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22046979 No.22046979 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books similar to the Turner Diaries

>> No.22046986


>> No.22046995

he's off his meds

>> No.22047004

>he's off his meds
That was me adding the question mark to my question.

Any violent racist revolutionary literature to recommend?

>> No.22047029
File: 263 KB, 600x600, 1649933344773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>upper middle class youth who has never experienced any hardship or struggle in his life thinks total societal collapse would be "cool"
Many such cases!

>> No.22047047
File: 72 KB, 546x400, 4BB6E9D4-5633-4E46-9809-5D8AC091DE0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>upper middle class youth who has never experienced any hardship or struggle in his life thinks total societal collapse would be "cool"
Actually, I'm working class, as are most National Socialists. Whilst I have not suffered much physical adversity, I am fully aware that the globalised Liberal-Capitalist system has begun its death convulsions, and believe without doubt that total societal collapse is imminent. I base this on my knowledge of the broadness and depth of the hatred within ordinary people for the slow decay of their nations, and their burning desire for vengeance.

If you don't have any recommended literature, kindly fuck off back to pontificating upon something wholly useless to world history

>> No.22047085

any day now...

>> No.22047117

>Actually, I'm working class, as are most National Socialists
Most nazis are NEETs leeching their parents, the other part is inmates, don't lie.

>> No.22047125

>are inmates

>> No.22047130

>Whilst I have not suffered much physical adversity
I can tell

>> No.22047135

>Most nazis are NEETs leeching their parents, the other part is inmates, don't lie.
I'm not lying. We're functioning members of society, and always have been. Don't fall for the mass media prejudices, they simply aren't true. That scares Leftists and liberals

>> No.22047142

I tried reading Turner Diaries last week and I am as based as they come but unfortunately it was not well written. I wanted to like the book. The only reason I kept reading on was to get tips on how to organize a rebellion against this kiked system but the writing kept pissing me off and I had to stop.

Maybe the book Mine Were of Trouble: A nationalist account of the spanish civil war by Peter Kemp might be something for you. And Always the horizon by MurdochMurdoch. Havent read both of them yet.

>> No.22047149

The Turner Diaries

>> No.22047155

>Most nazis are NEETs leeching their parents,
Nothing wrong with living with family, as long as you're bringing in income. That's one thing the Indians do right

>> No.22047160

Hunter, obviously.

>> No.22047165

Its okay, many young man have this phase. Just wait until you turn 23 or so

>> No.22047170
File: 895 KB, 374x404, Applause.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm working class, as are most National Socialists. Whilst I have not suffered much physical adversity, I am fully aware that the globalised Liberal-Capitalist system has begun its death convulsions, and believe without doubt that total societal collapse is imminent. I base this on my knowledge of the broadness and depth of the hatred within ordinary people for the slow decay of their nations, and their burning desire for vengeance.
>If you don't have any recommended literature, kindly fuck off back to pontificating upon something wholly useless to world history

>> No.22047172

>being a NEET is okay if you bring income
Yeah okay how about you go fuck yourself and your gay little thoughts you absolute retard? I swear to god this site is getting more spastic with every newfag

>> No.22047177

You don't know what NEET means

>> No.22047182
File: 235 KB, 820x517, F7A1C5D5-C5AC-47C7-9663-5919AFFAEA53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just wait until you turn 23 or so
I turn 23 in precisely two months. I'm never changing my mind. I want a Jew-free, immigrant-free, usury-free ethnostate for my people, and I am willing to fight to the death for it.

>> No.22047185

>Yeah okay how about you go fuck yourself and your gay little thoughts you absolute retard?
You don't know the meaning of words, do you? You can't be a NEET if you're fucking working. But most young people can't afford enough for their own homes at such a young age. This isn't the 50's retard

>> No.22047189

Yeah no. You have never fought in your life and have no idea what any of this means. If youre NatSoc past your birthday you might actually just be a giant retard

>> No.22047192

I've noted "zoning laws" as another jewish grift.

