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22037338 No.22037338 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22037354

When I became older than 18

>> No.22037359
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But he is right.

>Incidentally, the whole problem of the Jews exists only within national states, inasmuch as their energy and higher intelligence, their capital of spirit and will, which accumulated from generation to generation in the long school of their suffering, must predominate to a degree that awakens envy and hatred; and so, in the literature of nearly all present-day nations (and, in fact, in proportion to their renewed nationalistic behavior), there is an increase in the literary misconduct that leads the Jews to the slaughterhouse, as scapegoats for every possible public and private misfortune. As soon as it is no longer a matter of preserving nations, but rather of producing the strongest possible mixed European race, the Jew becomes as useful and desirable an ingredient as any other national quantity. Every nation, every man has disagreeable, even dangerous characteristics; it is cruel to demand that the Jew should be an exception. Those characteristics may even be especially dangerous and frightful in him, and perhaps the youthful Jew of the stock exchange is the most repugnant invention of the whole human race. Nevertheless, I would like to know how much one must excuse in the overall accounting of a people which, not without guilt on all our parts, has had the most sorrowful history of all peoples, and to whom we owe the noblest human being (Christ), the purest philosopher (Spinoza), the mightiest book, and the most effective moral code in the world.
Human, All Too Human 475

>> No.22037366

Did he just simp for Jews so hard because he was cucked by Wagner who hated them?

>> No.22037496

Nietzsche was right

>> No.22037521

>Fritsch created an early discussion forum, "Antisemitic Correspondence" in 1885 for antisemites of various political persuasions. In 1887 he sent several editions to Friedrich Nietzsche but was brusquely dismissed. Nietzsche sent Fritsch a letter in which he thanked him to be permitted "to cast a glance at the muddle of principles that lie at the heart of this strange movement", but requested not to be sent again such writings, for he was afraid that he might lose his patience.

>> No.22037528

He's right, but Wagner was also right.

>> No.22037540

yes, jews are both evil and innocent

>> No.22037548

He changed his stance after getting cucked by his jew best friend paul ree(look up Lou Andreas-Salomé)

>> No.22037778

Neizsche only defended Jews to be a contrarian.

And doubled down because Wagner hurt his feelings by rightly outing the fact he was an incel.

You cannot even deny these things, they are facts.

>> No.22037830

Pretty much.
>raised by women
>becomes incel
>proposes on first "date" with a woman
>woman cucks him
>all women are shit
>dad dies at 5 so he worships Wagner as his daddy figure
>Wagner is tired of his fanboying and pushes him aside
>Nietzsche writes 3 books of sperging out about Wagner even going as far as "critiquing" his music even though Nietzsche can't write music to save his life
>runs away from society
>dies cucked and slobbering, a slave to his sister
Yeah man, the ubermensch and shit.

>> No.22037982

It's hard to take someone seriously if he is both anti-Semitic and anti-Nietzsche, knowing that this very person likely worships a dead rabbi and believes in the veracity of his scriptures.

>> No.22038008

Nietzsche was proto-Reddit

>> No.22038070


>> No.22038234

>Nietzsche is right about something that hurts muh fee fees
>OP. Hey! Nietzsche is garbage!
Cry yourself to sleep, little one. Make it a final sleep for all our sakes.

>> No.22039520
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>> No.22039552

Christ is Risen, Anon.

>> No.22039591

Is the goal of these posts to get me to sympathize with the jews? Because it’s working. It’s so tiresome and whiny. Wagner by actually producing a work of art was the exception to the rule

>> No.22039599

Define ''anti-semitism'' in a way that is not exclusionary of Semites other than Jews, and that makes sense as a term how you use it.

>> No.22039631

It's an interesting case study in propaganda. If they can keep you on their side then the constant onslaught is reassuring. The moment one questions something as being obviously false and refuses to capitulate when scolded, the propaganda takes on a different taste. They will accept no criticism. That is a good exercise for anyone interested in intellectual honesty. Find any criticism of a given topic that one sees to be valid and cling to it unerringly. Watch for the reaction. Do it a few times and watch for patterns. It's like PKD's Inception. Doing it one's self is much more compelling than having someone explain a data point.

>> No.22039728

He was right
Seethe more christcuck, he was the realest nigga of the last 200 years

>> No.22039763

>Find any criticism of a given topic that one sees to be valid and cling to it unerringly. Watch for the reaction. Do it a few times and watch for patterns.
retards do this too
>Hey, have you considered that hurr durr
>Yes, it's a well debated topic with 100 years of material about it
>Cope and seeth you X. If you could debate it you'd do it in post form for me whenever I ask for it.
Propaganda only really breaks when you step away from it. At that point it feels cringey. But while you're there it's your team being cool and having hilarious injokes.

>> No.22039770

>insincere post-Christians on the cusp of democidal colonial wars contesting world hegemon status fully embody REV 3:9 Synagogue of Satan and the triumph of the Christkillers they paradoxically malign living in the midsts

The philosemite pose is more kayfabe to countersignal Wagner and Wagner fanatics than sincere; he still trends toward 'metaphysical anti-semitism' articulated by Heidegger, and it's deviously deflected, amusingly so in Nietzsche's late work.

>> No.22039991

No I quite simply mean that the overlap of Jew-hater and Nietzsche-hater is invariably a Jew-worshiper (see >>22039552 ), which is the most ridiculously self-deluding and cognitively dissonant position one can take.

>> No.22040016

Holy shit this guy lives rent free in every retard who didn't even read a single book of him. Everyday there is a post shitting on him in some way, like arch linux on /g/ despite being somewhat a decent distro

>> No.22040020

>noblest human being (Christ)
an incel who raved in the street for a bit and got his shit pushed in?

good thing later Nietzsche got over that foolishness

Hoping he meant this ironically, trolling Christians

>> No.22040027

If anything his opinion of Jesus only improved later on

>> No.22040031

he describes him as an idiot man-child in the Antichrist

>> No.22040087

"An idiot" is a reference to Dostoevsky.

He claims Jesus taught a liberating doctrine that was flawed but still noble, and that it was corrupted by Paul into a guilt complex system.

I assumed that passage in Human All Too Human was taking a stance from the public eye, not his personal views.

>> No.22040237

Jews are unapologetically evil and we could learn from them

>> No.22040689
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I can't recall what page but in Generality of Moriles, Nietzsche calls the Jews "the priestly cast" and bames them for spreading a morality of weakens. Nietzsche also calls Christianity "Jewdea's conquest of Rome" or something like that.
This is form what I read in (((Kaufman's))) translation in case you where wondering.

>> No.22040706

>Yet seethed over Jewish girl want Spaniard man

>> No.22041159

on a more fundamental level he just represents loss of innocence and is pure evil as far as any anon is concerned in reality

>> No.22041172

>they are pure and strong
>look what comes along right after me in europe and all that irony
like with a neetzche you have to realize you're stepping into a historic insanity it has to have it's proper context it's already had it's time on earth fucking shit up so it's not really for edgy teens
he doesn't say anything neo nazis don't, he might actually be one of the worst people in history idk why he's quoted so much

>> No.22041181

you actually have to be retarded to like him I think, he probably ruined your life

>> No.22041199

he fell out with wagner 20 years before his death

>> No.22041209

(You) are unapologetically an idiot.

>> No.22041220
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>> No.22041355

perhaps his philosophy was meant as a way to deal with failure, the ultimate coping recipe of sort. Too bad lau tzu already laid it out a couple thousand years earlier and Nietzshe made a bleak shit version of it.