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22064666 No.22064666 [Reply] [Original]

Is it as continuously shitty and annoying as it seems? I'm only a little way in and the off topic bullshit story about the birds of paradise and the pit boxing felt so fucking insufferable that if there's just more of shit like that then I don't even WANT to read the whole thing.

Holy shit. Is this thing even worth reading?

>> No.22064684

Ya it gets better. Theres a part somewhere relatively close to the beginning that talks about echoes and minotaurs for like 40pgs and it gets good after that.

>> No.22064803


please dont waste your time reading this book. the unrelated stuff is cringy filler to pad it out to meme book length by an author who just read pale fire and hasnt written anything before. the million directions it tries to go in dont come together at all and those who claim otherwise are reaching. this is a rare case of the cover being much better than the book and the sum being much worse than the parts alone (and a lot of the parts are cringy and boring).

>> No.22065217

It's a very of-its-time book. It was fun to read it and discuss online when it was first published, and people debated theories and Easter eggs.

If I were to read it again, though, I'd just read the Navidison part and skip the footnotes. They're not at all necessary for the main story.

>> No.22065375 [SPOILER] 

eh. it improves once you get to the part where they find the door that leads to a hallway that doesn't exist and they start to explore
has the right idea. it's insufferably pretentious. a dime-store thriller for graduate students who think they're too smart for dime-store thrillers. the one thing I do unreservedly enjoy about it is its insistence on the book as an object; it's not something that can be read on a screen. that's neat. but the rest is eh.

>> No.22065428

It's great horror and especially entertaining if you like/consume a lot of academic writing. Otherwise the Truant bits and footnotes are a slog. Whether or not it's worth reading totally depends on what you want to get out of it. There is definitely depth –the author's an incredibly strong writer, attended yale and trained under some very impressive people, and the book is the product of 10 years of work. Whether or not it's a fun read totally depends on your interests and taste.

>> No.22065437
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>There is definitely depth –the author's an incredibly strong writer, attended yale and trained under some very impressive people, and the book is the product of 10 years of work.
all that education and training wasted, huh. ten years down the train. tough

>> No.22065457

I really don't think it was ever intended as anything beyond entertainment, and it totally succeeds at that IMO. It's a fine novel. Not a philosophical treatise or like a breathtaking work of art or anything - but it doesn't claim to be and nobody is treating it like that.

>> No.22066998

its not

>> No.22067505

Sounds like Call of the Crocodile might be more your speed tbqh