I hate using (((movies))) as metaphors, but this is a good one...
In the movie Coco (which is set in an enthostate, btw) the family all lives together in a compound in which in also manufactures and sells its product (shoes). The compound even has its own well. This little corner lot is almost entirely self sufficient.

But in the modern world you aren't 'allowed' to run business out of you home. Thus you must pay (((rent))) or (((taxes))) for two distinct physical locations, thus ruining your profit margins. Your alternative is to work for wages for some (((corporation))).

I would love to have the set up on display in Coco, including the enthostate.

>> No.22047194

Right with you, brother.
And I am old enough to be your father.

>> No.22047195

this post is low quality

>> No.22047198

Ngl, I bet some extremist african americans have material about how a collapse is necessary.
Everyone wants to see the current system crumble and have their system in place.

>> No.22047199

working doesnt make you working class. you're just some spoiled kid. nobody cares about what you have to say or think

>> No.22047200

>You have never fought in your life and have no idea what any of this means.
You type like a faggot journalist. You dont know me at all. You don't know my country, my town, my story. Im intimately acquainted with the most blood-curdling details of this system we live under. There is warfare brewing within the masses of ordinary folk, so don't fucking tell me I don't know what I think. I've studied all of this for years

>> No.22047201

Not him but this is a useless comment

>> No.22047202

>Everyone wants to see the current system crumble and have their system in place.
I will gladly trade my status in the current hierarchy for a lower status in a morally just one.

>> No.22047206

Yea loads think that way. Seems like normal human nature. Unless you are spiritually corrupt ofcourse. It does surprise me how being upset with the current system is so widespread across the political spectrum ngl.

>> No.22047207

>you're just some spoiled kid
I'm a working class lad in the north of England. Believe me, I am not spoiled. I know a collapsing system when I see it

>> No.22047210


>> No.22047221

spending time on /pol/, jerking off to power fantasies and seething about immigration really isnt studying, friendo

>> No.22047225

Stfu nigger.

Just call yourself a white nationalist, instead of associating yourself with a german workers party from 100 years ago. Its bad optics, because you wont enlighten any normies to our cause by playing nazi.
Just lift weights, eat healthy, seek knowledge. Tend your garden, then you can start a family and produce healthy children with sound mind and body.
The leftist worldview is not grounded in reality. Their fantasy world will always fall apart. Fuck them and focus on yourself and grow your tribe.

>> No.22047232

kek, keep seething you little faggot

>> No.22047238

You dont have to justify yourself to this projecting faggot

>> No.22047240

Oh that explains the mental illness

>> No.22047245

YOU need a hug!

>> No.22047246

>Its bad optics,
>Just call yourself a white nationalist
Why don't I just give myself a brain aneurism also? Names don't matter, because the revolution is going to take place amidst social collapse and the lack of state authority. Immigrant gangs are going to terrorise and brutalise Whites on an industrial scale before we fight back, which is what genuinely frightens me. But equally, nothing will stop the subsequent birth of the White militias. It's going to be mind-shatteringly violent. But those militias will be the ones who protect and care for whites where the fallen state cannot.
Darwinian conditions are returning whether people like it or not.

>> No.22047253

>Immigrant gangs are going to terrorise and brutalise Whites on an industrial scale
what if they dont, though? If youre gonna dedicate your life to LARPing at least go all the way ans become an Orc Paladin on a quest to find true love or something

>> No.22047261

all this stuff just seems like people obsessing over things that dont matter.
I dont get it. why cant you guys just live a good life. why worry about all this nonsense on both sides of the political spectrum

>> No.22047264

thread theme

>> No.22047273

>what if they dont, though?
>What if
You don't know how bad things really are, do you? If you're a kike or mudman, I can understand your bitter sarcasm. But if you're one of mine, you need to understand that the world isn't kind and gentle. It's an eternal struggle for personal and group survival. This liberal world we currently occupy is not even real, it's a mass collective delusion. You are going to suffer as a result, you're already suffering mentally because you know the world is not what it should be

>> No.22047278

too shey

>> No.22047285

literally nothing you say is reflected in the actual outside world around me

>> No.22047295

I hope the proper authorities are keeping tabs on this spacker.

