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/lit/ - Literature

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22060182 No.22060182 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that capture the outer and inner lives of an incel? What books show an incel MC? What authors are incelish, bros? I want books about incels (and femcel if possible)

>> No.22060191

White Nights

>> No.22060200
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The Outsider, Colin Wilson

>> No.22060206

Shitty book, shitty book, thousand times! What a fucking shitty book! Nevermore! Burn in the depths of hell!

>> No.22060237

Incels are a paradox. Until the early 20th Century, the point of a good education was to make pupils who, by not knowing what it is like to have sex, would extend their virginity until they get married because it was believed that someone who doesn't really know what sex is, will not have the need to have it. Hence, incels either had sex and forgot about it later (because they were drunk for instance) or there are some modern devices that can poison the human mind in such a way that it can make a virgin feel an insatiable need to have sex. Hmmm...

>> No.22060256

If you want a book that analyzes modern dating culture as a whole, Elementary Particles is really good.

>> No.22060277


>> No.22060281

No it doesn't. It's a boomer critiquing the 60s and the vapidity of libtards in the late 90s.

>> No.22060296
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Celine would provide some incel fuel although he's not one himself.
But the top incel lit would be the book of disquiet by Fernando Pessoa, an incel incarnatus. Such a sorry thing BC the book was one of most beautiful yet most loathsome I've ever read.

>> No.22060305
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>> No.22060314

Yes it does. The whole thing is a critique against the sexual revolution and how it fucked up relationships and love for everyone after that. It talks about how young people went from marrying their childhood sweethearts to hooking up with as many partners as they possibly could, in the span of 10 years. And how those same young people become old and ugly and grow up to be lonely and childless because the concept of love has been completely trashed.

>> No.22060325
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Incel was not a real concept up until 3 years ago. Nobody self identified as it. It has been astroturfed into existence by the JIDF and discord tranny raids. This is the objective truth and I will not elaborate.

>> No.22060346

The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.22060361
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It backfired on them because normies and women are naturally cruel and love to mock outsiders and losers to reaffirm their own status as insiders, but the incel phenomenon is objectively real (erosion of marriage and stable relationships, rampant hypergamy, divorce rape and many other things), so it just made it visible to everybody and allowed incels to achieve class self-consciousness

Incels are the modern proletariat, they will conquer society soon. Look up asabiyyah.

>> No.22060366

Sex and Character

>> No.22060395
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Why do you persist in these attempts at demoralization?

>> No.22060399

Less Than Zero
Tropic of Cancer
Tropic of Capricorn
American Psycho
Casanova’s Memoirs
Haruki Murakami
A Sport and a Pastime
Dangerous Liasons
The Red and the Black
Fanny Hill
The Tin Drum

>> No.22060546

Fritz Zorn's Mars. I rarely see it recommended in these threads despite the entire novel centering around the author screaming at the world and himself while dying a virgin from cancer in his early 30s. It's also extremely autobiographical.

>> No.22060650

The Peregrine

>> No.22060917

Nothing has changed really apart from more trannies

>> No.22060939

There is no such thing as an incel. For centuries, fat, stupid, ugly, deformed or nasty men scraped together a few bucks and hired a prostitute.
Not hiring a prostitute is a choice and if you refuse to do that because you're a moralfag, or don't have the money because you refuse to get a job, you are a voluntary celibate.

>> No.22060949

Right which is a retarded oversimplification soup brained analysis. Novelists should stick to art and not try to grasp concepts they've put no effort into

>> No.22060951

>modern devices
Don't be coy. You mean porn.

>> No.22060962

I never read it but I know the guy that wrote the manga welcome to the nhk also wrote a light novel. I dont know if it's any good but it fits ig. I dunno if bukowski could be classed as an incentive but he definitely got it and didn't bang until his late 20s

>> No.22060969

Kek at this cope. No such thing as a volcel in the west

>> No.22060972

Terrible book. It reads like a worse version of a fucking youtube essay. Never post that garbage again.

Hollaback Girl is dark normalfag core.

>> No.22060987

you don't know what cope means.
I don't give a shit if you can't get laid.

>> No.22061009
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Henry Flynt's "Blueprint for a Higher Civilization". He coined the term "involuntary celibate". Also, check out "You Are My Everlovin'".

