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22040540 No.22040540 [Reply] [Original]

Can I get a Luther essential reading list other than the Bible? Bonus points for other essential christian works.

>> No.22040544

How did you come to be a Lutheran specifically without reading up first? Idk what specifically you should read, was never terribly interested in Protestantism myself, but the collected works of Luther has got to be at least ten volumes

>> No.22040562

Because I'm over baptists, non doms are cults, catholics are shady, and the orthodox church is over an hour away.

>> No.22040604

You want to read the Book of Concord

>> No.22040610

Read Luther's Small Catechism

>> No.22040623

On The Bondage Of The Will is where you should start. I was baptized as one.

>> No.22040629

Luther liked Augustine which means start with the Greeks.

Luther is Plato and Catholics are Aristotle and atheists are TJ banana man

>> No.22040759

Don't half ass it and make the same mistake that he did. He tried to get the Catholic Church to go easy on the ''Jews''. He was a very sympathetic proselytizer and genuinely wanted to convert them. He spent too many years to finally come to the conclusion that the ''Jews'' of his era were, in fact, not Jews, but the unbroken chain of Pharisees from when Christ was crucified.
>Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

At this point he wrote ''On the Jews and Their Lies''. He did not ''go mad at the end''. If you only read his early work on the ''Jews'' then you miss his message.

>> No.22040773

John Calvin
RC Sproul
Tim Keller

>> No.22040778

Book of Concord
Luther's commentaries on Genesis and Exodus
True Christianity
The Hammer of God
Ask your priest for more.

>> No.22040798

>non doms are cults
I've heard they're mostly Pentecostal in disguise. That true?

>> No.22041069

Typical protties think they can just change their faith with the season. What a womanly way to think.

>> No.22041177

>the orthodox church is over an hour away.
Mine isn't that far away but a lot of people had to go further distances on foot to enter a church in the past. Christ isn't about what's convenient or pragmatic but the truth to the word of God. For me, that is Eastern Orthodoxy.
I heard they're basically Baptists.
On The Bondage of the Will is one of the only writings Luther looks back on fondly.
>Regarding [the plan] to collect my writings in volumes, I am quite cool and not at all eager about it because, roused by a Saturnian hunger, I would rather see them all devoured. For I acknowledge none of them to be really a book of mine, except perhaps the one On the Bound Will and the Catechism.
There's also his Small and Big Catechism and The Book of Concord as well as the Augsburg Confession which is like Lutheranism's creed.
Calvin's Institutes is another another foundational theological work for what is called Calvinism or Reformed Theology, the most 'orthodox' of that bunch are the Presbyterians. Their foundational writings include the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession and the Westminister Standards including its own Confession and its shorter Catechism. The Westminister Standards are the most important besides 'The Institutesc to Presbyterians.
Presbyterians and orthodox Lutherans don't take it as loosey goosey as other prots (except the globohomo has taken over the mainstream factions and infected the historical churches) but then you should also consider high church Anglicanism in that same vein.
Taking stuff to it's logical conclusion leaves you at Eastern Orthodoxy though.

>> No.22041205

Based from a non-lutheran. Most of the OT is literally about waiting for their prophecised Messiah, he arrives and then they reject him and have the gall to declare themselves true to God's word.

>> No.22041214

Luther probably did more damage to Christian civilization than any other single person to ever live.

>> No.22041216

My ortho church is also an hour away but it's obviously worth it if you're a Christian. If you don't do any sacrifices you're not a Christian.

>> No.22041370

Catholicism was corrupt and Luther did nothing wrong. The pope is to blame for what happened

>> No.22041486

His theology is just a cope for Catholicism's corruption and in turn it atomizes itself using the flawed principles he himself upon contradictory sources. For example he preaches sola scriptura but then removes books from than canon due to them not conforming to his other solaes, of which he supposedly based them with the backing of said scripture; the initial canon which determined what scripture was by an extrascriptural authority (the Patriarchs) in the first place. If he was to uphold sola scriptura why does he not reject the filioque (John 15:26)? He wanted to fix Roman Catholicism (an impossible task), not reivent Christianity yet that is what happened. He hated the idea of 'Lutheran' churches and all of the reformation has become what he wished it would have never been. He was an Augustinian Friar first remember, not a Lutheran.

