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22036431 No.22036431 [Reply] [Original]

Any good books on boy love from antiquity?

>> No.22036466

My diary from ten years ago desu

>> No.22036485

I might make a parody of Plato's Symposium but Socrates kills Alcibiades for being gay

>> No.22036610

Wait until you find out who socrates was lusting after

>> No.22036621

he kills Agathon too. and like Hector in the Iliad everyone else gets a spear and defile their bodies into oblivion

>> No.22036739
File: 53 KB, 598x1000, 61HsglEJ6vL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found this book irl and i have a hunch nobody will ever have the guts to buy it. i tried to hide the book when i was a pic of it
i dare all the people who say that buying Lolita gets people looking at you like a pedo to bring a book called "poems of ephebic love" to the cashier.

>> No.22036743

why do the alphabet people celebrate this?

>> No.22036755

Alphabet was the best invention of the Greeks

>> No.22036756

get over it. kiss a boy

>> No.22036757

Twink lovers are a very small subset of the ass bandit community.

>> No.22036760

Most of them would be straight nowadays. They like them because they resemble women, and their misoginy makes them reject women and praise men so the pubescent boy was the best replacement, in fact the only real person in op's image is a woman. And it is not like heterosexual pedophilia was not way more common than this.

>> No.22036773

representation is a common talking point among leftist/gay groups, and so seeing "representation" in something hundreds of years ago that they are interested in makes them cream. I was in a Greek language course where we read various sections of the Iliad, and I had three alphabet people (or at least two official and one "ally") who would giggle amongst themselves anytime Patroclus came up and talked about how Achilles was his lover. nevermind the fact that the Iliad never explicitly says that and Achilles at one point or other talks about all the women he has taken as plunder/wives. it's honestly funny how their obsession with "representation" makes them forego any prior moral apprehension to pedophilia

>> No.22036776

Not true. You are talking out of your arsehole. Utter cope.

>> No.22036790

Where exacttly is the lie anon
Should straight people stop reading Poe or Dante or Golding or Alice in wonderland or a lot of the western canon too? If you can read Poe and disregard the pedophilia you can read Virgil and do the same

>> No.22036793
File: 136 KB, 478x680, 1648830101276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do faggots think that faggotry was acceptable in antiquity when in fact it was illegal all over the place and got you lynched. Yes even in Athens faggots were lynched.

>> No.22036804

it depends on what you mean by 'disregard'. the point I'm making is that these people are so diluded in their ideology that they forego concern about the pedophilic aspect of pederasty and laud it as prime examples of classical gay representation. they're fine to do it, I'm not telling them to read it one way or another, it's just funny how they have to jump hurdles to get something redeemable (at least to their eyes) in such a relationship

>> No.22036823

This happens with many other things that were "acceptable" back then but we now see as wrong. Look at how many feminist icons had slaves for example, or the misoginy behind all the greek homosexuality. Im sure leftists or queers would have rather their homosexual or empowered female representation to not have owned other people but you just have to look at both the good and the bad.

>> No.22036834

Was it a good book?

>> No.22036852

>Im sure leftists or queers would have rather their homosexual or empowered female representation to not have owned other people but you just have to look at both the good and the bad
I'm sure some are like this, maybe more than not, but at least in my aforementioned example, it seemed like they had little to no regard for the "bad". our professor even brought up the term pederasty, in part to show the etymology and in part to explain its potential relevance to Achilles and Patroclus and ancient Greek culture more broadly, and these hyenas were silent. not even saying anything against it, just nothing. they were likely as giddy talking about Achilles and Patroclus as they are talking about modern "gay/queer/trans" icons in whom they see nothing bad. surely some of these people have little to no regard for the bad in these cases

>> No.22036863

I didnt buy it anon. You can get it on amazon if you want, just thought i would bring it up here since it fits the theme and thought it was a funny experience.

>> No.22036968

To be good faith, I would wager that most think that the prevalent form of homosexuality going on in ancient Greece was between two adult men and not some middle aged aristocrat with a "beardless" youth

>> No.22036988

They don't
They say that homosexuality was normal in the Ancient Greek world, they talk about Achilles and Patroclus and Alexander and Hephaestion as being examples of lovers and they usually totally ignore the pederasty element
Shit like the OP is an online only thing

>> No.22037003

It's hard to properly process. I think fucking a child, even if it was totally accepted in society, would be weird. Same way I don't feel any desire for an ugly woman or a man, children just don't exite me. I have to assume that's the case for most people. The majority of cases occur inside the family and other members protect the abuser, so there is a level of protection for them in practice and people still don't usually try it. In a lot of europe you can fuck a 15 year old and most people don't.

Now, if it was expected of you to do it I guess people would. Just like human minds didn't change between a time when smoking was something you were expected to do and now. But I can't see a society where that would happen because people don't want to fuck children.

>> No.22037025

It's not even alpabet people. It's all male (auto)gynephiles.

>> No.22037030

are you calling the greeks agp? this is a new one, bonus points for creativity

>> No.22037045

No, all the freaks making those memes.

>> No.22037052

liking young males means you are attracted to yourself as a female? wouldn't it be autoandrophiles if anything? like the fujoshis

>> No.22037220
File: 794 KB, 1650x1500, ancient greek laws on homosexuality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22037234

No i am right.
Sort urself out u sodomizing faggot.

>> No.22037239

How do you explain the quotes in the pic?

>> No.22037242

he doesn't need to read or explain shit. He just posted 2 youtube videos explaining everything he thinks and that's it.

>> No.22037245
File: 576 KB, 750x750, DSC_0001__2__copy-750x750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he didn't read it, he prefers to watch basedtube instead of reading

>> No.22037250

since how long has the common name for the plant Glycine max been autocorrected to 'based'?


>> No.22037254

Wait. What if a spanish speaker says "Yo onions el rey"

>> No.22037256


>> No.22037261

>Mostly approve
Get a load of this aids riddled coping faggot.

>> No.22037264

What, would you prefer I lie? I am following the sources. Plato says that other cities give "unqualified approval" to pederasty, whereas in Athens their endorsement is more "complex".

>> No.22037272

Thats funny because Xenophon a famous general and historian in ancient Athens hated faggots in general and said that the Achilles wasnt a fag. What i am trying to say is that u degenerate faggots are grasping at the thinnest straws when in reality u have been considered as disguting faggots in every civilzation. In truth majority of the greek city states outlawed faggotry in general and ur in full denial about it. And posting some cherry picked some ancient urn out of thousands that doesnt depict some form homosexuality doesnt exatly prove u right.

>> No.22037275

>And posting some cherry picked some ancient urn out of thousands that doesnt depict some form homosexuality doesnt exatly prove u right.
*I meant to say posting a cherry picked urn out of thousands that dont depict homosexuality doesnt prove you right. Im still asleep.