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22062363 No.22062363 [Reply] [Original]

What amount of punishment is entitled to a teenager ripping apart a library book?

>> No.22062369

Is this the same guy who stole some womans dog? He must live in some lost European city because he hasn’t gotten his shit rocked yet.

>> No.22062374

from the accent he's 100% British
seeing as it's the UK the most that could happen is he gets a small fine and maybe sent to juvie

>> No.22062377

If it’s someone else’s property he should pay for it. If it is his own he can do whatever. If you want books to be kept and read and reread then you should do that yourself instead of expecting other people to do that. There’s more to literature than the handful of books you were exposed to at age 13.

>> No.22062379 [DELETED] 

Community service.
Death sentence.

>> No.22062385

Drawing and quartering.

Public whipping is enough if they're cute white girls.

>> No.22062399
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Nothing less than being used as the town bicycle if a female so much as smudges a book.

>> No.22062472

In university the library often had only one copy of an assigned book, and in the second and third years people started buying books less and loaning them instead. I would often go in the library at night when it was empty, find a bunch of books that I knew people would be taking out in a panic the following week (they were on an assigned recommended reading list) and I would read them, takes my own notes,a and then deface the books the books to the point were they were ineligible., often ripping out pages or, if it was an old book, whole chapters. There were at least four emails sent around to every English student asking not to damage books and reminding us that other people wanted to use them too, but I would just trash them straight away. One time a girl in a lecture the day an essay was due tried to make the excuse that the book in the library that she'd reserved for loan had been torn in half and the lecturer criticized her for leaving it late and she started crying. Fucking normalfags man, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

>> No.22062481

It's a library so what do you think?
I guess he could have brought the book from home, cloutchasers are fake.

>> No.22062501

>a nig**r
Im not surprised tho.

>> No.22062515
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>> No.22062536

You need to pay a license for owning a tv in the uk but they allow this shit? Brits are third worlders now.

>> No.22062606

>he's 100% British

>> No.22062623

Statues, monuments and national holidays when someone hits him and he dies because he fell on his head.

>> No.22062634
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HEY, lanklet chudcels, i lift 250, i could fucking crush your skulls with my bear fist. fuck around and find out.

>> No.22062655

British people get away with being assholes because they know they won't be punched or shot. Good luck on your little island Britain!

>> No.22062662 [DELETED] 

Kill niggers behead niggers etc. Back in my day we had race riots in high school to keep the coons in their place.

>> No.22062676

>larping as black on a literature board
0/10. Everyone knows niggers can't read.

>> No.22062682

in high school id cut out images from glossy library books right in the cubicle and glue them to posterboard whenever i had one of those presentation projects with multiple posters, often group projects

>> No.22062687

he's from the UK

>> No.22062753

>posturing around about how he's gonna beat up racists
>while posting a racist caricature
holy shit niggers are dumb

>> No.22062892

He hasn't got his shit rocked yet because people are too afraid to do anything to black people or they'll get doxxed and lost their jobs.

>> No.22062973

socioeconomics factors please understand

>> No.22063015
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if I was god king etc he would have to read each book he destroyed aloud to a probation officer

>> No.22063017

That cat has a big hammer

>> No.22063028

Fine, replacement of damaged property
Barred from reentry to as many libraries that wish to do so
Tied down and doused with an assortment of collected urine in the public square, and called a ninny

>> No.22063063

How has he not been shot and/or decked yet? Even in the UK people can own rifles and shotguns.

>> No.22063186

Why are biritshers like this?

>> No.22064336
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>100% British

>> No.22064358

Usually buttrape is good enough, no matter the gender

>> No.22064360

Lol no stupid communist academic faggot

>> No.22064610

Make him eat the ripped up book

>> No.22064615
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>from the accent he's 100% British

>> No.22064650

>we don't have the police barging in and gassing our children and blowing them up
>"wow they're third worlders now"
The police aren't very active because people would rather not spend tax money putting everyone in jail. It worked in the past because British citizens weren't particularly violent in the past.
Things may change.