>> No.22041496

Brainfart, the Book of Concord is a collection including Augsberg and the Catechisms

>> No.22041526

Just become Catholic... this is so exhausting. Christianity isn't a book club for God's chosen.

>> No.22041534

Niggas here be changing religions like they do clothes. I guess it’s easy when it’s a larp and their is little action involved

>> No.22041536
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Just become Orthodox... this is so exhausting. Christianity isn't an earthly monarchy for God's chosen.

>> No.22041540

Begore it's brought up Eastern Catholicism is also slowly becoming Eastern Orthodox.

>> No.22041556


DSM-4-TR; specifically the section on obsessive-compulsive disorders.

>> No.22041623

I agree, and I also agree that Luther and probably most at this point would have preferred the Catholic Church reformed itself by addressing the ‘temporal’ problems Luther had, ie indulgences etc etc.

The church instead doubled down and lashed out and the situations became a wild political upheaval centered around money and property and power.

The ‘orthodox’ Lutheran theology however I find good, though I also find the Catholic theology generally good too.

The differences are there and I havnt sat around to work out which is best.

For whatever reason the theoretical theology doesn’t seem to matter these days.

I think Lutheranism and Protestantism in general has failed and is on a path for destruction as they are small and splintered groups were easily infiltrated by Marxists and modernists and midwits.

It’s of little doubt to me that a powerful guarded universal church would have survived the mass media, Cold War assault and post modernist ideology of today. And it would be worth enduring the failings of said church as inevitable mistakes were made rather ran splitting into smaller and weaker denominations.

Thus for me Lutheranism (Wisconsin synod or Kirkegaardian indiviialism in europe) is my choice but I hope for a reconciliation with Catholicism because I don’t see anyway Lutherans will continue given the massive damage that’s been done from within.

And I’m not a schizo. You can look up the long history of the kgb attempting to get in to the Vatican and cardinalships and I can only assume they had a much easier time in the smaller Protestant state church


>> No.22041627

Just become Lutheran…this is so exhausting. Christianity isn’t a Putins bitch club for manipulating gods chosen

>> No.22041671

Stop using that word, retard.

>> No.22041673

Fuck off, papist rapist

>> No.22041683

His problem was that he believed too many of their lies. He let his compassion blind him. When he finally gave up on them, it was a very serious break for him.

>> No.22041699


>> No.22041707

>"chirsitan" chantards

>> No.22041720


>> No.22041725
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Kek. Zoomsters "converting" to religious denominations over some superficial extraneous aspects, as if picking a character class in a video game, will never be not funny.

>> No.22041737


>> No.22041784


>> No.22041804
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>And I’m not a schizo.
Oh I don't think you're a schizo at all. Shit is undeniably compromised (Orthodox churches have also been molested by the likes of the Rockefellers, who largely were behind the ecumenism trend stemming from the world fair), the rise in movements with Catholicism like the Sedevancatists and the trads are more proof of symptomsvto a disease.
Instead of turning to Luther I reconciled with Eastern Orthodoxy and the Church Fathers of the first millenium. I believe historically there has been a one true church establishef by the apostles of Jesus and I believe that church is a heavenly kingdom on earth and as such cannot be corrupted and cannot be killed. The past 60 years have undeniably shown the supposed foundation of Catholicism and supreme authority of the church (the papacy) is corrupt and heretical so it couldn't be that church. Even before Vatican 2 there was a bunch of stuff in Vatican 1 and before that with things like the Symmachian forgeries being used for support ofbthe papist side in the schism.
Then I remember "oh yeah! there was this schism!" And I look to see what that was about. And I was overjoyed to discover the papacy was the heretical instigator and that Rome was never always seen as a supreme authority among the synods, just a formality of being one of the three synods established via St. Peter including Alexandria and Antioch. Rome also has its prestige from being Rome which is why Constantinople, the 'New Rome' was mentioned as having similar prestige in the councils. A first among equals rather than a head of a hierarchy was what the See of Rome trafitionally was. Things like the filioque were established not via the ecumenical councils like it was always before and also not for the purpose of clarifyingbthe faith. The filioque was a geopolitical tool in opposing a rising hetetical sect.

