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File: 985 KB, 2048x1367, 1684155886275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22033912 No.22033912 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22033915

Took me about $30 before I found the best earplugs.
Total fucking silence is one of life's great luxuries.

>> No.22033936

Please post which ones you got

>> No.22034041

>best earplugs
sauce pls

>> No.22034112

Imagine having her feet in your mouth as she reads.

>> No.22034123
File: 46 KB, 600x681, 1608590412236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please anon for the love of god post a link
i can't take much more of my family arguing 11 times a day

>> No.22034131

.... Why are all the books backwards... You will never be able to know what the book is without grabbing it

>> No.22034133

Not him but Alpine makes good earplugs

>> No.22034136

Because they are not real books and you could tell if none of them had a title in the spine.

>> No.22034152

A pro tip from a shitty guitarist - if you truly value silence and comfort then get fitted earplugs. The noise reduction will be unmatched AND your ears won't feel raped after 45 minutes.
Your medical benefits from work might cover them as well, so do inquire.

>> No.22034155

I like reading out loud if its poetry or when I get excited. Otherwise its silence or background noise from outher going ons.

>> No.22034166

I read and mark my books in silence, later i make my annotations with music in the background since that part is a bit boring and doesnt need 100% concentration

>> No.22034179

>lust-provoking image

>> No.22034214

I'm currently reading childe harold's pilgrimage while listening to videos of boats sailing and imagining myself as the poet.

>> No.22034381

i want to have sex with her and then cuddle with the cat

>> No.22034492

>studied hard
>Had a shit office job but make good money
>Have a son with wife
>He is sever autist
>He is 9yo
>Can't talk only makes weird noises
>Only play with baby toys
>He have to wear diapers because somedays he refuses to go to the bath
>Some days he becomes agresive amd destroys the house
>He only sleeps 3-4h
>No sex with wife (sex drive goes to 0 when you don't sleep a full night for years)
>Only fun thing of my life is playing some vidya in the bus to work
>Regret not being a comfy happy neet reading my books in silence

>> No.22034505


>> No.22034634

Sounds like a nightmare, you have my sympathies.

>> No.22034670
File: 512 KB, 822x785, 1651947157915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes read with podcasts in the background so I can train my ability to focus regardless of the noise around me.

>> No.22034677
File: 43 KB, 605x520, 20210518_012425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on the book, but usually to get into the vibe of reading I'll play some jazz (sometimes, I'll play albums that have a similar vibe to the book.) If the book requires a lot of focus or is super engaging, I'll either phase out the music or turn it off.

>> No.22034730

Beauty is not always erotic, you walking cock

>> No.22034744

why did this retarded woman place the books reversed in the shelf? I want to cut her to pieces and feed her to a stray dog argggggghhhh

>> No.22035065

I use my normal earbuds with industrial mufflers on top
t. wigger neighbors love loud dogs
Sounds like hell. Good luck, anon.

>> No.22035144

because the stock photographer worried his work would have a limited appeal if it has any real content.
>assuming human intentions from stock images
it's like thinking your cup intentionally burned you when you drank your coffee

>> No.22035181

so people don't discover that your entire library is YA romance that you printed and bound in oversized hardcover yourself

>> No.22035191

I wouldn't have a high opinion about that person as a reader, but I'd respect that crazy level of dedication. They could open a boutique publisher line or something.

>> No.22035290

Take him on a hike in a storm and lose him anon. Its not nice but its for the best in the long run, for you, your wife, and your son himself.

>> No.22035345

I got you. They are Mack's Ultra Soft. They are beige colored. You can used each pair a couple of times, and make use of the travel case. They block almost everything and are comfy enough to sleep a whole night and they usually never fall out.

>> No.22035352

Why the FUCK would you play music while reading? Not good.

>> No.22036456

I read in as much silence as possible. People being loud while I'm trying to read is very fucking annoying.

>> No.22036589

Airpods Pro

>> No.22036702

Depends. For most books I try to have complete silence. Only exception is if a book has a really unique setting or really unique story approach that I'm aware of going in, I'll usually find some ambient music as a companion piece whenever I'm in the mood for it. For example Oneohrtix Point Never with Her Body and Other Parties is fucking transcendent

>> No.22036719
File: 73 KB, 500x750, meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oneohrtix Point Never
Which album? Some of his shit can be so noisy and chaotic I can't imagine how you'd pay attention to the book. Either way based choice, he has some very uncanny, futuristic, and fascinating music. I feel like his music could pair well with some JG Ballard as well.

>> No.22036742

I'll have to try J.G Ballard with Oneohrtix Point Never someday, that sounds like a great match.

I'm mostly sure it was R Plus Seven but it also could've been Betrayed in the Octagon. As for it being chaotic I keep all the music I listen to while reading super low while using a speaker. It should be something you can only fully notice when you lose your train and are actively trying to hear every sound

>> No.22036761

My wife is mildly autistic and I'm extremely Catholic and this is pretty much my worst nightmare - you're in my prayers man.