>> No.22047309

>never experienced any hardship
Just because you don't live in Africa doesn't mean you don't experience hardship.

>> No.22047312

Literally every empire before America collapsed, why wouldn't the US?

>> No.22047321

America is bankrupt. Europe is full of immigrants who hate Europeans. Russia and Ukraine are destroying each other. Pakistan is in the middle of a civil war. China is about to start WW3. Sri Lanka and Haiti have genuinely collapsed. Several of the biggest banks on Earth have gone bankrupt.

>> No.22047334

>When a man says, "People were as
pessimistic as you are in societies which were not declining, but were
even advancing," it is permissible to reply, "Yes, and people were
probably as optimistic as you are in societies which really declined."
For, after all, there were societies which really declined.
It is true that Horace said that every generation seemed to be
worse than the last, and implied that Rome was going to the dogs,
at the very moment when all the external world was being brought
under the eagles. But it is quite likely that the last forgotten
court poet, praising the last forgotten Augustulus at the stiff
court of Byzantium, contradicted all the seditious rumours
of social decline, exactly as our newspapers do, by saying that,
after all, Horace had said the same thing. And it is also possible
that Horace was right; that it was in his time that the turn was taken
which led from Horatius on the bridge to Heracleius in the palace;
that if Rome was not immediately going to the dogs, the dogs were
coming to Rome, and their distant howling could first be heard
in that hour of the uplifted eagles; that there had begun a long
advance that was also a long decline, but ended in the Dark Ages.
Rome had gone back to the Wolf.

>> No.22047335

>Sri Lanka and Haiti have genuinely collapsed.
Those beacons of stability!

>> No.22047339

America's not bankrupt, we're perfectly capable of funding and rolling over our debt and issuing new debt to meet any forseeably worse deficits than we have.

>> No.22047344

>Ignoring the rest

>> No.22047355

>literally nothing you say is reflected in the actual outside world around me
Then I prescribe for you a pair of glasses

>> No.22047364

dude what the fuck are you talking about? life goes on completely fine for me. i have noticed no difference from any of these end times shit people cry about for the past decade. 2012 didnt change my life 2016 didnt and 2020 didnt.
I think you need to get out more. not only do most people not give a shit but we none of the stuff your saying is real. you're just in a despair bubble with you and your fellow discord zoomers who cry about how its over
life is going on as it always has.
just make better decisions and live a good life. not hard

>> No.22047375

>t. will never own a home like his grandparents did

>> No.22047378

Why are people so convinced that its over? I literally just made the obvious right decisions and my life is fine. I studied in school, avoided drugs, went to college, got a good degree, got a good job, I own land a home now and I'm 28.
Everyone online seems so convinced that this path doesn't work for some reason. I do not get it at all. People keep making fun of 'boomers' but their advice works fine.

>> No.22047382

Your groceries are 20% more expensive than they were last year.

>> No.22047386

i spend about $10 a week on groceries so it really doesnt matter

>> No.22047390

>I own land a home now and I'm 28.
How much debt do you have?

>> No.22047396

A gallon of milk is 3-5 dollars. Wtf do you eat and drink?

>> No.22047398

Ah, still living with your parents.

>> No.22047400

The US invested billions in those countries.

>> No.22047401

My mortgage will be paid off by the time I'm 35 if that what you'd like to know. I have no other debt.

>> No.22047411

i just buy veggies beans and other stuff thats on sale i really dont get how you guys rack up such insane grocery bills. i stock up on stuff like that every week and then stock up on eggs once every month. realistically my monthly groceries are still under $100.
>living with your parents
no sorry.

>> No.22047435

The average 4channer nowadays is a total retard who wouldn't be able to do any of that if they tried so they watch some sam hyde shit and go total fox and grapes mode with higher education. they fuck up their own lives really hard to the point where working at an amazon warehouse is a stretch goal for them and then they blame it on society rather than their own actions. they're addicted to nicotine and alcohol or weed. they can't cook. their idea of getting groceries is going to wal-mart or local chain supermarket. they buy cheap processed food.

