putin being a psychopath!!!”

That aside, yes, Russia is oligarchical shithole and Putin a despot. But those who claim the US is much better are either naive brainwashed shit-for-brains morons, or, worse, disingenuous shills.


(You will never watch this video anyway because “this anon is POL and ALTRIGHT and CONSPIRACY THEORIST and therefore BAD, any sources he gives are FAR-RIGHT UNSUBSTANTIATED PROPAGANDA or even RUSSIAN TROLL FARMS!!!!” even though I’m none of those stereotypes, and your attention span is too low to watch it all, anyway).

>China is committing genocide.
Yes, such as against the Uighur Muslim Chinese and their mass detainments in concentration camps. And speaking of the Holocaust, why the FUCK don’t we hear so much about Mao’s Great Leap Forward, his struggle sessions, and China’s PRESENT DAY concentration/death camps for dissenters as children?

Why isn’t it ILLEGAL in numerous countries to even QUESTION the death toll of something like Mao’s Cultural Revolution, whereas it is to even question the death toll of the Holocaust? Let’s say you claim less than, let’s say FOUR MILLION Jews at most were systematically murdered in the Holocaust, not six million. That could land you jail time in countless European nations!


Why don’t we get this for “Maoist genocide questioning/denial”? Or for skepticism about the Holodomor and USSR’s genocide? Why don’t you know about the Armenian genocide as much, or the Rwandan genocide? How about Pol Pot’s democide? Hmmm…. HOW STRANGE! You can question or critique these genocides/democides in most European countries, whether the kill-count or the intentionality of it, and are far from likely to be jailed and prosecuted over it (rather, simply told you’re misinformed about history and an idiot), but when it comes to the JEWISH HOLOCAUST you’re in legal trouble …


Here’s a picture of a DEAD PALESTINIAN, anon. Remember, if you live in the US, your tax money goes to support Israel’s defense forces and to send weaponry to them. Remember, if you live and work in the US, your taxpayer money has supported the internationally illegal occupation and murder of Palestinians!!

>> No.22072855
File: 48 KB, 808x539, IMG_3771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a maimed Palestinian child, courtesy of Israel, anon … really bask in it. Now imagine yourself facing this Palestinian and telling him: “You’re a CHUD. You’re an ANTISEMITE. A TERRORIST. A CONSPIRACY THEORIST about Israel’s undue unaccountability on the world stage. You probably DESERVE IT for being a jihadi sympathetic to the MUSLIMS. Jews faced the HOLOCAUST. They’re JUSTIFIED in doing things like this to you. NO JEWS can be evil.”

Just bask in it, anon. And yes … 9/11 was likely had CIA and Mossad involvement in it, too. I do believe that. You forgot to ask that! Yes, anon, I am a conspiracy theorist. You figured me out. I have opinions dissenting from what’s politically correct and acceptable. Gosh, if only we could have laws to restrict the speech of people such as myself!!! Right?


>> No.22073020

Ok anon this is pretty based on all points you've made.

>> No.22073189

Yes this is Confucian. I'm sorry you don't understand the difference.

Sure thing le baseless contrarian with zero perspective

>> No.22073224

Dao has less to do with human involvement, and more to do with the basic concept of nature. The force that drives everything.
Dao pushes the winds. Dao raises and lowers the tides. Dao makes gravity pull towards the center of a planet. Dao rotates the earth and all the celestial bodies. Dao is what causes a life to grow and die and return to the source of dao for that dao to be used again. Dao is what causes you do think your thoughts and by extension what causes all decisions to be made. It is the fuel of existence, and also existence itself. Dao will eternally cycle itself through all things and return forever.

Wu-wei is about not trying to control or direct the dao of existence to your favor, but to feel out that natural flow of dao and work with it, finding favor within its course. Think of water.

>> No.22073228
File: 128 KB, 594x203, Gilly's plan for a monument to Frederick II of Prussia, Berlin, 1797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll soon lust for the vital individuality of the West.*

*. Note: individuality means Greece not Anglo liberalism

>> No.22073343

Quite based description of the Dao.

Giving birth and nourishing, having without possessing, acting with no expectations, leading and not trying to control: this is the supreme virtue. We shape clay into a pot, but it is the emptiness inside that holds what we want. We work with being, but non- being is what we use.

>> No.22074219

It is possible to think the Holocaust definitely happened and was very bad while also objecting to Israel's actions.

>> No.22074231

Is that so? Confucius said
>If the people be led by laws, and uniformity sought to be given them by punishments, they will try to avoid the punishment, but have no sense of shame. If they be led by virtue, and uniformity sought to be given them by the rules of propriety, they will have the sense of shame, and moreover will become good.

>> No.22074244

>You don't know a thing about China if you think the government is actually buying into this, they're just using it to assert a cultural identity opposite to the west. Before the USSR's collapse they used communist ideology now they use this.
Why do you think these are mutually exclusive? When societies face stressors they often need to change their norms and policies, and sometimes this will involve revisionist ideology. Some will adopt these revisions as a matter of pragmatic self-interest, but others will regard the failure of the old norms to respond to the stressors as evidence that the revisions are intellectually legitimate. The collapse of the Soviet Union (among other things) posed a serious problem for China both at the level of geopolitics and the level of justifying their normative beliefs.

>> No.22074280

>w imagine yourself facing this Palestinian and telling him: “You’re a CHUD. You’re an ANTISEMITE. A TERRORIST. A CONSPIRACY THEORIST about Israel’s undue unaccountability on the world stage. You probably DESERVE IT for being a jihadi sympathetic to the MUSLIMS. Jews faced the HOLOCAUST. They’re JUSTIFIED in doing things like this to you. NO JEWS can be evil.”
What happened to that poor child (assuming he's actually a Palestinian injured by Israeli action) is horrible--BUT--Israel is a special case. Jews, due to God's covenant with Abraham millennia ago, have a special right to that land no other people have. So, maybe, just maybe, after 2000 years of torment and persecution, God finally decided (in 1948), "OK, Jews, you've been through enough. You can have your land back, if you can fight to keep it"? Just saying.

>> No.22074290

Religious claims that not everyone agrees are true are not acceptable grounds on which to argue geopolitics.

>> No.22074335

>Sweden and Finland completely barren of culture

>> No.22074348

Interesting way of saying you prefer Sparta to Athens, Persia to Sparta, and so forth. Why not go all the way back to chucking spears and such?

>> No.22074368

Low-test reply. Not my problem.

>> No.22074374

wow bro are you a german living sometime between 1780-1890?

>> No.22074387

Nietzsche's philosophy is just a spin-off of Schopenhauer's

>The term of Western needs to die
It should be referred to as "The New World" because it is a direct antithesis of traditional nationalistic cultures.

>> No.22074400

>If you're Asian that makes sense as it would connect with you more
>Buddhism is a shit philosophy that is anti intellectual
Mr. Absolute Retard, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Hesse, and a variety of other European intellectuals would disagree with you. Also, to help expand your mind, a good term for "anti-intellectual" is "philistine". Hope this helps.

>> No.22074407

>God and reason
nigga believes the sky is a vault of water

Because China is a country led by individuals who clearly do not appreciate ancient Eastern philosophy.

>> No.22074525

>Jews, due to God's covenant with Abraham millennia ago, have a special right to that land no other people have.