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22052350 No.22052350 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I buy George Lincoln Rockwell's books?

>> No.22052354


>> No.22052358

The NY Federal Reserve Building

>> No.22052370

for what pvrpous?

>> No.22052373

for reading

>> No.22052380

And what is this?

>> No.22052390

There are better ways to signal you don’t get pussy

>> No.22052669

are you aware that you can read books without buying them?

>> No.22052686

Are YOU aware that you can buy books without reading them, you stupid nigger?

>> No.22052690

I like how much shit this guy gets for saying things that are factually correct.

Malcolm X isn't nearly as blacklisted in spite of being every bit as racist AND backing that up with his retarded Afrocentric scifi.

>> No.22052694

le false equivalence faec

>> No.22052701

>false equivalence
What's false about it? GLR and Malcolm X both wanted a separate country for their races and had a massive hate boner for Jews.

GRL just didn't talk as if he'd been eating shrooms.

>> No.22052703

black people were actually oppressed at that time

>> No.22052724

And they needed white people to set them free.
So if anything, Malcolm X is worse, because he had nothing but retarded and implausible vitriol for the only benefactors nogs have ever had.

>> No.22052733

who were blacks oppressed by in america though

>> No.22052753


>> No.22052765

Who were blacks oppressed by in Africa?
Other blacks.

The only reason any of these fucking people have had so much as a dose of penicillin is because of their entanglement with whites. Malcolm X denied this and insisted whites were a genetic experiment from a 140 year-old, Egyptian Alien nig nog. It's not even in the realm of possibility.

>> No.22052842

This. If Malcolm X was anti-Semitic it was because he was misguided by hateful people who wanted to sow discord between the BIPOC and Jewish communities even though they faced similar prejudice in the face of institutional white supremacy and still do to this day (we often fail to remember the fact that it was often Jewish people and institutions who agitated and pushed the hardest to tear down white supremacist segregation and that many members and institutions within the Jewish community are still working hard at this today, although I'm not discounting other minority and BIPOC movements). His anti-Semitism didn't come from a place of hate, but a place of misguided pain that he felt during oppression. There is a really good interview that the head of the ADL did with the Breakfast Club about this after the whole Kanye West, Kyrie Irving fiascoes---I would recommend to everyone here that they watch it if they get the chance.
> https://youtu.be/wVXcIcIBtTU
George Lincoln Rockwell's anti-Semitism however? completely inexcusable, deplorable, and repulsive (not like anti-Semitism is EVER not any one of those things (or all of them at once for that matter)! but as I already explained Malcolm X was very misguided and only slowly started to reform himself and renounce his earlier very despicable views before he was cut down by the very cult that brainwashed him into believe these same lies in the first place). Rockwell had white supremacy, he had institutional racism, he even had segregation. He had everything just short of slavery (and that's only if we ignore the lived reality of the prison industrial complex as it was then and even as it is now). He was a racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, fascist fighting to hold onto a dying and oppressive system that he just so happened to benefit from (we still see a lot of those people even today, fuck, we just had an administration ran by one, and we still have to deal with the aftermath of said administration and its many adherants, and hell---I don't need to tell you that this site is full of 'em (people like Rockwell in general I mean)). There is nothing endearing about Rockwell. He wasn't fighting against the oppressor like Malcolm X was, hell, he was the oppressor, he was the hatred, he was a despicable little chud who wanted to spread the hatred of the Nazis in the very land that had JUST GOTTEN BACK FROM FIGHTING THEM and kicking their asses too---not without some regrettable losses and unfortunately, not before millions of innocent people---mostly Jewish people along with Romani, LGBTQ+, differently-abled people, and other marginalized people---died horrifically to the Nazis in workcamps, deathcamps, and other methods of brutal extermination). He learned nothing from the horrors of WWII, and he wanted to replicate that mess here. Fuck him. He got what he deserved. Do not idolize him. Lets keep him and his disgusting ideologies in the past. Fuck that slime.

