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/lit/ - Literature

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22048578 No.22048578 [Reply] [Original]

It’s a disgrace this thread isn’t up at all times

>> No.22048598

I'm wrapping up The Motorcycle Diaries. It's really more about him fucking around than anything else. It's only important in the character analysis of the man, not really of his work.

>> No.22048602

Adam Bede

>> No.22048607

Jacob Burckhardt- The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy

Casanova- History of my Life

>> No.22048643

deaths of kings, bernard cornwell
6/13 of the saxon chronicles
over the past week and a half I've been reading these insatiably

>> No.22048659

Augustus by John Williams. I’m most of the way through but I’ve been reading it since forever. It really doesn’t match the quality of Stoner, but it is by no means bad, in fact I would say it’s very good, but because I did read Stoner first, my expectations were a lot higher. It’s just good enough where I don’t want to start anything else until I finish it, but it’s not so good as to where I’m in a rush to finish it.

>> No.22048678

Antonin Sertillanges - The Intellectual Life

I love how he shits upon the vain!

>> No.22048683

Rereading Ulysses. Joyce's prose is beautiful.

>> No.22048685

Disgrace by J.M Coetzee

>> No.22048713

The unbearable lightness of being by milan kundera

>> No.22048728
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>How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler
>Bible (RSV)
>Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes
>Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
>The Imitation of Christ by Thomas Kempis (in bed usually)
>Hagakure by Yamamoto Tsunetomo

That's it, not adding any more. What I think of them so far:
>Thought it was a meme but I'm genuinely loving this book, lots of great advice and I want to learn how to do syntopical reading.
>Jesus, I love you.
>Apart from some typical Anglo seethe about the Catholic Church, this has been absolute kino so far. Just got to Commonwealth, the care Hobbes takes to define language and point out absurdities makes me see why this is required reading in political science. I find it ironic though that Hobbes is so rightly concerned with fealty to the natural power, yet is a Prot. England has been in Warre ever since they turned from Rome, her natural soveraigne. This book will be a part of my core worldview.
>Sometimes after reading the Imitatio I feel like absolute trash. I think that in order for me to be holy, I need more carrot than stick.
>Thinking about whether you will win is dishonourable. Don't think, just throw yourself into the fight. There is no shame in being cut down if you did not hesitate in defending your Lord.

>> No.22048737

Dalen Portland by Kjartan Fløgstad

>> No.22048741

Very nice, I should read more by him

>> No.22048743

Oh and of course Infinite Jest
>I'm not far into it yet but I know this will be a very memorable book. I think I've figured out what's going on, and the main theme of the story, but I can't be sure. Corporate subsidisation of year names, mutated people with all manner of awful medical conditions, futuristic entertainment technology, prescribed grammar. Seems lie a dystopian novel where the modern world is taken to its logical conclusion. Idealism and nationalism are not only fringe ideas, but seem exclusive to one city, where French speakers violently resist the times, fighting the dumping of waste on their land and destruction of identity. There was a chapter I really liked about addiction, some guy was going to buy weed and kept throwing out his gear and finding a new dealer each time, because it was the last time. I really related with that.

>> No.22048758

Is this Disco Elysium icon? Seems strangely familiar.

>> No.22048788

Yeah it's Authority, doing my first playthrough right now and love it

>> No.22048798

here's the breakfast, lunch, and dinner:
selected writings of proudhon
myriad minded man (biography of Æ)
art and artist, otto rank

>> No.22048801
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>> No.22048804

Finishing up Neuromancer and started reading Danton's Death. Enjoying both, although the historical density of Danton's Death is a double-edged sword. It makes for slow, disjointed reading because I want the full context, but at the same time I want the words to wash over me and take in their aesthetic value as well. It's spurring a nice rabbit hole into the french revolution which is an event I'm not very familiar with so that's good.

>> No.22048807

The Collector, John Fowles. Not as good as The Magus but still very nice for what it is so far. I appreciate his ability to write in a character's voice that isn't just his own.

