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22041457 No.22041457 [Reply] [Original]

what is the answer here

>> No.22041460

A philosopher would walk through the giant gaps in the bars.

>> No.22041465

He doesn't want to get out

>> No.22041479

Because you need to survive first before you can be free

>> No.22041487

because it's an analogy

>> No.22041488
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Nothing like satisfying the immediate demand of the flesh.

>> No.22041491

for you to leave the literature board and never come back

>> No.22041494

Remember kids; Don't do drugs.

>> No.22041498

There's a guard watching him out of shot.

>> No.22041502

the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.
a particular system of philosophical thought.
plural noun: philosophies
"Schopenhauer’s philosophy"
the study of the theoretical basis of a particular branch of knowledge or experience.
"the philosophy of science"

>> No.22041506

He‘ll still have the stick after he gets the bread

>> No.22041510

Because he's stupid.

>> No.22041512

the fearsome bread will provide him with calories, which he will use to henceforth obtain the intrepid key.

>> No.22041513

Freedom is scary. That's a philosophical statement.

>> No.22041520
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you can't eat a key

>> No.22041521

It’s a cartoon of a cliche phrase, you retards

>> No.22041523

>be in cell
>get fed every day
>leave cell
>have no idea whether will get fed at all nor any means to know it either way

Why the FUCK would anyone leave?

>> No.22041533


>> No.22041558


>> No.22041596

he's actually on the outside of the cell and the keys are locked inside

>> No.22041598

Hah, you just reminded me of that scene from Hot Shots Part Deux

>> No.22041942

He is on the outside and the bread is on the inside. Same reason I go to work every day: I reach into the prison to obtain sustenance.

>> No.22041943

HH o/

>> No.22041950

If he gets the key first, he can keep the stick and the bread.

>> No.22042037

What is the worth of the key? To escape? Escape would only extend his problems. He can't escape with only a stick in a jail full of guards, and even if he did the police would get him afterwards.

>> No.22042049

Grab the key, walk out, take bread with you.

Dude was born in the cage and isn't authorized to fish for the key and take his freedom. He's been degenerated. So >>22041465 is right.

>> No.22042197


>> No.22042209

He's already outside the cell. He just wants the bread.

>> No.22042220
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>The evil was not in bread and circuses, per se, but in the willingness of the people to sell their rights as free men for full bellies and the excitement of the games which would serve to distract them from other human hungers which bread and circuses can never appease.

>> No.22042247

The bread is a gift from his friend. Little do the guards know that there is a key baked into the bread!

>> No.22042250

Why would the lock be on the inside of the cell

>> No.22042256
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>Prisoner is on the outside.
What jail cell locks from the inside?

>Guard with gun watching him out of shot.
>Jail full of guards, police get him afterwards.
Both of (you) are assuming things.

>> No.22042257

he's brooks

>> No.22042267

I wish kids would remember the difference between a semicolon and colon.

>> No.22042288

What phrase?

>> No.22042314

Freedom is temporary, bread is eternal.

>> No.22042326

He's starving. First he will eat bread and then escape

>> No.22042329

Speculating, not assuming

>> No.22042339

so true

>> No.22042342

He doesn't know what the key is used for

>> No.22042362

I don't get it

>> No.22042374
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That post is just an example of nerd sniping aimed at pseuds (philosophy variant).

>> No.22042400

Plato's cave

>> No.22042454

The vast majority of people would rather have comfort than freedom.

>> No.22042459

He’s hungre

>> No.22042498

I know this is just a hypothetical but unless the stick disintegrates after being used once, there really isn't a "choice" here as he could easily just get both.

>> No.22042522
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The answer is quite simple. Man cannot live on bread alone, but this man doesn't know that for he is not a Christian. If he were a Christian, he would already be free even in prison for God would be with him and none may imprison God.

>> No.22042562

xkcd is such a midwit

>> No.22042920
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A wizard wouldn't even require gaps.

>> No.22043430
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>What jail cell locks from the inside?
Who says it was locked from the inside? It could've been locked from the outside and the keys were tossed back into the cell.

>> No.22043501

you can't eat your bread and have key too

>> No.22043602

he's actually outside the cage and just hungry

>> No.22043648

Bread, dead, bed, see through head
Key must be believed to see the deed

>> No.22043669


>> No.22043686
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yeh fockkin got meh eheheheh

>> No.22043693 [DELETED] 

He is not outside of the cell. If he were free, he could get bread at a store. He is, therefore, in the cell, but this prisoner locked himself in the cell, and threw away the key, or he was born into a cell that his parents or their parents made, not understanding that the difficulty he has in getting what he wants is of his own doing or of his society’s doing.

