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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 15 KB, 366x564, ENDURING LOVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2205172 No.2205172 [Reply] [Original]

I'm writing something that bears too much similarity to McEwan's "Enduring Love". What do you think?

Tom, Tom, Tom...

When we were singing our hymns, I saw you for who you really are. You may think you're handsome, but I've learned just how kindly God takes to your insolence. While I was praising God (and you were laughing at some rude joke), He let me see. And I did see: your long, black constrictor of a tongue, sticking out while you giggle (if only you knew it!), and your head: hairless as a billiard ball, with skin that fades from red to green like the flesh of an apple. You must be glad I finally set about doing something. And I'm doing so, because... Tom, Tom, Tom — you are my favourite word to write. I'd have filled this page with your name, if I hadn't so many important things to tell you.

Which reminds me: we have to meet. I'll be by the tree at the school gate at the end of the day. We can wait there until we're alone. And remember: what I feel for you isn't shallow, like all these girls who say you're handsome. Because (need I remind you?) I am the only person who knows you're not! I have seen your spirit — the real you — and Lord knows it was a hideous sight. But let's not worry. I've been praying for you for seven days already.

You'll see something in your dreams soon: God, Jesus, or me.

Please meet me, Tom; I love you.

>> No.2205176
File: 47 KB, 390x479, arno_breker_blesse_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 2/3

My favourite word,

I should have trusted you to go for the tease. There I was, under the pear tree until four o'clock, just to make sure you weren't in detention, while you had sneaked by before I even arrived! However, I'm glad we've got the fooling out of the way early; something tells me this is the last warm weather of October. I forgive you, in short — and this morning more than made up for it. Yes, that's right — I got the glance you sent me while you were having your cigarette with Beth. You perked up for a second, furtively, like a hare detecting human movements (and with all the hare's cuteness, I'll add). I saw your giggling die down, and your wrist plant itself atop your head, bowed. I couldn't believe the transformation — do you know the power of that pose? I thought immediately of Sister Mary and her trip to The Tate. You belonged right by the Brekers... and then you sang your hymns smelling of cigarettes. Only you would have the audacity!

An energy passed between us this morning. I know you felt it too; it would be churlish to deny it. I feel it was the first exchange that truly allowed me to get to know you. But what do you know about me? I suppose you're curious.

Well, it took me more than a rich father to get into Saint Sebastian's. In fact, as far as I'm concerned, I don't have a father at all. The last I saw of him, he was dragged away, possessed by the spirit of a vulture. The authorities got to him before the priest could. I still remember the howling in the night, the grappling in the hallway, and that final scuffle, when I was 7. I couldn't go on with education. My mother brought me a new book every week. I would devour it within the course of a few days, and move on. By the time I was returned to education, the teachers were astounded by my intelligence. I took the 11+ with my eyes closed and secured a bursary. Father John had never seen such knowledge of the world or the soul in a boy as young as I.

>> No.2205177


And that's what brought me to you. Tell me about yourself, Tom. You can leave a note in the draw in my dorm. Or you can come and see me in my dorm. I don't mind.

Tell me about the dream in your letter; I'm still praying for you. Love,

>> No.2205199

Stephen Fry already did this in The Liar.

Why don't you write a story about vampires? Bitches love the vampires.

Probably has something to do with a post adolescent fascination with bodily functions and blood. Make the vampire a homosexual vegetarian so it doesn't appear in the least threatening. Involve another supernatural creature to inject some tension.

Let me know how you get on.

And if a movie appears where computers threaten our personal liberty, or vegetarian vampires refuse to eat teenage girls; I'll know you stole the idea from me.

>> No.2205251

>Stephen Fry already did this in The Liar.
Great, that's two books it resembles too closely. Ho-hum.

I'm not too keen on introducing vampires, though I guess it's sort of a supernatural romance already.

Thanks for your thoughts, anon.

>> No.2205300

How about a tale of a young male veggie vamp who befriends a young she-wizard.

The two fall in love and run away from their 'stupid fascist parents' and all their vicious curfews and rules of tyranny. Deciding that they will be together leading a pacifistic veggie lifestyle.

The wizard doesn't know many spells yet but she manages to find a way of making a magical blood alternative for the veggivamp.

They get into heaps of trouble, experiment with drugs and have sex before reconciling with the parents, who are now acceptive of their veggi-vamp son.

>> No.2205499

I assume she is a she-wizard because witches are, you know, too mainstream.

There is a problem with the vege vamp-juice (pat pending), her naive, fumbling attempts at casting spells that are far beyond her adolescent comprehension causes a contra indication in the vamp boy. He becomes....