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/lit/ - Literature

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22065386 No.22065386 [Reply] [Original]

These are the only three books you need to read. Have you read them?
I worked through gravity's rainbow in highschool and finished ulysses and infinite jest right before i dropped out of university. they changed my life. we use to talk about them a lot here but now people don't discuss them at all

>> No.22065397

holy shit the meme trilogy. yeah, I remember when they used to be constant topics of discussion here. every time you'd open /lit/ there was someone chattering about Infinite Jest. now, no longer. I think it's a good thing. the board's moved on to other obsessions. for a bit it was rené guénon, now it's philosophy. wonder what it'll be in five years. wonder if I'll still be posting here in five years. I can't think too much about the future or I start to get freaked out

>> No.22065412
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>> No.22065415

oh my god I haven't seen the cover to Behead All Satans in years. jesus christ I feel old. I'm only 24 but I've been posting here for so fucking long.

>> No.22065416

seek the rope

>> No.22065470

where is call of the crocodile? trash list

>> No.22065824

I will shit on your grave.

>> No.22065843

>That Ulysses cover
Christ. Also all three are brilliant but it goes Ulysses > GR > IJ

>> No.22065944

These makes me not want to read these books

>> No.22065948
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The books are still good

>> No.22065988

good old meme trilogy. one of my favourite /lit/ memes

>> No.22066236
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>nearly 3000 pages of text utterly mogged by this 100 page novel by a school teacher.
Real memery

>> No.22066504

Holy based

>> No.22066526

I miss the absurdist phase, that was when I started coming to /lit/ regularly.

>> No.22066589
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This made me think if pic related was edited to add BAS just for shit and giggles without being a disturbing book

>> No.22066625

They sound very gay. Are you gay?

>> No.22066643

>I . . . have been amused, stimulated, charmed interested by the first 2 or 3 chapters–to the end of the Cemetery scene; & then puzzled, bored, irritated, & disillusioned as by a queasy undergraduate scratching his pimples. And Tom, great Tom, thinks this on a par with War & Peace! An illiterate, underbred book it seems to me: the book of a self-taught working man, & we all know how distressing they are, how egotistic, insistent, raw, striking, & ultimately nauseating. When one can have cooked flesh, why have the raw? But I think if you are anaemic, as Tom is, there is glory in blood. Being fairly normal myself I am soon ready for the classics again. I may revise this later. I do not compromise my critical sagacity. I plant a stick in the ground to mark page 200.

>> No.22066701
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>> No.22066746

Only 6 years though, right anon?

>> No.22066820

DFW is ugly, his bandana is retarded and he's cringe in interviews. Therefore you are wrong.

>> No.22067369

ok, i will read these

>> No.22067382

I read the other two and absolutely loved them but Ulysses filtered me HARD on my first try. I’m going to give it another go this year after reading the Brothers K

>> No.22067534
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Gravity's Rainbow is one of Jonathan Blow (The Witness)'s favorite "long-form" novels. Can someone explain why? Jonathan Blow very clearly like Prometheus and Nukes. Is it a meditation on that whole realm of philosophy? The wikipedia is like a Jackson Pollock painting of annoying meaningless phrases. Is that what the book is: a Jackson Pollock in word form? The cover of the book would suggest that