>> No.22048813

Don Quixote, just started the second part

>> No.22048818

thats the 2nd chapter xD

>> No.22048825
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my nigga

>> No.22048826

Nearly finished the Pickwick Papers, which is extremely comfy. Next I’m think either Proust vol. one or finishing rereading Beckett’s trilogy with The Unnameable.

>> No.22048829

Pickwick did nothing wrong. It's not his fault that that broad was retarded.

>> No.22048964
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>> No.22048980
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Its extremely comfy

>> No.22049031

I've re-read the first boogiepop novel. I remembered it being a bit better, though all things considered it's still very much a solid work. There's this palpable sense of enthusiasm on the author's end that at worst tilts into somewhat angsty, juvenile and shallow tangents about psychology and the school system and at best creates a gripping atmosphere of tension and unease without ever veering into edginess or grimdark horror. Kind of going on a tangent myself as well but reading the novel (which was written in 1997 to my knowledge) made me wonder just how different life used to be before the internet, PCs, cellphones, 9/11 and mass surveillance. Perhaps the tale that our generation will have to weave for posterity is the tale of this massive shift in practically everything under the sun - culture, politics, everyday life - that the electronic revolution has caused.

>> No.22049038 [DELETED] 

>Casanova- History of my Life
What an odd coincidence, I just discovered this book a day ago. Do you recommend reading it?

>> No.22049046

Propaganda by Edward Bernays. I'm not far into it but I'm really enjoying how he's writing about propaganda in a populist way

>> No.22049049

>writing about propaganda in a populist way
What do you mean by that?

>> No.22049070

The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge by Rainer Maria Rilke. I don't really get it but sometimes found impressive passages

>> No.22049075

Just finished John Barth's Lost in the Funhouse - so fantastic stories in there, some I found less compelling. Loved the way he made put intertextualness at the centre of the conceit for many of them

>> No.22049215
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ray bradbury.

>> No.22049217

Journey to the end of the night

It's good, ive never been more impressed by how much a title adds to a novel

>> No.22049221

A Time of Changes by Robert Silverberg
It's really, really good.

>> No.22049226

Just finished the Old Testament. Now Conan the Barbarian stories.

>> No.22049233

Rabbit Redux. Surprised it isn't memed more here. Prose is gorgeous, just as good as Pynchon or Joyce
>when his dad drops the 'around blacks, never relax' speech

>> No.22049239

Relatos de estilo contemporáneo de G. A. Bécquer (no idea how these are usually published, I started reading them straight from his complete works after finishing his Leyendas). Also the Aeneid.

>> No.22049248


Massie is possibly my favorite historian, it's a shame that he wrote so few books. His chapters on Trafalgar and Charles XII of Sweden (in Peter the Great) make me wish he wrote entire books on the topics.

>> No.22049263
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Couple of chapters left on Natsume Soseki's I am a Cat. I'm considering re-reading Mishima's The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea after.

>> No.22049270

Only 200 pages to finish M&D. I'm almost finished with first chapter of IJ...

>> No.22049290 [DELETED] 
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Shy by Max Porter. Raging about how shit it is. This book is lauded in the UK, and apparently experiment. Not experimental at all btw. It's basically a terrible ITV drama tier story, terribly written and with all the depth and psychological insight of a puddle. Max Porter is the biggest hack alive. Just look at this shit.

>> No.22049297 [DELETED] 
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Shy by Max Porter. Gonna keep posting about it and raging about how shit it is. It's been hailed as some great work in the UK, and as fucking experimental. It isn't experimental at all btw. It's basically a bad ITV drama, truly appalling writing. All the depth of a puddle. Look at this shit.

>> No.22049301

David Hart - You Are Gods.

Good so far even though I fundamentally disagree with the Fat Fuck on many issues.

>> No.22049306

currently The Magic Mountain,almost finished
also The Lusiads,in its original.

