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/lit/ - Literature

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22066242 No.22066242 [Reply] [Original]

What are some ways to read Greco-Roman literature with more consciousness of the marginalized? The meek and the poor, women and enslaved

>> No.22066253

White people can't be slaves
Slavery = forced servitude plus institutional power

>> No.22066254

Why is it so necessary to celebrate the weak and the losers?

>> No.22066260

(Nietzsche, prior to a mental breakdown and being literally nursed)

>> No.22066261

Is there any reason all academics shouldn't be sold naked into slavery for the rest of their lives?

>> No.22066262

what's her problem? The slaves were white germans and even they had a greater chance of making it than the modern prole.

>What are some ways to read Greco-Roman literature with more consciousness
just posted this - although now I realize you weren't after-all asking for something that substantiates the elitist platitudes of vapid imperial governors and their lying cronies. ah well.

>> No.22066264

>What are some ways
What are you asking? Just keep them in mind lol. Do you want to read stories where slaves are more of a focus or something?

>> No.22066269

With a dilator up your arse.

>> No.22066272
File: 63 KB, 812x1024, aristotles ethics - the slave as the master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are't free if you can't read or think properly or handle your alcohol; the word and concept of liberty is inherently tied to the concept of being an intellectual capable of rational and discerning autonomy.

good point.

judeo-christian values.

>> No.22066279
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>What are some ways to read Greco-Roman literature with more consciousness of the marginalized?
With a BBC in your bussy

>> No.22066283
File: 215 KB, 828x1080, 1678665561324743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This mentality is really no different then when a Roman patrician would look at his villa and think of all the slaves that worked to construct it. It's a fetishtization of labour under the guise of emancipation.

>> No.22066306

a period of his life for which he is not celebrated

>> No.22066348

based image
>Verification not required.

>> No.22066385

Thanks anon, you've given me an essay

>> No.22066403

You show your ignorance by mixing it up. Like the Romans you only want to read that affirms what you yourself consider the good. To the Greeks, you could be a slave, or a woman, and if you followed the path of wisdom, you could become a human. Since you are a dogmatist, you will never even live

>> No.22066447

I’m not sure what you’re getting at. The person is a doctor, implying they’re some sort of college professor or professional, in which case, they most definitely profit off a system of exploitation but it’s not quite the same as being the lord or lady of an estate complete with slaves or servants. Professionals are all basically middle class. So how is it the same?

>> No.22066474

I don't give a fuck about the marginalized

>> No.22066481
File: 59 KB, 853x548, Murray-Melvin-Barry-Lyndon-1975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not weak nor losers. Labour is the only thing that is able to produce value. The master craftsmen who built these homes aren't weak. The nobles who lay around in their languor and decadence are weak.
Pic related is your idol, the typical rich nobleman. You and he are homos.

>> No.22066497

Because millennials have no concept of quality. For them, quality is subjective and a work should be measured by the individual's race, gender, ethnicity, political views, etc. instead of their talent or skills.

>> No.22066521

The women are the weak. The men (slaves of foreign conquest) are the losers. Hope this clears things up.

>> No.22066544

The losers are the slave-masters who presume to own another human being. The Muslim pirates who kidnapped white Christians and sold them into abject slavery during the middle ages were not based, strong, or civilised. They were low IQ savages who wielded violence for evil purposes.
Gangsters who extort people are not noble.
Any robber and tyrant can wield violence.
You sound like one of those Indian scammers who would rip off an old lady and justify it because she's "stupid" and "weak". You should be hanged.

>> No.22066551

What about white people who were kidnapped by aboriginals?

>> No.22066552

>venerating the working class
I don't have time for your Marxist nonsense.

>> No.22066579

Yeah, slaves existed, we know. What most people don't know is that there are more slaves today than there ever have been.
OP sucks cock.

>> No.22066621

I focus on marginalized roman women by jerking off to that scene from Spartacus where the slave girl gets fucked in the baths.

>> No.22066629

unbelievably based and renaissance pilled

>> No.22066694

I'm picturing all of the white slaves, yes. Thanks for reminding me slavery is a universal phenomenon who's institutions stretch back to before racism even existed. Good thread

>> No.22066698

Sorry I >>22066629 replied to the wrong posts here. The Renaissance was a celebration human striving and excellence, I would never be stupid enough to confuse it with the slavish worship of the lowest dregs of humanity.