Furthermore, he has no idea what a key is, or what a cage is outside of the obstacle to his bread, and so his story has made it so that he can't even know he is in the cell, or that the obstacle to the bread is the same obstacle to getting the key that would let him out of the cell he has made for himself, or his society has made for him.

Lastly, the stick in his hand, reused from being a branch on a tree he knows nothing about, and rewritten to get the bread is the same stick he could use to get out of the cell. That stick is rationality, but it is only as rational as the story it is being used in. In getting the bread, it makes one story, but in getting the key, it makes another he cannot see from his story of being inside the cell, or the stick cannot see by being inside the story of getting the bread.

Ironically, by being so starved of the daily grind to get the bread, he could easily fit through the bars of the cell, needing neither the cell nor the key to find his freedom, showing us all that, regardless of how gilded our cage seems to be, putting up the metaphorical bars of additional obstacles in order to overcome other obstacles (such as when societies make rules to manage the society) changes what we are from being what can need to become to overcome the original obstacle, to becoming only that which overcomes the obstacle we put up for ourselves.

>> No.22043695

Bread on a stick is tastier than key on a stick.

>> No.22043715

Because he's about to walk out between those huge gaps in the bars

>> No.22043719

philosophers (at least as Wax Dey imagines) fancy themselves answerers of questions.
clearly, experience and the common senses suggest that the key is the obvious choice.
therefore, only a philosopher would/could provide a justification for such a counter-intuitive decision, anyone else'd have simply thought the prisoner silly.
it doesn't matter what the answer actually is, having any answer makes you a "philosopher".

>> No.22043724

>It could've been locked from the outside
There should be no handle inside the cell.

>> No.22043746

theres nothing stopping him from getting both. he gets the bread first so he has the energy to unlock the door and escape

>> No.22043785

Could be several things
>He is already outside the cell
>There is more danger from trying to escape than from serving the rest of his sentence
> The bread is REALLY good, better eat it while it's fresh
> The key is too hot to touch (or perhaps cursed)
> It's the key to something irrelevant
> Things are (percieved to be) really bad out there right now
> The bread is a quest item for a line that can't be completed once you unlock the door
> He is simply hungry right now
> The key is a mere shadow, whereas the bread is bread in itself
> In rejecting the key as a symbol of freedom (he believes) he is demonstrating his more fundamental free will
> An evil demon will destroy whichever object he chooses first for all eternity.
> The initial conditions of the universe set off a causal chain of dependent happenings that made this choice inevitable and maybe unanalyzable
All sorts of things could be the case.

>> No.22043788

Because he's already out :))))
the cell and the outside are identical
his prison is mental :DD

>> No.22043793
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Hitler digits.

>> No.22043803

he could clearly reach through the bars

>> No.22043859

>If you know the answer, you're a philosopher
He's retarded?

>> No.22043916

The joke is that its illogical and only philosophers will come up with something to explain the irrational

>> No.22043939

Quia vir ipse philosophus est et nēmō nisi sapiēns līber est.

>> No.22043985

The real key is the bread we ate along the way

>> No.22043994

Ther is no such joy in the key as upon the loaf thereto

>> No.22044000

so he has a snack while he gets the key

>> No.22044947

This is pretty close to my thoughts. A philosopher would realize that the thing is clickbait and just deliberately counter intuitive for that sake.

>> No.22045014

Bread and freedom is for nazis.
Just eat the bread and be happy goyim

>> No.22045164

the prisoner is a retard

>> No.22045446

If you are a prisoner you might justify having the bread but not the key

>> No.22045455

You‘re never free anyways, so might as well at least get a carb high.

>> No.22045457

Jesus Christ. This confirms it; /lit/ is officially retarded and full of pseuds

>> No.22045461

Everyone make room! Big brain anon coming trough! Step aside - hurry hurry

>> No.22045483

5 second rule

>> No.22046844

niggas love da struggle

>> No.22046853

He dies of hunger before reaching the bread if he picks the key first.
Grab the bread first, avoid death, then grab the key and free yourself

>> No.22047993

Having sex with men is gay, but not as gay has having sex with women.

>> No.22048021

outside the door there's an advanced alarm system and several guards

>> No.22048060

That is a distinctly different design flaw.

>> No.22048069

>choose key
>break all your teeth on the first bite
>0 calories absorbed
>very unpleasant to poop out remnants

>> No.22048338

Y'all remember that movie where Satan ends up in jail, and he grants peaple wishes but it's always a bad deal, and one guy wishes to leave his cell, so Satan makes him force his body between the bars, killing him.

