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22040116 No.22040116 [Reply] [Original]

You CAN'T criticize my poetry, it's about the palestinians!

>> No.22040121


>> No.22040122
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>mfw imagining every bitching ethnic is back in their ethnic homeland, unable to speak english and forced to mind their own ethnic business

>> No.22040127

>you can’t criticize mien führer
>he’s all about the purity of the white race!

>> No.22040176

>defending Israel this hard
Ah, but fascists have to stick together

>> No.22040178
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Nice try Mossad, still gonna hate Jews though

>> No.22040199

The title is stupid, as is "struggle" art in general, but the poem is fine.
Too bad for Palestinians, though. They've been cucked every inch of the way since 1947 and still are only able to complain and procreate. Imagine being born out of pure spite for the jew

>> No.22040214

if the purpose is to rouse support for the palestinian cause it would have been better achieved through a straightforward essay rather than a stupid obtuse poem. and if the cause is so important you'd want to do the thing which is most useful

>> No.22040219

how is it a poem if it doesn't rhyme?

>> No.22040231

The purpose is to bitch and complain and get status over fellow undergrads by asserting dominance in the "who had the hardest life" Olympics, but because all of them live comfortable lives of middling mediocrity, it's the "who has the same passport/skin tone/sexuality as someone who had a hard life" Olympics.

That or this poem was written by a Zionist Jew to drum up contempt towards Palestinians so they can continue to murder them with impunity. Which is quite possible. You can't put anything past the New.

>> No.22040232

Palestinians are faggots. Imagine begin BTFO'd by thin-wristed money grubbers. I still hate Israel though, so as much as I don't sympathize with these rats I'm not changing my mind. Mudslim enemy trash -> Subversive hand-rubbing trash. All should go into the bin, but in proper order.

>> No.22040235


>> No.22040274

>links flower imagery to death
>ends poem taking ownership of flowers
Kek, he wants to suicide bomb Jessica.

>> No.22040350

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Hitler was right
About the international Jew.

>> No.22040358

>rouse support for the palestinian cause

From whom? Author openly antagonizes white people/western society and America as the central theme of the poem. Who else is supposed to come to the rescue of the Palestinians? Her cause would be much better served by finding commonalities (such as we are ALL being fucked by Israel and the jews) rather than attacking people who aren't her enemy.

But oh wait this is for female "look at me I'm a beautiful strong victim" status, NOT actual protest.

>> No.22040368

I don't understand why she says in one line her dad is dead, and in the next that he watches (present tense) Al Jazeera all day.

>> No.22040374

poems are a white supremacy patriarchy that has to be deconstructed and liberated from the shackles of nazis

>> No.22040437

Let's compromise and nuke them both.

>> No.22040456

they have Al Jazeera in paradise

>> No.22040457

It is actually a powerful poem. Jews seethe about Palestinians because it is the one issue they don't have a woke moral cause to hide behind. It is pure open evil.

>> No.22040464

Nah they do open evil all the time, see: 9/11, and the vaccine.

>> No.22040467

Allah watches it while being carried by the angels all day

>> No.22040471

I would argue that poetry based on meter is superior to rhyme but OP is neither

>> No.22040509

Filthy anti-semitic drivel.

>> No.22040756

>He watches Al Jazeera all day
No idea why, but this cracks me up

>> No.22040781

Define anti-semitic in a way that does not exclude non-Jews amongst the various tribes of Semites, and that makes sense in a modern context, and that makes sense in your post.

>> No.22040866

>It is actually a powerful poem
Not in the way he intended though. It's confessional poetry but when all a person can do is speak in cliched ideological soundbites the confession that comes through is their own lack of insight and insecurity.

>> No.22040881

>our political fuck ups are actually YOUR fault, kafir

>> No.22040884

The art of the oppressed is nothing more than an expression of narcissism. This is true no matter what group they belong to.
If the goal is to convince you how important their suffering is, they must first believe themselves to be important in order to express it.

>> No.22040974

*clocks you at the bodega*

>> No.22040981

>dead children become daisies just seconds after dying
Is it too deep for me? Was I filtered?

>> No.22040983

>be a total whiny angry bitch
>anyone who is put off by this is a zionist fascist
Just don't be so annoying next time.

>> No.22040991

>People die everyday
>I must admit I have a suspicion your (sic) gay
>As much as I hate the money grabbing jew
>it would be easy to look the other way if they came for you
>Jessica is out there fucking Tyrone
>while you cry in your poems and jerk off alone

>> No.22041014

First world people have the harder lives anyway. I wish I grew up around death and challenge. Those people know nothing about mastering oneself in the face of anomie, having no sense of purpose, no roots, being a commodity, having to find meaning in callous media.
All they have to do is survive, while we are expected to create the world for them.

>> No.22041063

>boo fucking hoo I have to mentally masturbate until I jerk out a purpose
Book a ticket to Palestine/Donbass/Syria faggot

>> No.22041222

The 'I know I'm American' line is immortal and hilarious. Such a trashy poem.

>> No.22041244

I actually really like that poem. LXXXVIII.

>> No.22041278
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This is better

>> No.22041282

It's crazy that the Jewish controlled media constantly condemns Israel for the Gaza thing. Is it some clever double bluff?

>> No.22041321

>Imagine being born out of pure spite for the jew
Uhh.. based?