>> No.22061086

Do you really think romantic interactions didn't change at all after the sexual revolution, or at least didn't have a major effect on how sex and dating works today? Since according to you it's such a vast oversimplification.
OP asked for recommendations, I offered him one. If you choose what to read based on what's popular to normalfags, which I don't think Houllebecq is, then you're a moron.

>> No.22061212
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>No mention of Hollerback girl


>> No.22061225

>Incel was not a real concept up until 3 years ago. Nobody self identified as it.
are you woman? the term has been used way longer than that and even before the term of invented, the incel culture exists years before like in r8k

>> No.22061527

>Not hiring a undercover cop posing as a prostitute is a choice and if you refuse to do that because you're a "don't wanna go to jail"-fag, or don't have the money to pay court fees and fines because it's expensive, you are a voluntary celibate.



>> No.22061575


>> No.22062391

They're either paid to do it (JIDF and sorts) or do it for ideological reasons.


>> No.22062393

just say you don't know shit because you obviously don't

>> No.22062401

Anon.... We wouldn't want any accidents

And for real now, it's the opposite of INCEL-fuel

>> No.22062425

Disquiet is a literally me book

>> No.22062453

so poor that you can't get to Vegas? Mexico? Canada?
why do you hate fat chicks?
here's 4chan's patron saint who helped start this whole incel bullshit. I bet he can get laid now

>> No.22062465

>Tropic of Cancer
is this the one where at the beginning of the book giant crabs massacre a bunch of kids on a beach?

>> No.22062529

newfag spotted

>> No.22062620
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>less than zero
he has sex throughout the book. Are normal dudes having sex occasionally now considered incense?

>> No.22062629

That site is honeypot. I used to post there and hated every minute of it. I did meet the poster “Legemund” there who at least had similar taste in music and was well read.

>> No.22062854
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>> No.22063077

More to the point - how do 60% of women believe themselves to be in a relationship but 30% of men? This implies that we're already a polygamous society.

>> No.22063330

I think there are far more causes than merely forgetfulness or pornographic content (the first of which is honestly nonsensical). The largest one by far is peer pressure because the failure of losing virginity by adulthood results in shame. Adult virgins are shamed and ridiculed which might lead to psychogical issues such as inferiority complex and depression so as a result, this adds more fuel to the fire.
What has led to this tradition of shaming adult virgins? The sex revolution and societal detachment from religion might have played a role however the most recent culprit is perhaps the advent of social media. Women have so many more choices now more than ever that it becomes difficult for the average male to compete. Whereas in the past, you were competing with a limited pool of men, now you are you competing against the entire world. The solution? Either you belong to a significant social circle where you are regularly introduced to women or you must resort to dating apps. However we all know the success rate of those when men outnumber women 3 to 1 at least, a barrier outlined above.

>> No.22063337

incel is a word with as meaning as covfefe

>> No.22063358

What's so bad about the book? I've been wanting to read it.

>> No.22063380

> Adult virgins are shamed and ridiculed
Nonsense. This is like saying that kids who don't wear cool shoes are bullied in school. Literally after two of my friends stopped being virgins I stopped caring. I was 16 that time. When I was 18 someone said to me: you're 18 and still a virgin, fssss. I said: "And?" He gave me a blank stare, then turned away. Now I am five years older and I care even less. I've been accused of homosexuality even and I barely replied. It's literally just teenagers who care about that crap when someone asks me I just lie. No one ever asked any further questions. Literally no adult person cares.
> What has led to this tradition of shaming adult virgins?
The only place this behaviour is observable are immature teenage environments and the internet.

>> No.22063701
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>> No.22063711

Why THE FUCK did they include Charles Bukowsky? Don't know if a particular scene in Factotum accurately describes his life, but given that Chinaski is a romanticized version of the author himself, this dude had sex with three women in a row, one after the other. And that would have been only one of his Juanish adventures.

>> No.22063747

>obsess over sex to the point of defining yourself by your lack of it
>suffer as a result

>> No.22063748

Terrible misunderstanding of what an incel is.

>> No.22063754

Driving 1500 hundred miles just for a passionless lay ain't worth it. America should have regulated brothel system nationwide though.

>> No.22063786

The key phrase is "in their 20s", meaning they can have a relationship with a dude who is older and be counted in the statistics while not affecting the male ones.