>> No.22052845


>> No.22052872

If whites were so brilliant, why are they losing (according to chuds)?
> inb4 IT'S DA JOOZ!!
So that makes Jews the superior race
> inb4 tHe pArAsItE Is bEtTeR ThAn tHe hUmAn
If whites were so brilliant, how would they even find themselves in this position at all? Literally everything you will try to blame on Jews (Christianity, Protestantism, Liberalism, Socialism, Imperialism, Anti-racism, etc.) whites embraced 100%
Sounds like the white race is a blameless maiden being manipulated by her evil Jewish boyfriend into doing things she likes but totally wouldn't do if she knew they were "wrong"
> she didn't know it was "wrong"!!! she was too turned on to think straight!! she's innocent and pure!!

>> No.22052889

Because Whites haven't given up morality yet.

>> No.22052899

Just the idea that Jews somehow devised a plan to take over all of Europe (and then the world) in Ancient Rome and then proceeded to do so, consistently carrying out this plan for several millennia, until it was finally achieved is just hilarious. I mean, manifestly, doesn't that at least show that the Jews are an ambitious and intelligent people? to call them a leech race is also ridiculous, the Rothschilds (you know, the family every anti-Semitic idiot foams at the mouth at at the mere mention of their name) funded British Imperialism and several European nations (European excellences from Jewish money and financial know-how) and yet every anti-Semitic idiot looks back at the age of Imperialism as if it were the glory days. How silly do you have to be? hahaha, the contradictions are everywhere but these guys refuse to see it.

>> No.22052904

And when they give up morality, what will they turn into? a race of supermen? or will they become a race of thugs uninterested in the improvement of the human race or any body but themselves for that matter. Remember: even the Nazis (as sick as they were) had a "morality" (although, of course, it was based on the principal of racial, ableist, and sexual, etc. exclusion and only considered "Aryans" and their use to Hitler's fascist state).

>> No.22052914

You're trying way too hard kike

>> No.22052915

They'll be just like all the other fell beasts.
Oh you're a retarded zoomer cityfag, yeah come back in 10 years when you had a chance to get knocked around by the world a bit and maybe you won't say all that dumb shit.

>> No.22052936
File: 50 KB, 582x446, FollowYourLeader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accept your concession(s). Thanks for proving to me once again that you chuds are incapable of rational thought, just hate and vile invective. Have a horrible day and enjoy being on the losing side of history ('cause lord knows you lot aren't enjoying your lives) ;^)

>> No.22052942

jewish posters on this board make talking about jewish history far too difficult

>> No.22052945

>Posting an ADL article.
Too obvious that you're just baiting, if the over the top reddit lingo wasn't a big enough tip off.

>> No.22052969

To support the author.

>> No.22052972 [DELETED] 


>> No.22052983

I must assume that you are talking to me (>>22052842). In which case: it's a YouTube video you fucking idiot, not an article (you would know this if you even just hovered over the link). It's filmed from the studio of the Breakfast Club
> The Breakfast Club is an American syndicated radio show based in New York City. It is hosted by DJ Envy, Charlamagne tha God and rotating guest hosts and celebrities (such as Ray J and Eboni K. Williams).[1] The Breakfast Club's flagship station is WWPR-FM Power 105.1 and it currently airs in over 90 radio markets around the U.S., including Chicago, Houston, Atlanta and Miami.
> Common topics of discussion on the show are celebrity gossip (especially in the hip hop industry), progressive politics, and sexual and dating issues. The program is broadcast live on weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m. Eastern Time, with a recorded Saturday morning version.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Breakfast_Club_(radio_show)
The audience is very Black American targeted (that is, it's a show by Black and brown individuals for Black and brown individuals and discusses things relevant to them and their culture). That's why it was so remarkable when the head of the ADL showed up to talk about issues that faced both the Jewish and Black communities (to start a conversation that might even just begin to heal some of the pain hurt and sorrow that lead to the unfortunate discord between these long suffering communities evidenced by the then recent actions and comments of Kyrie Irving and Kanye West (fuck him), both black celebrities who spouted some very vile anti-Semitism) hence why it was relevant to bring up in the first place.
Also, Reddit lingo? I barely even use Reddit. I'm guessing you're referring to my use of BIPOC and LGBTQ+? as I understand it, not being a part of either of these communities (though a stalwart ally nonetheless), these are the preferred terms for speaking of these very diverse and very generalized communities (both defined in an almost negative fashion as anything not the dominant class I'm afraid, not that I'm critiquing this per se, in the theory it is very useful to use terms like this to describe oppresive social relations along various dimensions and intersectionalities but outside perhaps they are overused which may be why you find them sour to say the least, still, they promote solidarity which is always a good thing so all in all so I judge them to be good and useful).
BTW a note to all chuds: You do not own 4chan(nel), this is not your secret little echo-chamber club. You want free-speech? you got it. Here's your market-place of ideas you so badly wanted. We are here to discuss theory and we are not leaving. We are taking this place back (yeah, you read that right, read up on the Occupy Wall Street movement and its ties to 4chan. I know this was probably before your time, and that you're probably just an ignorant /r/theDonald refugee and post-2015 chud, but what you'll find may surprise).