>> No.22047436

They don't call it "terminally" online for nothing

>> No.22047443

A billion dollars is 0.0016% of the US annual budget

>> No.22047464

>My mortgage will be paid off by the time I'm 35.
Unless you get laid off or have a medical emergency, in which case your house will be forclosed and you will lose everything.

>> No.22047471

Doesn't it weary you to be so unrealistically cynical all the time? It wearies me.

>> No.22047474

The average American has $60,000 dollars in personal debt.


>> No.22047476

Ok. What of it?

>> No.22047478

My point is that these things happen, anon, even if they haven't happened to you personally yet. You could lose everything in a matter of weeks.

>> No.22047483

I could fall dead of an aneurysm this very minute, too. I don't consider that a reason to lose faith in society

>> No.22047495

Not yet you don't.

>> No.22047499

What an utterly trite reply

>> No.22047504

Thanks for the laugh, now improve your race by killing yourself.

>> No.22047507

everyone bitching in this thread is 100% this. you'll act tough and mighty here but i'll see you later crying on /adv/

>> No.22047511

>your race
Get off the internet you vile ugly subhuman

>> No.22047512

And yet it's true.

>> No.22047519

Just ignore this guy. His entire point right now is
>i could drop dead at any moment with no causes and its societys fault its so over bros everythings fucked
Clearly arguing in bad faith. What a kid

>> No.22047520

I'm white. I'm also aware of the fact that racists tend to be the dumbest members of every race. A race of their own one might say.

>> No.22047525 [DELETED] 

>get laid off
This isn't going to happen and if it does I can find a new job in my field very easily.
>medical emergency
I have insurance.

>> No.22047527

Debt isn’t necessarily bad if used correctly

>> No.22047530

Haven’t you ever heard of ad hominem fallacy? and who better to tell you modernity is miserable than a modern person anyway? If hell is air conditioned, it’s still hell.

>> No.22047534 [DELETED] 

i like how that one guys argument has gone from
>everythings fucked i cant do anything with my life we need a revolution im trapped
>your life is good but something abstractly bad could potentially have a chance of happening therefore there is no point in trying and your life isnt good actually

>> No.22047558

>I'm also aware of the fact that racists tend to be the dumbest members of every race.
Not an argument. Some of the smartest people I know are racially aware, acutely so.

>> No.22047561

And whilst we're at it, doesn't berating people for their supposed stupidity contradict the anti-racist push for equality? You have a clear contempt for low intelligence, but you all supposedly believe in equality?

No wonder you're all mentally ill, you have contradictory views on everything

>> No.22047564

You're assuming that all the losers in the world are losers because of bad decisions they made. That's not always the case, sometimes bad things just happen. In America you can lose everything very quickly, that's my point. You're both boasting about how great your lives are but partially that is due to luck. You could become disenfranchised very quickly through no fault of your own.

>> No.22047576 [DELETED] 

>you're assuming
No I am not. You're not reading the posts. I said nothing about the general populace or the disenfranchised. You are putting words in my mouth to extend a tedious argument. This is my final post this is just a total waste of time. You're always going to make up something as an excuse. I am specifically disparaging that kind of person. The OP of this thread. The people in the zoomer discords that just cry about how its over. I hear this non stop everyday about how life is over from people addicted to an assortment of drugs who have never ever actually tried to secure a good life for themselves. Its one thing to try and become very unlucky. Its another to bitch on 4chan and the rest of the internet every day while you have never done anything and you disparage all advice people have for you as something that worked for a previous generation but not you because your generation and your sufferings are so unique and special. You are just so uniquely fucked and live in the worst time to be alive. No you don't you just never fucking tried once.

>> No.22047621

Ok Oedipus

>> No.22047642


>> No.22047654

Based, where is it from?

>> No.22047662

>and who better to tell you modernity is miserable than a modern person anyway?
You've never experienced any alternative; cushiony life on easy mode. You're just LARPing. That's the criticism

>> No.22047775

Luke 17:26-30

26 “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. 27 People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.

28 “It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. 29 But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all.