>> No.22041445

Yeah unironically. They virtue signal about it in media knowing nothing will be done when they have a total chokehold over American politics at every level.

>> No.22042677

>just don’t bother me with your peoples plight!
>things’ll totally get better…. For me.
Casual antisemitism that does nothing to get Israelis gestapos off these people’s backs is worse than useless, it’s detrimental.

>> No.22042712

Fuck you writing poetry about it instead of doing something substantial.
Check and mate, shrill moralizers.

>> No.22042762

>fuck you, poet! Go pick up a gun and stop making me think about the the world!
>god, I hate art!
Ugly poseur. You should leave the board.

>> No.22042890

>You CAN'T criticize my poetry, it's about the palestinians!
Who are you quoting here?

That poem kinda sucks
Free Palestine btw

>> No.22042995
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Remove line breaks and it becomes something a 9 yo could write.
>I wish. I tell. I want. I pick. I write.
This reads like picrel

>> No.22043016

>Palestinians don't see the moon from jail cells and prisons
>It's so beautiful, the moon

>> No.22043028

>stop making me think about the the world!
She didn't, and that is the truth of all mindnumbingly banal moralizing art. It provides no further stimulation for thought than a 90 second news segment.
I love art. What is in the OP is not art. That is the point.

>> No.22043180

*throws quesadilla at the wall*

>> No.22043226

holy based kid

>> No.22043250

this poem makes me question my antisemitism

>> No.22043286

Why the fuck do people write poems that don't rhyme? Just write prose at that point. The printing press has destroyed the need for non-rhyming poems, as they can more easily be expressed via prose and do not need to be easily memorized for oral tradition anymore

>> No.22043294

Every Palestinian woman I have ever met is one of the following three (sometime two at once:
1. An insufferable SJW who sees the U.S. and Israel as once country, so hates both equally while bitching about how the U.S. treats Blacks and Mexicans is “literally the exact same as how Israel treats us.”
2. Hot and rich, her dad owns a gas station or something and she dresses in gaudy designer clothes and she is “daddy’s little Palestinian princess” but usually he dresses in the same old Djellaba he’s owned since before Israel existed.
3. Devout muslim, anti-Semitic, surprised that Americans aren’t anti-semitic. Bonus points if they ask you to go to Friday prayers with their chill older brother and ask if you know much about Islam.
Unfortunately, there are tons of type 1 and not many type 3.

>> No.22043295


Why the fuck
do people write poems
that don't rhyme?

Just write prose at that point.
The printing press has destroyed
the need for non-rhyming poems

>> No.22043557

#1 is correct

>> No.22043566

The poetry is bad. End of story.

>> No.22043577

>potry hasta rhyme!

>> No.22043611

I never said it had to rhyme. Most of my favourite poetry does not rhyme. This poem is just plain bad no matter how you slice it.

>> No.22043717

>I know I'm American
It's pretty obvious to us too.

>> No.22043725
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>> No.22043828

God help me to marry #3 and be a good husband inshallah

>> No.22044558
File: 263 KB, 917x1309, 746DBB5E-2461-400C-85FA-16AFF9B38B17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have known of only three Palestinian women, one of which was Huma Abedin

My favorite is this hero. I hope she’s well

>> No.22044561

Noor is right. The kikes are doing terrible things

>> No.22044606

The measure is English heroic verse without rhyme, as that of Homer in Greek and of Virgil in Latin; rhyme being no necessary adjunct or true ornament of poem or good verse, in longer works especially, but the invention of a barbarous age, to set off wretched matter and lame meter; graced indeed since then by the use of some famous modern poets, carried away by custom, but much to their own vexation, hindrance, and constraint to express many things otherwise, and for the most part worse than else they would have expressed them. Not without cause therefore some both Italian and Spanish poets of prime note have rejected rhyme both in longer and shorter works, as have also long since our best English tragedies, as a thing of itself, to all judicious ears, trivial and of no true musical delight; which consists only in apt numbers, fit quantity of syllables, and the sense variously drawn out from one verse into another, not in the jingling of like endings, a fault avoided by the learned ancients both in poetry and all good oratory. This neglect then of rhyme so little is to be taken for a defect, though it may seem so perhaps to vulgar readers, that it rather is to be esteemed an example set, the first in English, of ancient liberty recovered to heroic poem from the troublesome and modern bondage of rhyming.

>> No.22044715
File: 617 KB, 1080x1774, Screenshot_2023-05-18-09-26-33-09_e4424258c8b8649f6e67d283a50a2cbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anglos BTFO

>> No.22044778

I dont care about brown people problems. You can be in a devastating civil war that killed off 90% of your population, massive famines, natural disasters, under occupation from whatever local warlord or international company turning your shithole into a banana republic. I just don't care. Stop talking about your problems and go away.

>> No.22044783


>> No.22044791

We wuz poet kangs n shieet

>> No.22044793

The last bits are quite strong. Fuck Israel. Free Palestine.

>> No.22044799
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>Stop talking about your problems and go away.
No. They will haunt you forever. Read the poem.

>> No.22044833

Alright, fuck back off to England or Scotland or wherever.

>> No.22044841

It's still not a good poem. The author is bitching not just about westerners apathy towards his peoples plight, but because people rightly called him out for being a mediocre poet. He thinks he can get accolades just because he writes about heavily politicized topics. Write good poetry and you'll get your praises, write garbage and you'll get called out.