>> No.22066699

Not a compelling argument. Controlling another human is the definition of power. Continue coping though.

>> No.22066705

Why would I picture the enslaved at all? I'm there to appreciate the building, not the builders.

>> No.22066714

a real nietzschean superman we got here folks! really neat. Sorry Pajeet, continue to scam old woman and call it "power" if you must, the civilized world is still laughing at you

>> No.22066732

>you're either a faggot liberal whining about marginalized people or a ranjeet there's no other options
smooth-brain ESL detected

>> No.22066742

Egalitarianism was a foreign concept for the ancient Greeks, anon. Might as well write a thesis about the impact of the Aztecs on Roman pottery

>> No.22066743

I wonder if greek slaves had it better than modern factory workers. Like those chinese kids making phones.

>> No.22066749


>> No.22066753

>mad as FUCK pajeet trying to say no u
go pickpocket an old crone, superman rupinder

>> No.22066759

dirka dirka dirka parth don't forget to renew your visa

>> No.22066761

People will point to philosophical justifications, cultural undercurrents, maybe religion but I also just think that in America especially there’s a professional class that has staked its power on this sort of thing since at least the civil war, and thanks to the public education system and the civil rights movement it’s been really kicked into overdrive. Are there are a lot of Americans who literally believe the history of America is history of oppressions and emancipations? Yes. But more importantly, there are politicians, academics, lawyers, advocates and all other sorts of professionals that have made entire careers off of it.

>> No.22066771

>mad as FUCK pajeet trying to say no u
really proving me wrong there Raj. Could try knocking the old lady over instead of pickpocketing, really ramp up THE TURD WORLD SUPERMAN vibe you got going on

>> No.22066796
File: 237 KB, 1200x675, white-slavery-barbary-arab-slave-traders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Controlling another human is the definition of power
Yes, obviously. The Muslim pirates who travelled to the villages of Iceland, raided their towns, kidnapped them, tortured them, and sold them into abject slavery had power over their victims.

But nevertheless, those slavers were subhuman scum, and Cromwell was right to order that they should be slowly drowned when caught.

Power is not something to strive for in and of itself. Power is a tool which, in the right hands, yields good outcomes, and in the wrong hands, yields evil ones.

The fact that Power is not necessarily subject to Justice is the very problem of political philosophy, ethics and statecraft. "What is Justice and how do we subject Power to Justice?" is the central question of political philosophy.

Mindless, sadistic domination of another for no purpose other than your own self-interest is the mindset of an anti-social subhuman rapscallion, whom society should hang.

If you want power over me, you have to justify to me how that power is ultimately for my own good. If you did so, I would not refuse to submit to you; in fact, I would do so readily, believing it to be foolish to rebel against you. But if you want to dominate me for your own sake alone, to the detriment of myself, I will shoot you.

Besides, such sadism is to the detriment of the sadist himself. For it has been shown that chattel slavery in the American South presented only a short-term economic benefit to the slaver, and was detrimental for free workers. In the long term, it even damaged the slaver, because he did not invest in ways to mechanise his agriculture but relied on slaves to do so. Now, with mechanised agriculture, one free worker can produce 10x as much output per input than a slave in the American South, and everybody is better off for it.

I know 4chan is contrarian, but I didn't expect there were people who unironically defend slavery, especially for such a childish, sadistic reason as "it feels good for me to dominate others". Pathetic.

>> No.22066806
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it is over

>> No.22066809

nice rhetoric but youre avtually arguing that controlling an entire family of people isnt power? You sound retarded. Also you really thought I would cave my position over mentioning white slavery, that's hilarious. Are you literally so confused right now that you're arguing about morality out of nowhere?

>> No.22066812

>I know 4chan is contrarian, but I didn't expect there were people who unironically defend slavery, especially for such a childish, sadistic reason as "it feels good for me to dominate others". Pathetic.

These "people" always tend to think they would be the master, and not the slave. Very funny!

>> No.22066821

"Yes, obviously. The Muslim pirates who travelled to the villages of Iceland, raided their towns, kidnapped them, tortured them, and sold them into abject slavery had power over their victims."