>> No.22064671

It's always been weird to me how, people who are well learned, or consider themselves well learned, believe diversity and being exposed to more ways of living a bad thing somehow. As long as these other cultures don't actively ignore the culture of the place they reside... What is the problem?

>> No.22064688

Has to do with British culture being in one place and you bringing in millions and millions of africans/asians etc will make it so there won't be a place where British people have a culture.
You see it in how the youth are. On one hand they're influenced by social media (American culture basically) and then you have the thuggish 'new Brits' whose culture is celebrated and thus emulated by the old remaining British people.
What you end up doing it erasing the British culture. Doubly so if you have a group of people actively working on erasing it and making those who wish to uphold is a paria for it.

>> No.22064700

The fact that there’s not only ignoring of the culture but an outright resentment and rejection of it?
Are you living under a rock?
We’ve gone from being proud of our WW2 victories and seeing Churchill as emblematic of that for example, to having to stop people vandalising his statue.
What cultural overlap do we benefit from?
The only people that benefit are the employers that now have a great supply of labour to keep wages low that will be grateful to enjoy the base consumerism that it affords in comparison to their lacking homelands. Which by the way,
Is a sign they’ve not got a great deal to contribute.
No, seriously, what we get out of this that a cookbook and maybe a folklore anthology doesn’t already do?
If it worked for us, there wouldn’t be this constant conflict.

>> No.22064711

>As long as these other cultures don't actively ignore the culture of the place they reside
That's what happens most of the time though. Aside from banal stuff, most immigrants to wealthy nations don't really care about the culture since that was not what they came there for in the first place.
Opposite of this, a white woman moving to France will most likely do so because she fell in love with the culture, no matter how stereotypical her view of the culture may be. She will engage and learn the language to fit in.
Thinking about it, anglos are a bit like third worlders when moving to other countries. They form their own enclaves, don't necessarily interact with the local populace except for legal stuff and don't learn the language.

>> No.22064717

it's a melting pot, you will see the results in a couple of decades

>> No.22064732

Are melting pots such an awful thing though?

>> No.22064736

shoot the thing dead and leave it out with the garbage for its fellow things to haul away to the dump which is their job
actually thats a pretty good plot for a short story

>> No.22064739

Compared to what was before, most likely yes.
Only example i have of Africans and Europeans mixing is Brazil and that's not a bright future.

>> No.22064821
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>> No.22064834

Hilarious unless your soul has decayed and you cannot grasp the concept of jussonce

>> No.22064842

Nothing too wild. Should have to replace the books and be banned. Depending on the scale, maybe a legal vandalism charge.

>> No.22064859

Not as hilarious as TND is gonna be

>> No.22064863

>he's 100% British
Anglo scum

>> No.22064867

Because they are intellectuals. And intellectuals are the only ones dumb enough to fall for such stuff. Same thing when the USSR was around.

>> No.22064870

This is a nigga testing the limits of what he will be allowed to do without fearing any consequences just because he is black.

>> No.22064894

The library was empty, and that means there was less noise in an already quiet building. You ripped sheets of paper, and tore whole books in half, and not one employee noticed the arguably loud and unique sound of ripped paper? Then after they lost hundreds of dollars in books, not one (1) person bothered to check a camera or student log?

>> No.22064901

Rent free

Pol Pot had a point

>> No.22064970
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Is there anything more loathsome than a black?

>> No.22064986

oh come on

>> No.22065372

it's a common surname

>> No.22065405 [DELETED] 

A virtual reality simulation of Frogger for 300 hours where each death by time is 109 V to the testicles. Each death by car is 99 V to both elbows. Each death by water is 4.5 minutes of waterboarding with goggles on to continue playing as such for the duration. Each death by snake is 73 V to the eyeballs. Each death by alligator is a bear trap to the testicles. Each death by bush is an orgasm but it resets the 300 hours. Each death by falling off screen makes you forced to drink 4Oz of vodka.