>> No.22036780
File: 9 KB, 268x188, jean francois and petra mrzyk 2 (2017_01_18 00_20_11 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>R Plus Seven
>Betrayed in the Octagon
Oh OK, I could maybe see myself reading to those. Definitely not something like Garden of Delete or Replica or some of his newer shit. As far as your music-reading method, I don't know, I feel I'd personally end up getting pulled into doing just that, trying to hear every sound, especially if I really like the music (which in OPN's case, I do) That's just how my brain works though, if it works for you more power to you.

Yeah JG Ballard and OPN have a kind of shared aesthetic or sense of the world in a way, I think. Something disturbing, disgusting, eerie, and also sublime in both of their works. Also, what is this book "Her Body and Other Parties"?

>> No.22036795

I hear you man, I have Aspergers myself and only managed to just adopt some semblance of "normality" because of a lifetime of idiosyncratic circumstances and experiences, or at least that's my theory. I would be terrified of having an autistic or retarded child. I hope my partner and I will have the strength and the patience and the love to deal with that reality.

>> No.22036810

Ive only read the first two but its essentially shocking and creepy feminist short stories. Ive heard the other stories start to get more varied but the first two have a mix of high sexual energy and a high creep factor. while being very personal stories. I think some author I follow online recommended it as a really good debut so I checked it out, so far I think the author has a really unique disturbing voice that I enjoy a lot so far

>> No.22036827
File: 679 KB, 1280x1832, Soviet anti-religion propaganda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>essentially shocking and creepy feminist short stories
Sounds like it'd really challenge my notions of the world. Can you give me an overview of some of the things that happen in these first two stories? I'm guessing something to do with rape and being used by men? Maybe something about being used as vessels for fetuses?

>> No.22036873

I'll just explain the first one. The first one is about an almost young adult with a ribbon around her neck that she wont have anyone touch. She falls in love and eventually marries a man she deeply loves. In each moment of her life with him she explains a scary folklore stories, stories all about some type of unfairness and explotation not just sexual. If you know the ribbon story than you should know how it ends, but the way it builds upon that folklore story is really unique while still being the same

>> No.22036879
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Usually I enjoy blasting jpop while reading but sometimes I need pure silence for anything to register.

>> No.22036891
File: 158 KB, 1500x1024, nazz-abdoel-1-metamorph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhhh yeah the old red ribbon around the neck. I remember reading a variation of it in one of those Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark books I think. Do you know those books?

>> No.22036897

Only the ambient noise of my books resting on my shelves around me is permittable.

>> No.22036906
File: 425 KB, 1170x1448, 20230501_160050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah loved them as a kid, I should read them again. I got to talk about the elephant in the room, why are you using those creepy ass images?

>> No.22036917
File: 352 KB, 800x663, Peasant and Death at the Gate of Heaven and Hell (2017_01_18 00_20_11 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are you using those creepy ass images?
LOL I guess just to go along with the "theme" of our conversation about bizarre/unsettling writing. I also just have TONS of weird pictures saved on my computer that I just like to randomly pick and post. A lot of them happen to be surreal, macabre, sublime, or strange in a way. I guess that's kind of what really catches my eye. My bad haha.

>> No.22036942

All good man, the one you just posted is interesting asf though. I like it quite a lot

>> No.22036966

I think Mack's Ultra Soft suck. They're comfy but barely block out any sound. I prefer Howard Leight by Honeywell Maximum earplugs. They're orange. If you have tiny ear canals they may bother after you after long periods of time though. They're dense and really fill your ears. They're the best I've used.
To answer the original question, I prefer absolute silence. If I can't get silence when reading I put on noise canceling headphones and play something like dark ambient.

>> No.22037090

some things in life are more important than feeling comfortable. Being moral is one of them (and maybe the only one besides being holy)
feel ya, kit is exactly the same with me. but I would not call it "the worst nightmare". I think that what the other anon described qualifies for that

>> No.22037266

I will rape you arghhghhhhh

>> No.22037274

>i can't take much more of my family arguing 11 times a day
Can relate bro.

>> No.22037277

Oh man. You have my condolences.

>> No.22037351

Silence preferably. Music makes me lose focus but some mild noices like people talking softly or someone walking past me dont bother me.

>> No.22037373
File: 383 KB, 1242x1436, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read some chapters of moby dick with the sound of waves in the background but I had to turn it off because I was too busy googling nautical terms

>> No.22037621

can you afford some extra help like a nurse for him or psychological help?

>> No.22037733

Anything more complex than this gets too distracting.

>> No.22037797

If you put them in right they block out everything. Good luck.

>> No.22037811

iktf, bro. People who can't talk quietly with each other are troglodytes in my eyes. Always so distracting when they have to argue and scream at each other instead of just talking like decent humans

>> No.22037946

Imagine playing with the cat and making it chase string while she reads

>> No.22037951

Probably just because the color is aesthetic and contrasts the grain of the wood.

