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22052424 No.22052424 [Reply] [Original]

How did liberals go from protesting against the capitalist elite and supporting Chomsky to fully supporting mass media and embracing its talking points while calling you a conspiracy theorist if you say that theres a hyper capitalist elite group that owns the media, corporations and banks and everything it does and every information it pumps out its for its own benefit and to protect it's interests. Basically if I agree with pic related, I'm considered a chud to modern leftists. What led to this?

>> No.22052427

All systems decay.

>> No.22052432

Globohomo took over and genuine liberalism has been phased out, though it was never explicitly said.

>> No.22052435

second law of thermodynamics bros... why do we keep winning

>> No.22052452

Chomsky himself goes along with it now too. You can find interviews from the last few years where he advocates for governmen/corporate censorship when it comes to social media.

Chompsky's problem is that he has always been an ideologue and is completely myopic when totalitarian impulses are not only systemic but coming from the left side of the political spectrum.

>> No.22052466

It was consumed by leftism.
Uncle Ted warned of this.

>> No.22052556

The system is working!
The system is broken!
The system is working!
The system is broken!
The system is working!

Just flip it around for goppers

>> No.22052575

Americans are retarded and slaves to said mass media. Those capitalist elite have complete hegemonic control over not just the economy and the political system but over the minds of every brain dead partisan zealot in the country.

>> No.22052594

Wow, what a deep read, anon. Did you figure that out all by yourself?

>> No.22052620

>How did liberals go from protesting against the capitalist elite
>It was consumed by leftism.
>Uncle Ted warned of this.

No no no no no no. You are completely awash in their rebranding propaganda, and screw this hero worship, guru BS. Have none of it.
LIBERALS are by definition *pro* capital. Just living in their society can corrupt you, induce Stockholm syndrome if not turn you into a full collaborator

The Left are to the left, al the way. Don't confuse "left liberals" with The LEFT. That team is AGAINST state-capitalism, if some one or group practice something pro-state-capitalism, they're no longer on that team. You cannot drag this LEFT into being something they are not. It is the ideal, not any one or group. The Chicago Cubs are the Chicago Cubs even if they fire everyone on the team and get all new players. Capiche?

>> No.22052848

That book is great, but it's ironically hilarious that Chomsky was involved with Epstein to the tune of $270 grand.

>> No.22052877

>Implying that works for GOPers
Bush and Reagan sucked. Besides Trump and Nixon it's been shit for 120y

>> No.22052887

Neoliberalism basically devoured all dissenters. Complain about x ideology in American being hypocritical/ineffective/unrecognizable and realize that it all basically started after neoliberalism made the right people obscenely rich and introduced a sense of total placation in all except the most dogmatic of ideologues. Every dissident is basically just spinning you repackaged neoliberalism. Neoliberalism with racist characteristics, neoliberalism but really gay, neoliberalism with green aesthetics, neoliberalism with Christian overtures. True socialist ideology, or progressive ideology has basically been tied up in these moral knots because a lot of working class protections go against this appeal to global homogeneity, this idea that no person is illegal, that immigrants have some right to be here, all of this is downriver from the real economic gritty that immigrant labor, immigrant learners in schools and American jobs taking a flight are all things that enrich the already rich. And that’s just a taste. I mean, Bernie saw it. He looked into the abyss and bitched out. When he was a demsoc he was anti immigration, when he ran again no person was illegal. Everything has been devoured by neoliberalism except facial because that ideology has been dormant for one hundred years, hasn’t experienced the necessary cross pollination to corrupt true belief. But fascism itself barely exist, just neoliberalism with agitated nationalist fervor that still supports H1B visas and right to work and at will employment and unrestricted corporate stock buybacks. I fuxking hate it here. I can’t fuxking take it I can’t fuxking take it I cannot. The enemy masks itself, one million face, don’t know where to stick the knife. Nothing is anything anymore it’s in infinite pieces. Can hardly cohere a damn thing please fuxking take me out

>> No.22052890

There is no and there has never been no distinction between big business, liberalism, and leftism. It's all always been an anti-white psyop, no matter how much these genocidal freaks shriek about how they're totally opposed to one another. This is not a new development, from Engels financing Marx, to Wall Street financing Judeobolsheviks, to MIT financing Chomsky, to Amazon financing Hasan Piker.