>> No.22064185

>More likely to be struck and killed by lightning than an incel
>Hood rats kill more people in Chicago in a week than incels in the entire US in five years

Woke faggots are the absolute worst.

>> No.22064231

Everyone obsesses over sex. You think people who go clubbing every weekend arent obsessed? You think girls who masturbate on OF for a living arent obsessed? There are gods of sex in multiple cultures. Erotic literature outsells everything. There's a spinoff of Law and Order for sex crimes. Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey and Eat, Pray, Love were insanely popular among women from ages 13 - 60. Sex tourism is the main reason men go to Thailand and women go to Jamacia.

But incels are the ones who are obsessed? You need to rethink your working model of the world.

>> No.22064261

Flights are cheap

>> No.22064380

Most incels want marriage not casual sex

>> No.22064389

>women go to Jamaica
It’s over.

>> No.22064408

They're all 50+ year old hags who strike out at home.
There is absolutely nothing glamorous about it.

>> No.22064766

Maybe in whatever civilised society you find yourself in. Over here even my mum thinks I'm a lover.

>> No.22064778


>> No.22064818

I moderate that site lol

>> No.22064937

That’s a relief

>> No.22064942

Your mom thinks I’m her lover too

Sarge? What are you doing here? I’m IntolerantSocialist remember me?

>> No.22065444

>here's 4chan's patron saint who helped start this whole incel bullshit.
There are retards here that unironically think incelism started in 2018

>> No.22065573

>unironically think incelism started in 2018
Nobody says the word "based" started at 2011

>> No.22065629 [DELETED] 

Did I specify that only incels suffer as a result of sex-obsession?

>> No.22065643
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There arent actual incels/virgins here are there? I know most of you guys are in your 20s like me so there is just no way youve never had sex.

>> No.22065651

>know most of you guys are in your 20s like me so there is just no way youve never had sex.
why burgers are like this?

>> No.22065658


>> No.22065659


>> No.22065670

>some modern devices that can poison the human mind in such a way that it can make a virgin feel an insatiable need to have sex
you mean porn
Porn addict cope
Based and pornpilled

>> No.22065677

Yeah no. Just go have sex if my posts make you seethe that much

>> No.22065683
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what does /lit/ think about the supreme gentleman?

>> No.22065735

Complete retard.
I read that shitty "my twisted world" with the intent to sympathize with him but just couldn't. His thinking is very childish and womanlike which is ironic for someone who hates women.
It tries to be deep and intellectual but isn't, he is just jealous and angry (female emotions) that he is not able to participate in the debauchery of his peers.
Everything he has written boils down to childish tantrums of "WAAAAGH why don't I have a gf? Other people who are inferior to me have gfs but not me, IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!".

Using Eliot as a martyr for incels is also completely retarded, he had no compassion or understanding of people in a similar position to him,, evident by the fact that he killed his incel roomates. Basically the opposite of what you want to create incel camaraderie.

>> No.22065776

femoid detected

>> No.22065884

Women cannot be asexual. Women love sex and love to desire sex. It's why most books targeting women are about sex.

Men love sex but they do not love much, nor dislike much the desire for sex. In fact the desire for sex is more like an hindrance and a thing to eject, precisely by wanking and ejaculation that is the pinnacle of fucking a slag.
Men still despise not loving sex, since it removes the most effective mechanism of valuation that they have (a man feels valued by a woman once she picks him up out of the male competition, telling him he won and rewarding him with the right to fuck her), which leads them to the usual mockery of being shagless dildos remaining on the shelf of the sex market controlled by women, being baby dicks and being asexual.
Men despise asexuality in men, since it shows them that sex-havers are far less dominant than the story they plays in their heads about being stronger and better than vaginas.

Women despise asexuality in men, since the few asexual men (few are handsome) no longer acknowledge women for sex nor for companionship. Some asexual men claim to still want a gf just to cuddle, but that's already a baby-level sex and we are still in the situation of validation (and the gf still wants sex anyway sooner or later) and once they have sex with a girl that they love they see sex is not so bad.

Women despise asexuality in women, precisely because women live on sex while their hate of their body for menstruating leads them to take pills which kills their desire for sex (but indeed kills their menstruation). They hate their life since through their own body, they acknowledge in their intimacy that they cannot win on both accounts: either have a comfy life or have an erotic life. Women want the erotic life.