>> No.22037954

and her face and hair. Someone's put a lot of thought into this coomer bait.

>> No.22037961

I go to the beach to read Moby Dick. Driving past some Whaling stations next month too, Ill be bringing it along for that. Fuck Yeah.

>> No.22038050

fucking same, except they're not even arguing, just talking normally. fucking retards can't hear for shit and make everything a screaming competition without even realizing they're loud as fuck. and when i tell them to calm down a bit every day they think i'm just sensitive kek. FIX YOUR FUCKING EARS GODDAMNIT

>> No.22038055

i take back the word retards, idk why i talked about my parents like they're some anons or close friends... i love u moms and dad, sorry

>> No.22038117

this. It's so annoying when there's people talking in the background. it just ruins my mood and i can't focus on the book

>> No.22038143

The ideal condition for reading is light rain.

>> No.22038154

Just convince him that he is at fault for being retarded and that his internal logic and desires are always wrong and retarded. That’s what happened to me and now I just isolate myself as much and possible and interact with others as little as possible in order to not bother people and lot let others as how retarded I am. It’s full proof.

>> No.22038504
File: 299 KB, 500x500, hotel night.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whaling stations
Damn dude, where? You live in the great white north? Up in that Alaska? Somewhere in Canada? Russia?

>> No.22038521
File: 477 KB, 1280x960, the red light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't sweat it so much, they won't read this shit; just vent your honest feelings about them, it's all good. Or maybe I just say that because I relate really hard. I (still) live with my parents who are old boomers (mid-to-late 60s). My mom's not so bad, but Christ my dad, even when you're right across the table from him, talks like he's in a wind tunnel, and it's always about the most mundane, uninteresting shit. That motherfucker likes to hold court. Then they bicker and argue over shit they misheard the other one say. Just like a sitcom but not funny or endearing.

>> No.22038583

I like rain, a fan, or any sort of white noise

>> No.22038952
File: 167 KB, 750x939, C379634F-FF0E-4CB2-A97B-398835D12CD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is modern life so fucking loud? Schopenhauer complained about the loudness of urban life two hundred years ago but he had no fucking clue what was to come (oh no, not the sound of horsewhips!) Everywhere I live a fucking construction site shows up next door. For several years I had to live next to where they demolished an entire five story building and built a new one. Now, in another city, out comes the construction equipment! They’re building two new buildings within a block from me.

If it’s not construction, it’s homeless people screaming, leaf blowers (which do nothing; clean nothing; just blow shit from here to there), or faggots on motorcycles revving their engines. Last night when the construction noises had finally died down (I guess retarded construction workers have to sleep sometime), all of a sudden while I’m trying to read before bed someone outside starts power washing. This is at around 1:30am. Why can’t everyone just shut the fuck up for five minutes already. It’s like there’s just a constant drone in the background that’s now the soundtrack of my life.

>> No.22039092
File: 1.14 MB, 1026x1014, Capture d’écran 2023-05-16 à 21.19.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like me some slow black metal when I don't have to focus too hard

>> No.22039308
File: 111 KB, 251x205, FutmyOKWAAETfro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just the volume, it's how insipid the conversations are, like an endless stream of water torture. I would rather listen to random noises like geese or sheep bleating (or even be electrocuted periodically) than hear my sister loudly argue about her inane television shows with my dad or my parents argue about random shit like car insurance or my mom nag about something for 4 minutes which I could condense into two sentences.
>I have long held the opinion that the amount of noise which anyone can bear undisturbed is in inverse proportion to his mental capacity and may therefore be regarded as a pretty fair measure of it. Noise is a torture to all intellectual people. The super-abundant display of vitality which takes the form of knocking, hammering, and tumbling things about has proved a daily torment to me all my life long.

>> No.22040234

>leaf blowers (which do nothing; clean nothing; just blow shit from here to there)
They always lift up my spirits because I end up reflecting on what silly contraptions they are.

>> No.22040257

Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode
The Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel
The Silence of the Lambs starring Anthony Hopkins
Silence by Endo

>> No.22041163

>or do you put on something in the background?
who the fuck does this
is this some hyperactive gen z meme i am unfamiliar with

>> No.22041171

for what its worth, my bestfriend with a healthy kid feels nearly the same.

>> No.22042262

where I live a lot of repetitive urban noise is just cars and motorbikes

when I went to work during my city's first covid lockdown it was surreal how tranquil the street sounded at 2pm on a thursday. I worked at supermarket in the CBD.

it unironically made me consider that maybe those twitter urbanists do have a point

>> No.22042292

>Professors listening to classical and jazz on the gramophone in their studies since the '20s
>Le gen Z

>> No.22042327


>> No.22042357

>newfags falling for this one again

>> No.22042455

I want to bury my face in her feet while she reads me Borges

>> No.22042621

The cat, right?

>> No.22042658

Damn… she cute as fuck