Your response out of this: youre avtually arguing that controlling an entire family of people isnt power? You sound retarded"

Holy strawman and ad hominem, state your iq before i or he engages you further

>> No.22066822

> *anon makes it illegal for you to shoot him*

>> No.22066826

Imagine having an autistic meltdown because somebody pointed out you were retarded for saying slave owners were the losers and slaves were the winners. Making such an objectively stupid statement could only be damage-controlled with the middle-schopl debate team rhetoric were seeing from you now

>> No.22066835

I've always wondered what Nietzsche would say to like actual slaves, what are you meant to do if you got unlucky and are poor as fuck. he himself wasn't a master of much.
if you are a slave would slave morality benefit you or would trying to have a master morality benefit you? it's not like you can do much of the master morality virtues if you are down on your luck.

>> No.22066836

Hey retard. State your IQ before I engage you further

>> No.22066837

>404 argument not found

>> No.22066845

Lol at the 12 year old getting bodied in this thread WH WHATS YOUR IQ??

>> No.22066848

IQ not found, you are clearly a retard. fuck off

>> No.22066849

there's nothing to prove ESL, all you've done is project your own insecurities as a shitskin pretensions onto me

>> No.22066853

>hasn't addressed the argument that crime as control is power
>is too dumb to even see that he missed that
>is a subhuman pajeet

>> No.22066864

> one “free” worker

>> No.22066870

Being powerless is not a virtue, and should not be celebrated in itself. It does not follow that the use (in particular the ab-use) of power is virtuous. Either are indicative of a very sick society.

>> No.22066884

nietzsche has been an utter disaster for sub-25 philosophical "discourse."

>> No.22066888

>he cares about society

>> No.22066891

>not caring about your friends and family and extended relatives
incel loser detected

>> No.22066893

Greece maybe..

I can cite you at least fifty examples of slaves in Ancient Rome who achieved their freedom and highest possible government office in their own lifetimes, 2nd man to the emperor; as well as a near dozen near-slaves (amazon factory level workers) who became emperor from the early empire to middle byzantium.

There is no such comparison today as the ladder that enabled them to get from A to B simply doesn't exist.

>> No.22066895

>conflating your friends and family with the zog machine
it's so cute when americans think they're people

>> No.22066902

Obviously not. Power is a tool that must be grasped by the good and used against the evil. But power must be subjected to justice, not valued for its own sake. It is a tool, the telos of which is the establishment of peace and social harmony, not domination over the weak.

>> No.22066903

well said.


>> No.22066907

oh so you're just retarded. there's other countries besides america nigel

>> No.22066909

Then we agree.

>> No.22066915

My first post in this thread was about the Renaissance. You're the mouthbreathing brownoid who sees someone say something he doesn't like and immediately starts mouthing off about how your home country sucks or whatever. You haven't made any argument because you can't, all you can do is performatively act how you think we want you to act.

>> No.22066919

except the goodness needed to purify power is often best represented by the powerless - peasants, victims, monks, hermits. lame, gay, and naive post

>> No.22066923

>STILL hasn't addressed the argument that crime as control is power
>is STILL mad about being called pajeet

>> No.22066937

No it isn't especially not peasants.
First order of bussines in any peasant uprising is killing your neighbor because they have a cow fatter (and a wife hotter) than yours.

>> No.22066939

Slaves had a suprising amount of upward mobility in ancient european societies.

>> No.22066941

Wrong. There were great Kings, knights, and warriors in the history of Christendom who wielded power justly and were loved by everybody for their justice and fairness. Think of Charlemagne or Louis IX or the warrior-monks of the Crusades.

The Chivalric ideal is about utilising power and strength in the service of Good.

There is no necessary connection between Power and Evil; just as there is no necessary connection between Power and Good. The aim of politics is to subject Power to Justice. That's it.

>> No.22066942

everyone is as le jealous and le sordid as me. i can't wait until the sun sets on your ilk

>> No.22066944

Lmao you're actually underage

>> No.22066948

Perhaps now because our elites have no sense of noblesse oblige, but this wasn't always the case.

>> No.22066949

so many children on lit these days. go retweet roman statues dude

>> No.22066952

>404 no arguments found thus far

>> No.22066953

Also monks wielded plenty of power in their time. Soft power mind you but still power.

>> No.22066959

>perhaps now
People have been renouncing political power and civilization as long as there has been political power and civilization. you can't reconcile goodness with the imperative to enslave - if you're not enslaving your fellow man, you're enslaving the natural world to feed and pamper your fellow man. you have to be 18+ to post here

>> No.22066960

Have you even tried reading accounts of peasant village life, anon?