>> No.22052990

>The audience is very Black American targeted
So it's for niggers. pass.

>> No.22052998

Fuck, I gotta admit, /pol/tards and tradlarpers assuming they own this place gets me so fucking heated sometimes. Like, fuck, I'm not b8ng just because I have a different opinion from you, lmao. This place really went downhill and turned into an echo-chamber after Daily Stormer idiots flooded everywhere and it really just fucking hurts to see this stupidity all around me whenever I am on this site (which is way too fucking often). Like honestly I just need a break sometimes its so fucking bad.
Jews this, Jews that (>>22052942) When the fuck do we get to see a different opinion? Yeah, it happens more often than this website gets credit for but the stench of chuddery is just too unbearable sometimes. /pol/tard lingo is the default but whenever I acknowledge LGBTQ+ with friendly terminology instead of f*g or tr***y I am an "outsider" (DESPITE THIS WEBSITE HAVING A DEDICATED >>>/lgbt/ BOARD). Fuck, the idiots on here drive me fucking nuts sometimes. I may need to take another break after this this was so bad.

>> No.22053000


>> No.22053023

all too aware

>> No.22053024

The only reason most men don’t get laid is because cops exist

>> No.22053030

I live around negroes I’m well aware of that show. I despise most of their takes despite being constantly subjected to their broadcasts

>> No.22053034

>Nazis (as sick as they were) had a "morality" (although, of course, it was based on the principal of racial, ableist, and sexual, etc. exclusion
They had different hierarchy of values, certainly. And just like you, they demonized those who did not line up at the top of their value system. You're not so different from them.

>> No.22053036

To add, I know of the Steve Harvey Morning show as well

>> No.22053060

> having morals makes you a Nazi
Wow, what a brilliant conclusion. I wish I came up with that.

>> No.22053066

It's 2023 where being against killing children, injecting them full of puberty blocking hormones and wanting criminals actually locked away for committing crimes makes you a Nazi. If you're not on our side of the pitchfork now you will be eventually, just like JK Rowling who is the biggest shitlib imaginable and she's somehow viewed as a right wing boogeyman.

>> No.22053073

No. Having values as outlined by the ideology of national socialism makes you a Nazi. Demonizing and dehumanizing people who don't align with your values makes you *like* a Nazi. Blatantly misinterpreting a simple concept (like you just did) makes you a retard.

>> No.22053083


>> No.22053728

You seem like you are unironically demonically possessed.

>> No.22054581

X got shot by the feds. X had changed his opinion several times, showing he could grow. X wasn’t a member of the ruler’s race like Rockwell. No, Jews aren’t in control of white people.
Really false equivalence is false.

Which country? In South Africa, whites oppressed blacks

All these posts are stupid. Racists are stupid. Please grow up.

>> No.22054996


>> No.22055035

Who do you think sold black slaves to whites.

I don't hate black people. I hate lunatic whites like you. Everyone would be better off without you fairy hippie fucktards.

>> No.22055039

Congo is literally run by black militias taking money from Chinese and American companies.

>> No.22055077

If you don’t think blacks are/were oppressed in America…

>> No.22055082

The only solution to black American problems is racial divorce (resegregation). Integration didn't work and never will. Multiculturalism is a failed experiment and only "works" insofar as prosperous urban commercial hubs can persist for a few decades without noticing the inevitable rot caused by a heterogeneous society with no greater calling or sense of self.

