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22023949 No.22023949 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Melville edition

Previous lovely thread >>22019797

>> No.22023967

Is a degree in History a meme?
I'm almost done with my 1st year but I'm starting to have second thoughts

>> No.22023969

I miss you.

>> No.22023976

There is no purpose to live for.


>> No.22023991

Yes, drop out and either get an apprenticeship or an hard/applied science degree, I know that biology and chemistry degrees are kinda/sorta useless.

>> No.22024017

You’ll have to be more specific about what your second thoughts are. If you’re just having second thoughts about employability, it may or may not be time to abandon it yet. But if you’re having second thoughts about employability and interest, you should probably abandon it.

>> No.22024029

I'm never going to change. What's keeping me alive is that I'm too scared to die. I want to slit my wrists. I don't have a positive mindset, I tried Eckhart Tolle but I cant prevent myself from being upset.
I help out at a youth club and I never participate in the sports just in case I spill my spaghetti. The kids think I'm a loser and so do the other helpers.
I just read books and wageslave, I'm 27 coming 28. I've read 40 books this year and people think I'm gay or autistic
I think I'm going to do it soon or at least try, I don't think I'll be damned to hell but non existence is scary.
I want to be liked and not feel like a loner freak. I shit myself recently.
I wasn't meant to function in this society, I'm going to do it soon.
I'm a robot who failed to be a normalfag.
Life is boring, cruel and constant testing which I failed

>> No.22024046

well what in particular upsets you? There are tons of people who lived alone because society didn't accept them at all or for other reasons. Have you tried reading the writings and biographies of hermits and loners?

>> No.22024056

It’s okay.

>> No.22024057

Not fitting in sucks, its very painful. Ironically though, when they push you into being alone for so often you end up no longer fearing being alone. There in lies your true strength, the ability to not only get along without others but to also cut people out of your life when they do not treat you the way that you would want to be treated is one of the powerful feelings you can do.

>> No.22024059

It’s sort of crazy how we ask why all young people are so depressed but anything they do and anything they want to do gets discouraged. There’s only a small set of things that are encouraged today, and it’s basically getting a skilled trades apprenticeship or an engineering degree and job, both with the express purpose or selling your life for money.

>> No.22024060

I'm too bourgeois to be a prole and too prole to be a bourgeois, even aside from detesting middle classes in general. For whom am I supposed to be writing?

>> No.22024065

You're not special, Anon. There's nothing about you that's uniquely beyond hope. You've shut your eyes to beauty but no one can ever be rendered permanently blind to it. Until you've tried everything to fix things there's no excuse for cutting your life short.

>> No.22024068

I mean I'm not saying you can't do history, but just be aware that you won't walk into a good paying job unless your very lucky or you go back to school/get a cert. By all means do what you will, just know that you will pay the price later.

>> No.22024071
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From Tyerman's "God's War: A New History of the Crusades"
>For Columbus (...) science, cosmology and the crusade were complementary, not aspects of antagonistic cultures or hostile systems of thought.
>In contemplating ways of fulfilling the injunction to recover Christ's heritage, Columbus (...) first sought to understand the world better, its natural phenomena, its diversity and its breadth as much as its eschatological destiny.
>Crusading remained embedded in western European culture for so long precisely for this reason. In presenting a spiritualized vision of reality, it recognized the temporal world and the actual experience of man while offering to transform both.
Reading this conclusion has driven me nuts today. Without a comparable transcendental worldview and an eschatological task at hand the study of the temporal world rings hollow.
I have failed to establish my own "spiritualized vision". I see the world strictly in materialist terms with no prescribed end goal or "transformative process" except what the eternal conflict between 8 billion individuals and their various associations produces.
I console myself that at least I have enough art and intellectual resources at my fingertips to last a hundred lifetimes, but sometimes they feel like distractions. I need something to fight for. A new ideal that is invulnerable to hard academic cynicism.

>> No.22024073

>t. Guy that dropped out of History and Politics degree to pursue a technical field.

>> No.22024075

I'm that way, you should write for you and me

>> No.22024089

You ever feel like if you were meant to do something with your life, that would’ve been really clear while you were young? This is something that’s really bothering me a lot recently.

>> No.22024093

thats weird, I've done the inverse. I wouldn't say I'm deeply spiritual or religious, but I am way less materialistic than I was when I was younger. I actively avoid materialistic people because I tend to find they are "NPC-ish". Because there's only physical reality to them all that matters is physical wealth, which doesn't really lead to a happy or well adjusted person. I still even struggle to even comprehend how a materialist justifies his own consciousness and how just crazy unique it is.
But betting your whole life to an accumulation of shit and things is a great way to ruin your life. There is the Stoic way of just ignoring things that aren't in the present or that can't be changed, but its another thing to invest your soul into what is around you... rather than what is inside you. As the Ancient Greeks said, we are one part divine, one part animal. To ignore the divine is to refute what is human. To ignore what is animal is to refute what is reality. We are a mix of both so our approach must be what we are. An animal tempered by divine knowledge.

>> No.22024097

The aristocracy

>> No.22024124

I sort of feel like I failed to find literary influences while I was young. No author has really had a tremendous affect on me. None from my own culture anyway.

>> No.22024129

>Is a rentoid

>> No.22024132

You yourself embody your milieu in every step, thought, and word. How could you ever think yourself to be a stranger to your own environment, just because you read people outside that environment?

>> No.22024142

I worked with a guy on the river who had a spanish degree. We did she tow work and made the same amount. Don’t pay tens of thousands of dollars on a useless degree because you find the subject interesting. Everything is free online.

>> No.22024150

what's something a person with high linguistic ability but adhd can do that pays well

>> No.22024151


>> No.22024163
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unhinged political rants on podcasts/raido

>> No.22024167

A storm unending, a disaster unceasing.

>> No.22024168

Young people rebelling against "selling out" and getting an office job has been an important theme in popular consciousness since the 60s. It's not THE reason why young people are more depressed nowadays, but rather a symptom of the economic anxieties and greater importance of materialist values. Basically the dual poison of globalisation and high development levels.
At le end of the day there will always be "rebels" pursuing their own paths against the wishes of their parents/society (some of them paying the price as >>22024068 says) and then the "conformers" who suck it up and force themselves into whatever's in demand because you've got to pay the bills. There's no shame in belonging to either group as far as I am concerned.

>> No.22024183

Prussian style schooling is a meme

Everyone can have the old aristocrats style of a series of tutors. Imagine that. A whole generation growing up learning what they want and loving it.

>> No.22024186

So when does my real life start?

>> No.22024188

When you start to make an influence on the world rather than the world making an influence on you.

>> No.22024189

What other stories than the LOTR is there with that feeling of depth and ancinentness?
or as the man himself put it
"“Part of the attraction of The L.R. is, I think, due to the glimpses of a large history in the background: an attraction like that of viewing far off an unvisited island, or seeing the towers of a distant city gleaming in a sunlit mist. To go there is to destroy the magic, unless new unattainable vistas are again revealed.”

>> No.22024190

I've become that way. Environmental factors are seriously underestimated in cases like these. I was actually very popular in my childhood and was congenial at later times. Many women have been interested in me off and on. But the fact remains that other shit can be going on that pulls the rug from under your feet. You have years and years of that and then you end up a loner weirdo. Now I'm at the point where I've given up. Vanity of vanities. Only God's grace can last.

>> No.22024210

Its a doomed world becoming more and more mundane as history goes on, multiple races are in decline with knowledge and ability lost. There are hidden cracks and crevices that can hold great treasure or great danger. The cultures are all pretty fleshed out and the fact that they are wandering through the ruins of a once greater civilization that they may or may not know about, much like the beginning of the dark ages after Rome collapsed. It has an appeal for everyone, megalomaniacs, explorers, scribes, language, culture. There is something in the setting that some one would love to do. I for one would love going around and drinking in different pubs, reading their books, maybe finding a couple of rare books and such.

>> No.22024211

I wonder if such a thing is even still possible.

>> No.22024213

My dream is to come up with a proposition that is so irresistibly true that anyone who understands it is immediately persuaded.

>> No.22024219

>I actively avoid materialistic people because I tend to find they are "NPC-ish".
No, I agree with that, materialists have no souls.
I was trying to say that when even ideas become reduced to the level of material motivations, sort of complementary variables determining human action, it becomes almost impossible for me to subscribe to ideals of my own. Even nationalism which I used to hold sacred seems to be a relative collective concept which justifies itself only with its practical benefits. Only its expression as an aesthetic phenomenon retains the divine aspect.
Now that I've typed all of this I realise it could be just another manifestation of my impostor syndrome.
>are you even good enough to believe in the ideal

>> No.22024227

There are people who doubt A=A

>> No.22024235 [DELETED] 

Vicuna 13b cocktail is the good one right?

>> No.22024245
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You drink to have fun.
I drink to humble myself before God.

>> No.22024256

(old bbc version)
(new version)

I don't know how to put it but this song really moves me

what fictionus accounts make you feel longing for a place you never been to?