>> No.22052920

>stood up to unions
>cleaned up Carter's economic mess
>made the Soviets spend themselves into oblivion
>set up the roaring 90s
>reversed the crime wave in major cities by locking up criminals
Reagan was based.

>> No.22052925

What he meant was social liberalism. Social liberalism is center left. It has goals to distribute welfare via taxation and eliminate discrimination by drafting legal statutes that recognize and ensure equality for the people regardless of their social class, gender, and political opinion, etc. Sill a leftwing.

Read Rawls. You have just used "No True Scottsman Fallacy."

>> No.22052935

This >>22052925 and I'll add that neoliberalism usurped the left all the way to the fringe. They coopted sublimated the idea of "working class" into identitarian resentment to give their policies a moral veneer. They're the party of urban elite interests and handouts to the underclass (the latter should be the preview of the left but they outflanked you). If you're a leftist you literally don't have a movement anymore--youre either a young college student who will be sold out into neoliberalism 5 years from now or an impotent ideologue (e.g. just like those pathetic boomers you see handing out communist party flyers on college campuses in current year, kek).

>> No.22052959

Liberals always wanted to molest kids and the capitalists allowed liberals to molest kids

>> No.22053003
File: 96 KB, 773x1200, 1684522564896100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this maybe

>> No.22053012

Are the Americans in the room right now with you, Pablo?

>> No.22053017

I’ve always concluded that leftism has always been liberalism and vice versa. Beheading kings would eventually lead to subversive rot.

>> No.22053022

Aside from the union bits, he wasn’t as bad as people assumed he was, and another (potentially) good thing was his spiel about keep guns out of hands of minorities. I mean I hate to say it, but he was right.

>> No.22053043

If you've ever had close association with unions you'd realize just how bad they can be; the air traffic controllers union was one such case--also take into account how mobbed up the labour movement was up through that time (note, I'm not saying that particular union was mobbed up but the labour movement has been open to corruption for a century and this is brushed aside and never part of the narrative when it comes to the left/liberals). They're more like a necessary evil than they are a benefit to the working class. Usually the top brass is a mixture of elitists who have nothing in common with working class people and ideologues (the union I was involved with had actual communists on the steering committee; not hyperbole but people who were South American immigrants that were card carrying commies--they were actually easier to get along with than the ivy league ones who intentionally selected workers that would parrot their talking points to others for a sense of superiority).

>> No.22053068

Imagine saying this when the totality of you political movement for hundreds of years is just cucking to whoever the more conservative side of current elite are and blaming everything on minorities instead of them. Being right wing as a prole is the most sinister psyop ever created desu

>> No.22053076

Yea it's basically over. Western normies will literally just sit there and get poorer and poorer while all they care about is arguing about tranny pronouns or BLM or some shit. The only hope for modern society is that some high rank general reads marx and decide to do a top down revolution to reverse the neolib consummerist trends.

>> No.22053087

The answer is that every single populist movement gets infiltrated by glowies, stonewalled at every turn by legislation designed to keep the current regime in power and the elite has a monopoly on media.

>> No.22053089
File: 31 KB, 189x352, 1683572707282712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you want a picture of the future, imagine her penis ejaculating on a clown's face--forever.

>> No.22053106

Why are you thinking about trannies cumming on your face you anon? I didn't even mention trannies

>> No.22053117
File: 85 KB, 1200x675, noam chomsky tyt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ah, yes. You see, anon, the media is bad because it manufactures dissent
>Just like I manufactured consent for those underage girls I fucked on Epstein's island, heh heh
Between Chomsky and Foucault, how will university philosophy programs ever recover?

>> No.22053131

You certainly talk like one.

>> No.22053132


>> No.22053136

seethe. dilate.

>> No.22053140

>gee, should a state take care of its people?
>nooo that’s socialism!
But kings used to look out for his people. When not sending them off to war he would grant debt forgiveness even. The only people displaying this second line above are the merchants, the future liberal ruling class. They made as much off the wars, but even more off of putting them in debt. “Social liberalism” means jack shit.
>no true Scotsman
Shut the fuck up. I’m a true Scott!

