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File: 19 KB, 504x298, song-chart-memes-philosophy-degree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2205475 No.2205475 [Reply] [Original]


Why the fuck are you in college? Unless you either want to be a teacher or a lawyer, or want some really high flung career in the medical/science/engineering fields, a college degree is a giant waste of time and effort that will do you no good in the end: just make you have to pay back a shit load of financial aid and regret that you spent 4+ years studying something you're not even sure you want to make a career.

>> No.2205481

I want to be a research scientist.

no one will take me seriously until I have a PhD

>> No.2205483

I wanna go skydiving.

>> No.2205484

i want a career in science

>> No.2205485


In that case, go for it.

But so many people spend years plodding through university working their asses off for a degree when they'd be much happier starting their own business or leaving school to find a job.

>> No.2205487

Yes, everybody should start their own business, sounds great.

>> No.2205488

oh look it's this fucking thread again

stop talking about fucking college and make a post about book, if you want to neurotically worry about college go to, like, /adv/ or something, post about book on /lit/

>> No.2205492

Just finished a two year General Studies/Transfer A.A. at a community college. I'm on my first year of a B.A. program at a university now and I am sorely tempted to abandon ship.

>> No.2205502

Double majoring in journalism and hippie studies

>> No.2205504
File: 75 KB, 600x375, Nichijou_07_u_nelly_or_not1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a teacher.



>> No.2205519

I want to be a socialite but I wasn't born a rich bitch.

>> No.2205525

So you're studying business?

>> No.2205530

to learn

>> No.2205532

>Oh hey a graph joke, I hope I can laugh a bit
>It's not funny
>There's not even a joke
This happens too damn often

>> No.2205533

It kind of sucks that you have to spend years getting a degree just to work in a library or a museum, but fuck it, that's what I'm doing.

>> No.2205535

I'll give you a few reasons:

1. The ability to meet like minded people and make valuable connections with them that will no doubt be of use to you later in life.

2. If an employer has to choose between two candidates, one with a degree and one without, then they will invariably choose the more educated one. That's just the way the world works. You either swim with the current or against it.

3. The potential to meet your future mate. College chicks have a few things going for them; they are usually a cut above the rest when it comes to attractiveness, intelligence, and affluence. Plus, you're bound to have at least a few things in common and have the advantage of a common starting ground. If you don't go to college, where are you going to meet women? The bar? The club? IHOP? And are they going to want to be with an uneducated guy? I don't think so.

>> No.2205538

I think all these anti-higher education posts must be from Americans.

In Europe a degree (in a useful subject, obviously) will get you a job directly. When I was doing my BSc I went to an undergrad careers faire, told them what I was hoping to graduate in and they gave me some information about their companies. Within two months of getting my degree I called them, did some interviews and got a job in programming, it's easy and pays well.

Have fun complaining about how useless college is. With no qualifications you can't get very far unless you have connections or something. For most of us it's the smartest route to take.

>> No.2205545

it depends, a lot of people come out of college and just get the sort of unspecialized jobs that don't really use their specific degree. In that case if you can just gain job experience for 4 years you'd be better off. But if you want a job in a specific field, then often enough college is valuable. Not to mention its become so common that its basically a shared cultural event more than anything else. Of course more than that there's more to life than just what job you get, some people genuinely like learning.

>> No.2205546 [DELETED] 


Unlike in Europe, you don't have to worry about inferior Negroes or spices being pushed ahead by the government for the job you worked your ass off.

If I was a Negro, the city government would have paid for my education and they only require me to keep a 2.00 GPA.

>> No.2205550


Unlike in Europe, you don't have to worry about inferior Negroes or spics being pushed ahead by the government for the job you worked your ass off.

If I was a Negro, the city government would have paid for my education and they only require me to keep a 2.00 GPA.

>> No.2205559

US college student here. I'm a Creative Writing Major(begin laughing now), with a minor degree in Media production. I'm taking my degree for two reasons:
1: The jobs I found while searching demand a degree just to get looked at and
2: My degree will only cost about twelve thousand dollars in total, and it will all be paid for by financial Aid. I go to school in-state(cuts a grand or so off the total), I work full time to pay off books, own my car and am paying off a home I bought, with parents(they pay money, used my credit to get loan). The last 3k or so gets paid by Financial aid I apply for every year.So why shouldn't I?

>> No.2205567

if you're not keeping a 4.0 or above gtfo of education faggot

>> No.2205573

looking for a government law enforcement job. Crime is always happening so I don't see myself as not having a job opportunity

>> No.2206245

I have a scholarship to study arts brah. You can work for banks and shit in my country.

Try working for a publishing house with an engineering degree.

>> No.2206246

I want to be the smartest cook at denny's.

Also: I have a general interest in history.

>> No.2206268

>education is only there to get you into employment
Stop now

>> No.2206988
File: 25 KB, 321x400, Nicolas Cage Poker1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW my government pays me to get an education.

>> No.2206994


>> No.2207019


Do psychology in europe -----> get job almost anywhere.

>> No.2207038
File: 2 KB, 117x126, 1318529470229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make you have to pay back a shit load of financial aid

Good thing I'm not from a barbaric mess of a country where you need to pay for education

>and regret that you spent 4+ years studying something you're not even sure you want to make a career.

I don't study to start or prepare for a career, I study because I like it and I only study subjects that I would have as a hobby even if I wasn't studying them.

>> No.2207049

Europe where? The UK doesn't seem to be that way, where I am.

>> No.2207057

I'm running my own business enterprise and it's going pretty well. I have both enough time and enough money to study whatever the fuck I want to.