>> No.22065413

Female: Fine
Male (nonwhite): Prison
Male (white): 10 spanks on bare bottom

>> No.22065451
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she's not gonna fuck you bro. a society that doesn't put a leash on its women is doomed to fail

>> No.22065462

Obsessing over these sorts of obviously staged "pranks" is reddit-tier midwit behaviour.

>> No.22065474

People who destroy things that dont belong to them have no place in society. They rip up bus seats, they smash windows, they steal, they burn, and sometimes they even kill. You cannot train them. They just dont care.

>> No.22065495

You know the thing is there is a way of doing a similar prank without being a asshole.

You just bring in your own book, but pretend it's a library book as you rip it up in front of staff, then as soon as they get upset you reveal instantly the that it's a prank and no harm was meant or done and deescalate any possible hard feelings.

You don't actually rip up a book from the library, you don't then keep escalating, you don't then follow staff into a unauthorized area in a threatening manner, and you don't refuse to let them in on the joke until they are about to call the cops or already called the cops.

Basically learn from old tv prank shows that run all their bits through a legal department to avoid getting jail time or lawsuits. If it seems like something they wouldn't do then it's probably because it would get them sued.

Then again dude is a retarded cunt who would have already been killed or put in prison if he tried half the dumb shit he has done in London. Like chasing people asking if they want to die in a threatening manner.

>> No.22065530

that didnt happen

>> No.22065537

Saw some smelly homeless wetback with a suitcase today in the library spit out mucus onto the carpet, made me so angry I could have hit him.

>> No.22065571

Because learned people know history and understand that demography is destiny. Only an idiot would think you can bring in large numbers of outside people into a different place and have that place stay fundamentally the same. If you want an example, look at Enoch Powell: a man more educated than anyone you’ll ever meet today, fluent in Latin and Greek, and yet highly cautious of immigration or pro-immigrants policies. Why would such an intelligent man hold such a position? Was he simply a garden variety racist or had he actually thought about the issue more deeply than the average person? You’re a product of a system that raised you to believe that people who attempt to debate these issues are merely uneducated, and this is because it’s easier to simply malign such opinions rather than debate against them.

>> No.22065584

Total deportation of all darkies back to their continent.

>> No.22065590

Common among jews mostly. Decent book regardless.

>> No.22065787
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>> No.22065801

>You need to pay a license for owning a tv
No, but you do need to pay a license fee to own a dog in Austria.

>> No.22065812

There's a lot of moaning and bitching but not actually any doing.
This faggot and his friends have been running rampant in London for the past week, they've generated a metric ton of controversy and hatred against them, and yet they have yet to be punished in any way.
There's a lot of talk from white people online but no action, this video and the comments are a perfect example https://youtube.com/shorts/Q_7RLnD8CfE?feature=share
Saying that niggers should be shot or this guy needs to be punched doesn't do anything, doesn't change anything. Until you actually go out there and put these cunts in their places, nothing is going to change.

>> No.22065813
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KEK just try and see what happens chud. a pack of feral niggers will rape you virgin aryan daughter and you will thrown in the clinker for unprovoked assualt while people chimp out in the streets of london because tyrone was punched in face

>> No.22065819

Just say you're a pussy, no need for the buzzwords.

>> No.22065822

Kek, the glowies are trying to rile people up again

>> No.22065825

The memetic spread of nigger fatigue is not completely hopeless. A time will come when the collective consciousness will finally acknowledge that their removal is necessary.

>> No.22065839

>What amount of punishment is entitled to a teenager ripping apart a library book?
His social media should be ripped apart. All of them.

>> No.22066450

Culture is a little more detailed then people imply. A lot of diversity conversations are supposing culture on the level of tv, music, folklore, clothes, and what building you go to on Sunday. For all of these conscious choices we can easily apply the liberty principle, and that's the argument, of course.

