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22040053 No.22040053 [Reply] [Original]

where do i start with descartes

>> No.22040054

You don't. You skip over him into Hegel and only in and for Hegel do you stay.

>> No.22040055

Discourse on Method, then Meditations on First Philosophy

>> No.22040058

start with “i think”

>> No.22040059

>discourse on method
>rules for the direction of the mind
>meditations on first philosophy, with the objections and replies
>principles of philosophy
>on the passions
>geometry, but only if you're interested in the development of modern mathematics
Most people walk out of Meditations thinking he's a total retard but he's worth thinking about in depth.

>> No.22040060

Omg I think therefore I exist xD

>> No.22040062

woah woah, slow down, brainiac

>> No.22040063

The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, vol 1.

Start with the Regulae, then read Discourse, then Meditations. Or skip the Regulae if you don't like it. If you can't read any of them for shit, read the simplified ones on https://www.earlymoderntexts.com/authors/descartes

If you don't get anything, read Burtt's Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science

>> No.22040072

The only true test of goodness is seeing who returns Descartes.