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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 618 KB, 1000x2000, LATINOAMERICAN CHART.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22035195 No.22035195 [Reply] [Original]

I'm almost done with this old lit chart for latinoamerican literature, it's been a pretty good ride so far. What else would you recommend?

>> No.22035209

Donoso barely counts as latin american lit it was just 2008 /b/ edgy shit.

>> No.22035252

It's like 30 different authors, just pick whichever you liked.
I'm surprised Arlt got in there, I can't even imagine what his work would look like translated. It's like translating a Wu Tang song for a country that knows nothing about the US.

I'm surprised Piglia isn't in there, maybe they didn't want argentina to be over represented. Or maybe he was a bit too lefty for their criteria, can't blame them if you're doing a chart for 4chan. Same with Osvaldo Bayer. Maybe nothing of them got translated.

Like 5 years ago they started translating Cesar Aria to english, he even got a couple appearances in The New Yorker. I have no clue what they chose, I don't even know what criteria you'd apply to pick his best works, they all read similar in chaos but very different in content and tone (as different as you can make three dozen novels or so).

Levrero got a big promotion after he died a couple years ago, He's like a mixture of Raymond Chandler and Burroughs. A fun read.

>> No.22035268

Me rehuso a escribir en inglés. Lean a Enrique Medina, manga de traga leches.

>> No.22035282

Why are you here then?
Which ones? Perros de la Noche and Gatica? Or are those just the ones that got more promotion even when they were inferior? Did he write anything in english when he lived in the US for the anglo mascapitos?

>> No.22035285

I have never seen Castaneda being mentioned on lit

>> No.22035301
File: 579 KB, 1280x720, aprendiendo japonés.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised Isabel Allende isn't in that list. I can see people compalining that she writes chick lit or some retarded preventive take like that, but she is on the level of most people in that list.

better than anything mentioned here >>22035252

>> No.22035305

>Why are you here then?
Porque hay todo un sitio para escribir en inglés, no voy a hacerlo en el único rincón en el se puede hablar sobre literatura de esa parte del mundo.
>Which ones?
Las Tumbas, Striptease y Las Muecas del Miedo.
>Did he write anything in english when he lived in the US for the anglo mascapitos?
A diferencia de Puig, Medina nunca escribió nada en inglés.

>> No.22035313

For good reason. He was a peruvian piece of shit that larped as a mexican mystic to get pussy. Nice con but fuck off

>> No.22035315

I hope you're trolling, Allende is garbage. Bolaño also hated her and called her a shit writer.

>> No.22035319

I don't like him either, he is too schizo for me, just mentioning it

>> No.22035324
File: 655 KB, 804x707, Screenshot 2022-07-22 at 02-55-06 Read Drawing Saikyou Mangaka wa Oekaki Skill de Isekai Musou Suru! Chapter 12 (en) The Rumored Master.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nunca nos van a entrar dolares si nos negamos a vender la cola cada tanto
I'll keep an eye open for him, I found out I had a copy of Los Casos del Comisario Croce that I must have stolen from my mom at some point so I'm not going out of my way to get new stuff.

>> No.22035332
File: 158 KB, 1476x2244, 71bygGb+fFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Spanish teacher used to read us short stories in class every now and then. sadly i don't remember the names of most of them. but i remember one was about a guy in Mexico who was looking for a job to help his parents, and his dad had a stray cat he really liked and one day the guy came home really pissed and scares the cat away and the cat never returns making the dad sad. does anyone know what it could be?
I've only ever heard bad things about her, but maybe I'll give her a chance. Also, the new editions of her books are the worst things I've seen, they should have kept the drawings instead. makes it look a lot more like chick lit than it would otherwise
will larping as a Mexican mystic get me pussy? I've never heard of that dating strategy

>> No.22035348

>will larping as a Mexican mystic get me pussy? I've never heard of that dating strategy
mexican in particular? no clue. But larping as a mystic works pretty well sadly. I had a neighbour who did that and it was really weird how much pussy someone that registered as disgusting at every level got, and I was into Kerouac at the time so it's not as if I was much more presentable.

>> No.22035488

Everything paid by the party

>> No.22035550

Are most of those XX century commies?
Also, no Brazilians?

>> No.22035734

Could never get into some of these books. They just struck me as gay. I guess latin american literature is just not my cup of tea.
Or maybe I was just too contrarian to actually read them.
The one book I earnestly gave a try sucked fucking ass. Very boring.

>> No.22035816

I’m pretty sure I’m the anon (or one of the few) who recommended it for this list. I mean, I did recommend that book for someone creating a similar list months ago. I do confess Arlt is going to be troublesome for non Spanish speakers.

OP, Manuel Scorza’s Redoble por Rancas is a solid and overlooked read. Peruvian lit.

>> No.22035851

Arlt is an absolute beast, great stuff, revolutionary for his time and very unique even to this day. I just wonder what the fuck the translator did, and I feel very sorry for him in any case.

>> No.22035854


>> No.22035861

the other sabato book about tombs

>> No.22035864

It’s a trilogy, retard

>> No.22035915

Del Campo's Fausto, any Macedonio Fernández, Runas and Los Pichiciegos by Fogwill

>> No.22036893

I, The Supreme
Mister President
Feast of the Goat
Those are 3 novels that showcase the strenght of hispanic literature and it's more prevalent theme: political power personified.
Just don't fall for the Dictator Novel meme. Everything said here was already said about Napoleon in the French letters.

>> No.22037076

This is a weird list. When was it done? I think I might have contributed to it, or some other one. I should permanently leave…

>> No.22038291

Luna de Plutón.

>> No.22038308

>Del Campo's Fausto
>le funny gauchos
Ok, Zoilo.

>> No.22038599
File: 1.21 MB, 1662x2539, tapa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird gaucho coming through.

>> No.22038699

I always ser the desth of artemio cruz in these lists but the RAE gave la región más transparente a special edition instead. Which one would you say is better?

>> No.22038716
File: 53 KB, 434x707, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This editon. It looks pretty nice but it's hard to find
Also which one should i start with to get into carlos fuentes

>> No.22039010

None, Carlos Fuentes sucks

>> No.22039238

People are recomending grown up books, please keep your hungry hungry caterpillar out of this.

>> No.22039380

that 'trilogy' sucks, out of the three only The Tunnel is a good novel, even said by Sabato himself.
>inb4 informe sobre ciegos
That's exactly the reason why that part was constantly published by itself

>> No.22039414

The Death of Artemio Cruz is miles better. Way more inteligent structure (obviusly experimental / fragmentary) and also just better cohesion as a overrall story.

Where the Air is Clear is good (if you have read Manhattan Transfer by Dos Passos then you will be familiar with this, as it's just the mexican version of "the modernist city novel"), but it just feels all over the place at times, and not in a good way. There's also a lot of monologues that intend to be somewhat poetic or philosophical but they just fail at it and come across as rambling.

>> No.22040285


>> No.22040314

Cortázar’s stories are great, imo much better than hopscotch. I think in English there’s a bunch of selected ones under the name Blow-Up

>> No.22040322

La Mala Hora and Doce Cuentos Peregrinos are good Gabriel García Márquez