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22048882 No.22048882 [Reply] [Original]

What can help me overcome my fear of death?

>> No.22048883

Having something to die for

>> No.22048885

Imagine being scared of something that happens to every living thing

>> No.22048890

I’m scared of taking a shit

>> No.22048891

Nothing, hopefully

>> No.22048901

T 1670B Nāgasena Bhikṣu Sūtra
Part 2: Dialogues

2.42. On Nirvana

The king asked Nāgasena, “What is nirvana? Is it that all having gone past, there will be no more becoming?”

Nāgasena replied, “Nirvana is that in which there is no more becoming. Ignorant people come yearning for and craving for (the sense pleasures of) the inner and outer bodies.

Therefore they are not set free from old age, sickness and death.” Nāgasena continued, “Wise men, those who have learned the Dharma, do not cling to the internal and external pleasures of the body, and also have no craving. Having no craving, they have no sense desire. Having no sense desire, they have no pregnancy. Having no pregnancy, there is no birth and no old age. Having no birth and no old age, there is no sickness and no death. Having no sickness (and no death), they have no grief, no lamentation; having no grief and no lamentation, they have no inner pain, they thus obtain nirvana.”

>> No.22048924
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When life gives you lemons make lemonade.

>> No.22048933
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>he still thinks death is real even though he's never seen it happen

>> No.22048945

you forgot this part:
>having no rants about reddit tier religions, there is no cringe
funny how you excluded that part

>> No.22048953

It doesn't bury the pain or fear.
Of course I am, eternal oblivion. The thought alone makes me want to puke.
I know very well what it says, I can't accept it.
I know it's a metaphor. SAMSARA
My problem is eternal oblivion, never again.

>> No.22049001

fear of annihilation or fear of pain?

>> No.22049003


>> No.22049047

If you live long enough, life will get repetitive and kinda boring. You'll get to a certain point where its more painful to be alive than it is dead. I don't mean depression. I mean overall exhaustion. At this point, death will feel good and you'll welcome it. It will feel right. If youre under 40, this won't make any sense at all. But one day it will. Don't die early. Dying early sucks.

>> No.22049055


>> No.22049061

Being rejected by someone you like hurts, anon.
I know people will be laughing "haha ugly bitch scared rejection!" But no cap fr

>> No.22049134
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>The thought alone makes me want to puke.

Why ... can tell you it is rather nice and comfy out in the void. :)

>> No.22049145

Have a child. Cured me for some reason.

>> No.22049474
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>> No.22049477

When life gives you death, deathonate!

>> No.22049478

Become Hindu.

>> No.22049481

Leaves of Grass

>> No.22049584

Devote your life to something else. Start a family. Raise children, raise them right and you will be a memory to them forever.

>> No.22050001

OP here, climate change and future famine, economical collapse. It's over.

>> No.22050012

Watch NDE testimonies on YouTube for a taste of the joy on the other side.

>> No.22050033

With that attitude you deserve to fear death!

>> No.22050177

It's never over. Only ups and downs. We happen to be on the down part of the ride atm.
This. Just a ride. Play it well, and enjoy the fruits on the other side.

>> No.22051100
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Unironically Heidegger. His brilliant cogitations on death are one of the few aspects of Being and Time that he didn't have to heavily rework in his later thought.

>> No.22051141
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>> No.22051161

Definitely not this article. If anything it'll make it much worse.


>> No.22051168
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Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy

>> No.22051259

How do you feel thinking about the time before your birth?

>> No.22051465

I don't think about it, indifferent, it didn't matter.
I've got a taste of existence now.

>> No.22051480

gaslight yourself into believing there is anything after death, which there isnt

>> No.22052024


>> No.22052058

Getting busy with something to the point you forget about it. Any attempt at coping with it by tackling it directly will lose its power after not too much time. Think occasionally about the fact that you'll eventually die, since this gives you some perspective and keeps you grounded, then go and do something else so it you aren't overwhelmed by this reality.

>> No.22052067

The fact that "you" is just a very specific pattern of matter and there is a nonzero chance that in the far future this specific pattern will be reconstructed and "you" will be here again.

>> No.22052326

I believe we are the electricity on the flesh.

>> No.22052595

If athiest than find God
Few things are more disgusting and sad than an athiest that fears death

>> No.22052629

Whiskey. Lots and lots of whiskey.

>> No.22052751

I wish for death daily, these subhumans have ruined everything

>> No.22052883

Listen to enough near death experiences on youtube and you will realize that an afterlife is most likely real and not just a brain hallucination.

>> No.22052886

Also find your purpose and meaning in this life and you will find yourself burning with a zest for life and not fearing death so much anymore. This is what happened to me when I started writing my own books.

>> No.22053126
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magic mushrooms in a forest setting