>> No.22024280

I’ve not found anything. The author of Lord of the Rings after all is a guy who dedicated basically his entire life, literally from childhood, to ancient and medieval history, language, and mythology and then he went on to study and teach it at what is probably the best university for that in the world. He even fought in a war. The only way he would’ve been more prepared to write those books is if he somehow managed to get teleported back in time and fight in a medieval war and not a modern one. His entire life reads as if it was moved by fate to write those books. It’s really depressing actually if you consider your own life relative to his. At least, I find it depressing.

I read a lot of ancient and medieval literature to fill the void.

>> No.22024284

Hasn't every fantasy author since Tolkien used this technique to populate their world?
In the "Wheel of Time" for example the author never gets tired of reminding you what sort of legendary events took place around every heap of old stones. It makes for some memorable moments like some immortal guy who has been in stasis since the "destruction of the world" passing by the ruins of a city in the desert and commenting how it's possibly the town where he was born... except that it was on the sea shore back then.
King tried to do something like that in his "The Dark Tower" (also heavily inspired by LoTR) series with world that combines elements from the fantasy and the post-apocalyptic genres. IMO he failed miserably, but the feeling you are talking about is still there.
Tl;Dr just read other popular fantasy books and it will probably scratch the itch.

>> No.22024286

I’ve come to the conclusion that this is the worst time to be alive in history. People will say things like “but you have food and medicine”. I don’t care. Food and medicine do prolong life but they don’t make life worth living.

>> No.22024357


>> No.22024360

But LOTR draws on actual ancient and medieval mythology. It’s far more believable and Tolkien himself insisted the story be read like true history.

>> No.22024365

Sometimes I feel like aspiring to be a writer is a lost cause. Sometimes I feel like if it was meant to be, it would already be.

>> No.22024398

I hate my life, I hate it all

>> No.22024423

>tfw modern food and medicine keep me alive
>tfw anon probably doesn't have problems like "if I don't get medicine I'll be paralyzed soon" or "if I don't get it then repeated heart attacks til death"
Maybe get some problems, anon.

>> No.22024428

Skill issue

>> No.22024437

Last night l didnt dream of women l've now torturing me so that was nice.

>> No.22024442

You ever feel like just giving up? You ever feel like just opting out of the game?

>> No.22024469

Things have been really hard lately, but in a different kind of way than they used to be. I need something good to happen. I need to change myself somehow.

>> No.22024483

prove it

>> No.22024503

I noticed my mom changed her username and profile pic on telegram. The pfp used to be her and her dog in a selfie pic but now it's a young and attractive girl who is absolutely not her. I suspect shes using telegram to sext and catfish guys for money.

>> No.22024509

Stop shilling the trade meme. I fell for it and it was a huge mistake. I'm back in university now.

>> No.22024515

I was depressed because I was told the only possible way to be happy is to be a total degenerate at college and that life is all downhill from there on.

>> No.22024517

You're comparing work with fun times in uni.
It will be less of a meme when you get into your open plan office.

>> No.22024525

We all were, but I was more depressed when I realized what a waste all that was and if I had just pursued an interest earnestly and sincerely, I’d have been better off for it. Instead, I went through motions miserably and self-medicated with alcohol and drugs.

>> No.22024529

I didn’t really start reading a lot until I was about 25 and I’ve always felt so far behind as a writer because of it.

>> No.22024534

That author thinks way more about Columbus's vision than Columbus did. I guarentee Columbus did not think even half that deep about what he was doing. I really despise how academics think they can reconstruct the exact personality, mindset, and worldvoew of people they're so far removed from

>> No.22024554

I was talking to a friend about my messed up family life and he said "Oh that makes sense. You look like a normal guy but when you started talking I could tell you were damaged."
I didnt ask how I came across as damaged because I knew I would obsess over those traits, but was pretty odd to hear. I didnt realize it was so obvious.

>> No.22024577

I'm comparing a well paying and stable career to doing back breaking work with a team of mexicans who resent gringo, 12 hours a day, 6 days a week to make barely more than minimum wage. Trade work sucks.

>> No.22024581

You did grunt work.
If you're low IQ you're not getting a well paying stable career.
If you are high IQ you'd do more skilled trade labour and start a business for yourself.

>> No.22024593

A cock-blocker is an obstacle to the sacred mating ritual. If this is a person, this person is not merely useless, but a detriment to all that is valuable. Society as a super-organism wants nothing more than the elimination of the cock-blocker. This is why we systematically destroy the unfit.

>> No.22024602

All the people telling kids to drop out of college act like becoming a high paid contractor is the easiest thing. Contracting sucks. I know a lot of people who went that route. Most college students are better off going into white collar careers. Yeah, blue collar work is fine and all, but it's rough and demanding in its own way

>> No.22024614

It's not for everyone and it is lazy advise if it's sold as the solution. It comes with many obstacles.
However it does give you confidence when you can actually do something. You have an actual skill.
A lot of office work has none of that and just speaking for me, I fucking HATE sitting behind some gay ass pc all day. Terrible

>> No.22024627

I need help, but no one can help me.
My existence is yet another prolonged scream in eternity. I can't help but wonder why.
Can anybody tell me why? Why am I who I am?

>> No.22024630

How can I help?

>> No.22024638

Because you touch yourself at night

>> No.22024664

Columbus inherited the spiritualized vision from his culture. It would be a Herculean task to develop your own in lieu of inheritance from your own culture. In that regard, we live in the worst time to be alive. The only really obvious spiritual vision in lieu of those you inherit is precisely the quest for a spiritual vision.

>> No.22024682

I want to kill myself. I want to end this shitstorm. I cannot continue existing like this, in this awful state of being. I need out, there has to be an "out" from all of this.
When I have dreamless sleep,. when I go blackout drunk, when I am as far away as it can possibly be from this shit I am not. That is the best possible state to find myself in.
I will kill myself, I will kill myself, I will myself. Fuck everything, I just want to stop.

>> No.22024688
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At what point do we cut bait on Modernity? The project of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment is, by every conceivable metric, a failure. The entire purpose of it all was to make a more broadly free, broadly prosperous society where the average person had roughly as much power as the old aristocracy and everyone was more equal from the perspective of wealth and rights.

But 500 years later we can see that we're right back where we started. The average person has as little relative wealth, as few relative rights, and as little relative power as any Medieval peasant. We once again have a small group of people controlling most of the wealth and most of the power in the world, and they can ruin the lives of the average person as surely as any ancient nobleman could destroy his serf.

So what was it all for? All that effort, all those wars waged and lives lost and blood spilt, just to end up right back where we started. And to add insult to injury, our new aristocrats lie to us and pretend they're just average people and the things we notice are all an illusion.

It was all a waste. We might as well bring back the old landed gentry. At least they had a sense of aesthetics.

>> No.22024698

It was an attempt to turn things around, but it was unsuccessful,
Maybe in the future there will be more, maybe they will be successful, but you and I are living in what could be considered the "bad end".
Someone won, but not "us". We are fucked. It was over long before you were born.

>> No.22024715

You’d be hard pressed to convince either the unsuccessful masses or the winners of modernity that it is indeed a failure. Those who can recognize it as such are neither in the majority nor in power or position of influence.

>> No.22024717

I lie utterly defeated as an anonymous nothing in history. Will I make it into a statistic at least?
There is nothing to live for, nothing at all. As yet another individual trapped in the system of capitalism and physics, all I can muster is an angry cry.
The same angry cry that will come out of my throat as a bullet pierces through my skull. What did I came here for? Nothing. What am I leaving for? Nothing. That's the rule of nature.
I don't want to live anymore, I don't want anything to live anymore at all. Fuck me I guess, the worms will feast on my eyes,

>> No.22024726

Was that really the purpose? I know that’s what we tell ourselves and what we put on the history books, more as a footnote to the part where it was about bringing justice to unjust rulers and aristocrats. But was it really ever about that? Is that even what it was for the revolutionaries?

>> No.22024727

Hey anon, are you reading this?
I was alive and so were you. This is the only moment in time in which people will read this. I flicker for a moment and then I fade into oblivion. You don't know, you don't know of my suffering, but you read this.
Please reply.

>> No.22024734

When people ask “am I too old to be a writer” what they’re really asking is “did I come to literature too late to be a writer”. Everyone knows an author can find success in at any age. What they don’t know is whether success can be found if a certain affinity for it wasn’t demonstrated at a young age.

>> No.22024798

How exciting it is to finally die.
The only advice I can give is: don't have children. They reverse better,

>> No.22024818

I am who I am, and there is no escaping this fact.

>> No.22024839

Finished a job interview for the first time. I didn't mess it up more than I thought but don't care.

>> No.22024863

Feeling moody. I'd smoke a cigarette but they make my tummy hurt.

>> No.22024882

Living at the end of time. The end of life, real human life.

>> No.22024888

What if you hated who you are and hated your fate?

