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22050768 No.22050768 [Reply] [Original]

>Reading High Castle
>it's a Juliana chapter

>> No.22050777

Just skip all women Chapters in Dick novels. He wrote them to be absolutely insufferable because he found women IRL insufferable, hence why he beat the shit out of his wives when he was not having a schizoid episode

>> No.22051116

What about Donna is ASD?

>> No.22051181

such a weak novel overall.
Can't comprehend why it's categorized as a dystopia, but can understand why it has won an award. Muh jew is persecuted by evil police, and NAZI NAMES everywhere, everyone is talking about GOEBBELS GOERRING [NAZINAME], have you heard about GOEBBELS?
Meanwhile, the actual characters are completely wasted. There's no conflict, no development, the [Childan / jewelry makers] story arc leads nowhere. Such a piece of boring shit, I should've trusted goodreads rating.

>> No.22051189

it's a great novel
just cope a little

>> No.22051207

>Just skip all women Chapters in Dick novels
Even the razor blade incident. I don't think you can really skip that. Speaking of which, that character set was really morphed hard in the TV show.

>> No.22051215

You know that this was one of his most counter-judaic works, right?

>> No.22051219

>Hurr durr we were in an alternative universe after all!

>> No.22051225

>it's a great novel
Bordering on novella. Part of the complaint I hear is that it is not fleshed out well enough. I tend to agree. It would have made the abrupt ending more stark. Going from sparsity to stop is not nearly the shock of going from fully fleshed to stop.

>> No.22051227


>> No.22051230

Did you grasp what the overall importance of that is?

>> No.22051237
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Not oc

>> No.22051244

Synopsis starts with:
>It's America in 1962. Slavery is legal once again
lmao, there was slavery? I can remember Africa being occupied and mined for resources or something. But it has no implications whatsoever.
>This harrowing, Hugo Award-winning novel ... offers a haunting vision of history as a nightmare from which it may just be possible to wake.
what was harrowing and haunting about it? americans there live just fine under japs. The whole "harrowing" part consists on people pointing their fingers and feigning mild shock:
>oh my gawd it's dystopia over there
Imagine a film scene where instead of having a car crash and explode, actors nonchalantly discuss how a car has just exploded out of frame, in a half-assed attempt to make you believe it really did explode and people were killed horribly. That's how this book felt.

>> No.22051250
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>> No.22051440
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>it's a great novel
It's easily the weakest PKD "big" novel, amplified by the fact that it only got the Nebula because of the American leftist obsession with MUH NAZIS, and that it's actually a boring slog bordering on being unreadable. Dick himself recognized it as an inferior later in life, and reworked the premise into a much more effective and emotionally poignant Faith of Our Fathers

>> No.22051452

PKD posters

>> No.22051474

You’re a retard nigger that got filtered and didn’t pick up on the metaphysical fact that dick channeled the book from the actual timeline where the axis won. The book itself centers around another book about our timeline. Seethe more nazi troon

>> No.22051567
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>> No.22051595

I thought it was a terrible cop out and the sci Fi parts made it even shittier. Should have just stick with alternative history instead of grasshopper book multiverse shit.

>> No.22051612

>I thought it was a terrible cop out
A cop out for what? I still think that you are missing it.

>> No.22051962

That the "multiverse" is to be merged into one and the nazi's will invade again. But then again i probably am missing the point. Please enlighten me.

>> No.22052137

Go reread it and dive into dicks own personal philosophy you hylic pseud

>> No.22052168

another plotfag fileted

>> No.22052410

What are his good books

>> No.22052495

The characters aren't exactly interesting. And besides I Ching babble, there wasn't much else.

>> No.22052512

imma gut you gud, boi.

>> No.22052542

No. The abrupt ending and exit from the alternate reality is to shock you into realizing that the Germans and the Japanese never won. That all of the fucked up things that are, are things that we did to ourselves. The alternate reality never was. It was always an illusion.

>> No.22052870

i think you're overanalyzing. The "glimmer of resistance"

The grasshopper thing made it clear the "Man in the High Castle" writes of alternative universes.

if anything, the people living just tells me that even though the allies lost, life still goes on.

>> No.22053273

>muh gnosticism
shut the fuck up nerd

>> No.22054019

I thought the tv show was better

>> No.22054070
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