>> No.22066970

Have you? I'm so sick of you game of thrones fags. Violence and sordid jealousy were not the norm, but the exception.

>> No.22066972

Not just soft power. There were military religious orders in the Catholic Church throughout the middle ages.

>> No.22066980

I'm talking about the desert communities in Egypt, Syria, Cappadocia.

>> No.22066981
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>you can't reconcile goodness with the imperative to enslave - if you're not enslaving your fellow man, you're enslaving the natural world to feed and pamper your fellow man.

>> No.22066987

Yes. Check out the moral basis for a backward society.
There's also quite a sordid account for life on russian villages on the turn of the 20th century but I forget the name.
You can also find some gnarly peasant moments in the cultural revolution, too.
>muh GoT

>> No.22066988

Not soft in the slightest. The Jesuits weilded immense power in their time and Cardinal Richelieu ran everything through his monk best friend.

>> No.22066989

I think you're confusing feudalism with slavery my man. There have been plenty of kings beloved by their subjects, and your slavery non-sequitor doesn't change that

>> No.22066991

Those were a special case, but true. Monasteries usually became filthy rich, too.

>> No.22066996

aaaaa did people die before air conditioners i have to cut my son's cock off for moloch

this is you

>> No.22066997


>> No.22067002

I'm insulting peasants. Not pre-industrial society.

>> No.22067004

The suppression of the Jesuits by Pope Clement XIV in 1773 might have been the beginning of the collapse of Western Civilisation to liberalism and Enlightenment principles.

>> No.22067005

>defending political power on the internet for free
>real political has already been tried.... uh..... we just forgot about it I guess....
tell me about it

>> No.22067011

Descartes and Hegel killed rational thinking in the west

>> No.22067013

Honestly your naivety is a dead give away that you're not 18. I'd tell you to go back to school but I gaurentee that's where you learned to think this way. Pretty sad that you'll be constantly taken advantage of by others your entire life

>> No.22067014

Wow. Men are so easily mondfucked.

>> No.22067016

self-hating goyim are pitiable, what is you call call them nowadays... crust-stains? or .. something? something to do with putting oil upon their penis.

>> No.22067018

You're too brainrotten to hold a coherent conversation with.

>> No.22067020

power and goodness are not reconcilable. you either don't understand power, or you don't understand goodness

>> No.22067025

You should really touch some grass asap

>> No.22067027

Easy counterexample.
My child wishes to do heroin. I stop him from doing heroin. Here I have exercised my power for good.

>> No.22067030


>> No.22067031

whatever dude, I'll trust the kings and emperors who sought out the wisdom of men who ate dung and lived in caves over some faggot who sends his grandma romohomo memes

>> No.22067035

I hope you look back on that statement some day and cringe lmao. You can't even be good without power. If you have no power, you have no choice to be harmless. Harmless =/= goodness. You're really dumb dude

>> No.22067042

>pays his taxes and perpetuates a system where children would want to do heroin in the first place
>a system where heroin is readily available to begin with
myopic toad

>> No.22067044

Post your wrist so we can see your skin pigmentation. All this talk of Indian scammers makes me certain you have white envy.

>> No.22067051

>you can't be good without power
lmao. on the contrary, you can't be evil without being powerful. you're just a pussy who wants to get fucked, and that's all your type will ever be

>> No.22067053

I dont pay taxes. You have lost the argument

>> No.22067054

ha i'd like to but you stupid christians have almos killed all of the grass with your "mountain of saints" company and your sick twisted experiments.

>> No.22067059

faggy fembrain, post your jaw

>> No.22067061

>touch grass
sounds like a pagan thing to me

>> No.22067064

Shtetlniggers/ghettocels weren't any better at it, anon. Ashkoids struggled too when they left the warm embrace of the pale of settlement.
But I understand I'm talking to a mental midget.
P.S: I'm a mischling. I own you, nigger.

>> No.22067065

Uh oh guys, I'm Christian now! He's about to tell us all about Christians killing the grass!
Have sex you pathetic Marxist dweeb

>> No.22067067

>you can't be evil without being powerful.
you manage to troll all the time whilst being a depraved poverty-stricken cardboard box dweller under the superhighway

>> No.22067068

Touch sand, then.