>> No.22025028

this, if you are a traditional man and an introvert this is the worst time in history to be alive, but I firmly believe that in 5 to 10 years AI will save us.
it is better to burn twice as bring but last half as long then to barely illuminate and burn for years.

>> No.22025034

>he didn't do plumbing or electrician
I can tell you that as an electrician I can make 6 figures doing a 4 day work week and my employer is crying for me to work fridays and weekends but I just use the union to give them the middle finger. Well I did until they offered 2.5x on fridays and saturdays. What is hilarious is that they don't know that all I have been doing is banking the money and living in an RV on 30 acers of land. I'm set to when I hit 50 I will be a multi-millionaire and I'll just retire early, build a house on my land and laugh at them.

>> No.22025076

Well la dee da mr union. Fuck me for going into private contracting.

>> No.22025083

Worst time for us at least. I got a job at an alcohol retailer and I work every friday night. So many young people coming through having so much fun. Theres a very large gap. The haves and have nots isnt measure in political prestige or wealth, but those who have fun and those who dont. Much like the two races in The Time Machine, but somehow not based on class. The socially alienated vs the socially integrated. We must be sacrificed for the continued pleasure ride.

>> No.22025086

>A=A and this makes me sad
I have just summarized the entirety of existentialism

>> No.22025088

The fact that it happened is a fact and truth is eternal. This moment fades perhaps in our memory, but it is encoded permanently into reality.

>> No.22025188

Hate everything about this life so much.

>> No.22025210
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>> No.22025239

Why? It isn't that bad eventually.

>> No.22025243

Not funny. Not even a smirk.
I’m 33. When does “eventually” happen?

>> No.22025244

Just write for yourself... or maybe to the middle-class. Will they rip your books or will they start reflecting about themselves?

>> No.22025248

I don't know. What is it about you that you hate everything about this life?

>> No.22025257

Can you look at it in different perspective? There's something sometimes is just... out of your control, but obviously, you want to control everything so you don't doom yourself.

>> No.22025258

I've been having explosive outbursts at work on the sales floor near customers which involve me yelling profanities, punching walls, banging my head into a wall and, recently, scraping and cutting my arm with a disposable plastic knife until it bleeds. They're not going to write me up or do anything official, they just told me to find a way to manage this anger and that I can always ask to take a breather. All of my co-workers seem uncomfortable around me and they look at me weirdly. I think I'm hanging on by a tenuous thread. I need to get my shit together.

>> No.22025268

Idk either. What is it about you that you like things in this life?

>> No.22025273

Good-looking people.
Beautiful writing.
Rustic old shops.
Friendly old people.
A newborn of any organism.
Real flowers.

>> No.22025277
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>> No.22025281

>are not good looking after you see them for who they are
>never read anything beautiful before
>why? they aren’t actually friendly when observing closely
>why? most are hideous
This is it? This is what you love? This is what you live for?

>> No.22025283

Yes. There's more but I'm too lazy to type it.

I'm curious how you live. Are you a wagie? Neet? Psycho CEO?

>> No.22025284

I can't seem to find a cope for AI. I'm more and more drifting into paranoia and hopelessness. There are too many ways shit will go horribly. The odds are overwhelmingly bad. If we won't get destroyed we will wish we were.
Where are the mass protests? People are too stupid and arrogant to see the danger we're in. The internet needs to get shut down. We will need to build up offline infrastructure again. Why the fuck is nothing happening?

>> No.22025295

>I'm curious how you live
I work and am financially doing well. Better than most. But I suffer daily because I don’t enjoy any of it. The novelty of life has worn off.

>> No.22025301

Not really lit related but idk where to post this and I don't want reddit cuddling me and telling me it's all societies fault.
I'm autistic and totally socially incapable. in the same way some people can fill a conversation or room with energy I just seem to drain it from whomever I try to interact with.
I do all the things people say when they tell you "you just need to get out there man"
I work a socially demanding job, I've got hobbies and skills outside of that, I go to the gym often and try to put myself in situations that will make me meet new people , ect but none of that matters because I'm just a empty vessel with no personality or soul underneath.
When I was younger I wanted to be a writer in the vein of steinbeck or tolstoy but that can never happen because I can't get people to talk to me and share their experiences and stories with me, apparently from the obvious crippling loneliness I just feel like I have no purpose in the world, all I really want is to contribute somthing to my community and the lives of those around me but eventually get married and raise a family but it seems that even somthing as simple as that is beyond my grasp.
Is there any solution I've been suggested therapy and once new a guy who claimed he cured his autism with a mixture of stimulents and microdosing psilosibin but I'm sceptical that any of that would work and honestly the crushing disappointment of that failing is more scary to me than any potential side effects or addictions I might experience.

>> No.22025311

Why are you here at /lit/? Not a /lit/ po-po but you say your novelty of life has worn off but you're at /lit/... where curious minds strive, which is probably a solution to your problem or deep down you don't hate life but somehow you know you're missing something, whatever that is, Idk, considering the limited context

>> No.22025320

I used to enjoy lit. I used to enjoy a ton of things. I’m still here because I haven’t killed myself yet.
>deep down you don't hate life
Don’t know what you mean by this, but I would much rather have never existed. Not sure if killing myself will even solve anything. I’m searching for hope I guess.

>> No.22025327
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>Be footfag
>Be into more tops and toes and more sleeker feet
>Suddenly into more meatier soles (but still don't like chubby stumpy toes)
>Steal feet pics of girls I know irl off their social media when they wear open toe shoes or are bare foot

How do I cure myself of being into feet?

>> No.22025330

What is it that's so alluring about killing oneself? It's not so profound albeit regretful when one actually did it.

See David Foster Wallace.

>I’m searching for hope I guess.
What do you hope for?

>> No.22025335

>How do I cure myself of being into feet?
You can't, really. It's biology.

>> No.22025340

>What is it that's so alluring about killing oneself?
The idea of being asleep for eternity. Not difficult to understand.
>What do you hope for?
To be unconscious for eternity, or to see enough beauty to make life worth living.

>> No.22025346
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>> No.22025364

sick, ill, unwell, if i don't stop drinking i'm going to die, i hate myself

>> No.22025384

>The idea of being asleep for eternity.
You can't even last doing different things in a day without getting bored of it and hating it. What makes you think being asleep forever is something you want? Lol

>> No.22025389
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I suck at reading. I tried challenging myself to read 1 book for every month of the year. I only finished one so far and it was a children's chapter book. Right now I'm on Inferno by Dante. I can't get through a canto without getting lost and reading the cliffnotes. I'm lagging behind. I don't know if I should stop and read something else or power through it. I tried finding something to read on my level,but I kept getting recommendations for pre-teens. Any suggestions?

>> No.22025392

I’m unconscious when I’m asleep (not dreaming). Never have been “bored” of sleeping.

>> No.22025394

>getting bored
You have to be conscious to feel boredom.

>> No.22025404

You're so smart aren't you?
How do you know you're not conscious when you're dead?

There was a case where a chicken still move after its head was cut off.

>> No.22025415

>How do you know you're not conscious when you're dead?
I never said I did “know”. I said that is what I hope for.

>> No.22025426

What do you use to read to come up with that conclusion? What a dangerous hope!

>> No.22025431

Esl? That isn’t my only hope.

>> No.22025447 [DELETED] 

An asian woman was chatting with me the other day. She randomly initiated the interaction. We were talking about horror movies that we liked and what we do for a living. Then she told me her age (32) and asked for mine. I told her my age (27). She never replied back. Why? What was she after?

>> No.22025451

An Asian woman was chatting with me the other day. She randomly initiated the interaction. We were talking about horror movies that we liked and what we do for a living. Then she told me her age (32) and asked for mine. I told her my age (27). She never replied back. Why? What was she after? I don't get it.

>> No.22025457

It's common for Chinese girls to not want younger men. My girlfriend told me she wouldn't like someone even a year younger than her. Age has different connotations for peer groups in Asia, even for friendships and working relationships.

>> No.22025460

I'm trying to become the man I wanted my father to be...

>> No.22025473

I see failing threads about obscure books I shilled long ago, and I feel a bit bad for not giving a reply.

>> No.22025502
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I found a small bookstore today, picked up a nice copy of Faust. It's fantastic so far, I have recaptured the joy of reading and attention span I thought school had killed off in me a decade ago.

>> No.22025527


They're all short so they have to find something other than height to be insane about.

>> No.22025581

They all look young, so the actual number of the age matters to them more

>> No.22025589

Nigga thats a five year age gap

>> No.22025599

It's nothing. Way more common than you think.

>> No.22025657

Yeah but consider in a lot of Asian cultures if someone is two days older than you, you have to call them your elder and respect them like they're your commanding officer.

>> No.22025695

Another Day, Another Dollar (Wasted)

>> No.22025697

Nigga, no. Relationships with a woman that many years older is actually very rare.

