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2205179 No.2205179 [Reply] [Original]

I want to know the truth about women. Any good book? Not that PUA shit, something really good from a great author, maybe a female one.

I know women from Bukowski, Miller and Hamsun. Are they really this crazy bitches? Are they just emotional and irrational? Are they empty and futile? Are they really aliens?

What is there to love about women?

>> No.2205187
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>> No.2205202

>What is there to love about women?

You are most likely biologically wired to want to reproduce with them.

That's about it. Otherwise, they're the same pathetic terrible sacks of meat as men are.

>> No.2205203

Why don't you actually go talk to them? They're not aliens or something, ffs.

You take Bukowski et al.'s depiction of women seriously? Do you "know men" from reading American Psycho, too?

>> No.2205219

I talk to them, I know lots of women not just from the books. They just seem to live in a fantasy world, all of them. Like they were constantly on "Pride and Prejudice"

>> No.2205233
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That's been my experience as well. There are, of course, outliers. Men are also pretty lousy, on average.

You should keep reading books, and studying hard at school. Get a nice job, be mentally strong, physically fit, and financially independent.

Women are really nice once in awhile as friends and lovers. I can't say I recommend keeping one around with you for the rest of your life.

>> No.2205242
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>> No.2205254

You need to know different women. Most people, men or women, are dumb. Talk to an average man and chances are he's mired in some porn-fuelled tosh.o la la land or other bullshit.

You say you know lots of women. Where do you know them from?

>> No.2205256
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Plus hormone induced mood swings and imbalance of neurotransmitters what makes them think in quite different ways than men; so I wouldn't say they are the same. They're still pathetic and terrible, that's true.

Bukowski pretty much nails it. I had a lot of girls/women from all parts of society within a 20 years age range, once you get to know them intimately, you'll realize they're all basically the same. You can love them, though. Just don't expect anything, it's kinda these "live in the moment" things. Otherwise you WILL go crazy, I'd assume.

>> No.2205271

Men can trust in friends, women don't. I guess this says something about them. Even in my faculty, that I consider that suits to evolved people, I find them way below from what's an acceptable evolved person. Men don't marry because of money, men don't manipulate as often as women. Men may cheat when tempted, women do it coldly and it is never just once. They don't seem good human beings

>> No.2205273

You dont need a book, women are not complex

Women are ALL whores.

They want to be provided for. what they want loosely corresponds to maslow's hierarchy of needs:

Physiological - you need to provide them what they need to live
Safety - They need to feel safe around you (from people who are NOT you. Its fine if YOU are abusive)
Love/Belonging -They just need to feel needed. If you're an asshole they will be fascinated and want to fix you.
Esteem /Self actualization - This one is a bitch. A woman will do ANY immoral activity if she thinks it will help her 'get to know the real her' or any of that bullshit. Women care about themselves MORE THAN ANYTHING. More than you, more than loyalty, more than principle.

Also, not that what i've described corresponds to their BEHAVIOR not the way they think. Their consciousness is this weird convoluted emotional mess. Underneath that is a powerful unconscious that drives them forward in a realistic pragmatic optimizing fashion. You will sometimes think to yourself 'that is a crazy bitch, how the fuck did she get in such a position of power?' simple, their brains dont work like mens brains, they dont think about things because they cant consciously be logical. It all depends on how their unconscious manipulates their emotions to drive them forward.

>> No.2205282

>Men don't marry because of money, men don't manipulate as often as women.

I'm sorry, bro, but you're completely wrong. Women can trust in their friends.

This is a gender war. That's all. If you get married to a manipulative, gold-digging woman, then that's as much your fault as it is hers, for being that way.

Learn not to make the mistakes other men have made. Don't marry. Don't become emotionally dependent. Enjoy women.

That's it. Make money. Enjoy women. Be happy.

>> No.2205284

>> truth
>> book
>> mfw

>> No.2205288


>I'm sorry, bro, but you're completely wrong. Women can trust in their friends.

They can't and don't. Its COMMON for men to be friends and know each other almost their entire lives. Women dont do that. WOmen are suited for politicking, the whole queen bee clique mentality. They dont get along well. When women form relationships its due to proximity and convenience they never trust each other. Why is it common for a women to want a gay male friend? Because men, even gay ones, are known to be trustworthy.

>> No.2205292



>> No.2205301

What the fuck are you even talking about.

I know so many women in my own life who have had lifelong female friends.

>> No.2205306


Thats nice anecdotal evidence

The fact is women are not built for loyalty

Read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_bee_(subculture)

Then familiarize yourself with female psychology. They are not logical creatures, they have not logic within their skulls. They are driven by pure emotion, luckily they have powerful unconsciouses.

>> No.2205333

i think women are basically the same as men but more beta and shorter

>> No.2205340

this >>2205202

anything else you should probably learn by actually interacting with real women, or even *gasp* reading a book written by a real woman

>> No.2205345

Some vast generalizations that don't apply to all women, but may provide some insight:

1. Women don't always have the same sense of detached logic that men have. It will be very difficult for you to understand why they do things sometimes, and vice versa.

2. Women are used to being weaker and less powerful than the average person. Much of what they do is motivated by safety.

3. Women don't like to take responsibility or be in positions of power. They will wait for you to make the first move, because they're afraid of doing the wrong thing. They like it better when others make decisions and take responsibility. They are much less competitive than men. This being said, if they really want something, they will try to manipulate you in such a way that it looks like your decision on the outside. This is where guilt trips come in.

4. Women have intuition. Like how your mom would know you broke a lamp the second she walked in the door, even if she couldn't see it. They both read and display subtle nonverbal cues, and don't always remember that men don't share this communication ability. They will think they're being terribly obvious about things, when you don't have a clue. (These "telepathic" abilities may have something to do with how their periods sync up, I have no idea)

5. 90% of everything a woman says or does is to make people like her, usually by making them happy. This relates a bit to #2, but also #4 because they feel what others feel. She doesn't really like sucking your dick, she doesn't like doing your laundry, she doesn't really think you're the funniest man in the world - she will lie and do many things just to make you feel good.

6. Never fuck with her kids. She values them more than herself. She will kill you.

>> No.2205352
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Here's a list of female authors to try out, OP. Some of them don't deal directly with femininity or women, especially the ones lower down on the list, but you may find what you're looking for here.

>> No.2205375

Male authors that "get" women.


sage cause /r9k/