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22046328 No.22046328 [Reply] [Original]

Gun, Germs, and Steel may be a bad book, but The Third Chimpanzee is a superb book. Diamond takes us on a thrilling journey through the intricacies of human evolution and our fascinating connection to our closest relatives, the chimpanzees. The book is brimming with meticulous research and insightful analysis that sheds light on the factors that have shaped human history, from genetics and biology to culture and technology. It's a true intellectual adventure that leaves you pondering our place in the natural world.

>> No.22046353
File: 443 KB, 662x5691, guns germs and steel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22046389

He should have just called the book “The Third Leg” and written about BBC.

>> No.22046405

GGS is good akshually, you can tell because it makes both racists and antiracists seethe that it’s probably onto something

>> No.22047767

I always think Jared Diamond is that self published fella who wrote the Diamond League and it makes me feel good. I hope he is doing well. A few times I have bought a copy of The Diamond League after seeing that picture, never read it, just stick it in the little free library by my house, not at all my sort of reading material, just want him to get the sale and know that someone has noticed him.

>> No.22047823

>inb4 Ameritards raging about "muh intelligent design"

>> No.22048776

It makes bantumaxxers seethe because it's old and treats civilizational development as a valuing factor. In the mind of a bantumaxxer the fact that the lower races are undeveloped shouldn't be seen as any kind if indicator of their inferiority so they say that it's valueless and its nobody's purpose to achieve it. At the same time in their schizophrenic mind the white man supposedly kept those races away from developing because trade is apparently theft is somehow a terrible event.
I personally find this fascinating in a sense because it's one of these splits in personality modern day bantumaxxers have, where on one side they stick to their enlightenment origins and marxist development of these but the other leg stands on postmodern philosophy and these two obviously clash. Diamond's book just became a meme and lasted for too long instead of going out of print and public attention at the same rate other non fiction nyt bestsellers do

>> No.22049096

>GGS is good akshually, you can tell because it makes both racists and antiracists seethe
it is interesting, but "muh niggers are poor because no plants and dogs" is quite dumb. Why Nations Fail by Acemoglu/Robinson has better explanations.

>> No.22049137

>indochina Script
Third Chimpanzee hands made this post

>> No.22049211

I mean sure, the issue is overdetermined, but it’s pretty hard to argue that all spawn points are created equal. Producing calories in e.g. Peru at scale is expensive compared to say Ukraine

>> No.22049447

>"muh niggers are poor because no plants and dogs" is quite dumb.
Its not dumb, its basically Montesquieu revisited

>> No.22049525

Does he explain how apes lost two chromosomes and still continued to reproduce?
Did they lose one and then that downie ape fucked all the regular apes and then someone had another downie and while they were surviving while being downs they fucked each other and then that offspring somehow survived and was a human now but then fucked more monkeys?
I don't want to read the whole thing.

>> No.22049763

The only man I trust called the Irish chimpanzees.

>> No.22049773

This is what taking your sources from 21st Century pop literature does to a person

>> No.22049923

>its basically Montesquieu
>There are countries where the excess of heat enervates the body, and renders men so slothful and dispirited that nothing but the fear of chastisement can oblige them to perform any laborious duty: slavery is there more reconcilable to reason
so niggers are so lazy that only when beaten by a stick will they work? While it's tempting to agree, people on other continents have managed to create civilizations in hot climates.

>> No.22050617

Humans haven't eveolved from monkeys. It's the other way around. Monkeys are the result of ancient man racemixing. Parts of mankind de-evolved because of it. Niggers if left alone for some more time will eventualle de-evolve into something similar.

>> No.22050927

So true. Gas the kikes, race war now!

>> No.22051458
File: 178 KB, 698x698, Wayne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're joking but I agree with those sentiments.

>> No.22051515

Okay I am considering ordering The Third Chimpanzee. I read GGS and enjoyed it but I know it was not taken seriously by anthropologists and was full of mistakes.

Is The Third Chimpanzee a bit more respected by academics?

>> No.22051533

Any books on this? The problems of evolution. I remember seeing one posted but I lost it a while back