30 “It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed.

>> No.22047845
File: 51 KB, 711x626, FB_IMG_1683935690125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about? An old woman who lives down the street from me operates a daycare business out of her home

T. American

>> No.22048040

No you aren’t and the Jews always win

Being natsoc made me convert to Judaism

Now I get deals from
Other Jews while we fuck you all lol

>> No.22048041

>nobody cares
>cared enough to reply
clearest mark of a true retard

>> No.22048058

larping faggot that doesn't do his own shopping
go get raped by the way

>> No.22048067

>i'm white [and antiracist]
you're the worst type of person who ever lived because at least every other type in every other time understood the basic decency implicit in standing up for your own
you're worse than deranged sectarian ISIS terrorists
you're an abomination

>> No.22048222

>racists tend to be the dumbest members of every race
Not really.

>> No.22048702

Reading this makes me bunch up my face to my nose. This is so fucking cringy, this must be bait.

>> No.22048822
File: 44 KB, 368x512, A9A3204D-483B-4FED-A0E5-AA1EB9CE7A8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does any of it matter if God is not real? If He is real, then it would be wise to make Him the ultimate end of your life. This doesn't mean abandoning anything that you know so far is true, like the differences in race, or the JQ, but it means shifting priority from material success in this life, and service to God in heaven. Jews are the synagogue of Satan, and to see things only in terms of blood and soil is ironically a jewish-atheist perspective. Our ancestors were all religious first, they were spiritualists. Success in the world to them was a byproduct of living a moral life, fighting for objective moral values, divinely sanctioned. Become a Catholic and find true brotherhood, and the real antidote to the materialistic degeneracy and chaos of this occupied world.

>> No.22048823
File: 899 KB, 360x360, 1669849698315393.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I... c'mon now, you're giving us a hell of a bad name here.

>> No.22048827

You fags need to move on from this retarded populism. Working classes are the most complacent, this isn't 1910 anymore.

>> No.22048828

Good job, anon. I'm happy for you. Yes, the world is genuinely getting shittier for those who are outcasts, but forging your own future out of the muck is still very much so a tangible and attainable goal. If only some anons could be helped, but there are always outliers.
If you don't mind me asking, where did you look for property?

>> No.22048909

> Don't fall for the prejudices
The irony is thick.

>> No.22048919

Stay in your containment zones and stop shitting elsewhere of pol.

>> No.22048941

just go on twitter and read the tweets of people with blue checkmarks, most of them are racist schizos

>> No.22048974

stop shitting up our countries first. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jews-in-the-biden-administration

>> No.22049348

>The irony is thick.
Except we aren't really wrong about anything. The character of a society is determined by its racial composition

>> No.22049370
File: 41 KB, 640x550, 1576266817788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working doesnt make you working class
This is your brain on marx btw.

>> No.22049381

It's actually called day of the cope, and it is every single day in your life where you dream of some cataclysmic event that might shake the bag so much that you come out somewhere that isn't the absolute bottom.
Not gonna happen, the vast majority of people have better lives than ever. There will always be losers (You), but today, there are too few of them to really cause a revolution. If you fallaciously believe this not to be the case, it is likely because you spend most of your time in online spaces with like-minded losers.

>> No.22049392


>> No.22049432

>the vast majority of people have better lives than ever.
The world is $350 Trillion in debt. We are all living beyond our means. This has never happened before in human history. The West has been deindustrialised and reduced to a services economy. The Capitalist class has done everything to undermine the basis of our economy. If you cannot see that everything is set to collapse, then I wash my hands with you.
We are going to be thrown into a brutal war of survival, whether you know it or not, whether you like it or not. The ignorant will be the first to die

>> No.22049440

Debt is a normal part of society

>> No.22049465

I wonder why so many anons seethed at this post.

>> No.22049500

>Lives in a society where major cities have no-go zones
Part and parcel.

>> No.22049509

DEBT TO WHO???? The money is FAKE

>> No.22049524

>doesn't understand how debt works
Debt is an indicator of optimism and the belief that whichever nation peple have lended money to via bonds will not only survive but also thrive. In terms of government debt, it is closer in meaning to say that the particular government is heavily invested in than it is to say that it is riddled with debt.