>> No.22055245

Since you’re both confused lunatics

Or racist dissolving. IE the maturation of humans

>> No.22055420 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.22055486

Cut the crap and tell us where you can get the George Lincoln Rockwall books...

>> No.22055545

Your maturation ideal seems to be blacks murdering whites to make things even. This is the natural consequence of what Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam believed about whites.

By all means, if you want to embrace that destruction, go ahead, because you fairy faggot liberals are nothing if not effete. The rest of us refuse, though.

>> No.22055563

your local cia annex

>> No.22056277

>seems to be
It doesn’t

>> No.22056456

It does. All you have is excuses for someone publishing blatant fucking fiction about whites that justifies annihilating them, and he published similar shit about Jews.
You sound like a white bitch telling her parents "but mom, his mix tape's going to drop!"

>> No.22056463

back then? probably. nowadays? fuck no.

>> No.22056467

I wish I could die in a confrontation with cops and have a legion of retards burn shit in my honor.

Fentanyl messiah.

>> No.22056470

You should edit M. X books but just taking out which race he's taking about then, if you think they are the same thing.

>> No.22056474

Look at black neighborhoods. Most niggers have no shot at success

>> No.22056478
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>> No.22056485

>In South Africa, whites *are oppressed by* blacks
Fixed that 4 u

>> No.22056487
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Nice try, rabbi

>> No.22056488
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Ah the classic quandary of the chicken and the egg. Are nogs stupid because of their poor environment? Or is their environment poor because they're stupid?

>> No.22056490

Go backwards in time and you’ll find your answer

>> No.22056496

Care to expound that a bit?

>> No.22056501

>Though he was a black man, Mr. Yacub, embittered toward Allah now, decided, as revenge, to
create upon the earth a devil race-a bleached-out, "Algonquian" race of people.
From his studies, the big-head scientist knew that black men contained two germs, black and
brown. He knew that the brown germ stayed dormant as, being the lighter of the two germs, it
was the weaker. Mr. Yacub, to upset the law of nature, conceived the idea of employing what we
today know as the recessive genes structure, to separate from each other the two germs, black
and brown, and then grafting the brown germ to progressively lighter, weaker stages. The
humans resulting, he knew, would be, as they became lighter, and weaker, progressively also
more susceptible to wickedness and evil. And in this way finally he would achieve the intended
bleached-out "Algonquian" race of devils.

You can flip this around to talk about any race you want, because it's lunacy.

This is from the man's Autobiography, page 110. This was adopted as a core belief of the Nation of Islam.

So again, the only difference is that GRL was at least somewhat grounded in reality.

It's worth noting that the official story for the assassinations of both is that they were killed by a disgruntled member of their group. Malcolm X by Thomas Hagan, GRL by John Patsalos. You can also just as easily say that either or both of them were killed by the CIA, as they both were as much of a perceived threat to America's security as MLKJ, and we know that a cia agent told MLKJ that he should just kill himself.

>> No.22056509

Ebay is the only place. There's your answer, OP.

>> No.22056530

Less than 60 years ago niggers were 2nd class citizens in a country founded on democracy and freedom. I don’t care if you don’t like niggers, personally I will never shake ones hand if he isn’t wearing white gloves, but it is retarded to believe they got a fair shake here and were put in a position to succeed. Call a spade a spade. Maybe if they were considered equals from the start they wouldn’t be congregated in slums and discriminated against. Shit, look at all the shit they get from anons here, and those same anons will act like niggers don’t face prejudices. Blame the system for the way niggers have turned out. Poverty breeds animals regardless of race. And desu, frankly this thread belongs on /pol/ anyway

>> No.22056548

>Less than a burgerstani lifespan ago.
Do you know how fucking EASY a basketball American can have it if they can just shut the fuck up about their dicks for the time it takes them to apply for a job and accept the offer? How easy college admissions are on them? Hell, just working at a grocery store, I use to see white guys who'd been there for decades get passed up for a manager spot because a fat black bitch that just talks on her phone all day needs it more for her chilluns at home.