The problem is that much of culture is manners and customs. We need politeness to make society work, we need to have a universal set of behavioral standards. Sometimes it may seem silly, but part of it is mental security. When people follow the same manners. It makes us more comfortable and more able to for bonds. We need some amount of trust in our neighbors.

It's not always obvious what things matter either. Shoes-Off in the house Cultures vs Shoes-on are easy to see and argue for and against. Resolving those two groups is a matter of establishing floor cleaning standards, and you can make a real tangible argument for wanting your floor clean.

But little stuff, like how you address people, how often you say please or thank you, or maybe smiling or saying hello to strangers - it's a lot harder to argue for the value of it, and so people don't adopt these manners.

Lets take gender roles for example. For the majority of household chores, does it actually mater who does them? No. But being able to fufill this society ordained role signals that you want to and are part of the society. The reality is that every couple has always hashed out who does what, it happens naturally, but being able to present yourself provides a promise and indication of your worthiness, and we need that mental security to soothe our monkey brains into cooperating.

>> No.22066461

The United States is on a smaller melting scale, and the statistics show that crime is hire the more diverse the area is, even accounting for demographics.

Also Florida is a major melting pot, but I think some of that's caused by the hostile landscape and c'thulu corrupting people with broadcasts coming out of the Bermuda triangle.

>> No.22067554

None, libraries are dumb.

>> No.22067578

Ah so thats why he hasn't been punished, it's against the law to targe criminals there. My bad

>> No.22067581

diversity is bad, maybe if you'd stop cherrypicking and actually look at statistics you'll find humans never get along. I mean fuck it's pretty rampant in every country, culture mashing causes chaos

>> No.22067585

>Not our based zogbot Churchill
>Our public schools invented homosexuality, but now heckin Muslirinos are getting it removed from curriculum
>We can't even go to North Africa and fuck little boys anymore Western Civilization is OVER
Good riddance. First they came for the Anglos, and I did not speak up, because next they're coming for the Jews.

>> No.22068072

When did this board get so racist. Why do we care about random tweet #3952035 about sensationalist article #29385235

>> No.22068352

what are the issues and what has debated against them
flowers can't breed with other why do humans have the ability to breed with other races and why is outbreeding a good thing
mutts are ugly in the beginning yes but over many generations they look good
isn't everyone a mutt of some sort from races that existed before

>> No.22068448

Leftoids memes always have too much text. Comedy is about being fast you nerds

>> No.22068638

Doing something means getting the full extent of the law thrown at you. Niggers and fags are government agents, and have full support to enforce anarchotyranny. Normal people have no such support.

>> No.22068663

Quite frankly, the prose had a ring to it. It was building into a crescendo like one of Ahab's pep talks.

>> No.22068673

This is good bait. I hope you get twenty replies.

>> No.22068679



>> No.22068686
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>> No.22068692
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Jewish hands typed this post.

>> No.22068723

>forced to continue living among the English
>designated a "human rights outlaw" (hate speech does not apply when directed at him)
>imprisoned until he has studied the books he destroyed and written college-level essays about each one with no spelling or grammar mistakes
>no punishment, but executed for being black

>> No.22068895

>culture matching causes chaos
>every country on earth is arguably culturally mashed

>> No.22068942

Is it your first day on 4channel? The person you're responding to is pretending to be retarded from a mile away

>> No.22069777

if he rwead them i dont see problem

i always rip my book after i read it
the knowledge is mine and mine alone

>> No.22070076

>he doesn't mark and reread his favourite bits years later

>> No.22070090


Pay to replace the book, written apology to the library and librarianAV2KTP

>> No.22070129

In the UK if somebody breaks into your house with a knife and you stab and kill them it is quite possible you will end up going to jail. If you shoot them they'll throw you under the jail. It's crazy.
Look up Dean Kerrie.

>> No.22070138

I hope he decides to travel the world and tries his 'break into somebody's house while they're home prank' in a country that actually allows people to defend themselves and their property.