>> No.22025705

How so? Im in a relationship like that as the younger person

>> No.22025722

>how so
By not happening that often

>> No.22025725

sho nuff

>> No.22025729

The argument he makes proceeds from the following:
>In later life, he (Columbus) construed his voyages to what he stubbornly viewed as part of the old world as fulfilling biblical prophecies of the reconquest of Jerusalem, notably Isaiah 60:9.
>In 1501 he wrote to his patrons, the Catholic monarchs of Spain, Ferdinand and Isabella, "Our Lord wished to manifest a most evident miracle in this voyage to the Indies in order to console me and others in the matter of the Holy Sepulchre."
>Columbus, here and in his own work of prophecy Libro de las profecias, a decade after his first voyage, was casting himself in an almost messianic role as the deliverer of Jerusalem.
>His will of 1498 provided for a fund to be established in his home city of Genoa for the recovery of Jerusalem.
Wise words anon. I do not want to bow down to any inheritance or the visions of others, so I shall not complain that task at hand is difficult. If nothing else, at least I've got my stubbornness.

>> No.22025738

It can be pretty disappointing…

>> No.22025740

Well I think that some things are out of your control is precisely the problem. You can forgive yourself but you can’t feel good about it.

>> No.22025747

>you can’t feel good about it.
Yeah agreed, I've been there

>> No.22025754

It is depressing that these people were so full of vitality and there were things to do and grand visions for life. Now, we’re just sitting here at the end of time behind screens with nothing to do, nowhere to go, and nothing really to believe in.

>> No.22025758

So what’s the solution? Maybe there isn’t one? You’re just screwed?

>> No.22025764

Sometimes I feel like I aged out of getting what I want.

>> No.22025765

Depends on the problem.

>> No.22025795
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goddamn I fucking hate communists. I'm so glad there aren't a lot of commies here. the so-called nazis here aren't even fascists they're just racist libertarians

>> No.22025797

I'm the anon from yesterday with the cat who had kidney failure. Sadly he passed today, FIV probably made it impossible for him to recover or at least not deteriorate that fast, within 7-10 days from onset (also creatinine levels were late stage 2/early stage 3 out of terminal 5).

Thanks a lot to the anon who linked the felinecrf(?) site yesterday!

>> No.22025798

Who said you have to feel good? Accept your fate, detach yourself from the desires that torture you and put your soul in the small acts that bring you happiness which you are still allowed to do.
You can't? You despise your fate more than you desire stability and comfort? Then turn your hate into anger. Use that energy against yourself and everything keeping you in the shitty situation that you ended up in. Life might brutally kick your ass 9 out of 10 times but each victory you wrestle from its claws is worth every hit.

>> No.22025803

I have no idea of what I should do with my life

>> No.22025804

Think of it this way
>If I can pull through, interesting times ahead. As long as I don't live in some urban western city
t. We have a similar view on this one I believe. No more Overmen, just last men.

>> No.22025807

Become a landlord

>> No.22025821

You can be a football player, a king, or a spaceman!


A football playing king on space... With a moustache!

>> No.22025855

I'm proud of you anon, trying to save your cat's life!

>> No.22025859

Are all the posters Europeans right now, or americans with a fucked up sleep schedule

>> No.22025868
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It's 4am, I'm high as shit rn and drinking milk. I love milk so FUCKING MUCH

>> No.22025875

But what you presented is a cycle of being stuck between accepting your miserable fate and using your anger about your miserable fate to try and escape your fate, only to obviously end up stuck and forced to accept those miserable fate. The cycle repeats.

>> No.22025876

How old are you?

>> No.22025878

I’m not convinced we do have interesting times ahead. I think current trajectories suggest otherwise. But even if we did, I’m not convinced I’d find comfort in that sort of interesting. What I want is ultimately not to be merely interested or entertained.

>> No.22025879

>no fat milk
Gay as fuck

>> No.22025883

1% mafucka

>> No.22025888

South Euro here

>> No.22025889

99% gay then

>> No.22025891

Imagine drinking what quite literally constitutes as cream. Your tongue will stick to the roof of your mouth!

>> No.22025893

Interesting times ahead means widespread collapse/radical shift of various things. Ethnic groups vanishing & technology rapidly altering the economy and lifestyle are two quick examples.

In other words: last men start dying off and their states collapse. That is interesting.

>> No.22025905

Everything is for something, everything is for me. If only this was understood by everyone. Then everything would be for everyone and everyone would be for themselves but they themselves would see everyone in themself even be everyone for themself.

>> No.22025941

Jane Austen would be addicted to Paradox Interactive games

>> No.22025948
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Lads, I think pornography finally got me fucked up for good. Got too horny and downloaded one of them patreon-scam hentai games that's in perpetual development hell.
In short there's your character and his wife, and you are more or less enslaved by demons and in one of the scenes you can have a threesome with a succubus.
But the thing is that the succubus seduces both characters merely by worshipping their love and loyalty for each other, promising that love will conquer all and they will get a happy ending together. And of course she also loves them both and if they would just let her join in they could experience so much more pleasure...
Obviously it's all perverse and degenerate but also a very powerful message and sexual fantasy. This shit is how these weird religious sex cults recruit you I swear. Constant flattery and praise plus the promise of eternal love and salvation without restrictions on sexual desires.
Now I've suddenly come circle from all the BDSM shit back to wishing for pure love and mutual harmony. Fuck this shit I wanted to beat my meat not feel things.

>> No.22026015

Regretting education and career choices.

>> No.22026019

I’m not convinced we’ll see that but I don’t exactly get excited about it. You know how this works in reality? The system gets more and more dystopian because it’s falling apart while a minority insist on maintaining it. You’re still trapped at a meaningless job, behind a computer, without enough to own your own property, without any real dignity in any vocation, declining marriage, lonelier people, you get the idea.

>> No.22026023

Building New Societies with Primitive Autarky

Here in Appalachia, there are areas of reservation land where Indigenous people live off the land in the old, traditional way. Basically, a hunter-gatherer way of living that involves hunting and fishing, providing the needs of the individual, family, and tribal community. Outside of reservation land, there are people in Appalachia called "mountain people" who essentially live the same way but with a bit more complexity. Small houses in the middle of the woods, people who survive without using money for long periods of time.

This got me thinking, surely there is a world of possibility between primitive hunter-gatherer society and advanced modern living. As a human being, there must be a way to both enjoy the fruits of modernity while also enjoying the independence of deriving your own living from nature. That would be the best of both worlds. A life that is balanced with nature, but not lacking the severe advantages of modern life. A more advanced, independent hunter-gatherer-like society, in the 21st century, with electricity and internet access. Not some naive "utopic" vision, but a means of surviving societal collapse or even advancing beyond modern society. An improvement, at the least.

A common theme I've noticed in the Western zeigeist is demoralized doubt over the dependability of a decaying society. I believe this is a reaction to the market crash, lockdowns, travel restrictions, food shortages, and general social decay coupled with authoritarian overreach. People make jokes about "shit hitting the fan" or "the dark timeline" or "prepping" as if some nightmarish fate looms over us all, waiting for the straw to break the camel's back.

The entire "social collapse" thought experiment revolves around a simple, anxious question:

If modern society collapsed, could you survive? Even thrive?

If the response to total social collapse is to survive the collapse and create a new society:

Then it is best to start creating that new society right now, a crisis-proof society which goes the opposite direction of contemporary industrial human civilization. That way, as things get worse for those who follow the old system towards its natural doom, things improve for those bold enough to break free and establish themselves ahead of time.

Thankfully, we don't need to form an ideological "movement" or even use words like "autarky" as the concepts are proven and functional, regardless of what you choose to call it. Only the most fundamental concepts need to be understood for this sort of society to function, regardless of fleeting ideological labels.

>> No.22026027



What sort of "system" is ideal for this? There is not a "perfect system" to theorize. There are only our most primitive needs, which must first be met before anything else:

1. Water
2. Food
3. Shelter

By focusing on our most primal needs, we can create organic, economically self-sustaining primitive autarkies.

We can create primitive infrastructure for small-scale societies rather inexpensively, and use this as a foundation for more infrastructure and complexity.

Seeing as clean air is a given, for now, let's start with the most fundamental resource of human life and civilization:


To create a primitive autarky, that is, a completely independent economy and the society it supports, we must source our own water.

You have multiple options, which can be combined for redundancy, in case one system fails:

1. Drilling a modern well with pump
2. Digging a simple well with pail
3. Rainwater and surface water collection

Water can be purified by charcoal filtration, which can be sourced naturally from a campfire or outdoor charcoal oven. It can be further purified by boiling and distillation, which can also be accomplished with fire and simple tools. Your autarky is better off than some rural African villages if you can source clean water locally without having to physically retrieve giant, heavy vessels of surface water. The entire society revolves around this most fundamental resource. It's used for survival, hygeine, cooking, raising animals, primitive crafts, and much more. If you have secured clean, abundant fresh water, you have established a means to support human life on the most basic level. This is the pattern we will apply to everything else, severing our dependence on money, neglected infrastructure, and an unstable society.