>> No.22067070

Post wrist or stop pretending you're white. You're not.

>> No.22067071

you know you won when the other guy reaches for some lame ass bill nye reddit burn. fag

>> No.22067076
File: 91 KB, 605x900, saint-paul-statue-front-basilica-outside-walls-rome-italy-190683863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saint Paul:
>The Prince is God's minister to thee, for good. But if thou do that which is evil, fear: for he beareth not the sword in vain. For he is God's minister: an avenger to execute wrath upon him that doth evil. Wherefore be subject of necessity, not only from terror, but also for conscience' sake.

>> No.22067078

Kek you're getting your shit pushed in in this thread, I hope you recognize that, brainlet

>> No.22067085

you will never have an ethnostate. you will never have a real culture. you'll never know what it's like to be a part of something greater than yourself that isn't some fleeting online memesphere. you'll never know what it's like to feel one with earth and sky. you will never talk to an apple tree. you will never experience true freedom as the pure autonomous body in space that you are, always will be, and will die as. wagie wagie. it's time for the cagie.

>> No.22067087

This is a bait thread lol

>> No.22067088

i'm not familiar with that brand of pseudo-kikery, whether you're a german larping as an ncient hebrew or a german slave of a german larping as an ancient hebrew I could care less. I am a british imperialist larping as an ancient roman and you are truly fucked.

I'll fuck my sister up the arse like we do in the garden of eden a give birth to a race of deformed 4channers, shall i? after we're married in a kirk, of course, CofE and all that, like english jesus was.

>> No.22067089

Post wrist

>> No.22067095

>christ gets crucified by worldly power
>retards quote his "religion" to justify kowtowing to worldly power

>> No.22067097

god is great

yeah i did burn you pretty hard just then, there's a ground zero where your hebrew ant farm used to be now.

>> No.22067099

Not that guy, but when you asking random men to post pics for you on the internet, it's time take a step back lol

>> No.22067102

Post jaw, if you're such an aryan god-king. let's see that hyperborean phenotype

>> No.22067111

>I am a british imperialist larping as an ancient roman and you are truly fucked.
>I am a [Fallen empire subjugated to a declining empire] larping as an [fallen whose ruling class barely survived the migration period outside of anatolia] and you are truly fucked.
So true nigel.

>> No.22067114

I think the chivalric ideal is less about obtaining power and using it for good and more about being good, and should power come, to be good with that also.

>> No.22067121


Sometimes grasping for power is itself evil.

>> No.22067131

bah, british have conquered every country on the globe but two or three.

we're the true heirs. hail brittania, you fucking barbarian swine.

>> No.22067144

Post wrists

>> No.22067149
File: 29 KB, 1188x441, fig 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22067151

just kiss you fucking fags

>> No.22067152

>no argument
still no sad

>> No.22067154

Did mommy get you some crayons

>> No.22067161

>is still too retarded to deduct what the argument was
you got filtered, simple as

>> No.22067166

>aha! You simply could not grasp my argument. I am very smart

>> No.22067175

You're shit on most countries shoe at this point and nobody will ever take you seriously again.

>> No.22067182

You finally got it. Congrats.

>> No.22067184

Now I understand why you're so empathetic with the lowest stock of society. As a Briton, you belong to that stock.

>> No.22067185

>never made an argument

>> No.22067200

>is still too dumb to even understand the ideas being spoken about
now it's just sad frankly, waiting for your inevitable reply

>> No.22067202

calling someone a nigger isn't an "idea"

>> No.22067205

You're right. It's actually a Philosophy

>> No.22067209

>Power is a tool that must be grasped by the good and used against the evil
Disney kumbaya

>> No.22067217

this post is more evidence you're ESL

>> No.22067221

this nigga is DEFINITELY autistic lmao

>> No.22067245
File: 382 KB, 498x498, rich-man-homer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

case closed

>> No.22067247

By Aristotle's definition, all wage labourers are slaves

>> No.22067251

autism speaks

>> No.22067297

Daily reminder that the Jews were completely and totally expelled from Britain until Cromwell invited their return

>> No.22067324

Ariatotle was fucking retarded.

>> No.22067329

Ever heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates?


>> No.22067457

then we've got nuffin to lose, 'ave we m8

That is no way to talk to your father.

