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22059692 No.22059692 [Reply] [Original]

>Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind
Bros...it wasn't supposed to be a manual...

>> No.22059820

Here you go: https://www.sublationmag.com/post/chatgpt-says-what-our-unconscious-radically-represses

>> No.22061292
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Chance of Butlerian Jihad in the future: 100%

>> No.22061311

>le feudalism in space
Not gonna happen, we progressed past that

>> No.22061314

LLMs aren’t AGI

>> No.22062714

Have you seen the last 2 years? We've peaked, of course, but we're getting back to it. We already live in a veiled feudal state where you only have rights if you have money to pay for lawyers and don't you dare to cross the people that do

>> No.22062735

We are never going back to feudalism, that is a guarantee. The world moves forward regardless of how many ragebait news headlines you see.

>> No.22062748

Shhhh, don’t tell the retard. He probably is legitimately impressed by ChatGPT-slop and thinks it is good writing.

>> No.22062849

>We are never going back to feudalism, that is a guarantee
Of course, it will be something else, right? We'll never live in a society driven by caste interests, right?
Irony aside, I agree with you. It will not be feudalism, it will be some kind of techno-money caste system that if you're not born into it or can't operate the tech you're an outcast, because the tech was lost once and people don't want other multiple reactor meltdown like in Russia in 2137 because no one else knew how to operate the plants and the oligarchs weren't able to see the problem nor hire anyone in time to solve it.

>> No.22062874
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Someone on /g/ recommended I read Dune because of my anti-ai stance.
Ironically the Jihad is probably starting in the courts. There are a lot of lawsuits against ai startups and they may have lost the far use defense.
/ic/ is very happy about it.

>> No.22062886
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Exactly this, there is ZERO self-awareness or consciousness. However they can try to simulate it, with the quality of the simulation dependent on the ability of the user (whose level of consciousness is reflected in the output.)


>> No.22062977

>2023 western world
>not feudal
ok ok serf enough playtime back to your amazon cagie

>> No.22062989

>Every AI is replaced by turbo-autists taking ungodly amounts of adderall
Sounds based to me.

>> No.22063057

How do you know that you're are "self-aware" and "conscious"? How do I know that your post wasn't generated by a computer algorithm?

>> No.22063074

wow what a hack

>> No.22063128

>instant racebaiting
Coulnd't drop it faster if it was actually, phisically hot

>> No.22063265

Not that I'm against it, but a lot of the west coast is super into adderall and psychedelics already.

>> No.22063281

Your gonna eat the bugs while the Musks of the world become quadrillionares.

>> No.22063291
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It's self-evident

>> No.22063459

ask the AI what it thinks about the sentence "The anglosphere is like the Rocky Horror Picture Show with nukes"

>> No.22063543

I hope it was. Smash the toasters.

>> No.22063566

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or emotions, but I can analyze the sentence for you.

The sentence "The anglosphere is like the Rocky Horror Picture Show with nukes" is a metaphorical statement comparing the concept of the "anglosphere" to the movie "Rocky Horror Picture Show" in combination with nuclear weapons.

The anglosphere typically refers to English-speaking countries that share historical, cultural, and political ties, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a cult film known for its unconventional and flamboyant nature, often associated with themes of sexuality, identity, and subversion. It has gained a reputation for its dedicated fan base and interactive theatrical experiences.

Combining the anglosphere with the Rocky Horror Picture Show suggests that there may be a similarity in terms of unconventional or unconventional elements, possibly alluding to unique cultural characteristics, political dynamics, or subversive tendencies. The addition of "with nukes" implies that the anglosphere possesses significant military power and the potential for destruction.

Ultimately, the interpretation of this sentence can vary depending on the context and the intended meaning of the person who said it.

>> No.22064390

The anglosphere, a cultural phenomenon of immense proportions, manifests itself as a flamboyant extravaganza akin to the Rocky Horror Picture Show, but with the added might of nuclear capabilities. Just as the cult film defies traditional norms and conventions, so does the anglosphere challenge established paradigms on a grand scale. It pulsates with a vibrant energy that captivates and bewilders, leaving an indelible mark on the global stage.

Within this audacious spectacle, the anglosphere wields its nuclear prowess like a captivating dance move, both alluring and dangerous. It is a seductive fusion of cultural heritage, linguistic prowess, and political influence, commanding attention and instilling a sense of both awe and trepidation. Like the transgressive characters of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, the anglosphere challenges the status quo, defying expectations and reveling in its own irreverent uniqueness.

Yet, just as the film's plot unfolds with a mix of chaos and dark humor, so does the anglosphere's influence in world affairs. Its nuclear arsenal adds a dramatic twist, evoking a sense of both fascination and concern. This fusion of cultural flamboyance and military might creates a powerful and enigmatic entity, capable of both captivating performances and potentially devastating consequences.

In the swirling vortex of the anglosphere's influence, we find ourselves immersed in a thrilling, yet precarious dance. Its charismatic persona and formidable capabilities command attention, leaving us to ponder the profound implications of this larger-than-life phenomenon. With each step, the anglosphere continues to captivate and perplex, inviting us to join in its tumultuous performance on the global stage.

>> No.22064436
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>> No.22064438

>We are never going back to feudalism

>> No.22064882

For now, nerd
That's not feudalism. That's just stratified capitalism. It can be compared to feudalism, but it isn't the same structure, simply because Jeff Bezos and Klaus Schwab do not belong to a warrior class of nobles.
For now, nerd.

>> No.22066217
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Because muh relational web.

>> No.22066298
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Corporations are the modern day version of feudal mafia.