In fact sex is so crucial to a woman, that if a woman is NOT fucked senseless EVERY WEEK, her natural hysteria starts to poor out of her pores and the neurosis kicks in. Sex is literally a medicinal drug to a woman.

>> No.22065893

The term is meant to be taken not literally in regards to sex but more in relation to an incels inability to make themselves desirable to others. You will probably say something dumb like acquiring money is making themselves desirable but you are still missing the point that it's about an inability or unwillingness to integrate into social conventions or society in general

>> No.22065897

/lit/ tier logic

>> No.22065904

what is your logic

>> No.22065907

Johansson's minimal logic.

>> No.22065909


>> No.22065942

What makes you think that, my niggy?

I am 100% a red blooded, pussy craving, ass crack splitting, used panty sniffing adult MALE.

>> No.22065945
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Kek, you will die alone, pathetic little incel

>> No.22065949

You seem more like a m'lady'd redditor to me

>> No.22065965

My girlfriend is a virgin. I met her when she was 16 and I was 19. She’s my first girlfriend and I plan to marry her as soon as I get an income. Hopefully I’ll earn enough that she can stay at home and raise the children. We will not have sex before marriage, though we’ve done oral sadly. Men who do not uphold traditional sexual morality have only themselves to blame. Especially incels who whine about not having sex. Your desire for casual sex is the very cause of your inability to attain it; for it is a matter of simple economics that the price tag a woman places on herself rises as the demand for pussy rises: hence hypergamy.

I will never understand atheists and hedonists. Wallowing in their own filth and then complaining that there’s not enough filth to wallow in. It’s mind boggling.

I pray to God and St. Michael every day that King Charles would disband parliament (just like Charles I and Charles II) and send in the morality police to crack some heads and shut down all nightclubs. The way these nightclubbers behave is astounding; their heads need to be cracked for their own good.

I think alcohol should be illegal. It does no good for anybody — and it doesn’t even feel nice.

Women should be forced to dress modestly — if their fathers and husbands aren’t man enough to make them, then the police should. For immodesty is a form of sexual assault, and keeps society in a state of constant sexual tension.

>> No.22065978

Faggot, go worship your half gook "supreme" gentleman then.

>> No.22065994

More intriguing a character than whatever blown out, brain dead roastie you're currently orbiting

>> No.22066014

I am pretty red-pilled about women myself, and no beta orbiter.

>More intriguing a character than whatever blown out, brain dead roastie
My point is that Eliot Rodger is the same charachter type of a brain-dead roastie. Same entitlement, he acts just as a roastie would if she doesn't get what she thinks "SHE DESERVES".

>> No.22066023

>I am pretty red-pilled about women myself, and no beta orbiter.
Mhm. You pretty much fit the archetypal r/inceltears tough guy bragging about his sexual conquests while wearing a cock cage to a tee

>> No.22066165

>how you guys are virgins in your 20s?


>> No.22066178

Come on now anon thats obvious LARP

>> No.22066181

Sure, buddy, older virgins doesn't exist, and about 100 virgin anon are larping 24/7, yeah, buddy, keep thinking like that, pretty normalfagish train of thinking.

>> No.22066203

Come on man, getting laid isnt THAT hard

>> No.22066215
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>dude.... life is le bad!!!

>> No.22066222

Dude, some people have hard time getting laid, get over, not everyone is a smooth talker and have a healthy mind, it's a minority, but they do exist, accept some people are not true normalfags.

>> No.22066223

I'm married and age 31, but I have a 30 year old friend who only lost his virginity a couple of months ago. It was to some smelly random thot he met online who seems somehow more desperate than him.

>> No.22066237
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The Temple of the Golden Pavillon. It excellently captures the feeling of being so deeply submerged in unattainable desire that the entire world becomes blotted out. The protagonist is also an ugly autist so its extra relatable.

>> No.22066239

The entire bibliography of Michel Houellebecq

>> No.22066245

Gay ass shit, beside what part of "involuntary celibate" you don't understand?

>> No.22066249

The main character of the book is literally an incel.

>> No.22066263

Prove it

>> No.22066270

Go ahead and see for yourself, I hope you enjoy :)

>> No.22066284
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>dude .... life is LE GOOD!

>> No.22066285

He has sex with a hooker.
Even that ugly lame friend of his fucked that milf while reciting a buddhist prayer.
Even his dad went to see hookers on the regular with the head priest. Nobody in that book was a virgin.