>> No.22056567
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You didn't go back in time far enough. Most sub-Saharan Americans were uncivilized until modern times, and lived in an environment with different gene selection pressures which didn't favor intelligence to the same degree as ethnic groups around the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Just like the question of the chicken and the egg is irrelevant to the reality of evolution, so too is Nature vs Nurture to the question of niggers. Nobody will deny they were oppressed in America until modern times, but the real issue of human nature and innate ability is deeper than that.

>> No.22056580

>sub-Saharan Americans
Lel, ducking autocorrect

>> No.22056597

Half this thread is JIDF agents talking to themselves.

>> No.22056618

So you wouldn’t mind if you were a black because you would have it easy?

>> No.22056652

I don’t condone this conversation because it isn’t literature so this is my last reply. If you don’t think Africa was greatly fucked up by European intervention, there is no point in even going further. Of course there was war and savagery before colonialism but that is true of literally every fucking where. Every race and country has their undesirables whether some cockney cutthroat highwayman, Parisian street kid, Deep South chickenfucker, Russian peasant who killed over a pint of vodka, etc. I always find it funny how /pol/cels point to how backwards Africa was before imperialism and their lack of technology, yet those same /pol/cels will bemoan technology, society and want to return to monke or whatever they fuck phrase they use. Maybe Africa didn’t have it so bad. The whole urban youth thing is a direct effect of the white man interceding and those same white men now hate what they created. Kinda ironic

>> No.22056696

Is this what all the talk about banning books is about?

>> No.22056711


I'm not insecure about who I am in general, so I think that if I were born black, I'd be perfectly fine with it, just like I'm perfectly fine with being a ginger right now. As I am, I just see their entire subculture as stupid and self-congratulatory over nothing, patting themselves on the back when Asians and Mexicans tend to be harder working and more resilient. They have to actively select against Asian males in schools, because they need to make sure lazy Americans still have a chance to get in while they're whining about not knowing how to do their taxes and other dumb shit.

>> No.22056713 [DELETED] 

>If you don’t think Africa was greatly fucked up by European intervention
You're right, I'm ignoring the Bushman Armada, and all the engineering and ingenuity of Zulu architecture. Christ, you people are sick in the head. Genetic relativism is just as dumb as racial determinism, but you're too dumb to see that. Keep bleeding from your ass for the plight of humanity when you don't even understand the situation this world is in. I'm not going to bother reading the rest of your worthless comment.

>> No.22056792

so true. hopefully women will succeed in their movement to defund the police

>> No.22056999

>history doesn’t exist when it’s inconvenient for me
You are such a shallow and thin thinker.

>> No.22057790

>we wuz kangz

>> No.22057949

Sorry I fail to see the "depth" of

If only my cognition were grand enough to understand the demented ramblings of a goat fucking Muslim convert.

>> No.22058362

You fail to read good books

No, we was all free before the time of your king maker systems

>> No.22058432

>south africa
Here is Joseph Mathunjwa, head of the ACMU, on the quality of life pre and post apartheid being abolished in South Africa.

>> No.22058455

>colonialism isn’t real, man.
Lets have a look post-neoliberalism and the new BRICS era in fifty years

>> No.22058490

Who are you quoting?

>> No.22058508


>> No.22058563

Sorry, I should have known that somebody arguing from a place of emotion rather than logic wouldn't mind putting words in my mouth. Carry on.

>> No.22058730

Can you go away now? Maybe you need a pet to occupy your time.

>> No.22058741

I want the hardcopy

>> No.22058873

Truly a shitpost masterpiece. Absolutely fantastic. I couldn't put it down! 10/10

>> No.22058986

You fucking psycho. That's literally a book from the faggot in question. Citation in the post. Kindly fuck yourself.

>> No.22059065

>Rockwell wrote a book agreeing with Pierre Clastres and James C. Scott

>> No.22059500

Surprised how buck broken some posters are by Rockwell. The first couple of posts I thought were standard bait but we have some type of shill having a total melty.

>> No.22060887

It's good to give benefit of the doubt and judge people as individuals. Just like how you can find one incredible book among a pile of trash. Burning all of the trash may be ill-advisable if you destroy even a single gold nugget.
Among all millions of savage Tyrones, maybe there's one Goethe-Tyrone.