>> No.22026029



With clean water taken care of, we move down our list of priorities to the next fundamental human need:


Hunter-gatherer societies revolve around meat sharing. In other words, fish and wild game is shared between all members of society, and there is an abundance of meat to provide for everyone. Agricultural civilization, as we know it, seemingly requires a strict division of labor. However, in a hunter-gatherer society, the hunters provide enough meat for the entire, small society, while also providing protection from outside threats. In Appalachia, there is plenty of wild game to hunt and fish to catch, you don't have to go hungry if you have survival skills. However, we extend these survival skills into a long-term means of supporting multiple people.

In a primitive autarky, gardening and gathering can exist alongside hunting and fishing through entirely natural motivations. Instead of being driven by some ideological vision or concept, we are compelled by nature to secure our most basic needs or simply die, and this extends to the entire autarky. In order to provide a healthy, tasty, balanced diet for yourself, you must also do the same for the entire tribe or autarky.

Hunters and fishers secure natural protein and lipids, the bulk of the diet. Gardeners and gatherers secure carbs, sugars, vitamins, minerals, and natural medicines. Historically, these roles come naturally to men and women, respectively, but there is flexibility. Men being the hunters, explorers, fighters, and women being the cultivators, crafters, and mothers. This means that everyone gets a natural, organic role, yet women can still hunt and men can still garden if they choose. The point is that everyone works together in an organic struggle for survival.

History has proven that this does not require 6x 8-hour days like in industrial society, tribal societies have a lot of free time to do other things.

Which brings us to our third primitive prioity, to complete the autarky.

>> No.22026041



Permanent and temporary shelters can be built without money, inexpensively, or by using local materials.

Wigwams, hogans, tipis, Germanic thatch houses, long houses, round houses, cob buildings, caves, tunnels, dugout shelters, log cabins, adobe buildings, Earth lodges, wood frame houses, steel frame houses, campers, RVs, wall tents, and so on.

Additionally, a large central meeting structure for community events and governance, as well as a house of worship like a church, which is a binding force that has historically guaranteed the long-term survival of autarkic societies, such as Benedictine monasteries. Weddings, funerals, and a rock solid moral code for local rule of law.

Instead of reconstructing a feudal settlement with a brutal subjugation under a nobility, or a Bronze Age city-state with a supreme divine ruler, you can simply have an elected chief and a council of lawspeakers, or elders that advise and preserve tradition. This is enough to govern a small autarky, as it does not require a massive system of subjugation to produce a surplus for an idle ruling class. It is not anarchy, there is a system of governance, based on proven systems from tribal human history.

Architecture has function, the type of buildings you construct will determine the type of society you build.

Once the most basic requirements are met by independent effort as an autarky, even from the efforts of one person, you have a blank slate to build the sort of autarky you envision.

Obviously, not all natural environments have the same hydrology or abundance, and each autarky will take on the form of its surrounding environment and peoples.

>> No.22026059

i'm Jewish

>> No.22026073

>Then it is best to start creating that new society right now, a crisis-proof society which goes the opposite direction of contemporary industrial human civilization.
Contemporary industrial civilisation is the only guarantee of perpetual human security. Despite its exposure to economic, environmental and war-related risks (crises), the modern liberal democratic capitalist nation-state is the single most stable system of governance ever devised.
Your tribal crisis-proof utopia will isolate you from the short term risks of the market crash or the horrors of large-scale total warfare but in the long term it will only make you susceptible to natural disasters, breakdowns of the legal rational authority and genocidal conflict with other tribes.
Which will exist, because without the material conditions of modern societies mankind will not preserve its current moral codes.

>> No.22026106

i wander to the kiosk. I stand around aimlessly. What drives me there is the urge to smoke. I never smoked routinely. I’d buy a pack and would strain it over 3 months. Sometimes i get so anxious my only immediate solution is smoking and cutting off the oxygen supply to my brain. I don’t want to cope and say that nicotine does nothing for me (because im sure it does on a molecular level) but my urge to smoke is just a compulsive faggy need to give my hands something active to do for a few minutes.
I’d get to the kiosk. I’d loiter around. And then i do a 360 and moonwalk out the fucking door. Cigaretteless. I’ve done this 4 times this week only. I’d leave the house, enter the kiosk, look through the brands, scratch my armpit and then i’ll leave, WITHOUT FUCKING BUYING THEM.
Why? I swear if i were a fraction as actionable as I am adept with restriction and inhibition, I wouldn’t be the fucking fraud that i am now.

>> No.22026154
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>> No.22026158

maggie? lol

>> No.22026197

I think eventually, Western civilization will have to return to the land and to traditional agriculture if it’s going to survive. The problems we face in simply choosing to do that are a few fold in my mind. The first is cost, not only of land but of farming. Even the land itself costs money in the form of property taxes. Tending it is more expensive. The second is technology. We live in a technological world dominated by industry. Most of the agriculture is industrial agriculture. And we live in a civilization that is essentially built 100% around tech. We have no small rural villages in America, for example. The third is just will. People don’t want this. They haven’t let go of their urban and suburban fantasies yet and they’re probably not going to anytime soon.

>> No.22026198

You don’t really believe that? We have insanity like business cycles and we pretend this is “normal” and “stable”. Moreover, so what if it’s stable? Being a vegetable on life support is stable. Being suspended in limbo for eternity is stable. If you want to live like a head in a jar like a grotesque science experiment forever because it’s stable, go right ahead, but I suspect what people really want and need is life, real, natural, organic life.

>> No.22026226

I’ll be quitting on Monday. I’ll have to decide how I’ll spend at least the next year. I’m considering doing some traveling, entering a graduate program, or just renting a place and working on personal projects.

>> No.22026227

>insanity like business cycles
woah every ten years or so you have a small chance of being laid off in which case you collect unemployment for six months and then take a new job. insanity! madness!

>> No.22026234

The madness is in the recognition of this as normalcy, and the apologetics for it. Consider the irony in your own reply.

>> No.22026300

I realized how bad it is for parents to force students to work outside of school through high school and college if it’s not necessary. They really believed bullshit like how it would build work ethic, but it really just supplied cheap labor and undermined their biography for later schooling and career.

>> No.22026312

I wish I could be 20 or 25 again.

>> No.22026366
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I went to Museum last week and the mastery of ancient artworks broke my buck. It's like that Bernhard novel, I want to kill myself. I'll never be as good as them.

The veins of Fasting Budhha broke me. You can't create a better stone sculpture. These nameless art piece totally humiliated me and my taste. How the fuck these people did without slapping their name on it?

>> No.22026369

Sometimes I feel like life is not only too unnatural but too long now. There could be some comfort knowing at 30 years of age that one is solidly at the midway point of life.

>> No.22026389

Does the fact that i cannot function outside of an external structure imposed on me by work or school mean I have ADD?

I have a million thoughts every day. And i forget most of them. I miss when i had no thoughts :(

>> No.22026395

When did I lose appreciation for the fact that I am alive? I’m not exactly suicidal, but the thought of potentially being alive for another 20 or 30 years is genuinely puzzling to me. What is there to live for? I subsist only because I’m convinced I could never kill myself.

>> No.22026400

It probably happened in your early 20s.

>> No.22026403

I sometimes wish I had been born in Europe and not America.

>> No.22026408

I’m 30 and grappling with the feeling like I’m too old to enroll in a Master’s program. Now I can appreciate the people who have a hard time deciding to do an undergraduate in their late 20s or 30s. I never really appreciated that before.

>> No.22026417

Is it acceptable to fully ignore somebody you trusted who has hurt you? Yeah, it is. Fuck this broad.

>> No.22026422

I think higher education is shit

>> No.22026431

It is. I gave my whole career to it. How I regret it!

>> No.22026481
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Look, after all these years studying, where did I get back to? English Literature. Books written by actually high IQ people with original ideas!

Not to peer-reviewed of peer-reviewed of peer-reviewed of peer-reviewed of peer-reviewed "research" papers. I don't get back at night reading these papers longingly.
Also, where did these research papers originated from? English Literature. It gets back to some old dude who spend his nights watching the stars and calculating the distance using his brain and wit instead of calculators or some computer programme. It gets back to some 2000-year-old books.

>> No.22026491

The obsesion with analytic philosophy ruined western academia

>> No.22026505
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I cant even be mad at her.
I have no reason to feel wronged or betrayed. It was all on me this time.
Which makes everything worse. How am I supposed to get over her now?
She told me so bluntly, genuinely. for my sake. not for her.
it just makes me like you even more. for fuck sake.

>> No.22026551

And those fucking publishers

>> No.22026555

It did, but you’re deprived of experience now. You can’t even see the stars and you’re not going on that expedition to the arctic without a PhD. In 100 years, things will probably be different, but not for us.

It’s less about analytic philosophy and more about research requirements that were started with the Prussian state model. Everyone wants to blame the Anglos and nobody wants to blame the Prussians. The Prussians are the reasons professors have to do research in the first place.

