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22042857 No.22042857 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22042863

The kind that makes you see Balrog wings when there are none

>> No.22042866

gray haze

>> No.22042879

It's tobacco.

>> No.22042902

It’s WEED!

>> No.22042910

Captain Blacks dark blend

>> No.22042912

Clearly not.

>> No.22042918

Clearly is. Frodo gets high.

>> No.22042936


>> No.22042946
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obviously https://www.leafly.com/strains/gandalf-og

>> No.22043112


>> No.22043114


>> No.22043129

A cigarette is a very different experience from a pipe. Pipe smoking, historically, was not portrayed the way we portray cigarettes today. Many people smoke pipes to relax and wind down.

>> No.22043143

Hello Hackson

>> No.22043160

>Many people smoke pipes to relax and wind down
I am not a cigfag, but cigfags make this same claim. I see no reason that pipefags have the market cornered on relaxation.

>> No.22043173

Why does marijuana? Everything Tolkein wrote, and his own life, shows that pipe-weed is tobacco. Jackson shoots a couple scenes where the representation is a little looser, and suddenly pipe-weed is marijuana. Why? Because what Sauron says makes sense if you think it's weed? It also makes sense when you know it's tobacco.

>> No.22043175

>Gandalf the dude

>> No.22043198

Its tobacco in the books is clearly stated, as far as I remember. I remember reading Pipin is the expert on tobacco, mot "pipe weed".

>> No.22043214

As far as I know, its only called tobacco in The Hobbit, while the word Tobacco doesn't ever appear in The Lord of the Rings

>> No.22043320 [DELETED] 

Yeah you're right. Tolkien the life long tobacco smoker, famous for giving lectures while a pipe was still in his mouth. Tolkien the guy who self inserted as a hobbit the most. The fervently traditional roman catholic who obstinately recited mass in fluent latin even when the language was shifting towards english in his lifetime. The early 20th century very traditional man. When he wrote the lord of the rings he made them all smoke weed and intended it to be like when 2023 frat guys smoke weed.

>> No.22043983
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OG Jolyon

>> No.22043990

how did they get tobacco in middle earth since it's indigenous to the americas?

>> No.22045386

The Eagles braught it

>> No.22045397

>hue hue le weed
Why are you so cringe op?

>> No.22045402

Omicron. Get your booster and don't listen to Saruman.

>> No.22045538

>but cigfags make this same claim
Not even close to my experience. When you talk to the average fag shredder and get down to the dirty business they almost always end up admiting it's nic they need. Most will fold when you ask how they feel when they are sick and don't smoke. I'm not sure you can even get addicted to pipe smoking; I certainly have never in my entire life felt the urge to get one going but I only smoke once or twice a month nowadays and then it's mostly cigars.

>> No.22045690


>> No.22047341


>> No.22047827

I think it's described as related to tobacco in the appendices to Lord of the Rings.
Anyway, yeah, it's obviously tobacco in the book, weed in the films.