>> No.22067513

I don't know but if i had to guess i think it'd depend on what kind of slave. I'd imagine a Greek House slave would probably have it better, but someone working out in the fields would have it worse compared to a modern factory worker. Hard to say definitively.
Probably the closest thing to slaves in the U.S are undocumented workers. They are pretty much modern slaves because they're not citizens they can pretty much just be worked to death.
I used to work in a small ranching town and apparently a field hand died working in the fields and it was just swept under the rug.

>> No.22067560

>equating slaves of ancient greece and rome with american slavery

>> No.22067569

Yeah you literally have nothing to lose. You have nothing. You already lost.

>> No.22067637

that coming from the biggest pussy in the south!

>> No.22067644
File: 389 KB, 640x464, 1628833001915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're not weak nor losers. Labour is the only thing that is able to produce value. The master craftsmen who built these homes aren't weak. The nobles who lay around in their languor and decadence are weak.
>Pic related is your idol, the typical rich nobleman. You and he are homos.

>> No.22067656

What's it like arguing with imaginary friends kek

>> No.22067787

It's time for someone to sneed
all of antiquity's others

And by that I mean

>> No.22067864

I wish I were a slave, I'm retarded and have no idea what I'm doing with myself.

>> No.22069260

You're such a faggot.

>> No.22069264

low iq ad hominem response. are you a nigger?

>> No.22069403
File: 17 KB, 483x604, 1684699326934190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first signs of civilization ever found were mended cave men bones. Helping the less fortunate and weak among us is what makes us human, and what sets us apart from the animals

You are more then welcome to debase yourself into being an animal, but I cannot condone that behavior. I'd much rather keep human activities like Art, Literature, the Examined Life, belonging and love.

I know this attitude of yours comes from pain, anon. I know it's hard to deal with but please don't let your sweetness be calloused over like this. I doubt your mother would approve

>> No.22069427

>The first signs of civilization ever found were mended cave men bones.
That has nothing to do with what the anon you're responding to is criticizing.
Don't be so disingenuous.

>> No.22069434

>The first signs of civilization ever found were mended cave men bones
look up the definition of civilization retard

>> No.22069437

So are these threads made purposefully to sabotage /lit/ or are they made because anons couldn’t hack it on /pol/?

>> No.22069444

based. Chivalry is the way.

>> No.22069459

>White people can't be slaves

>> No.22069463

If indentured servants were slaves they would be called slaves and not indentured servants, little chuddy chuddington.

>> No.22069490

This is true. While a lot of people think doctors, lawyers and businesspeople are the real winners in our society, only service workers get the full breadth of the human experience and know the value of a hard day's work. Who's the real loser?

>> No.22069496

This is a good point. The slaves should be happy to be elevated to such a pious state. In that sense, the masters are the most pious figures of all, because their merciful labour program enables their pupils to get closer to the Good. The master dives into vice that the servant might know virtue, making them the most virtuous of all.

>> No.22069497

Power is a prerequisite to "good" and "justice".

>> No.22069498

Wait until you read Engels.

>> No.22069500

Gay retards shall inherit the Earth.

>> No.22069508

This. Sadism is objectively retarded, but it's pretty obvious that the moralfaggotry of the 1900s and 2000s are completely different from what came before.

>> No.22069513

And why is being a slave good? We live in an institutional and sociocultural environment in which White is constructed as good and Black bad, no?
Your worldview is totally inconstitent, worthless and baseless unless viewed as a cynical powergrab by a loose coalition of emotionally-manipulative minorities.

>> No.22069564

>I would not refuse to submit to you; in fact, I would do so readily, believing it to be foolish to rebel against you.
You're already a slave then.

>> No.22069566


>> No.22069574

>dont forget to photograph people in their death throws, immortalised for life.
Why are liberals so soulless?

>> No.22069616

>My child wishes to do heroin. I stop him from doing heroin. Here I have exercised my power for good.
You've exercised your power terribly over the course of years if your child wants to do heroin.
Not that I'm disagreeing with you but your example really doesn't help your case.

>> No.22069637

>a lowly labourer
>this is your idol
lol maybe watch the movie first

>> No.22070156

>forced servitued plus institutional power
ehi, wait a minute, this reflects the relationship between me and my billionaire employers much more than it does that between me and other races...