>> No.22048409

Clearly he isn't bed fed if he is desperate for bread on the floor outside his cage.

>> No.22048435

NO. What's it called?

>> No.22048469

Because he can just use the stick to grab the key afterwards. Grandma always said not to try escaping the dark lord's super mega rape dungeons on an empty stomach.

>> No.22048553
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I guess he can't see the keyhole?

But he should be able to intuit that from the existence of the key and having seen guards unlock his cell.

>> No.22048645

If he gets the bread first, he can keep the stick and the bread.

>> No.22048661
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Simple as.

>> No.22048716

OP is a faggot.

>> No.22049470


>> No.22049472

There are more important things in life than freedom, what is your freedom worth if you have nothing to eat?

>> No.22050329

Why did you post a thumbnail of Songebob?

>> No.22050385


>> No.22050444

He knows that he is entitled to sustenance, even as a prisoner. Analogously he's aware that he doesn't deserve freedom for the crime he has committed. He is a just endurer.

>> No.22050993
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>> No.22051186
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It's the last day of his prison sentence. Tomorrow he will be released. If he takes the key now and escapes this would be an unnecessary crime resulting in another prison sentence.

>> No.22051796

He find himself to be reasonably imprisoned.

>> No.22051805

He can choke on the bread and thus escape via death.

>> No.22051942

>Break the stick in half
>Get the bread AND the key
Checkmate philosocels

>> No.22051985

If he escapes and is recaptured he will be punished more severely. It entails a lot of risk and effort. If he just takes the bread he gets more food than usual so he feels happy, and he thinks maybe the guards will be more lenient with him because he had the chance to escape and didn't.

>> No.22051998

Epicurus would ignore the key but take the bread and be content with the chance to fill his belly.
Epictetus would take neither the bread nor key, enduring until his death sentence.
Plato would lecture the jailer about the illusory nature of the bars and the key while eating the bread.
Diogenes would swallow the key.

>> No.22052011

He was born in the cage, and had grown up in it. Thus, he is familiar with bread: the sustinence that it brought to him everyday. His reality does not consist of "keys"; they mean nothing to him. The piece of metal on the ground does not involve a path to freedom, nor even symbolize it. He does not even know the lock on his door is a lock, nor that the key if he were to think about it, which his reality forbids him to think about, would be able to fit into the hole perfectly, nor that that would be able to open his door. Nor does he know nor desire to go beyong his door beyond human instinct: he has no conscious desire towards freedom or anything to do with the key.

>> No.22052195

wow sirs!! verry deep mesage hear, not many will get it!

>> No.22053042

does the stick just disintegrate after you take the key? is it like a video game item that has limited uses or something

>> No.22053443

He's in the final few days of his sentence, so he won't take the risk of trying to escape.

>> No.22053510

The key represents societal change.
The bread represents "bread and circus".

He knows the bread will satisfy him for now. But the key might not even work.

>> No.22053567

Wow you guys r smart.

>> No.22053641

>What jail cell locks from the inside?
The normie one

>> No.22053711

The bread is in the cagie and he doesn't want to be a wagie.

>> No.22053771

>>He is already outside the cell
brilliant. that's probably the answer. but then why is the key inside the prison cell?

>> No.22053957

He doesn't know he's trapped... Wow, so deep!

>> No.22054349

>lets make up my headcanon to feel like i get it
this anon was right >>22042374

>> No.22054859

an accident when he was but four teen years of age on a fishing boat with a man of questionable origins who hooked him by his eye and had his way with him, "Feels better when there be only one hole" he had said, and he had left the boy blind in his left eye, and one day imprisoned he could thus not see the key, for it was to his left, and the bread was right in front of him

>> No.22054873

He can eat the bread, get caloric energy to escape and it it in the safety of his cell, and then use the stick to get the key. The stick, you see, can be reused.

>> No.22054877

>it it
*eat it

>> No.22054882
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Mirin digits

>> No.22055473

theres literally someone taking a picture of him while teasing him with bread and a key
if he chooses a key he gets his hands broken

>> No.22055585

hes a fucking retard

>> No.22057161

Because the key was used as a dildo and had bits of shit and also a proper anal mucus on it.

>> No.22057165

I don't get it, please explain

>> No.22057252

fair enough, I wouldn't want to use it either then

>> No.22057658
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sometimes its better to be in prison than outside. you'll have three square meals and you dont have to anything. Wageslaving is just another kind of prison you see.

>> No.22058621

because he's hungry and can grab the key whenever he wants.