>> No.22026575

>you’re not going on that expedition to the arctic without a PhD. In 100 years, things will probably be different, but not for us.
No shit. However, it drives me crazy all the time. The paperwork, the formalities, the long wait for approval, it's making me wanna... look, it's very stressful. It isn't worth it for me.

>> No.22026583

This is how modern life is now. It’s all technical and bureaucratic. There’s no real life to it.

>> No.22026587

How old are you anon?

>> No.22026591

Get out of the city/suburbs, if you can't then live voluntarily poor and save your money so you can escape the rat race and live somewhere nice when you retire early. Assuming that you aren't going to have kids.

>> No.22026594

You’re still gonna be 34 or 35 or 30 whatever. You could be a 34 year old master’s degree holder. You could get exposed to something new, new connections, intellectual curiosity etc.
I find the best reaction to the question “why would i do X at this big age of Y?” to be “Why not?”. Are you bumbling retard with the processing capacities of a monkey to fear not passing? Do you have a life or death mission to complete that your potential master’s will stand in the way of?

>> No.22026598

>I'm too old
that hasn't literally stopped anyone from doing anything these days anymore. There are still 60 year old women trying to find "the one". I would say being as old as you are and getting your masters is probably way less cringe and pathetic than that.

>> No.22026601

I don’t actually miss him. I miss the comfort. The thought that someone else in the world other than my mother thought of me fondly. I think that validates one’s existence. It’s really hard to remember you’re alive and a real human bean when you go months without engaging in a real human interaction.
Good God what am I even longing for and why does it hurt so much and how could I turn my feelings off.

>> No.22026604

Put my bookshelf in my closet so my toxic fart particles don't absorb into the paper of my books.

>> No.22026617
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The death of the author is the birth of the reader. The death of the reader (the death of critique-in-itself, of deconstructive postmodernism) is the rebirth of writer and reader as co-creators of meaning, neither having a monopoly on narrative interpretation.

The birth of narrative co-creativity is the birth of constructive postmodernism, and the arrival of The Narrative Revolution.


>> No.22026632

I’m thinking of taking my savings and using it to travel across Europe for a year or two. I know I’m at an age where I should focusing on my career or buying property, but I don’t care.

>> No.22026637

29. I’ll be 30 next week.

>> No.22026652

Meh, the most important stories are the ones you tell yourself. Either if its through an open ended video game, a sandbox MMO like rust, a TTRPG like dungeons and dragons, an ad-lib or storytelling game you play with friends/family in the car, ones you write or tell yourself, or ones made wit the assistance of an AI. I think either this will produce a lot of content that no one will every consume, or maybe humanity will enter into a weird phase where there is so much content out their they say "why bother?" and end up doing more practical things. Who knows!

>> No.22026656


>> No.22026700


>> No.22026704

I live in a rural college town. The real downside of leaving the cities and suburbs is no friends and no girlfriend. Just boomers.

>> No.22026706

Two years from now, someone will write a book. This book will be read by thousands of people, and will change the life of one of them. Ten years from now, a baby will be born, partly educated with morals borne from the book. Fifty years from now, an adult will have lived most of his active life with morals he's been taught as a kid. Among them, the words of a stranger, written from and for amusement. Seventy years from now, the author will be dead and buried. Very few people will still be reading his books. Someone will smile at the silly jokes written inside, and think of their father.

>> No.22026715

what if it's the other way around? an older guy and a younger woman?

>> No.22026717

>They really believed bullshit like how it would build work ethic, but it really just supplied cheap labor and undermined their biography for later schooling and career.
They don't believe that. They just want to stop (You) from spending their money and live life children-free again. They don't have to care about their wagie son when he's not around. Imagine thinking most parents in America care about their kids after they turn 18.

>> No.22026721
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>Meh, the most important stories are the ones you tell yourself.

But your stories are woven from others, and eventually interweave with those of others in shared stories and lives. In the middle is an essential solitary exploration that requires no censorship or constraints, a wild and free creation of concepts and stories on a terrain of asignificance free from imperative and compulsion. The censorship of one's imagination and personal self-exploration is the root cause of a great amount of evil in this world.

Telling stories to yourself is nothing less than the task of weaving your soul together from threads of experience and speculative imagination, it is the task of evolving one's identity, world-story and dreams. This must have an element of solitude, of being for it's own sake rather than being for the purpose of some public audience (even if it is an audience of one.) When one tells stories to themselves, they become simultaneously reader and writer, and so active co-creator of their story.

Everyone on Earth should both engage in personal journaling (the sacred art of exploring your ongoing life story with yourself) and engage in dedicated daydreaming: closing one's eyes and letting one's thoughts and imagination flow freely from topic to topic and exploring tangents without any "goal" except to explore, experience, and reflect.

>> No.22026725
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The camouflage effect of the Predator with the blurred mirror like visual came from a dream one of the writers had.
In the dream he saw a strange being made of reflective chrome inside a sphere of similar reflecting chrome and in effect became invisible.
Today, this visual effect to display an invisible being is the most common and has been used in a wide variety of different media since then.
The best way we have come up with to see invisible beings came from a dream.

>> No.22026750

Half a dozen or so Gardner threads show up about the same time every day, get at most a dozen replies, then die.

>> No.22026755
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>tfw no depressed slightly autistic Portuguese qt femoid that sings to me every night even if her voice sounds silly but it doesn't matter because I appreciate it anyways
Book's for this feel

>> No.22026762

You're on a forum filled with people whose intellectual investigations only go as deep as "how can I use this to make myself feels superior and look good?"

>> No.22026769
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>> No.22026777

I’m a perfectionist. If I don’t do things right the first time and have success right away I beat myself up. I get so racked with disappointment.

>> No.22026783

Just trying to understand where you're coming from. I thought you're 40 or something.

>> No.22026793

It's always weird getting a new job and then working with people that have been there for 10 years.
I don't even know what that's like. I don't think I ever will. 10 years doing the same job everyday, going to the same store everyday and living in the same place everyday for 10 years.
That's appalling to me. It's such a safe way to live. So narrow in life experience.
That's where it gets weird and hard to communicate. From my perspective they have failed as humans and have an air of superiority when I tell my stories.
They know the job though and are technically my superior while we're working. But it's for this singular thing that only matters because we both need money.
So then I think they get uncomfortable realizing they could have had more adventures in life. Then they start acting weird and weird stuff happens.

>> No.22026795

It's because you were conditioned to fear error, something that is greatly conditioned by the miseducational system whose purpose is largely to create obedient worker drones. To fear error is to fear experimentation because of the risk of failure. While some aspects of our culture play lip-service to the necessity of error in growth, in practice it harshly punishes it, resulting in people merely fleeing from the appearance of being in error to save face.

You need to find some medium or method to explore creative experimentation such that the results don't matter, where it is safe to "fail" and where you can develop a better intuitive appreciation of the process of discovery and creativity.

>> No.22026809


>Contemporary industrial civilisation is the only guarantee of perpetual human security.

False, given that civilization itself is only six thousand years old, while industrial civilization is even younger, and the human career itself spans millions of years. Mankind's moral codes are not a subjective product of environment conditions, but a testament of the human consciousness inherent in all men.

Your argument is that it would be better than modern society during a crisis, but still might be flawed. I know that, I'm not looking for "utopia", just think that society could be improved somewhat. We already see first world nations investing in alternative energy and that sort of thing, so that could be our future.

But, at the moment, it's mostly feasible on a smaller scale. Like a seed that has to be planted and grown, a concept that has to be proven and followed.


We have many small rural villages in America, they are just farming communities and small towns.

As for the question of will, it's not question of wanting something or the drive to fulfill some ideological concepts, but it is the basic question of survival. We still need food, water, and shelter. Even if we had empty selves, unreliable infrastructure, and natural disasters / homelessness. Like we have had in the United States right now.

The reality is crisis. Empty shelves, looting, rioting, we got a small taste of this in 2020 but it's much older than a recent development. It's a part of society, going back to ancient times. We have been approaching this state of social stratification and societal decay for many years now, it's just getting to the point where it cannot be ignored.

So it's not a question of creating some sort of fantasy or alternative to follow, it's a question of surviving and thriving while things fall apart, before the next major crisis. That way, you are not only ready, you are way better off than if you just did nothing and waited for shit to hit the fan again, hopelessly dependent on 20th century industrial society.

I have the will and the foresight to make it real for myself, but I'm not trying to push some alternative modern ideology on society. Am simply evolving beyond my own immediate situation to higher ground, not just for peace of mind, but to try and make a positive change in my community. We have places with failing infrastructure, people would definitely want to pay $0 for water and electricity, but it's different down here where the water and electrical grids are not always reliable.

You know how people do charities to build those clean water systems for people in third world countries? That's what our situation is like, and creating independent water systems was the spark that sent me down this train of thought. I appreciate hearing you guys criticisms on thoughts.

>> No.22026818


This is the oldest civilization as we know it: Mesopotamia.

