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/lit/ - Literature

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22029321 No.22029321 [Reply] [Original]

My writing is not that good.

>> No.22029383

neither is mine

>> No.22029442

>the virgin being
>the chad becoming
Your writing is not that good right now

>> No.22029478

Nobody has good command of language in the written word now because language has been so degraded and we’ve all grown up with shitty educations and a lifetime of gaming. It’s up to us to fix that.

>> No.22030503

But how? How do you fix this as an adult? I have better mastery of the language than 95% of people and I'm put to shame when I read even letters from a few generations ago.

>> No.22030529

If I had the answer, it wouldn’t be a task for us. It’s something we each have to grapple with. I read and study old literature personally. It’s a tricky thing because you want to be an interesting person with interesting things to say. Tolkien would not have been Tolkien if he were merely an expert on language and not a soldier. But he also would not have been Tolkien if he had not studied language.

>> No.22030567

>I read and study old literature personally
Do you have any recommendations besides Shakespeare?

>> No.22030580
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My genius remains hardly recognised.

>> No.22031393

I am so clever I only argue with myself

>> No.22031504

i feel the exact same. reading classical literature is a must like the other anon mentioned but i think you should also consult reference books like thesauruses and encyclopedias so you have a greater well to draw from. and i believe in revising every sentence over and over again until it's up to the standard you're after. maybe a big ask but after so much of this practice you may land on elegant sentences in the first or second draft

>> No.22031558

>that post
>in all lowercase

>> No.22031587

How do you write? Pen + paper? Lappy? Typewriter?

>> No.22031633

Isolate yourself and read exclusively works written prior to the 20th, maybe even the 19th centuries. Find a few friends who will be undertaking the same task and practice written correspondence with them.

>> No.22031659

Chatgpt prompts

>> No.22031788

my writing is genius

>> No.22031811

i don't hold my 4channel posts to any standard. that's crazy that's asinine that's retarded

>> No.22031865

This. You’ll never win if you don’t play.

>> No.22031873
File: 3.92 MB, 4032x3024, 484527BA-6364-4E58-B697-D37867661F98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we’ve all grown up with shitty educations and a lifetime of gaming.
>t. not sent to elite private schools and properly raised with love and discipline

>> No.22031877

>smart guy can't post a correctly oriented image

>> No.22031914
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>educated in english and french from age 8
>violin classes, music school
>riding classes
>summer school for people way richer than us
>regular trips to museums, pushed to treat the poor guide as an art teacher
>trips to Europe to go to spanish museums, czech operas, French theatres
>regularly going to see modern art exhibits and theatre, analyzing them for hours afterwards
>turn out a tranny that lives off side gigs and her parents money
Nah, education is a lie. I'm sorry to pop your bubble.

>> No.22032120
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how much do you write?
track your gains

>> No.22032126

based hibari poster
education is a psyop

>> No.22032417

>turn out a tranny that lives off side gigs and her parents money
Education is a great and powerful thing assuming your parents actually raise you properly and develop the more elemental parts of your character. Believe it or not we aren't all sick in the head bums like yourself in which case fancier education is very nice

>> No.22032424

>her parents money
hahahahhahahaa just so you know people have "MAN" screaming in their head as they pass you on the street, and only pretend to humour you to your face. It doesn't matter how well you think you 'pass'

>> No.22032439

>I am so clever I only argue with myself
anon I...

>> No.22032451

>the feet are censored
what even is the point?

>> No.22032628

Improve yourself

even if it means a self destructive path, is obvious whatever you are is bad at writing