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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 135 KB, 1254x1092, Stalin Manual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22065020 No.22065020 [Reply] [Original]

what's the best book for mind-raping yourself and forcing yourself to not be a pathetic neet? i've always wanted to do something but I never end up doing anything but browsing the internet all day. thanks in advance!
pic unrelated, I like to read biographies and read one about him recently

>> No.22065045
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>> No.22065052

read the Bible

>> No.22065685
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>> No.22065686

very true

>> No.22065702

I’ve only started realizing how I wasted precious time “keeping up” with internet culture. Like why the fuck do I need to know what TND stands for or all the different wojak variations. I hate myself.

>> No.22065709
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Stalin was based and I'm tired of listening to people making him out to be some sort of comical supervillain

>> No.22065723

Since this is /lit/ - I've actually read most of Stalin's corpus and I don't remember this part. Where's it from?

>> No.22065738

It isn't. It's made up by the schizo. Stalin wasn't this retarded

>> No.22065835

I have been wondering for years why is it that for all its clarity this is something people will almost never understand and of those that do only a minority will internalize it to the point of actually living like that

>> No.22065880

Listen to this OP

>> No.22065887

I'm shit all the games I play, shit at arguing, and my meme knowledge is a single step above newfag tier at best. Retarded frogposter.

>> No.22065906

It's sort of like systems thinking in a way

People are systematic in their habits, their actions, their diets etc.
I think the Dilbert guy wrote a book similar to this post. Basically just maintaining routines out of everything, living it day by day, simplifying a schedule as much as possible to make consistent progress

>> No.22065911

Although admittedly the hardest part is avoiding self-delusion. I guess as long as you stay consistent with your habits and check yourself then you can't go wrong

>> No.22065919

Maybe you have the 'tism or are just plain retarded, my good sir

>> No.22065969

You do have to learn this at a young age though.

>> No.22066111

That shit is very true

>> No.22066153

I strongly disagree.

>> No.22066158

>shit at arguing
you probably aren't, everyone gets btfo'd here because anons like to argue. irl people are conflict averse and very unsure of themselves so if you can put together something plausible and present it forcefully people just fold. this is only not true on points of faith including political religion.

>> No.22067106

Didn't ask.

>> No.22067660

don't care

>> No.22067671

The stormfront invasion was the greatest self own ever. /b/tards went, we will spam the biggest united white supremacy board on the net at the time. Then damn near twenty years later /pol/ is the righteous successor of Stormfront (/k/ trannys not withstanding)

>> No.22067709

>/b/tards raid stormfront
>stormfront turn 4chan into stormfront 2.0
>makes site very insufferable for everyone but stormniggers, meaning non-stormniggers eventually leave
>now only stormniggers waste their life here
Not so much a self-own as a masterful stroke of emancipation for everyone who deserves it, and imprisonment for everyone who doesn't.

>> No.22067737

1488 brother

>> No.22068113

What a cope
Are "stormfront" opinions more prevalent on the internet now or 15 years ago
Face it they won

>> No.22068963

This is very true. I recommend the dead blog last psychiatrist if this resonates with anyone.

>> No.22068967
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>> No.22068969

i thought his message was that you're incapable of action due to subconscious defense mechanisms and you're incapable of becoming capable of action because to do so would entail action

>> No.22069082
File: 122 KB, 381x789, literally me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, I will read this one, perhaps he has the answer

>> No.22069140

I've heard good things about "Learned Optimism" by Martin Seligman

>> No.22069479

Already did
Just another self-help book
Wisdom is worthless because people are atrocious - prove me wrong

>> No.22069501

I think this is impossible without an outside frame of reference ie someone else's perspective, and ideally that someone is a therapist or a priest. Otherwise you'll end up making self-improvement your new religion and use it to bury what needs solving.

>> No.22069547


>> No.22069549

Plutarch’s Lives

>> No.22069572
File: 184 KB, 828x1016, B8FE6507-DE7A-434F-9BD3-762E23B736B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What book will exhort me to live dangerously? “Build your houses on the slopes of Vesuvius” type of thing

>> No.22069656
File: 80 KB, 560x458, when you're just one self-help book away from success.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22069736

Looks very interesting.

>> No.22069940

Are you the same anon that has been spamming the threads with this book? If you are, thank you. I had never heard of it. It is a wicked book.

>> No.22069956

Why? It’s not like you have 40 years to just not learn the lesson. There is a certain age where it’s over. You sort of are who you are at that point.

>> No.22069960

I disagree. I will elaborate using the age bracket you provided as an example.

>> No.22070044

Awaiting your response..

>> No.22070128

Allow me to use an extreme example to drive my point forward. Our example is a 40 year old plumber, who knows not much math, and has highschool level language skills. He decides he wants to be an economist. Bear with me.