>> No.22066289

Does it really count if you fuck a hooker? Literally anyone can do that, even the truest of cels

>> No.22066313
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Yeah, right.

>> No.22066337
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As a somewhat ugly, balding man of below average height in his late 20s this is how I see things:
>People are becoming more and more distant, choosing to live in their content bubbles rather than talk to people in the real world. It's difficult to maintain even a ten minute conversation between three people without one of them glancing at their glowing rectangle to scrooool. People would rather engage in parasocial relationships with 'influencers' than real relationships with the people around them.
>Inflation is rampant, job opportunities are decreasing, job security is nonexistant, automation is coming and nobody is being compensated for it. An average guy looking to start a family has to face impossible odds if he wants his child to grow up well.
>The pool of competition has grown to a global scale, with men now having to compete with everyone in a thousand mile radius when it used to be just your town. This extends to everything from college to dating to jobs.
>Social media apps like Tiktok, Tinder, and Instagram have showered women in unprecedented amounts of attention with instant-access to gigachad men at the swipe of a finger. Algorithms like Tiktok's admit to attempting to filter out ugly and poor people, creating an illusion of false reality where everyone being incredibly handsome or pretty is the new average and living a lavish multi-millionaire lifestyle is commonplace.
>The systems of society do nothing to acknowledge or aid these men and instead lambast them and mock them
>Extensive studies across decades have been done showing looks really are all that matters, and women would prefer a tall broke handsome man over a rich balding indian. This, combined with the above factors, makes it practically impossible for sub5 men to find an loving partner.
Really if you're ugly, the blackpill is born with you and dies with you. People have been lying to men about this for decades but now more and more men are adopting this worldview.

>> No.22066347

>Extensive studies across decades have been done showing looks really are all that matters, and women would prefer a tall broke handsome man over a rich balding indian. This, combined with the above factors, makes it practically impossible for sub5 men to find an loving partner.
Source? This is literally an incel talking point

>> No.22066353

They changed it in sweden, now it's 6 months prison as a minimum if you buy sex. Even in foreign countries where it's legal.
The feminist establishment hate low status men so much. They will take away all opportunities for sexual release. They want us to shut up and slave away lonely forever to serving the populace of entitled whores.

>> No.22066383

Most incels want validation not marriage

>> No.22066389

this except I'm a tall broke handsome man, you want to know what is the real blackpill, mental illness

>> No.22066400

>Günter Hitsch & Ali Hortaçsu & Dan Ariely, 2010. "What makes you click?—Mate preferences in online dating,"
This one shows what I just said
>Willis, J., & Todorov, A. (2006). First Impressions: Making Up Your Mind After a 100-Ms Exposure to a Face
This one shows that is takes a fraction of a second for a person to reach a conclusion about your character solely from your facial appearance.
>Fugère, M.A., Chabot, C., Doucette, K. et al. The Importance of Physical Attractiveness to the Mate Choices of Women and Their Mothers. Evolutionary Psychological Science 3, 243–252 (2017)
>We assessed mate preferences among 61 daughter-mother pairs using an experimental design varying target men’s physical attractiveness and trait profiles. Men with the most desirable personality profiles were rated more favorably than their counterparts only when they were at least moderately attractive. Unattractive men were never rated as more desirable partners for daughters, even when they possessed the most desirable trait profiles. We conclude that a minimum level of physical attractiveness is a necessity for both women and their mothers and that when women and their parents state that other traits are more important than physical attractiveness, they assume potential mates meet a minimally acceptable standard of physical attractiveness.
The fact that any of these needs studies or sources to be believed is just silly, all of it is common sense. You and I are both repulsed by ugly and attracted to beauty. Women are more selective than men. Biology prefers genetic traits over environmental ones. Books are judged by their cover. Combine all of these with smart phones and the explosive growth of social media, the conclusion is obvious: women would rather thirst over a gigachad 1000 miles away than settle for a hometown shmuck. The argument of "well all throughout history ugly people..." no longer applies because back then gigachad was quite literally a fairytale.

>> No.22066413

Globalization caused the incel epidemic and it's only just recently exploded to extreme levels, especially among the younger generation (see: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iot9pZauCNc).). These types of doom-fuel videos are gaining massive popularity and boys as young as 14 are realizing the reality that girls just don't even want to give you a chance if you're not as hot as a tiktok e-boy. Boys now pay for 'face rating services' and perform weird facial yoga to try and salvage every possible millimeter of attractiveness they possibly can. The standards are fucked and it's only going to get worse.