>> No.22049310

burckhardt is outdated as fuck, please drop it brother

>> No.22049313 [DELETED] 
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Shy by Max Porter. I hate it. The shallowest, crap ITV drama-esque drivel. About as deep as a puddle and with zero psychological insight. And his prose is eyerolling dreadful. And yet this is hailed as great literature in the UK. And experimental. It's not fucking experimental at all. It's an insult to literature and Porter is the biggest hack on the planet. I mean look at this shit

>> No.22049316
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Shy by Max Porter. I hate it. The shallowest, crap ITV drama-esque drivel. About as deep as a puddle and with zero psychological insight. And his prose is eyerolling dreadful. And yet this is hailed as great literature in the UK. And experimental. It's not fucking experimental at all. It's an insult to literature and Porter is the biggest hack on the planet. I mean look at this shit

>> No.22049319

Just finished Based on a true story

>> No.22049326

The poem of the Cid.
I love medieval literature

>> No.22049331

Still, if that can get published, you and I can get published

>> No.22049347

I don't know, I almost feel like if this is what publishers are looking for (this is Faber ffs) then it makes it less likely that anything that might take a bit of work will get a lookin. Hope I'm wrong and you're right!

>> No.22049349

Nice. I just finished Silas Marner. Now I want to read all of Eliot's work.

>> No.22049356

atomic habits. I don't even know why, I don't have any ambitions in my life whatsoever

>> No.22049375
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>> No.22049385

>atomic habits. I don't even know why, I don't have any ambitions in my life whatsoever
Literally me. I really wish I had enough money to piss about in relative squalor for the rest of my shitty life. What's the point? All lives end in misery. God, I just wish I'd never been born, desu.

>> No.22049400
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Lady Chatterley's lover.
I imagine Connie looking like this. It is quite exciting the way she is constantly and relentlessly getting fucked.

>> No.22049401

>Never Finished by David Goggins
>The Last Wish by Andrzei Sapkowski
That’s it for now, kind of getting bored of the last wish though to be honest

>> No.22049407

Some of the bios in Vasari’s Lives

>> No.22049569

I finished A Song For Arbonne and The Lions of Al-Rassan recently. I’m moving on to Sailing to Sarantium. These books have been a ton of fun.

>> No.22049574
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Night Lords Trilogy

>> No.22049576

Got a blood meridean paperback. The lady had read either that or another Cormac book when i brought it to the counter. The shop had a booktok section too, next to the classics. And a very lacking religion section, not enough for one shelf. I also wanted a Rutherford Don Quixote but they only had it in those crappy hardbacks penguin makes where the sticker ruins the cloth.

>> No.22049580

Herodotus - The Histories. I'm a midwit finally starting my journey into the classics. It's one of the most interesting books I've read and thoroughly enjoying it.

>> No.22049613

I just started The Scarlet Pimpernel last night

>> No.22049827

recommend something better!

>> No.22050028
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Magic mountain by Thomas Mann in preparation for the Sunday thread!!!

>> No.22050030
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It's like if schizoposting on this board was visualized as a whimsical ghibli movie. Cute and cozy.

>> No.22050173

I would suck your dick desu

>> No.22050202

I'm reading The Joke in the original czech. Pretty good so far. The romantic relationship during totality aspect reminds me of 1984, but I didn't like that one so much.

>> No.22050273

That's cool, desu, it's pretty big. Are you cute? I'd only let you if you have a cute face.

>> No.22050380
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meh, nvm. I do have cute face, but it wouldn't work out. I think I'm more aroused in the idea of sucking a dick than the actual act itself

>> No.22050400

You sure? It's unironically 9 inches. You wouldn't even need to look at me much either; just a brief meeting of the eyes as you show me my fresh load in your mouth and then a quick kiss after you've swallowed it. That's it. Barely homo at all.

>> No.22050422
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Kind of meandering so far

>> No.22050430

okay, but you have to tongue my anus while im at it

>> No.22050465

i don't think my tongues long enough for that. I could finger you

>> No.22050498

That's unacceptable, sorry

>> No.22050508

Dune. My friend really wanted me to read it and even though I'm not a big scifi fag, it's a fun book. A significant portion of my enjoyment is derived from my own friend and how happy he seems to be that he has someone to talk about Dune with but that's okay. I still like the book itself anyway.

