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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 33 KB, 265x374, Who_Killed_Captain_Alex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22065563 No.22065563 [Reply] [Original]

What are the Who killed Captain Alex of the literature world?

>> No.22066460

F. Gardner

>> No.22066509

No because Isaac Godfrey Geoffrey Nabwana is a likable person.

>> No.22066755

Taking this post as sincere, which is immediately a bad idea considering no one with a brain mentions this book in good faith, it’s not actually true.
While captain Alex may be notable for its lack of refinement and usage of quick, easy gimmicks, the other thing of note about wakaliwood movies is the overwhelming charisma and lightness of the movies. They are fun. They know they’re fun and they revel in it. The call books are all just the desperate plots of a moron to APPEAR fun, and thereby are not fun. The only thing they take seriously and commit to is shilling themselves, and can never attain the simple and elegant joy of something actually enjoyable and lighthearted.

>> No.22067073

So which of the 4chan books firs this bill better?
The hack writing seems to match the amateurish editing, but what book is fun? Behead All Satans? Shitkickers?

>> No.22067162

Hard to say; right off the bat I’d say Behead All Satans because it is genuinely fun and rough around the edges, but it’s a different kind of fun. A sort of dark humor whereas captain Alex is gleeful. Both however are violent and high-energy, so that’s probably your best bet.

>> No.22068064
File: 238 KB, 682x728, CrabsCollection-e1625457493365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy N. Smith, his books were basically b-movies in book form, they're very fun to read.