>> No.22066417

>they assume potential mates meet a minimally acceptable standard of physical attractiveness.
I think you're assuming this cut-off is too low
>women would rather thirst over a gigachad 1000 miles away than settle for a hometown shmuck.
Just because mid-tier women can thirst over a gigachad on Tinder doesn't mean they'll have any chance at fucking him. These women will eventually need to settle and stop lusting after gigachad.

>> No.22066419

>Life is le good
This but unironically

>> No.22066423

You're either an idiot or a psychopath. Probably a mix.

>> No.22066426
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so you're content with betabuxxing, got it. (not pictured: the line keeps going)

>> No.22066433

What other choice is there? Unless you want sharia law and women wearing burkahs?

>> No.22066435
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Yikes, you're really starting to come off as a bitter incel now

>> No.22066441

you could always just... not settle for a woman who doesn't really love you? at that point unironically just pay for a hooker

>> No.22066469
File: 360 KB, 750x1000, 1681345807491884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey lads, Im just passing by to inform you all that I have had sex with 19 different women.

>> No.22066471

No woman loves a man for who he is, only the man she wishes he were.

>> No.22066487

>This remark will doubtless strike anybody who reads it as being slightly obscure, but I was in reality alluding to my physical deficiencies. Most men of twenty-two are endowed at any rate with some share of the comeliness of youth, but to me even this was denied. Short, thick-set, and deep-chested almost to deformity, with long sinewy arms, heavy features, deep-set grey eyes, a low brow half overgrown with a mop of thick black hair, like a deserted clearing on which the forest had once more begun to encroach; such was my appearance nearly a quarter of a century ago, and such, with some modification, it is to this day. Like Cain, I was branded—branded by Nature with the stamp of abnormal ugliness, as I was gifted by Nature with iron and abnormal strength and considerable intellectual powers. So ugly was I that the spruce young men of my College, though they were proud enough of my feats of endurance and physical prowess, did not even care to be seen walking with me. Was it wonderful that I was misanthropic and sullen? Was it wonderful that I brooded and worked alone, and had no friends—at least, only one? I was set apart by Nature to live alone, and draw comfort from her breast, and hers only. Women hated the sight of me. Only a week before I had heard one call me a “monster” when she thought I was out of hearing, and say that I had converted her to the monkey theory. Once, indeed, a woman pretended to care for me, and I lavished all the pent-up affection of my nature upon her. Then money that was to have come to me went elsewhere, and she discarded me. I pleaded with her as I have never pleaded with any living creature before or since, for I was caught by her sweet face, and loved her; and in the end by way of answer she took me to the glass, and stood side by side with me, and looked into it.

>> No.22066516

>he hasnt felt the honest love of a good woman
Sad existence. Couldnt be me.

>> No.22066525

>honest love of a good woman
aren't you in for a surprise

>> No.22066528

>happily married for 5 years now, child #2 on the way
Yeah nah. project more, faggot

>> No.22066559
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>> No.22066561

You must be a male virgin and at least 18 years old to use this website.
Do not state or suggest that you had, will have or want to have sexual or romantic experiences.
Do not post about voluntary real life social activities (e.g. going to a bar or party).
Do not disparage or show contempt for the celibate, NEET, or reclusive lifestyles.
Do not submit low quality, inflammatory or off-topic posts.
Do not post, request or link to any content illegal in the United States of America.
Do not post 3D (real) pornography, or 3D content that is solely intended to arouse, attract or fawn over.
Do not sign your posts with a name, avatar, signature, or any variations thereof.
Do not promote raids or doxxing.
Do not spam or advertise your product.
If a post violates a rule, report it. Do not respond to the post or announce your objection.
Do not post information that may reveal your real identity.

>> No.22066563

/lit/ - /r9k/

>> No.22066628

Based mash up?

>> No.22066654
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It does not work because /lit/ is lonelier and more spiteful than /r9k/

>> No.22066667

This webm fills me with hot burning fury

>> No.22067112

Adults shame differently than teenagers. They might not ridicule you in person but they will definitely do it on your back.
Furthermore if you tell a woman that you are a virgin, the chances are that she will reject you because it's a redflag in modern dating unless she's herself religious and saving it for marriage.
But why do you lie if you don't think that's the case? Why not just admit it if you are certain that adults won't care? You don't appear to be sticking to your guns.

