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22056225 No.22056225 [Reply] [Original]

Is pic related a good start into subversion and propaganda?

>> No.22056252


>> No.22056278

I really did not like this, felt like chomsky just barely broke ground and never delved any deeper on this concept. It was also written at maybe a 10th grade level. Fan of Chomsky in general, shame about the epsten stuff

Why did linguists become such cultural staples anyway? That's kind of weird. Chomsky, Pinker, all of these guys were very popular household name intellectuals and all of them tied up with Epstein. There's definitely some funny business afoot.

>> No.22056289

>Chomsky, Pinker, all of these guys were very popular household name intellectuals and all of them tied up with Epstein. There's definitely some funny business afoot.
Jews test very high in linguistic intelligence.

>> No.22056308

Chomsky has embarrassed himself so badly I don't think any of his work is worth reading at this point

>> No.22056379

His shorter book "media control" is better. It goes into the history more. Manufacturing Consent wastes a lot of pages by analyzing individual paragraphs in a pretty surface level way. Also The Crowd by Gustave Le Bon, and Public Opinion by Walter Lippmann are better books for understanding how propaganda works. The Rape of the Mind by Joost Meerloo is good for understanding how brainwashing works.

>> No.22056448

It's just pilpul hiding philosophy.

>> No.22056847

Propaganda by Ellul is a million times better.

>> No.22056856

Second this

>> No.22057008
File: 402 KB, 558x805, Screenshot_2023-05-21-01-05-53-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His shorter book "media control" is better.
Just read you rec, anons.

>> No.22057013
File: 279 KB, 597x607, Screenshot_2023-05-21-01-49-45-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22057020

>Propaganda by Ellul is a million times better
Are you sure?

>> No.22057062

It might bring to light something left unsaid by Herman and Chomsky, but it won’t say it clearly.
Since you know so much about it, give us some highlights on topics not overlapping with the Herman/Chomsky book