You seem to be operating under the fallacious notion that a government's debt is the same as a private persons debt. Sure, if you personally owe 350 trillion dollars that you spent on hookers and cocaine, you're going to have a bad time, but a government selling bonds isn't the same. It is analogous to a corporation having a responsibility towards it shareholders for the investment that the shareholders have made. Again, indicator of optimism.

I've no idea how people get these misconceptions about debt - how in the fuck can "the world" be in debt? Who is it owed to then? Another dimension? The transcendetal world? Like what the fuck man.

I don't tho, and even for those that do, still vastly better than 50 years ago, infinitely better than 100 years ago. Optimist-Chads just keep on winning.

>> No.22049533

>I don't though
Not a European or American? Must be nice living in Nippon. And nah, no-go zones of today don't even get visited by local police.
Anyway to continue
>Lives in a time where the young and the elderly kill themselves more than any other time in history

>> No.22049534

This. And by the way, american bonds will remain the safest investment in the universe as long as the US has the most aircraft carriers.
The recent and ongoing fiasco of the Russian military has just made this sentiment even more bullish.

>> No.22049555

No, I'm european.
Feel free to give me some made up lecture about the no-go zones of the country I live in, and then proceed to ignore the point that it is better now than at any point in history before.
>Lives in a time where the young and the elderly kill themselves more than any other time in history
False, has been falling marginally for the past 20 years

>> No.22049573

>t. zoomer living in lala land
Your mind is made up and that's fine. Decline will never happen because uhm yea.
To nitpick though.

>> No.22049608

Millennial oldfag actually.
Likewise as to the made up mind. Day of the rope any time now. Maybe just two more weeks!

>> No.22049619

To explain the pic, Our current 'Liberal Democracy' isn't actually a democracy or one of liberty and it is in such a state it cannot be reformed or reconciled in a 'democratic' matter. It would require bloody revolution. You can't just ask nicely for your armaments or magically 'vote' to undo mass immigration. You can't democratically preserve your people. Millions must die if something is to be done, justified violence, a civil war if it counts as that. If things were to at least collapse from that, the men who are strong enough to pick up the pieces afterwards could build the proper establishment OP desires. Why would I care to prevent my society from collapsing if the government wants to steal, groom and mutilate children? Why do I care about homeland security when the CIA has been the one to instigate all these threats to the homeland and the DHS to be the ones letting them in against the wills of other authorities publicly tasked to prevent that?

>> No.22049621

People crave violence and struggle. Just look at the 2020/2021 chimpouts, and the way LGBT frame themselves as the victims of an oppressive society while all the major industries and businesses pander to them.

>> No.22049704

>I've no idea how people get these misconceptions about debt - how in the fuck can "the world" be in debt? Who is it owed to then? Another dimension? The transcendetal world? Like what the fuck man.
Privately owned central banks, mostly operated by Jews. You utter moron. The central banks create the damn currencies and loan them to their governments at interest. The interest alone costs the global economy many trillions each year.

>> No.22049728
File: 39 KB, 530x530, E159E5C7-A91D-4092-96BB-9557A331E0F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still vastly better than 50 years ago, infinitely better than 100 years ago.
You have to laugh at this chronic dumbfuckery. The world ecology is polluting and surely dying, the world is hundreds of trillions in debt to Jewish central banks (by design of course) the IQ of advanced society is decreasing by the year, meaning that industrial society will possibly not exist in a century, overpopulation, mass migrations that put the Bible stories to shame, niggers exploding in numbers, loss of farmland, rising sea levels etc....

We are so unbelievably fucked its not even funny. But the majority of the lumpenproletariat has lived decently for a lifetime now, so they cannot comprehend that any of this will lead to disaster.
I'm laughing right now, giggling even.