In short, I realised Protestants are just taking Church history and the Saints for granted and have hypocritical doctrines such as sola scriptura but that the church history was not necessarily the 'catholic' history. There is a church you do not have to make compromises with, that does not need deep, fundamental changes in an effort to uncorrupt. There is a complete, unbroken church functioning as it should and that is Eastern Orthodoxy. It does not need to be reconciled between major denominations, it is in fact predenominational.
Pic related is written with a very polemical tone but is a good book for a Protestant to read about Orthodoxy.

>> No.22041808

Also God bless you, brother.

>> No.22041812

Oh look - it's how the devil immitates God, so cute.
It almost rhymed.

It's easy being the only true religion but man is it hard for others.

>> No.22041814

At least they are earnestly pursuing spirituality in their life.

>> No.22041817

>The past 60 years have undeniably shown the supposed foundation of Catholicism and supreme authority of the church (the papacy) is corrupt and heretical so it couldn't be that church.
So you disagree with your own bishops and Metropolitans? We recognize one another's sacraments

>> No.22041822

good one

>> No.22041835

Symmachian forgeries
Vatican 2
Canonising people that were deemed heretical and outside the church even before the schism (Gregory of Narek)
Canonising people they repeatedly called heretics prior (Photios among others)

>> No.22041838

why aren't they earnest? because you don't like religion?

>> No.22041842

Wtf are you on about?
>We recognize one another's sacraments

>> No.22041846

>"converting" to religious denominations over some superficial extraneous aspects, as if picking a character class in a video game

>> No.22041847

The Mayan Rite
You cannot say this is right yet saying it is wrong is heretical in Catholicism.

>> No.22041852

>It almost rhymed
It was never intended to rhyme, you mong. It’s just a quote from an Algren novel. But since you’re a papist rapist, it makes sense you do not read.

>> No.22041857


>> No.22041862

Is that the association that comes into your head when you pass a pre-school, papist rapist?

>> No.22041864

Like kids are going to have the insight needed for profound conversions. The spiritual curiosity alone is the earnest part. Denominational preference is bound to be biased towards their individual taste until they get older and gain more understanding of the wider picture and some grounding in tradition.

>> No.22041869

Ditching one option "because it's an hour away" isnct earnest.

>> No.22041871
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>> No.22041874

The desire to go to any church at all and get closer to God period is earnest.

>> No.22041876

Statistically gays and trans are more likely to be pedophiles, so I don't know why it's suddenly ok to pretend the Catholic Church is disproportionately pedophilic compared to other demographics.

>> No.22041877

We're in schism not heretics by definition. In fact claiming heresy is heretical (ironically enough).
>quote from an Algren
Okay? The letter is death and the spirit is life - some guy.

>> No.22041887

>gays and trans
All deserve the bullet. But since Catholic priests have been exposed since a time immemorial to fuck their little alter boys, they’re included in this. Why do Catholics love defending pedophilia in their church. Maybe the tell-tale sign of a catholic man is to be touched as boy

>> No.22041888

Not him, but a lot of people look past the statistic and focus on the fact that there was a long standing institutional cover up. No statistical argument will reach that audience.

>> No.22041894

Choosing a church based on aesthetic and convenienve and not truth to god isn't earnest.

>> No.22041897

>Mayan Rite
>A 31-page long document outlining the proposed new Mayan rite highlights

>> No.22041898

>We're in schism not heretics by definition. In fact claiming heresy is heretical (ironically enough).
Read the definition heresy in the context of Christianity.

>> No.22041899

Is this theology or journalistic porn as theology?

>> No.22041901

>In religion, the charge of schism is distinguished from that of heresy, since the offence of schism concerns not differences of belief or doctrine but promotion of, or the state of division, [2] especially among groups with differing pastoral jurisdictions and authority.

>> No.22041904

You will note - the Lutheran heretics, Orthodox schismatics, and Protestant whatever-you-call them are all unified against the Roman Catholic Church and not agsinst one another. What's the reason? Satan.

>> No.22041907

That's schism, not heresy. Read what heresy is.

>> No.22041909

Francis approved it

>> No.22041910


>> No.22041914

We aren't united, we just hate you more than we hate each other.

>> No.22041922

Roman Catholic Church is backed by Satan?

>> No.22041951

Mayan Rite does not equal the Mayan languages.