>> No.22050655

The Way of Kings

>> No.22050756

I saw this book on good reads a while ago by this libertarian author who classified the motivations of various political quadrants and ideologies like for conservatives it was a sense of preservation & disgust & for leftists resentment. Could anyone lead me to it?

>> No.22050861
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>> No.22050871
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I'm about to finish it.

>> No.22050879

read sterne's "sentimental journey" for uni today. shit's boring as fuck, enlightenment era (with exceptions, of course) kinda sucks

gonna read one or two chesterton's essays before bed i think

>> No.22050891

dunno why, but chicks who read books love kundera. maybe i should read one of his books to find out why

>> No.22050962

You’re a good friend

>> No.22050989
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Scouting for Boys: A handbook for instruction in good citizenship.

>> No.22050988

[new wave sounds]
[more new wave sounds]

>> No.22050994

Read the death of ivan ilyich and the raid by Tolstoy. Will be reading other shirts and novellas by him too but my life is absolutely turned upside down at the moment and I haven't been able to read much

>> No.22050997

The History of Chinese Philosophy

>> No.22051001

This Boy's Life by Tobias Wolff. I'm at the 100 page mark and I'm beginning to think it's going to be the same tone all throughout. It is a memoir, afterall

>> No.22051007

Next step: buying a guitar to punish your ma

>> No.22051046

Is that a reference to something?

>> No.22051057

Welcome to The Pleasuredome by Led Zeppelin

>> No.22051113

Rereading The Sequences
Come at me sneerers

>> No.22051160

This is an incredible shitpot. Shine on you crazy diamond.

>> No.22051282
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This book is comfy of the highest order. i really wish this was a TV show. Cyberpunk Islam land would be rad

>> No.22052622
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just finished reading brown's requiem today. it really picks up in the final couple chapters, i appreciated it. ellroy is pretty cool, i wanna check out l.a. confidential next bc i heard the prose is real good. the owner of a used bookstore handed me this copy when i went in wanting a book like the 1974 movie chinatown, bladerunner 2049, and the comic blacksad.

>> No.22052647

Finished The Book of the New Sun last week. I can't recommend it enough, such a good series. Reading Lolita now, just got to part 2. I don't know what to feel about this one. The prose is great, but sometimes it makes me think of a 4channer saying, "Chicken tendies! Chicken tendies! Humbert has good boy points!" I don't know how to feel about it just yet, I'll hold judgment until the end.

>> No.22052837
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I would fuck pepe

>> No.22052855

I am probably going to do Bernays soon. Don't forget Adler. I already have him in queue.

>> No.22052862

Last chapter of BM, was very good. First book I've finished since Lolita 2y ago.
How's Cormac's final book?

>> No.22052866
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Wagner's Prose Works. Currently coping and seething that I can't ever touch a physical copy outside my uni library since the full set is 1700 US. Or, I could get it cheaper, but it wouldn't be such nicely bound cloth hardbacks. I've never felt more tempted to steal books in my life before.

>> No.22052917

I just finished Botchan by Natsume Soseki today. Considering reading all of his books since they're all mostly kind of short. I already read I Am a Cat as well so I think I can say I like his books.
I'm about to start reading The Man in The High Castle before starting that.

>> No.22052923

Orlando by Virginia Woolf. It's a great book on the nature of writing biography and it's a real shame trannies and gender ideologues are reading their bullshit into it and ruining it.

>> No.22052926

I met James Ellroy once. He's an odd fellow.

>> No.22053929

The sound and the fury

>> No.22054391
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>> No.22054395

>Anal Bedes

>> No.22054403

On the Road, Kerouac

>> No.22054444

Chuck Palahniuk's The Invention of Sound. Something about it feels kinda bland, but for whatever reason I'm a sucker for Hollywood stories.

>> No.22054562

Loeb Greek Mathematical works selections and Quest for The Red Sulphur.