It was just a step up from hunter-gatherer society, which is most of human history. The difference was having oxen to pull plows, multiplying grain output, enabling sedentary society for building city-states.

With this origin point as our context and launching point, there are many other possibilities for how human beings can create or recreate societies. Definitely improvements to be made compared to the Bronze Age god king city-state.

>> No.22026820
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>This is the oldest civilization as we know it: Mesopotamia.

Meant to attach visual aid.

Mesopotamia is the blueprint for human civilization, and I think it could be drawn up in a different way honestly.

Brutal subjugation under divine rule really sucks for everyone but the god king and his priests. A 21st century improvement of hunter-gatherer society may be a better alternative.

>> No.22026878

Is there literally any reason to go to a class reunion except to flex how successful you have become since or to try to bang the women you always wanted to bang when you were in school but couldn't because you were just not attractive and charismatic enough to do so back then?

>> No.22026899

No, but I do have other things I’m interested in doing and I realistically can’t do all of them.

>> No.22026903

I don’t necessarily feel like I fear error. I fear making more errors. I made a lot of errors when I was younger and when I tried to fix them or recover it always seemed to result in more errors. Upward progress was not a theme.

>> No.22026905

No, we don’t. Almost all of the farms in America are owned by large farming operations. And most of America from New York to California is throughly industrial. Organic village life doesn’t exist.

>> No.22026929

nauseous because i'm not drunk enough, can't drink because i'm nauseous

>> No.22026994

I’m trying to figure out how to salvage my education and career…

>> No.22027011
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I need to destroy conservativism because conservativism wants to destroy me and everything I care about and love. I don't need to destroy conservatives, I need to destroy the conservative mind-virus within them. I wish them the blessing of self-awareness, and this process must begin with awareness that they are fucking Nazi scum, cowards who have been driven to commit and facilitate atrocities and who promote the degeneration of their society. Only upon the total collapse of the evil identity-structures they have allowed to posses themselves will allow for true transformative growth.

Conservatives NEED to hate who they are.
Conservatives NEED to feel blame and shame, the emotional consequences of their harmful, violent, and oppressive actions.
Conservatives NEED to fall into pits of complete hopelessness and despair.
Conservatives NEED to realize that they are indoctrinated, ignorant idiots, and that this is the result of their own arrogance and lack of self-inquiry (what free will truly is.)
Conservatives NEED to hate each other, to see the reflection of their own ugliness in their "comrades" and be disgusted by it.
Conservatives NEED to repent for their sins against their families, their societies, humanity, life on Earth, their sins against Truth so their sins against themselves and the Cosmos.

Only from the ashes of the ruin of their identities and world-stories can conservatives be reborn anew, in the light of life and love.

>> No.22027026

le anima possessed man

>> No.22027036

t. war-possessed, demon-possessed man.

>> No.22027051
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>> No.22027053

Just move out of the state? Wasn't that what all the liberals were saying a year or two ago over something?

>> No.22027060

>A state is doing something I don't like, we need to stop it!
Proof that liberals are basically dictators without power.

>> No.22027063

You know if you replace "conservatives" with Jews, Hitler would be proud of you. If you replace "conservatives" with Blacks, the KKK would be proud of you. Your displaying the same hate you claim to be against, its just directed at someone else.

>> No.22027079
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The evil clown archetype, the archetype of chaotic destruction, is popular in degenerate online conservative culture, which is postmodern fascist culture, for a reason.
>I don't mean anything I say or do, it's all "performance art!"

>> No.22027085

>You know if you remove all context and specificity, everything is the same! Ta-da!

>> No.22027099

yes, its a tool to check yourself, that is the whole point of the point. Good job, you failed.

>> No.22027111

>Hating people because what they think is okay
>Hating people because of their skin color or religion is bad
Oooooorrrrrr you act better than your enemies and people will flock to you over time? Why must everyone stoop to the same low then complain when no one is switching sides?

>> No.22027117
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>popular in degenerate online conservative culture, which is postmodern fascist culture
yes because fascism loves decentralization... This is totally correct and isn't a weird cope at all.

>> No.22027120
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You failed to look at reality, look at history, it is conservatives who have declared war on everyone else, and they have accelerated the war until now they're engaging in outright genocide. They've done nothing but intensify social conflict deliberately because that is the only way they can retain power.

>> No.22027121

What's up with this video? This guy gives a 2000 to 2010 vibe that is very nostalgic.

>> No.22027127

The video is from 2009, before The Troubles.

>> No.22027131

Muh end of history

>> No.22027136
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>evil clown archetype
Do you hear yourself right now?

>> No.22027139

I had a dream that I had a dream about my ex. I woke up from my dream within a dream and texted her and she asked if I wanted to fuck.

>> No.22027140

>it is conservatives who have declared war on everyone else
you mean radicals regardless of sides? The whole "if you aren't with us, your against us" was a revolutionary communist idea first that came out of the early 1900s.
>they have accelerated the war until now they're engaging in outright geoncide.
source needed. Also as a general rule of thumb, communist and fascist groups have both been used by corporations and governments to attempt to scare the population into passing laws or reform on the things they want. American Legion was a fascist group that was used to prevent Unions during the Great Depression (The national guard was also used) and the Communists in the Weimar Republic were also used by the rich to intimidate the population to vote the "correct" way.
>They've done nothing but intensify social conflict deliberately because that is the only way they can retain power
Both sides have, if we no longer talk to each other all that awaits for us is death and destruction, which I doubt any of us want.

>> No.22027141
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imagine typing all of this out to advertise completely fake twitter outrage bait for trannies

>> No.22027143
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Tangents and tangents, as the story goes.

The mutual touch of the divergent differentiating adventures of these tangents forming a mutual circle that becomes ever more circle-like with the introduction of more tangent-perspectives around it.

From "The Metaphysics of Experience: A Companion to Whitehead's Process and Reality by Elizabeth M. Kraus, pgs 16-18:

>To present a complete explanation of the doctrine of prehension and the correlative doctrine of the organicity of the world is virtually impossible in a subject-predicate language; however an analysis of various types of experience can reveal elements whose synthesis in the imaginative leap yields a model at least adequate for Whitehead's purposes. The experience of volume is a case in point. When abstractly considered, from the standpoint of the geometer, a volume presents itself as a bland multiplicity of endlessly divisible subvolumes, a continuum in which there are no topically singular points - which is to say that all possible subvolumes share the same mode of connection. None has any individuality, any unique characteristics unshared by the others. However, when a volume is an object of conscious experience, it possesses a unity of structure of a different sort - not the sort of structure which would be grasped by a privileged observer in his view from no view-point, but a structure unique to each possible perspective within the volume.

A concrete example may serve to make this point clearer. If you view a doughnut from an angle, it appears to be an ellipse whose degree of flattening is a function of the obliqueness of its angle. If you view it on edge, it appears to be a solid object, the hole having been obscured. If you view it "head on," it appears the characteristic torus shape, but the reverse side is invisible. No one of these perspectives on the doughnut can be absolutized as "the way a doughnut is." Each is the way a doughnut looks from a particular point to the environing space.

>Furthermore, each position is the perspective which it takes on in the other included subvolumes. In other words, the structure of the volume from the perspective constitutes the perspective. It is important to note, in addition, that it is not the full determinateness of each sub-volume perspectivally grasped which is appropriated in the grasp, but only an aspect of it. The aspect from the perspective enters into the constitution of the perspective. Therefore, it is equally true that the togetherness of the perspectival aspects constitutes the perspective and that the perspecive "decides" the aspects. Each is what the other makes it to be.

>In the doughnut example, from no single position can the entire doughnut be seen, only that aspect of it visible from whatever position in the environing space the observer takes. The doughnut "in itself" is the unity of all possible doughnut-views, each of which is sui generis.

>> No.22027144

Less rare but still not common.

>> No.22027152
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>Finally, not all perspectives on the volume produce the same intensity of subjective experience. Some are more aesthetically pleasing than others because of the more "artistic" character of these aspects and the unification of aspects decided by the perspective. In concrete human conscious experience, there is no "bare" perception of space; space is experienced as beautiful or ugly, sacred or profane, important or trivial. The togetherness of the elements in a perceived volume has a subjective, emotional character over and above but not separate from the aspects contributed objectively by the data. In Process and Reality this will be interpreted by the doctrine of subjective forms, a doctrine ascribing an emotional-purposive side to any form of prehension, even the most primitive. The theme is hinted at in the poetic analysis of Science and the Modern World (75-94), but not further elaborated. It is a necessary component of a theory of prehensive unification that a perspective is to be more than the merely public togetherness of its geometrical relations to its world.

This diagram is an illustration of: "Each position is the perspective which it takes on in the other included subvolumes. In other words, the structure of the volume from the perspective constitutes the perspective.... [and also] The aspect from the perspective enters into the constitution of the perspective. Therefore, it is equally true that the togetherness of the perspectival aspects constitutes the perspective and that the perspective "decides" the aspects. Each is what the other makes it to be."