>nobody even fucking knows how bad things really are

>> No.22049738
File: 201 KB, 400x400, 5C6F62F5-D6FA-4021-B604-9BEEF630287A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I didn't even consider the social problems kekekekekekekekekekek

>> No.22049769

Bunch of Chicken Little’s on this site. I hope those fear mongering faggots burn

>> No.22049809 [DELETED] 

>le big words about le complex big adult things, like me, a complex big adult

>> No.22050402

You pay 20% more for groceries than you did last year.

>> No.22050828

This attitude is not as silly as you think it is. My grandpa enjoyed aspects of World War 2. Many people did.

>> No.22051317

Larper showdown

>> No.22051358

The Camp of the Saints

>> No.22051451

the west has fallen…

>> No.22051505

I'm an American and say that most of my countrymen should be eating 25% less than they do anyways, so good.

>> No.22051573

>this is what chuds actually believe

>> No.22051596
File: 45 KB, 512x512, 1673741943528566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm white.

>> No.22051606
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Kek OP pushed trannies in seething overdrive. They hate it when young men are determined. Your time is ticking leeches.

>> No.22051651

It’s entirely possible and easily understandable that both positive and negative trends can be going on at the same time, with varying degrees of short-termness or long-termness (apologies for the shitty word coinage). You look at some metrics and “everything is getting better!”, look from some other metrics and perspectives and you have a lot to justify a cosmic pessimism on the fate of humanity.

Some eerie mixture of Ted Kacyznski (anarchoprimitivist and anti-technological-society) + Noam Chomsky (democratic socialist anti-capitalist “conspiracy theorizing”) + Alex Jones (paleocon “conspiracy theorizing”) is an interestingly generative trinity of critiques of the course modern civilization is heading on and what apocalyptic trends could culminate in the near future of humanity. However, yes, neo-Nazis are still an insane and idiotic response to this, just as Antifa zoomers are, they’re just another manifestation of the social decay and outgrowth of the D&C tactics of the financial and political elite.

>> No.22051746

>t. watched zeitgeist while high in 2008, or even worse, got his information secondhand from a guy who watched zeitgeist while high in 2008
You have basically zero idea what you are talking about, good job.
The Feds stake in US treasuries is comparatively small, about 1/4th of the public's.
You have the mistaken opinions of a teenager who just did mushrooms for the first time.

Yes, your life sucks, this is not the topic of discussion, the topic of discussion is life in general, and it is better than ever looking at virtually any metric. You too have zero idea what national debt means or implies.
Stay doomer, stay crying, stay whining, collapse in just two more weeks, surely!

>> No.22051753

Doomers are just spoiled children who are crying that they don't get to have the entire tub of ice cream, absolutely pathetic.

>> No.22051797

I fuck up my life on purpose for the experience and ascetic purposes. On paper I'm very much fine, and I keep it that way. What say you Mr. Allputtogether?

>> No.22051829

Idk why people don't believe you. My weekly grocery bill is $15-30, and I rarely eat out. I feel like I have some luxury with what I eat. People either are buying precooked/high input foods, excessive luxuries, or they are simply fat. I eat delicious pasta every night, and that alone is probably $6 a week. The Sauce components including veg are typically $15 a week. Eggs Dairy make up the rest. I like in an expensive area. People should at the very least if possible be doing things like baking their own bread, keeping hens, and planting a garden of some kind. I understand that's not possible for everybody, but the simple transition to homemade bread is easy and wonderful. A loaf that would otherwise cost $10 in a real bakery, is all the sudden measured in coins. And you will enjoy it much more.

>> No.22052896

Brutal and true.

>> No.22052905

Doomers can always come up with problems but the truth is anyone would rather live now with it's infinite convenience and opportunity than a century ago.

>> No.22053020

Try the the communist manifesto, it's like the turner diaries but with actual beliefs and strategies instead of psychosexual obsessions and larper fantasies

>> No.22053272

I don't. Choose a period.

>> No.22053326

Fuck eating pasta every night. That's a terrible diet. I eat quinoa or rice with fish or steak usually.

>> No.22053334

They were literally looting shoe stores and shit. All they want is material items like air Jordans,t they have been completely brainwashed by advertising.

>> No.22053379

Nice fedpost, OP.