>and I'll add that neoliberalism
Fascism is liberalism in decay, but more accurately it’s the decay of neoliberalism.
So again, NO. They did not co-opt ideas, they co-opted WORDS. Learn your lessons already, for fucksake

>> No.22053142

Sneed. Feed.Chuck em

>> No.22053156

Return to you dilation station sir

>> No.22053175

Accept reality.

>> No.22053180

Wow, that paraphrasing Orwell and making fun of neoliberalism's "her penis" mandate really triggered you. Kek.

>> No.22053190

Chomsky is an Epstein circle pedophile

>> No.22053196
File: 25 KB, 554x554, Laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, nice strawman. You give me a good laugh.

Also i didn't say that social liberalism = socialism.

Social liberalism derived from Rawls and Keynes. Socialism derived from Marx and Engels. The goals of social liberalism: civil society based on collective welfare and individual freedom plus rule of law. The goals of socialism: means of production for the workers and society without state.

>> No.22053357

I dunno, I bet we could have socialism here if the latter two problems were, ahem, disposed of

>> No.22053360

oh you have no idea do you? I'm way worse than that. you are so naive.

>> No.22053371

well that problem could be solved by excising out 90% of government agencies. they're a waste of taxpayer money which could be used for more useful things, like fixing fucking roads and building gymnasiums and libraries

>> No.22053392 [DELETED] 

Their problem wasn't authoritarianism, just that the wrong people were yielding it. Very common unfortunately. Still a great book though

>> No.22053393

Their problem wasn't authoritarianism, just that the wrong people were wielding it. Very common unfortunately. Still a great book though

>> No.22053398

>fascism is liberalism in decay
I wish this marxoid concept would die already

>> No.22053408

Chomsky was bullshit from the start. Nothing had to be coopted. He is now the same guy he always was. There's just less room to be vague and making pretense at dissidence now.

>> No.22053436

Fascism is marxism in decay. Mussolini would have stayed a marxist, if marxism's future was looking good.

>> No.22053440
File: 415 KB, 2048x1152, 44D3AFD2-49E7-44CA-934E-E9736C1D7A3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fascism is liberalism in decay, but more accurately it’s the decay of neoliberalism.
The funny thing about this sentiment still being regurgitated by marxists in current year is that the modern far right is a far more credible threat to neoliberalism than anyone on the far left is. The threat of imposing protectionist trade policies, withdrawing from multinational organizations, reducing immigration etc. all would be a serious blow to the power of the international bourgeoisie and because of this they pursue every possible means to try and suppress them. The far left on the other hand is known to be filled with weak willed losers who will gladly roll over and obey the forces of international capital so long as it means we dont stop importing third worlders en masse. The neoliberal establishment is therefore more than happy to let the left organize and agitate in peace because they know they are on a short leash and are also useful as an attack dog against the right. One just needs to look at the 2020 french election to see a prime example of this. Macron is far more of a friend to neoliberalism than LePen is but because LePen doesn’t want France to become a middle eastern country Melenchon urged all of his voters to align with Macron despite it being against their economic interests. When you scratch a leftist a liberal bleeds.

>> No.22053441

Please send those videos. I'm extremely doubtful of that. I've heard him speak negatively of social media censorship, as one would expect, based on everything he has ever said or stood for.

>> No.22053451

very true. bravo.

>> No.22053456

isn't that pretty much all intellectuals since the dawn of the Frankfurt School? the very idea authoritarian personalities could exist on the left has been a huge blind spot for academics ever since then.

>> No.22053911

>hyper capitalist elite group that owns the media, corporations and banks
These groups did not use to push liberal talking points, so they were evil. These groups now generally push liberal talking points, at least in public, so they are good. I think that's really the extent of it for most people.

>> No.22053927

Genuine liberalism was probably phased out in the late 19th century. The progressive era really changed everything and the progressive era really just reacted to technological change. So many political things would not even be possible today were it not for technological change.

>> No.22053935

You do know generals are basically political appointments, right? They all have degrees from Ivy League schools and sit on steering committees. You can’t even get a general promotion without paying lip service to progressive causes publicly. It’s no different than the state department. And why should a general care about traditional values anyway? Xe and Xer can pilot drones all the same.

>> No.22054011

They did not abandon their principles, they just realized that abandoning the working class and infiltrating neoliberal institutions was a more effective way of remaking society in their image.
They changed strategies from bottom-up revolution to top-down authoritarian enforcement.