In this diagram each circle is a perspective, and contains within itself it's unique perspectival relationships to other perspectives in the volume. "The merely public togetherness of its geometrical relations to its world." is the web of lines between the perspective-circles.

"Not all perspectives on the volume produce the same intensity of subjective experience" is represented in the diagram as the colored dots within each perspective-circle and lines of varying distance/intensity. The different colors represent different subjective qualities experienced by the individual perspective.


While you watch the above video, analogize "tea" and "wushu fighting styles" as "fields of study and inquiry."

>> No.22027156
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>> No.22027158

It's actually the opposite. The state is giving medical care providers the ability to decide their clients, which they should have in any kind of sane world. It's only in the US of Litigation-A that people think doctors need to be beholden to state instead of the other way around.

>> No.22027159

Maybe I should do a philosophy MA. I’m not huge on philosophy, but I’m not huge on anything else besides Classics and I can’t do that one. I think I could get something out of the philosophy program at least.

>> No.22027176

>Both sides have, if we no longer talk to each other all that awaits for us is death and destruction, which I doubt any of us want.

Conservatives aren't even a part of the conversation to improve society. They have no ideas, no coherent policies to improve society. All they do is tear down society and sociality to affirm themselves.

Conservatives will never have an honest conversation about improving society until they learn to have an honest conversation with themselves. This requires realization of what within them prevents them from doing such, they must face their weakness and cowardice head-on and experience the rational emotional consequences in full.

>> No.22027234

Therefore it's the responsibility of liberals to do the work that infantile free-loading lazy conservatives refuse to do and find ways to cure their social-psychological-spiritual illness.

>> No.22027270

Maybe you need to have had an interesting life to write interesting novels

>> No.22027289

Anyone else keep waiting for vacation months prior, but feel nothing when they get there?

>> No.22027302

Yeah, but I’m definitely depressed.

>> No.22027303

Have you allowed normalfags confuse your brain into thinking the same things that make them happy will make you happy? Normalfags live to work and go home and "watch netflix" after work, then sleep to work again. They actually like mindless rhythms and wasting their time on bland media crap. If you aren't one of them, you should shake off whatever assumptions you have assimilated from them. Just "being off work" is not itself a transcendent source of joy, nor is being in some location and eating at a few shit touristy restaurants there. Unless you're a normalfag, then it is. Normalfags are pigs, normalfags are the deltas from Brave New World, picking up soma pills in the dirt.

>> No.22027306

I’m having a really hard time finding my voice and the story I want to tell. I’ve received the advice to lean on the authors that influenced me a lot, but I’m not sure I have any strong influences like that.

>> No.22027337

It sucks when you're forced into a group though, at work for example. Being alone you don't get to practice skills like wit.

>> No.22027338

I have a crippling porn addiction and it seems impossible to stop. Everything is on the computer now so its really hard not to use my computer and then jerk off. Its just so demoralizingly difficult

>> No.22027358

I feel like I missed some important developmental milestone in my twenties.

>> No.22027378

i despise racism bros
why must you be so hateful?
don't you know God made each of us in His image?
won't you renounce this terrible sin?

>> No.22027411

Update: she did this to catfish her boyfriend whom she suspects of cheating

>> No.22027420

Werent the Bronte sisters boring shut ins?

>> No.22027422

I watch black people steal every day. Theyre only 10 percent of the local population but are 90% of theieves

>> No.22027461
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The best contemporary works are brutally, nakedly honest.

>> No.22027491

Just like my penis

>> No.22027685

i'm mad paranoid i'm gonna get fired at any minute cuz i work at a super woke deied up place and i accidentally said something politically incorrect that would have been like mildly insensitive at best a decade ago but could be instant death now. i only know for a fact the dude i was talking to heard it, but i think a manager who was in his office down the hall could have heard it too. i have to start saving all my money and not spend on anything frivolous, but i still have this urge to order a bunch of books.

>> No.22027696

I saw an old friend of mine from school today
He's super into politics now (shitlib), and hangs out with dykes
Last time we talked 3-4 months ago he told me his gf of 5+ years broke up with him recently
LMAO hope the faggot doesn't reproduce

>> No.22027697

It's very common. where the fuck do you live?

>> No.22027701

Incredibly uncommon to basically 0% in my country lmao

>> No.22027702

I’m sort of in a similar situation but I’ll probably quit on Monday.

>> No.22027704

meh, they will either look the other way or they will fire you. I got drunk at a Christmas party and told a racist joke that I really shouldn't have. Luckily my boss laughed at it when he was drunk and I'm unsure if he remembers it or not, but it was the only outrageously inappropriate thing I've ever done in the context of work so if he does remember it he might have just passed it off as me being totally shitfaced.

>> No.22027705

I have a job but I get paid by the government to be there. I can slack and do half assed tasks with no deadlines and I'm still good kek

>> No.22027710

my brother works for the government and he can literally just tell his boss "I didn't feel like doing it today" and its apparently a totally appropriate thing to say to your boss. No wonder the government fucking sucks.

>> No.22027711

When I read authors talking about the authors that really inspired them when they were young, I just get jealous.

>> No.22027721

Don’t you think you’ll get bored of it? What if you’re 34 and that’s all you’ve done?

>> No.22027738

The government is based when it gives me power to abuse and cucked when it doesn't

I funnel all my money to real estate and various hobbies, I don't care about the job I'll have to do in the meantime as long as it's easy and pays

>> No.22027771

I want to stop hating myself and get some confidence back. I’m so down on myself and my life.

>> No.22027775

But real estate doesn’t make a life worth living. You really don’t feel bored? Maybe this is my own insecurity speaking… idk

>> No.22027777

Sometimes I wonder why I'm in this thread or on 4chan in general... I could be doing something more productive with my time.

>> No.22027793

Quads are perfectly productive

>> No.22027841
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this man speaks for all of us it seems...

>> No.22027846

I haven't been on steam in 3 months. The good news is that I've been reading more. The bad news is that I think all my irl friends were friends out of convenience because I was on steam. None of them have reached out to see if I'm alright or if I died or something.

>> No.22027852
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Watching the janitors on /his/ completely destroy the board by deleting anything they don't like to try and re-write history in a pathetic meaningless and totally impotent way just gave me a great idea for a story

I thank god they do it for free
I'm actually stealing conceits directly from https://desuarchive.org/his/thread/15034943/#15035489 it's going to be about about 80s America becoming today's syphilitic dystopia

>> No.22027893

I need to improve my social and dating life somehow. I need to improve my life in general. Every aspect of it needs work.

>> No.22027899
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Why do you NEED to?

>> No.22027901

Because I am unhappy

>> No.22027910

I’ve noticed that really successful novelists have a theme, and that theme is visible in their life from a young age. To not have a theme is like a death sentence as a writer, I think.

>> No.22027913

And what is happiness, something you saw in a movie?

>> No.22027917

that doesn't mean they were always aware of that theme. If anything the author being understood through his work well beyond what they can express is part of art.

>> No.22027936

Well lads, I did it.
I bought a typewriter today. Went to the shop, a very cramped space full of piles of typewriters, there was a few shelves of them for sale. I bought a gem, and paid ____ for it. There was a qt3.14 there already in the shop, she was looking for the same kind of thing as me. She seemed to have been a uni student splurging on an end-of-the-semester, perhaps even a kind of graduation present for herself. She had hairy armpits, but honestly she was by far and away the most feminine thing, roughly my age, that I directly talked to in a while. When I asked her a question I looked right into her eyes and she had that sinking look of "holy shit a handsome guy is talking to me in a cramped little store." She bought a _____ then left. I was going to buy the one she bought but she bought it first. I went with the _____ and it's pretty based, though I think it has a slight problem (very minor) and so I think I'll go back there next week to have the guy take a look. Overall it was a 10/10 day.

I look forward to filling this thread up with shitposts that I have photographed with my digital camera of my type-written work.

>> No.22027939

I may not know what happiness is but I know what unhappiness is.

>> No.22027941

Look up the stats on it. It isnt common.

>> No.22027944

Like what

>> No.22027948

They had to be aware of it enough to write about it. If they had asked “what is the theme of my life” they probably would’ve had an answer. But for someone who can’t answer the question, I don’t know if there is one.

>> No.22027959

Maybe I’m just a lame, boring person.

>> No.22027963

Yeah probably

>> No.22027982

Are you saying you are boring because you feel like you care about nothing and life feels like an empty void inside you, or because other people don't want to be associated with you and/or consider you a loser?

>> No.22028004

Maybe both. I can’t say the latter is the case but I don’t really have any friends anymore it’s possible. I think my life has just been boring and lame. There’s nothing remarkable about it, and I don’t think there’s anything unique about me or my personality.

>> No.22028038

I am the greatest human to have ever lived

>> No.22028105

How large is your penis

>> No.22028130

At a wedding flirting with the brides sister and bombing. Please send help.

>> No.22028159