>> No.22067481

>Henry Miller


>> No.22067516

> They might not ridicule you in person but they will definitely do it on your back.
Can you tell me, why, on earth, I should care?
> Furthermore if you tell a woman that you are a virgin, the chances are that she will reject you because it's a redflag in modern dating unless she's herself religious and saving it for marriage.
Are you talking from experience? Sure maybe a woman will reject me for being a virgin, I still haven't had that experience yet though so obviously I will be honest the first time.
> But why do you lie if you don't think that's the case? Why not just admit it if you are certain that adults won't care? You don't appear to be sticking to your guns
Because when I'm asked shit like that by low-self esteem people I only know from saying hello to them and doing small talk at work, I assume it's a question that was raised in bad faith from the beginning. However, I wouldn't lie to family or good friends about that. It's context dependant.

>> No.22067526

What are you huffing? You literally just provided two examples of being shamed for your virginity as an adult

>> No.22067528

Did you read? He literally pissed himself at my response. And the remarks about me being homosexual came from even lower corners.

>> No.22067542

Good for you for being able to deal with it but that doesn't at all refute the notion that adult virgins get shamed. Also what do you mean 'lower corners'?

>> No.22067552

'Adult virgins get shamed' you're supposed to wear it like a trophy of success and incorruptability may I say uncorrosible like a piece of gold or stainless steel. And with lower corners I mean the low-self esteem from wich such remarks come from.

>> No.22067601

femoid detected. seethe harder.
>Verification not required.

>> No.22067612

nta but you're literally larping that it is still the middle ages. 99.999% of people are gonna relate to you as a loser if they know you're an adult virgin. In 2023 there's literally nothing good about being one outside of your headcanon.

>> No.22067653

More dignity in saying you're asexual than whatever this is

>> No.22067683
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Cope tradcuck

You will never be a chad

>> No.22067693

And why should I care?
Kek, maybe it was an exaggeration but an anon needed help

>> No.22067698

Everyone says bro you need to loose your virginity when you're twelve or it's over bro with their mouth stuffed with shit their monkey uggings are barely audible. When you ask him though why that is the case, they reply nothing.

>> No.22067717

>And why should I care?
Because other people's perception of you is gonna influence your life no matter how hard you deny it.

>> No.22067720

It literally is not. If idiots want to perceive me in their idiot perception that has zero influence. You can still be a cool guy who's fun to hang out with.

>> No.22067725

>If idiots want to perceive me in their idiot perception that has zero influence.
Absolutely delusional.

>> No.22067741

Ok bro, tell me exactly what influence virginity has on your social life. Let's start easily. By how much percent is the likelihood of you stumbling upon naked women in bed waiting for you to ram your cock inside of them going to increase? Hmm. Like what do you think beo. That people are going to say: "don't you find it weird that Anon has never HAD HIS DICK INSIDE A FILTHY WHORE'S VAGINA? IUHHH! HOW WEIRD OF ANON! I ONLY HANG OUT WITH GUYS WHO PUT THEIR DICKS INSIDE VAGINAS!
Clinically insane.

>> No.22067754


>> No.22067764


>> No.22067819
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You are dependent on other people.
They can harm you.
You are fragile.

>> No.22067825

Just admit that you're full of shit already.

>> No.22067837
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Haha this is one of the rare posts which made me lol (laugh out loud)! Have a nice day, brother!

>> No.22067843

lmao have sex

>> No.22067980
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>> No.22068062

he was not an incel
Paris must have been wild before the prostitution ban

>> No.22068074

Dude what?

>> No.22068076

That’s why legal rape should be a thing

>> No.22068107


>> No.22068493
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Cope chud

>> No.22068527

before I was banned from hinge and tinder i was fucking about a chick a week

just try not being ugly

>> No.22068549
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One can't stop being ugly

>> No.22068706

Jesus fucking Christ, you people are vile nasty cunts. Everyone I have ever hated was someone who actually caused harm to others. Someone like a Jeffrey Dalmar or a Osama bin Ladin. I never hated anyone for the crime of merely existing, but you salty faggots do. I bet when you use the term "incel", it's not just for the fuckers hating on women. It's also for the completely harmless, non-threatening, socially awkward involuntary virgins too.