He immediately begins studying high school level math, on all his free time. Between taking his wife to grocery shopping, taking care of his elderly parents, between all the pipes and the dripping water, he buries his head into math, slowly progressing towards advanced high school math. On the side, still on his free time, he starts reading "Economics for Dummies" and other thin paperlets on the subject. He also studies for university entrance exams. He does this for 3 full years, sleeping little.

Assuming he lives in a country where higher education is free (meaning 95% of planet Earth), he manages to enroll in a small local college, studying math. Perhaps it even has a small economics or sociology department. He dedicates to his major the best he can, between all his other obligations, until graduation. He would be 47-48 by now.

He immediately enrols into a graduate economics degree in some college near where he lives or somewhere he can move to with his family. He does the best he can, and gets a Masters, at 50 years old. Voilá. An economist.

If we can speculate even further, he manages to enroll into an accredited doctorate program in some small town college. He progresses slowly, the best he can, and gets it at age 55.

Further flights of fancy place our plumber in the faculty of some small humanities department, on some small associate college somewhere.

Jack London, in John Barleycorn, describes how he employed a gruesome routine, harsher than our plumber´s, to turn himself from dishwasher to published writer. London was married with kids at the time. According to him, it took him 2 years of grinding it out.

>> No.22070165

QRD of the book?

>> No.22070176

Just a stern, exasperated, old and wrinkled French private high school teacher blackpilling you at every single page of the book, while repeatedly beating over the top of your head with foot-long wooden ruler. Truly a gem of a book.

>> No.22070253

I’ve downloaded it anon, thanks for the recommendation. It’s refreshing to read non-fiction books from the 19th century; there is a layer of sincerity and candour missing from books written as of late. I recently read a memoir from a young European man who lived in Abyssinia for some years, and he described the customs and the temperaments of the various tribes that lived there with great acuity, not shying away from heaping praise (and scorn) on his subjects much more freely than you would see done today.

>> No.22070405
File: 189 KB, 1698x2560, Avengers and Philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22070444

Thank you.

>> No.22070451

>have spent the entire morning on 4chan
Fuck me. I do this too often. I look up. Realize I've spent hours browsing the internet. I could've read 100+ pages of a book. I could've exercised or practiced a language. Instead I just fucking browse this hellhole. At the end of the 3 hours you could ask me "what do you remember reading about on 4chan" and I wouldn't even know. So much time lost to the void. Imagine if all the time I wasted online had been used for something productive.

>> No.22070457


I'm nearly 40 and been here for almost 20 years. I've lost half my life to this place. Sad!

>> No.22070466

>le snarky pop-culture guru

>> No.22070497

I am touching 30 in a few months. I don't feel half as regretful anymore. It's not as if i had any potential anyway.

>> No.22070520


Another day drawing closer to an end that started with good intentions but ended with hours of shitposting and (you) chasing. I honestly believe 4chan is more damaging than pornography to your brain.

>> No.22070912

I only recently got back into reading having put my teenage and early to mid-20s into web surfing, cinema and music. I used to finish book like nothing when i was a kid. Recently got into reading but like that post made above i didn't do anything and like you observe, 4chan has taken over the brain. There's like two hundred books i have to go through but i struggle.. If any young anon is reading this, quit this place. You won't get anything out of it.

>> No.22070920

There isn't one.

Simply go out and do.

>> No.22070927

>what's the best book for
Wish these would be banned. They're just as bad as recommendation threads.

>> No.22070964

>It’s refreshing to read non-fiction books from the 19th century; there is a layer of sincerity and candour missing from books written as of late.
There definitely is. And this one rings of truth. As you read it, it is hard not to envision Monsieur Payot walking around you, sternly delivering lesson after lesson as if he was saying obvious things silly you should long have known, holding a wooden ruler in his hand, ready to beat it on the back of your head.

>> No.22071052

I once read a guy giving advice for young men taking tests to enter into British Universities. It was an old text from the 50s. The guy said any ordinary man should spent at least 3 hours a day sitting on a chair, in front of a desk, studying his own required subject. And that these daily 3 hours should be completed religiously, at the detriment of sleeping time, if needed be. The guy went further to add that, of those 3 daily hours, only 2 should be considered real study, since the remaining sitting hour would certainly be spent brainfarting, drinking water, ball scratching or something.

He concluded that 2 hours of daily real study resulted from his method. That´s 730 yearly hours of study. Two years, 1460 hours, and so on. Of real study. There is not much a man can´t accomplish with that baggage.

>> No.22072255


>> No.22073300

No, of course Stalin wasn't because he wasn't faced with the internet. However, here we are you and whatever you make me out to be.

The deconstruction of an individual can never be good for a whole, regardless of how many riches the whole can be promised.

>> No.22074539


>> No.22074914

I did it again. An entire morning gone.

>> No.22074991

Act and you're changed. Leave the website and it'll be like you were never here and you were not the kind who wasted precious time here.

>> No.22075596

Great post