>> No.22042010

We keep splitting into smaller groups because we hate each other so much

>> No.22042073
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So it seems, so it seeems

>> No.22042208
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>The Bible
>The Book of Concord
>Loci Communes by Melancthon
>Outlines of Doctrinal Theology by Graebner
>The Doctrine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church by Heinrich Schmid

alternatively you can become an orthodox Presbyterian and read
>The Bible
>The Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms
>Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin (pbuh)
>Confessing the Faith by Chad Van Dixhoorn
>Christianity and Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen

t. faithful member of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church

>> No.22042382

How about you fucking read the bible and experience Jesus instead of looking up some new form of information entertainment you larper

>> No.22042401

Being an evangelic today is absolutely pathetic, its a completely heretical church with their female pastors and political activism, no faithful Christian would enter a pozzed Lutheran church because everything taught there is an affront to God.

>> No.22042424

>Christianity and Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen
I'm Eastern Orthodox and this book has value for all Christians.

>> No.22042429

A good year to reread it too being the 100th years since it was published.

>> No.22042558

Reflection for this day:
>Following a terrible earthquake in Antioch, St. John Chrysostom spoke to the people: "Great are the fruits of an earthquake. Behold the man-loving Lord, Who shakes the city and strengthens the soul, Who sways the foundation and strengthens the thoughts, Who shows the weakness of the city and makes the will of the people strong! Turn your attention to His love for mankind. He sways us for a while, but strengthens us forever; an earthquake for two days, but the devotion will remain for all times; you were sorrowful for a short time, but strengthened forever. A mother, wanting to wean her child from the habit of frequent crying, strongly rocks its little cradle, not in order to harm it but to frighten it. Precisely in this manner, the Lord of all, Who holds the universe in His hands, shakes it, not in order to destroy it but rather to bring back to salvation those men who live lawlessly."

>> No.22042569

>we just hate you more than we hate each other.
I don't hate any of you.
>Read what heresy is.
Heresy is not schism and schism is not heresy. Papists, by your religions' definition, are not heretics but we view one another mutually as in schism.
>Roman Catholic Church is backed by Satan?
No actually it is the fact that Orthodox, Protestants, and other heretics cannot agree to dislike one another nor to hate one another but all are unified in their hatred of the Roman Catholic Church. Why? I can't think you even would be this unified on Free Masonry, Satanism, or even Scientology, so why this? Oh, right - because it's God's Church in full communion with the Truth.

>> No.22042577

Thank you for the reccomendation!

>> No.22042597

>Free Masonry, Satanism, or even Scientology

wow, even more groups who hate Catholics

really makes you think about how much else they have in common with calvinists

>> No.22042603

>Catholics have also been expelled from 109 countries
Makes you think

>> No.22042605

>I'm Lutheran Now
>Sola Scriptura
>Sola anything
Self-lobotomy tier.

>> No.22042608

Bro, they are just resisting the anti-Christ in Rome

>> No.22042614

What part of this is earnest
They shop around for identities like it's a trip to Walmart.

>> No.22042615
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You'll find that many "evangelical" Protestants are building bridges with the Catholic church and adopting ecumenical views. These also happen to be the "Christian" groups with the worst theologies (i.e. Arminians etc.). The Catholic church embraces them with open arms.

>> No.22042620

Yeah, I stand by what I said. You are self-lobotomy tier. Stick to LARPing in video games, retard.

>> No.22042640
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>at least ten volumes

>> No.22043124

Against The Protestant Gnostics by Philip J. Lee may also be of interest to those in this thread.

>> No.22043603

OP here, I haven't commented since the third post. Thank you to those who have offered suggestions. To the others, I will pray for you and may the Lord be with you all.

>> No.22043619 [DELETED] 

NonOC in the megas:

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Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.22043626

good post

>> No.22043643

Again, I suspect the Cold War did the damage. At this point the only hope is the conservative Protestants find some kind of return to the Catholic Church with meaning without totally losing their theology or it’s just going to be a disaster

>> No.22043665

The councils forbid bishops holding positions of state. That is what historically the papacy has done. The council did not sign off on the filioque, the papacy establishes it by themselves via autjority self imposed and any most justification they used were forgeries.

>> No.22043728

Is Hippolytus' 'Refutation of all Heresies' (aka Elenchus or Philosophumena) a good read?

>> No.22043826

ummm . . . you know that means your antisemetic now too???

>> No.22044658

>want to escape horrible world
>go on internet in search of escapism
>christian LARP
>become lutheran
>go back to the exact same work ethic that founded horrible world
Circular propaganda must be the most effective tool of control ever devised