>"No matter what you do as a person, you will always be an incel piece of shit who deserves to be shun from all of society forever"

And for no reason at all, another incel rage quits life & take some bystanders with him.

But if you want to cut down on your occurrences of Eliot Rodgers, there's a secret trick. One that I will tell you because, unlike you, I don't get off on the misery of others.
And here it is....


That's right. By fucking off & keeping your toxic shit to yourself, you can avoid getting a whole lotta Eliot Rodgers wannabes. You don't have to have sex with an incel. You don't have to be their friend. None of that. It requires zero effort on your part. Just stop poking the neighbor's doberman like some 8 year old spoiled brat that's so shortsighted that he can't see past the next 20 seconds beyond whatever shitty behavior that he thinks will be amusing.

But you won't do it or rather you will do it (be a fucking piece of shit).

>>22060361 is right about you fuckers

>normies and women are naturally cruel and love to mock outsiders and losers to reaffirm their own status as insiders

In fact, why the fuck did I waste my time trying to reason with you. You seem like the type to stick your dick in a hornet's nest & then complain about your wee wee hurting.

>> No.22068724
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You're a sane man, leave this site while you can
I was like you and then suddenly one day I not only started to hate looking at myself in the mirror, I started hating other men that reminded me of the characteristics of an "incel" whatever the fuck that means and entails

>> No.22068734

if youre an "incel" either become fuckable or kill yourself

>> No.22068792

Imagine writing this wall of text just to say nothing. Go wash your sticking blood ridden vagina.

>> No.22068809
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>telling instigating assholes to stop instigating is saying nothing

>> No.22068819

Based and thoughtful post

Based and principled post

>> No.22068828
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Just know you are hating the truth, not me.

>> No.22068837

There's this Zyzz post from years ago where he says that going from being an invisible lanklet nerd to being Zyzz ruined women for him because they are absolutely pathetic for attractive guys, like a hundred times worse than the worst male simps are for women. He said it didn't feel like a victory or a conquest, just felt bad.

>> No.22068839

How the fuck would you know what I hate when you "lol didn't read".

>> No.22068845
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>I never hated anyone for the crime of merely existing, but you salty faggots do
You lying cunt.

>> No.22069192

Pic depicts the kinds of people who peaked in high school. Life is a marathon not a sprint

>> No.22069451

Youth is everything. How much money you saved when you are 60 yo is worthless.

>> No.22069465
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>> No.22069536

I'm an incel and I hate no interest in reading anything remotely related to incels

>> No.22069558
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>> No.22069560
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Women are an oppressor class. You juxtapose "harmless, non-threatening, socially awkward involuntary virgins" with "fuckers hating on women". In other words, it's okay to be an autistic virginal reject as long as you don't criticize female behavior. Why is doing this such a major offense?
Well, just like 99% of women your main priority is maintaining the idea of women as an oppressed demographic, which you are absolutely fucking not. The existence of incels subverts this idea which is why it is critical for feminist and feminist-adjacent movements to keep their smear campaign rolling. All to be expected - there's no way womankind will give up their victim status willingly. They capitalize far too much off of it.

It's okay to be a reject - as long as you're complacent about it and don't make any noise.

Not sure what about that image set you off but it was probably made by an incel and posted by an incel because it represents the harsh truth we live in, beyond the lies and platitudes which we grew up on. There is an unforgiving and cruel biological reality out there which polite society keeps on ignoring at its own peril. A reality which women hate because they have made themselves far too comfortable in their castle of lies.

>> No.22069701

Most people don't go clubbing every weekend or have an onlyfans

>> No.22069738

It will never not be hilarious how the blackpill makes both tradcucks and progressives shit their pants.

>> No.22069741

The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea is a nice companion piece. The protag is less of an isolated weirdo, but it has plenty of good hate for women and simps.

It's not literature, but no incel reading list would be complete without Schopenhauer. Read all of Essays and Aphorisms and not just the "On Women" essay that everyone posts for a more well-rounded picture

>> No.22070079

things don't begin to existe because somebody indentifies with it, retard

>> No.22070478


>> No.22071344

And how does that disprove anything?

>> No.22071432

Just let the thread die. Its just seething losers anyways

>> No.22071469

ah sweet a /r9k/ thread on a literature board